Solve your CLUB LA COSTA Timeshare Problems
Read Reports from other Timeshare Ownerss
At TimeshareRelease we receive cries for help from many Club La Costa members every week - and we have published below a selection of recent comments/reports. All these Club La Costa members came to us for help in disposing of their Timeshares and releasing themselves from ongoing fee liabilities.
You can read earlier Club La Costa member reports here.
Or, if you'd like to see reports from Timeshare owners with other groups/resorts, please see: Customer Comments
To report your own experience and/or to find out your options for getting rid of your own Timeshare problems and potentially claiming compensation, please complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard form now.
22nd February 2017 – Mr & Mrs C – Club La Costa
“We did a survey over the phone and told we won a free holiday for 7 nights in Spain (Malaga). We were told to pay £99 for the holiday. We don’t remember being told about the cooling off period but felt pressured to get into the contract. We were promised that the contract will be 19 years and our property will be sold and we would benefit. We feel the paying of maintenance fees is unfair as we already pay towards our property as promised. We have used the service three times and had a poor experience. Always pressurised to purchase more.”
11th February 2017 - Mr & Mrs M – Club La Costa Fractional
“First contacted when on an exchange through RCI… Pressured, in so much as told deal would only last that day. Promised this was an investment with a good return. Completely assured this was an investment in a piece of property. Misrepresentation of Fractional points… totally deceived by selling process.”
3rd January 2017 – Mr & Mrs E – Club La Costa Fractional
“We asked at least 4 times could we get out at anytime without any problem re payment and were told there was no problem. Any holiday apart from one has been more expensive with CLC. Points system seems to make very little difference to the price. We were not advised as far as we were aware of any cooling off period. Very very pressured to buy – not even being “allowed” to go to feed small children. Used the product once only – not impressed.”
3rd January 2017 – Mr & Mrs S – Club La Costa
“Finance was taken out immediately with no time to go away and think about it. Pressure to take it out straight away. Places in the brochure were not actually included in our package after booking to go there and told at time of purchase that they were. We were not informed of a cooling off period or that our fees would increase. Only used 4 times and first time we booked a lodge, when we arrived we were put in a room and was told the lodge was extra again after being informed at initial meeting and purchase that they were included. Was told it was a cheaper way of having holidays as opposed to booking a travel package but actually after you pay all the extra hidden fees that is not the case.”
7th December 2016 – Mr & Mrs P – Club La Costa
“Told I had won a holiday in a draw and invited to a meeting in order to receive full details. Indications now are that pressure, by way of false promises on value increase, availability and maintenance stability were assured. That has not proven to be the case. Misrepresentation has been occasioned by all of the above. We have had occasions few of the resorts in accommodation certainly inferior to that initially shown to us. We were also assured that our daughter would be able to receive the benefits without encumbrance, this is not true.”
30th November 2016 – Mr & Mrs R - Club La Costa
“We were stopped by a timeshare sales (on street) person who enticed us to attend a presentation on holiday timeshare. At the meeting we were pressurised into signing a purchase agreement and pay our deposit. We were promised that the resort would include a golf course on site which would include free membership to owners. We were also told that El Faro Beach opposite resort would be for the private use of members. Neither of these materialized. We were offered a discounted price only available for that day, which increased the pressure to buy. Maintenance was supposed to increase at a rate of no higher than inflation. We were not offered a cooling off period but told we had to pay the remainder of money within a short period of time.”
23rd November 2016 – Mr & Mrs R – Club La Costa
“We went to Club La Costa in April 2014, taking advantage of an offer of a week in the resort for £99. This was on the condition that we attended a presentation. We attended a very high pressured sales presentation which took more that 5 hours with sometimes up to 3 people from CLC at a table persuading us to purchase a timeshare in one of their apartments at their resort in Mijas de Costa. We ended up agreeing to purchase a week at "Monterey" apartments for £11,294, paid for in full within a week or so of our return from the resort. In April 2015 we made the first use of this apartment and were surprised when we were invited to another meeting where we were being persuaded to upgrade our apartment to one of the new "Signature" properties, which we were told were selling fast and availability was limited. During the meeting which went on for 5-6 hours we were that the terms of the contract would be 19 years, after which the apartment would be sold and the proceeds distributed among the owners and that our timeshare investment would increase in value. We signed the finance agreement during the meeting”.
Monday 3rd October 2016 - Mr and Mrs R - Club La Costa Fractional ownership
“I was invited to Spain for presentation and sale of the timeshares by representative with all other guests. We feel that there was mis-representation of the timeshare based on the following:
- We were asked to sign the contract on the day of the presentation.
- We were not given cooling off period.
- Management fees were increased year on year and the increase were more than we expected.
- The length of the contract and the right to cancel were never explained to us.
- We felt under pressure to sign the contract after presentation and paying fees as expected on day.
- We were not given time to carefully review the contents of the purchase agreement before signing.”
Thursday 29th September 2016 - Mr & Mrs C - Club la Costa
“I was approached on the street, given a scratch card and told we had won a holiday. We went to a meeting, lots of others there. We were there all day and it was the hard sell and very pressurised. Told that we could take holidays in peak time (I was a teacher at the time) and where ever we chose - this never happened.
The quality of the accommodation not always what we were led to believe.
We were not told that the annual maintenance fees would increase, which they did substantially each year.
We paid a deposit on the day and offered finance through GE which we later changed for a lesser interest rate. We were not aware of a cooling off period.
We were given RCI membership as an extra. We were told that our membership would be passed to our son.
We were pressurised to upgrade our membership from Gold to Platinum on the basis it would increase availability re time and choice of resort but this did not happen.”
Monday 26th September 2016 - Mr M - Club La Costa Fractional
“The selling process took over 7 hours, six of which consisted of the Rep and managers putting forward new deals every time we made to exit. The last hour was with the controller who signed up the agreement papers that night. There was no discussion about the maintenance charge or any yearly increases. The additional benefits of Interval International or Getaways were explained but not associated costs. There was discussed with the controller, about the 11.9% interest charge, who informed me that a deal could be done with the finance company, Hitachi, to get zero interest if the money was paid in two years. Hitachi rates would not allow this. It was suggested in the presentation that family members could use the scheme without us being present. Later we were informed by CLC that we always have to be there.”
Thursday 22nd September 2016 - Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa
“We were asked to attend a meeting. Told holidays would be very easy to book. Looked at very nice apartments but we felt pressure to purchase. Can’t afford maintenance fees that keep going up each year and are not in a position to pay them anymore.”
Thursday 15th September 2016 – Mr M - Club La Costa Fractional
“The selling process took over 7 hours, six of which consisted of the Rep and managers putting forward new deals every time we made to exit. The last hour was with the controller who signed up the agreement papers that night. There was no discussion about the maintenance charge or any yearly increases. The additional benefits of Interval International or Getaways were explained but not associated costs. There was discussion with the controller about the 11.9% interest charge, who informed me that a deal could be done with the finance company, Hitachi, to get zero interest if the money was paid in two years. Hitachi would not allow this. It was suggested in the presentation that family members could use the scheme without us being present. Later we were informed by CLC that we always have to be there”
Tuesday 13th September 2016 – Mr B – Club La Costa points member
“We were introduced to Club la Costa by a friend and we went on holiday to Spain in 2011, there was four of us. The company representative invited us for breakfast and then we were taken to an office for almost the whole day. We were shown some apartments and at the end we were pressurised into buying membership because we were told we can go on holiday all over the world. We tried getting a holiday the following years with difficulty and, after complaining to them on our next holiday in 2015 they sold us fixed and guaranteed weeks in August. We were shown a very plush two bedroom apartment and were told our one bedroom would be exactly the same with a sea view but unfortunately the apartment we got was very small with half a window sea view. Maintenance fees keep going up which wasn't said when buying.”
Wednesday 31st August 2016 – Mr & Mrs B – Club La Costa
Approached at shopping mall, then phoned to say we’d won a holiday and had to go collect it. Then purchased trial club. Went on holiday to Spain where a whole day was spent with a rep – did feel pressured and were told different stories as to what we could do with the club, but none of it true. Misrepresentation has definitely occurred, wished so many times we hadn’t done this. Can never get a holiday when you want one, or the resort of your choice. Don’t wish to leave this to our children it’s too much of a liability. Fees are way too expensive for a service that is not delivered.
Friday 26th August 2016 – Mr & Mrs J – Club La Costa Fractional
On holiday in Tenerife – won on a scratch card. Was taken to CLC resort and bought into 7 week holiday vacation. The following year on our first holiday with them taken around Mijas resort Spain and bought into vacation club. We were not informed that the cost of the management fees would increase. In 2012 we were on holiday in Tenerife CLC and we went to a presentation that informed us that we were locked into the timeshare for 67 years, however if we changed to Fractional owners this would give us an income as when it was sold 19 years later.
Thursday 25th August 2016 – Ms H – Club La Costa
Initially by a promotional card to win a week’s free holiday. Went to an evening and took out a trial membership. We were told that this was an exclusive member’s club and now understand that this is not the case and mis-sold the product. We have not used the product since 2011 as we do not feel it is not what we invested in. We have found Club La Costa to be very pressurising on selling and upgrading and harassed us whilst on holidays. We were made to sign up to GE Finance on the day and did not have a 14 day cooling off period and told to put deposit on to our credit card as well. We were told it is an investment (points going up in value where we can sell etc) we will be adding more info within the time period given.
Friday 09th September 2016 02:07 - Mrs N - Club La Costa Vacation Points
The original contact from Club La Costa was a cold call to go to a meeting locally. It was a pressured meeting and I agreed to join with paying a deposit. The agreement was made very attractive with many benefits & I increased my status.
Unfortunately my husband had a depression which has affected our life style and the reality of the benefits of having my membership have not transpired.
I cannot afford to pay the annual maintenance costs and am worried about the future links with the company.
I have been sold vacation club points which is illegal under Spanish law since 1999.
Friday 09th September 2016 02:01 - Ms W - Club La Costa Destinations
Cold call from company promising free holiday.
We felt pressured to buy on the day.
No cooling off period, finance was arranged whilst in the meeting.
Perpetuity was not explained that our children were liable for maintenance fees out into an unregulated agreement.
Availability was poor.
Quality issue with apartment, was promised 5 star living accommodation, cockroaches in the apartment, broken windows, doors, ripped furniture, dirty floors and walls.
Discontinued welcome pack with no forewarning.
Wednesday 07th September 2016 11:30 - Mr & Mrs J - Club La Costa Fractional
On holiday in Tenerife – won on a scratch card. Was taken to CLC resort and bought into 7 week holiday vacation.
The following year on our first holiday with them taken around Mijas resort Spain and bought into vacation club. We were not informed that the cost of the management fees would increase. In 2012 we were on holiday in Tenerife CLC and we went to a presentation that informed us that we were locked into the timeshare for 67 years, however if we changed to Fractional owners this would give us an income as when it was sold 19 years later.
Wednesday 07th September 2016 10:46 - Mr & Mrs B - Club La Costa
Approached at shopping mall, then phoned to say we’d won a holiday and had to go collect it. Then purchased trial club. Went on holiday to Spain where a whole day was spent with a rep – did feel pressured and were told different stories as to what we could do with the club, but none of it true.
Misrepresentation has definitely occurred, wished so many times we hadn’t done this. Can never get a holiday when you want one, or the resort of your choice. Don’t wish to leave this to our children it’s too much of a liability. Fees are way to expensive for a service that is not delivered.
Wednesday 07th September 2016 09:46 - Ms H - Club La Costa
Initially by a promotional card to win a weeks free holiday. Went to a evening and took out a trial membership. We were told that this was an exclusive members club and now understand that this is not the case and missold the product. We have not used the product since 2011 as we do not feel it is not what we invested in. We have found Club La Costa to be very pressurising on selling and upgrading and harassed us whilst on holidays. We were made to sign up to GE Finance on the day and did not have a 14 day cooling off period and told to put deposit on to our credit card as well. We were told it is an investment (points going up in value where we can sell etc) we will be adding more info within the time period given.
Thursday 01st September 2016 06:04 - Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa
There has been a rise in the cost of the maintenance, and poor availability when trying to book.
They promised they would buy it back and we don't wish our children to be liable. We are under constant pressure to upgrade whilst on holiday and the quality of presentation does not match reality. We are disappointed that what we thought was an asset has turned into a liability
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:54 - Mr & Mrs A - Club La Costa
The maintenance fee costs are rising and there is a lack of availability when booking. We were promised a high standard of accommodation and exclusivity of being a club member but we have left the complex twice due to the poor standard of the accommodation. On every holiday we are on we are pestered to buy more points
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:40 - Mrs M - CLC Fractional
The reasons I wish to leave CLC are because
1. Rising maintenance fees
2. The children don't want to be involved
3. UK availability is poor
4. It is no longer an exclusive club
5. My health no longer allows me to take the holidays I could in years gone by
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:38 - Mr R - Diamond
I am required to pay the fees but I am not using the timeshare. I tried to sell it but it cost me £8000 and nothing happened. The children fees doin't use it and don't want to inherit it.
Management fees keep rising.
Thursday 01st September 2016 04:28 - Mr & Mrs T - Club La Costa
On attending an introductory short break we were introduced to holiday ownership and informed of its benefits in that it was an investment that would allow us a lifetime of holidays and the added advantage of reimbursement of funds at the end of the agreed period.
We are unable to book holidays unless planned well in advance which due to personal circumstances we are unable to do. This means we have not benefited from our purchase. We have since discovered this is not a benefit that will allow fantastic inheritance for our children but a burden they will have to maintain.
We were not given the opportunity to think about this, research or deliberate, we had to sign on the dotted line before we left the office having applied for finance and having it agreed.
Tuesday 16th August 2016 03:32 - Mr L & Ms G - Club La Costa Fractional
Following an invitation to Club La Costa, we received a presentation on purchasing a fractional owners at Club La Costa after a 5 hour presentation which was extremely pressurised, we signed a purchase agreement. Since returning home we discovered that the promises that were made were not forthcoming. We were told we could go anywhere in the world particularly with regards to exchange with Interval. We have found the locations to be limited in regards to the places we said we would like to go to in the presentation. We were also told it would be cheaper than package holidays which we have found to be untrue. The fees were not explained regarding increases.
The fractional was not fully explained and we have become aware that this is a liability and not an investment.
Tuesday 16th August 2016 03:14 - Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa Fractional
Through a 3rd party Co. Letter offering free holiday.
Went to Costa Del Sol, invited to welcome meeting.
Presentation lasted approx 10 hours, extreme pressure with one + 2 sales people present.
Misold and misinformation given. Insisted on finance which was very high interest rates so paid off.
Have since found that what was promised was not true. E.g. cannot get holidays in locations and dates, and type of accommodation which was shown was not what we could achieve.
Totally misold.
Tuesday 16th August 2016 11:57 - From Mr & Mrs E - Club la Costa
We had to leave a deposit at CPO for original purchase and also when CLC changed to points system.
No cooling off period was offered and we paid the remainder on return to the UK.
Annual fees only to go up by 2% per year and has proved to be false.
CLC said they were selling points system on behalf of CPO (Petchey) but this was found to be a lie - CPO phoned to ask why we had gone to points.
CPO presentation all day and felt pressurised into agreeing to buy. CLC was 4/5 hours again this was pressured into changing to points.
We were offered to pay up the monies but as we had the funds to pay off the amounts.
Was only a verbal agreement on the purchases.
Each time we visit whether it is CPO or CLC they are always trying to get more money and take an issue such as infinity points/fractured.
We had to purchase a 2nd apartment to achieve the points total of 790 to fit into points system.
Monday 15th August 2016 04:42 - Mr & Mrs D - Club La Costa
1. Propositioned at In-resort by scratch card winning, prior to sales discussions.
2. Financial deposit insisted on at same day to remain valid by CLC.
3. Subsequent escalations of maint. fees, “upgrades” but without ability for us to secure convenient holiday reservations. We have subsequently learned from public awareness that “fractional points/ownership” is illegal in Spain since January 1999.
4. Product used but promised standards were rarely achieved in resort.
Monday 15th August 2016 03:58 - Mr & Mrs A - Club La Costa
We were sold a timeshare contract which is illegal under Spanish Law because we didn’t see a public notary on two occasions on Spanish soil contrary to Spanish Law of Jan 1999. Further more we were sold membership of CLC vacation club (points) illegal under Spanish Law since Jan 1999.
We were led to believe this was an investment and the points had monetary value.
We were shown round top class apartments but in reality didn’t have enough points.
We were encouraged to take the finance out with an incentive of 6 x £100 monthly payments on two accounts.
Led to believe CLC were investing in building a water park theme hotel/apartments with a lazy river running through on land adjacent to CLC – Spain, which still hasn’t materialised. Also land adjacent to Sunningdale Village – this is still a scrubland.
Increased management fees – now in euros.
Didn’t realise/understand perpetuity implications.
Monday 15th August 2016 10:28 - Mr & Mrs W - Club La Costa
We were invited to Duchally and we bought a holiday trial pack. We went to Tenerife where we bought into the Destinations Club in 2008. We paid on finance with GE Money. We were promised luxury living! which we did not get, we were made loads of false promises and still have got nothing like we were originally offered. We were told we could go to many countries and destinations, in fact we never did as booking for other places were never available. We never got anywhere apart from Spain/Tenerife - again, empty promises. We feel we've been ripped off. The apartments are sub standard too. They also made false claims to us that flights booked via CLC would be cheaper. Whilst on holiday in the resort we were harrassed by reps who were constantly trying to sell us a product. We wasted a day sitting through a presentation and touring accommodation with the promise it could be ours - rubbish really if previous promises were anything to go by. Told we could give it back and it's an investment for our children. The maintanance fees are cripplin and this is not what we thought destination holiday parks were all about, we feel we were grossly mis sold
Tuesday 09th August 2016 11:32 - Mr & Mrs D - Club La Costa Fractional
Club La Costa gave a presentation then gave us a free week’s holiday in Spain where we were persuaded to sign up for “Destinations”. We were led to believe that membership would ensure that we would be able to take holidays in Britain and abroad. We were never given cooling off periods. We also felt very pressured by sales people.
In the event we have found that we almost never get to take holidays we really want, only holidays which we could have obtained elsewhere (probably cheaper). When we were persuaded to switch to fractional ownership this was presented as an investment which would benefit us in the long run, but it has been a burden.
Fees have increased by a lot more than inflation.
We do not want to leave this burden to our children – yet there seems to be no alternative!
When you go on holiday with CLC you usually have to give up a day listening to presentations.
We now have grandchildren who attend school – CLC holidays are particularly difficult to get during school holidays.
Tuesday 09th August 2016 11:18 - Mr R - Club La Costa
I was invited to a timeshare presentation in Brentwood. I attended with my wife and 2 small children. The presentation started quite low key (with hot cross buns as it was Easter time) but soon became quite intense. I was nearly persuaded but refused to purchase – the young salesman was then replaced by an older more experienced man who proceeded to exert pressure for several hours (more than 3 hours) during which the children were getting more and more restless. I eventually succumbed. They offered us a finance deal there and then which we signed but then cancelled – preferring to pay from savings. We understood that the ownership would last until 2065, they made a big thing out of being able to sell it on and even leave it to the children – I have since found out that it will become a liability to my children whether they want it or not and must pay the maintenance fees. We were told that these fees initially only £100 would only go up with inflation – they are currently up to £800. A sum which would buy a very good holiday including flights!! I was told the timeshare was an investment and had a resale value, but I have tried to sell it back to CLC and they don’t want it. It is currently with a resale company but there is no market for it at all. We have used the product several times which of it half in good quality – however every holiday visit we were forced into a sales presentation session where they attempted to get more money from us – this tended to spoil the holiday. When I refused to attend they got quite angry.
Tuesday 09th August 2016 09:53 - Mr & Mrs U - Club la Costa
We were told we were joining an exclusive club where we would enjoy huge discounts for staying in elite resorts anywhere in the world and any time we liked. The reality turned out to be the opposite - it costs more to book CLC resorts and their availability is extremely poor.
We were told that our timeshare would be definitely sold at the expiration of the 19 year period. This does not seem to be the case.
-we were made to believe that we could exit our timeshare at our convenience before the end of the contract period and that CLC would do its best to assist us in that matter. It could not be an further from the truth.
Friday 05th August 2016 12:16 - Ms K - Club La Costa
I feel I was miss- sold the timeshare. We were informed that the management fees would only go up with inflation and that the timeshare would increase in value. We were also told that we would be able to book holidays easily, but as I work in a primary school I can only go out of term time.
I would not like to burden my sons with leaving them the time share, as the costs are forever increasing.
I feel I was pressured into purchasing the fractional, I was informed that doing this would allow me to sell my timeshare.
When they get you into their meeting halls/breakfast rooms the pressure is on.
I wish I had never purchased the timeshare. I have taken approx 5 holidays that were not 5* hotels with them as they said all their hotels were.
Friday 05th August 2016 10:51 - Mr & Mrs P - Club La Costa
First contact via local presentation offering a free holiday. On holiday spent at least one and a half days of high pressure selling. Told would increase in value, maintenance fees would only rise with inflation, that all CLC resorts were exclusive to members – untrue as you can book on for mush less than maintenance fees. When tried to book what we wanted not available for months even more than a year in advance. When did go to a resort more high pressure put on us to upgrade. Tried to bank points due to various health and family problems – not allowed! Don’t use them you lose them. NEVER EXPLAINED about PERPETUITY. Just told you can leave membership to your children NOT that it becomes part of your estate on death. We do not want to leave this to our beneficiaries as it constitutes a liability.
Tuesday 02nd August 2016 12:54 - Ms W - Club La Costa
At first we had a cold call from a call centre telling us that we had won a free holiday in Tenerife. When there we were subjected to a 6 hour high pressure sales push, the outcome was we paid a deposit of £500 on Ulster Bank credit card and got tied into Barclays for £35,500 and maintenance payments £500 per annum and rising. We were also promised an extra week in a 5* star apartment which has not been received.
Tuesday 02nd August 2016 12:35 - Ms K - Club La Costa
We were invited to a meeting and as we were moving to Ireland we thought changing to CLC from RCI would be more convenient. We were shown beautiful condos of which we could avail, and have never seen them since. We felt we had to decide then 2 years later we were invited back and talked into increasing to Diamond membership. We have never been able to get bookings where/when we required. The maintenance fees have risen out of proportion. Last Oct (2015) I stayed in the same units as in 2004 and nothing had been upgraded. When I talked to them about leaving they tried to sell me another €10,000 worth m/ship.
Wednesday 29th June 2016 11:18 - Mr & Mrs W - Club La Costa Fractional
We were contacted by phone and were offered to attend the Lakeside branch. Our time would be compensated with store vouchers, I believe it was £40. We attended a very long presentation. A number of staff came over when we hesitant. We said we wanted to holiday in Jamaica, they showed us the screen & said it was available through partner company. We signed & believe we paid a deposit. After going home we wrote to them saying we wanted to withdraw. They said we had to go back to their office to sign paper. We were put in a room with at least two sales staff and pressured not to withdraw. After two hours we gave in. We felt under so much pressure & made to feel we would be silly to withdraw. We feel we were misold and lied to. We were told we could travel – we always travelled with our children so struggled to book weeks in school holidays. When we were sold additional points we were told we could get better holidays – which didn’t happen. We have to book at least a year in advantage. We cannot always afford to travel so haven’t always use the points. We purchased fraction because we were told we could get out & we told them we were unhappy with the cost. They told us we were getting out of the perpetuity which we wanted. Again another lie. We were sold a product that has no value and we don’t believe it is fair to leave our children with a financial millstone. The mgt fees have increased & we can’t holiday because we have to pay them.
Tuesday 28th June 2016 03:50 - Mr & Mrs N - Club la Costa
1. Club la Costa gave us a cold call inviting us to have a free week's holiday in Portugal.
2. We went to a seminar meeting in Birmingham with probably 100 other people and we were not allowed to leave before we had heard all the presentation - About 3-4 hours. (Jenny Bond was one of the incentive videos)
3. Our first free week was in Portugal. We were pressurized into signing an agreement through the free breakfast, beautiful accommodation, Champagne and very friendly rep.
4.We were not given a cooling off period.
5.We signed up for a trial period and paid approx £3,000.
6.We thought we would be able to sell our points back if we didn't need it anymore.
7.The sales presentation was 3-4 hours also and they just keep us waiting with no one with us, we just wanted to leave.
8.We though the ownership would be easy to sell back.
Tuesday 28th June 2016 12:45 - Mrs C - Club La Costa Fractional
My husband died 4 years ago and when I went back to CLC I was told that the points were useless and I should upgrade to FRACTIONAL as this would give me more flexibility and I would be able to sell the fractional. I was also topped up with another finance company. My maintenance fees are now about £1800 per year.
I feel I have been totally misold.
Wednesday 15th June 2016 01:54 - Mr S & Mr B - Club la Costa
1. The annual management fees have increased more then we were told to expect.
2.We were told that the ownership would increase of value and then resold at a profit that would be distributed to the fractional owners.
3. We were not told that the contract had perpetuity clause so would continue forever.
4.The length of the sales presentation was all day and felt extremely pressured into sighing the agreement.
5.We were offered finance in purchasing the agreement and were pressured into using Hitachi and were not told that the fiance was secured against assets in the event of none payment and their was no representative of Hitachi at meeting.
Tuesday 14th June 2016 01:31 - Mr & Mrs B - Club La Costa Fractional
We came into contact with Club La Costa when we experienced a week in Portugal in 2009 with friends who were members and then were offered a trial when we went to Spain again with our friends in 2010. We tried our trial week in March 2011 when we joined vacation club. In 2012 we joined fractional on the understanding in 19 years we could sell and be able to terminate our contract with Club La Costa. In June 2014 we added a further fractional week still with the understanding we could sell and get out in nineteen years time. Also our booking fees would stop. This nineteen years was critical as far as we were concerned as we could get out and leave our two sons with no come back or financial commitment to Club La Costa.
Wednesday 08th June 01:24 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa
1. Annual management have increased significantly a lot more then the rate of inflation as stated.
2. We were led to believe that the length of our contract was 10 years and at the end of the contract we had an option to sell.
3. We were misled in respect the property would be a great investment and would increase in value and that if at any time we decided to sell we could sell back thought the resort.
4. Sales presentation were quite long, and took place all day for 3 days, Where we felt at times quite pressured into sealing a deal.
5. We also led to believe that all the standards of the accommodation would be of similar standards to the one we were staying.
Friday 03td June 2016 02:38 - Mr & Mrs P - CLC Fractional
1. The holiday (1 Week) was sold with a condition to attend the PRESENTATION (kept a secret of what kind). at the presentation, which was more then 6 hours, we were pressured to buy the investment = Points to be able to come back and use CLC or other exchange companies products.
2.They have told us that the investment will increase in value and we would be able to sell it after 19 years.
3.The idea that we could sell at any time even within those 19 years (if the circumstance changes) was presented as possible, which is not true.
4.The amount of points we were sold does not give us the time during children holidays in CLC resorts. They knew that it would be not enough especially that we came to the meeting with 2 small children.
5.Second holiday in Ibiza the accommodation was old and no where near the units we were showed at presentation.
Wednesday 01st June 2016 11:12 - Mr & Mrs M - Club La Costa Fractional
We were first offered a free holiday over the phone, which seemed too good to be true. We had a meeting in Essex and then went off to Spain where we were pressured into buying points in the company. Since then every holiday we have been on, we have waited for the dreaded call to go for a “meeting” to chat about our membership. Two or three hours were spent being talked at, we always hated this. We often can’t get the holiday we want, the flights they book have a big mark up, also any transfers cost a great deal. Maintenance fees have doubled since we signed up. I wish I had never heard of CLC.
Wednesday 01st June 2016 10:48 - Mr & Mrs D - Club La Costa Fractional
I joined CLC on a holiday in Spain. We had a one day meeting where the advisor was very persistent and we agreed to join the trial membership for 5 holiday weeks. I used one of the weeks and then we had another meeting with advisor who told us what we pay for is a waste of money and that if we join fractional ownership we can even get the money we put for our holiday back. So basically they said CLC is an investment. On our next holiday they met us again and told us the points are now not enough so we can upgrade. Meanwhile the management fees were going up massively though we were told they will increase with the inflation.
Monday 30th May 2016 03:00 - Mrs B - CLC Fractional
The initial 'free' weekend turned into a prolonged sales pitch.
The subsequent holiday became even more of a sales pitch and went on all day with me feeling trapped.
We were not 'allowed' to leave the office to have time to think before deciding anything. Our 11 year old daughter had to stay with us all day.
The fractional owners club was sold as an investment to end after 19 years when we would receive a proportion of the sale value of the property.
We were not told it wasnt like a timeshare.
We were only made aware of the lower quality of property in vacation club after joining.
Friday 22nd April 2016 06:48 - Miss M - Club La Costa Fractional
I was force to buy the timeshare.
I'm struggling to pay the loan and service charge fees.
I don't use the holiday.
They told me that is an investment.
I am a single mother with three kids.
Friday 22nd April 2016 06:11 - Mr & Mrs F - Club La Costa Fractional
Deposit was taken on the day on credit card
We were not given a cooling off period
We were told it was a good investment and would go up in value
We felt we were pressured on the day to buy
We only got contracts in English not in Spanish
We feel our maintenance fees have gone higher than the rate of inflation
Wednesday 20th April 2016 08:01 - Mr & Mrs L - Club La Costa Points
At first we believed we had purchased a great product but as time went by we realised we were being pushed into buying more and more timeshare points. At our last presentation I was called a fool for not taking up their offer. It was at that point I found out the perpetuity clause. Our first holiday with CLC we felt pressured and forced after about 5 hours presentation, we finally agreed. I feel I have been lied to about resale and availability of holidays especially at school times. On reflection we no longer feel we want to be part of CLC as it has become unaffordable and impractical to use.
Monday 18th April 2016 09:32 - Mr & Mrs B - Club La Costa Fractional
The product was presented in a high pressure manner. Referred to as a “Willable asset” with a value at the end of term.
Maintenance fees were said to go up in line with inflation. Ease of exchange to Global resorts was pushed as was “value” vs package holidays. Now we find out that weeks can be bought on line without any capital outlay or points ownership/maintenance fees – we were sold as “exclusive” luxury resorts but clearly this is not true.
In hindsight we would not have bought the product if not pressured and lied to.
Friday 15th April 2016 07:10 - Mr. B. - Club La Costa
The Point system was sold as an investment that would become worth more money over time and an investment for our children.
We were informed that the maintenance fee would only grow in line with inflation. This is not the case. The maintenance fee has grown between 5 & 10%.
We have received no information regarding registration even a registration certificate.
We were not provided all necessary legal information prior to signing the contract neither were we provided information regarding who we could approach to get further information.
The points were sold as anywhere and not identified to a location.
Thursday 14th April 2016 06:58 - Mr. & Mrs. C. - CLC Fractional
We felt after being taken away, told for a couple of hours, we were pressurised to buy another product - this was over a 7 hour period.
No cooling off period, even though asked if we could go away and think about it. Had to sign and seal on the day and pay full amount on finance.
Was told this was an investment, after 20 years would buy back at a profit.
Did not know maintenance fees would be increased every year.
Told that at any time we could sell, CLC would find a broker and help us every step of the way.
Friday 08th April 2016 09:13 - Mr. S. - Club La Costa Fractional
We were coming from a family holiday in Spain and were then approached by employees of Club La Costa to complete forms in order to win a holiday in Spain. After a few weeks we received a telephone call informing us that we had won a free holiday. This was on condition we would pay £200 to attend a presentation at one of their holiday resorts in Spain. After payment of same we were booked for a Spain holiday. The presentation was highly pressured due to the following reasons:
1. That we would be required to pay maintenance fees annually.
2. That the fee will go up highly every year.
3. That we would not be able to book, use or exchange the holiday until full payment of maintenance fees have been paid.
4. We were subsequently given a bonus holiday and a bottle of wine for signatures on the agreement. Sadly the holiday never materialised. This was a pure misrepresentation of sale and it has increasingly become a financial burden, unaffordable, mentally and physically traumatising for us and our family.
Monday 04th April 2016 05:35 - Mr B - Club La Costa Fractional
I first came into contact with CLC via a “prize award” at a trade show which offered a one week holiday for the price of just the flight. Once at the resort I was bombarded by the sales rep., at breakfast and at dinner to attend a presentation. Upon attending the presentation instead of it being just one hour, three hours later I found myself in a room being told the huge benefits of joining CLC on their points system. It was somewhat intimidating and being in a part of the country I was unfamiliar with felt pressured into signing up. I used the points just once as trying to get the time I wanted was nigh on impossible.
Once at the resort again, the pressure tactics started again only this time I was told my points were becoming “worthless” and to protect my investment I should upgrade to fractional property ownership. Being told it was an investment I could dispose of at any time should I wish.
Reality = a. Cannot use when I want. B. Rising maintenance fees. C. Cannot dispose of it.
I have been mis-sold this product.
Wednesday 30th March 2016 04:18 - Mr & Mrs M - Club La Costa Fractional
On first meeting we were told that we could have 3 – 4 wks holiday a year, at any time of year. This was not the case especially if you require holidays during school holiday time. We were told that if we didn’t sign on the dotted line at the time of the meeting we couldn’t have the points at the price shown as it would be offered to someone else. We were never offered a cooling off period. We were never told that our maintenance fees would go up as much as they have. When we went to fractional ownership we were told that after 15 years + that the property would be sold we would be out of the contract + would receive a lump sum that it was sold for, that would be split between fractional owners. During every meeting we felt pressured into buying something else that was another new deal, but was actually another lie.
Thursday 24th March 2016 04:54 - Mr & Mrs O - Club La Costa Fractional
Meet the company in a shopping centre and was offered a £99 1 week holiday.
On the second day of the holiday was driven to a presentation.
Kept at presentation the whole day despite requests to leave to tend to our autistic son – were always told we would be done soon.
Pressurised into buying, given credit to buy which was a surprise as our credit was not very good at the time. Credit was given on the day.
Paid deposit by card on the day.
Returned from holiday realised that the management fees were additional, tried to cancel and we were told that it’s not possible.
Wednesday 23rd 2016 05:58 - Miss M - CLC Fractional
Pressure to sign up for fractional bi annual
Told it would be an investment
Told we could sell after 19 years
Music very loud, difficulty hearing, given alchohol
Have tried to upgrade at next presentation
Thursday 10st March 2016 04:48 - Mr M - CLC Fractional
We were first introduced to Club La Costa as a result of a cold call, we agreed to take an introductory week at their Hastings facility in Corwall, England
Having made our visit we were within 48 hrs pressured into purchasing a timeshare product with them.
However we were advised that this could not be ratified, that is "the purchase", until we had also visitedf Spain, we did withdraw from the purchas within 14 days.
We did receive another cold call from them some time later to travel to Spain which we did and we then purchased
At no time did we receive details relating to land registry in Spain
We were never made aware prior to arrival as to why we were invited
We did not get a Spanish translation after either purchase
Prior to signing the contract we were never given details as to where we could obtain further information relating to land registry, notary etc
No detailed description was given to us showing details of location services as to what we had bought into and whether or not we had automatic right of entry into these services
We were given to understand that maintenance fees would rise in line with UK inflation rates.
It was sold to us as an investment which we could sell later
Tuesday 01st March 09:12 - Mrs K - Club La Costa Points
Holiday with a friend who had points – good accommodation – attended presentation – very enthusiastic sales person. No mention of perpetuity aspect only “you can leave this to your children”. No buy back but very easy to sell on points, Club La Costa would help with this. Strongly advised to buy initially with finance. Not given adequate uninterrupted time to read contract. Not allowed to take contract out of room to read at leisure.
On purchase of upgrade our points put on priority bookings for larger shares holders – this has never been the case, have only been able to book in school holidays three years in advance. Despite being asked to help with selling on Club La Costa have offered no assistance.
I feel that I was mis sold this contract verbally.
Monday 29th February 2016 05:45 - Mr G & Miss B - Club La Costa Fractional
I was contacted by phone saying we had won a holiday. Went to a presentation and was sent on a free weeks holiday to Fuengirola Spain. I feel I was pressurised by reps saying not problem booking anytime you can change finance companies not really showing full amount of cost of finance. We were not always able to book when needed feeling under pressure get putting bonuses in front of us. We were at presentation for 8 hours with two grandchildren stuck in some office told no resale later but was told at presentation some one had handed points back. Very unhappy with availability. I do not wish this to go on to my children.
Tuesday 23th February 2016 10:50 - Mr S - CLC Fractional
We were led to believe that the contract was for 19 years and now we have found out that it is for life and that it will be passed to our children that we were unaware and they do not want the responsiblility.
We were told we could sell it back to them after the 19 years.
we were told the maintenance fees would go up in line with inflation which is not the case.
we were told what we were buying was for CLC members only, we have since found out that is not true.
When trying to book to a resort it is always full which wasn't the case when we bought
Tuesday 23th February 2016 05:38 - Mr & Mrs S - Club La Costa Santa Cruz
Purchased trial package, went on holiday. CLC convinced us it would be cheaper on subsequent holiday we used free points in superior accommodation and were convinced under pressure (& alcohol) that to achieve our preferred standard of accommodation we should upgrade. On the last upgrade we were told we needed to change to fractionals as the packages had changed. We asked CLC to consolidate the loans and after being there for approximately 10 hours they wouldn't do this for us.
Monday 22nd February 2016 10:02 - Mr L - CLC Fractional
We came into contact with the company by a telephone call inviting us to a meeting in London. We were offered a free week after the meeting.
Whilst in Span we were encouraged to buy into points system. We were no given the details of the property.
A deposit was paid on the day, we were promised 5 star accommodation, which is not the case.
It has never been made clear as t6o what the fees would be. Did get cooling off period as finance had to be agreed before leaving Spain
Thursday 19th February 2016 04:10 - CLC Fractional
We were sold a holiday club which claimed to be exclusive with high quality apartments, cheap flights, an investment for the future and protection from increasing holiday costs
The original contract was for 57 years. We soon learnt that the scheme was not delivering what was promised.
Scared that we would be leaving our children a liability, we were approached again whilst at a CLC resort to move into a fractional ownership scheme for 20 years and explained that this would not be continuous (perpetuity).
Again we have subsequently learnt that this is not the case.
On top of this we find accommodation is made available on the internet whereas not available through CLC, excessive maintenance fees are charged in excess of standard inflation, bills are in euros now not GBP as agreed
Thursday 19th February 2016 - Mrs U - CLC Points
We were offered a luxury holiday in Spain where we were convinced to purchase the timeshare. Although we were given a trial period we did feel pressured to purchase.
we were given false promises such as holidays will be available at any time in the year, maintenance fees will only increase as per inflation costs, points can be used any day of the year, a breakdown of costs will always be provided.
We purchased gold membership with CLC, with a specific mount of points which could be carried over.
During the initial holiday in Spain we were not informed reason for invitation. CLC did not provide us the information that was legally required prior to signing the contract.
Other information about notary consumer office or places to obtain further information was also not provided, only briefly mentioned during presentation.
Information about location of services such as automatic access to swimming pools etc. was not provided.
Timeshare was sold to us as an investment and a points system in exchange for luxury holidays
Thursday 11st February 2016 08:49 - Mr B - CLC Fractional
A friend of ours arranged for us to have a weeks holiday at CLC on the Costa Del SOl. When we were there we were harassed into listening to the hard sell of buying a timeshare.
We were bullied into buying a timeshare. We Had to pay a deposit by credit card there and then. This contract did not specify an apartment address.
There was no mention of land registry registration, they said we could sell it easily (false), we could get anywhere we want anytime (false)
When we were invited by them for a meeting we were not told it was to buy a timeshare (conned). The contract was not available in Spanish. We were not told any information about land registry etc..
The maintenance fees are above Spanish inflation rates (wrong), they did not tell us we had 2 weeks to cancel, they told us it was an investment (lies).
They gave us a free week and they bombarded us with phone calls the whole week about buying another timeshare (ruined our holiday)
There was no details of the deeds either
Thursday 11st February 2016 04:51 - Miss B - Club La Costa
I was interested in but a property in Spain. As I was looking through the internet, I came across C.L.C. properties. I checked out their web page and thought nothing of it until they contacted me and asked me to go on a presentation in Tenerife. I said I was interest in purchasing a holiday home, they said that they do sell properties and the presentation would be of use to me to find out more. When I arrived at the presentation I found out they only sell properties in the USA and before I knew it I walk out with something I didn’t want. I check the paperwork and was upset. I phoned Pamela Gonzalez to say I didn’t and could not afford this and the APR was 18% she told me to keep it till November when they stopped paying £75.00 and I could go to my bank over the APR. I was unhappy with this so I went to CLC in Mainland Spain presentation and they told me they would lower my APR to 11% I still told them I did not want it, they told me the only way I could rid myself of this debt was to sell it to someone else. To decrease the APR they sold me another product with a lower APR but increase my finance. They did not make me aware of this
Wednesday 10th February 2016 06:54 - Mr & Mrs G - Club La Costa Points
We went on trial holiday in Spain. They encouraged my husband to go to the meeting on his own. I stayed at the swimming pool with our 8 year old, at the time, son. My husband came back from the meeting 4-5 hours later having purchased a Diamond membership. He looked like he was about to have a stroke.
We joined to travel more but actually we travel less due to the fact that there is no availability when we want it plus we have paid our holiday money in maintenance fees.
Resort does not look like their showrooms.
Salesmen continue to hassle with phone calls when on holiday at places.
We have to book 2 years in advance if we want a holiday.
If for any reason we can’t make it and have to cancel they charge us the points as penalty.
Management fees not explained or mentioned. Very high, late fees charged with 25%.
Wednesday 10th February 2016 04:49 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Points
We received a promotional holiday in the post to Tenerife. On arrival we were approached by CLC rep. Asked to attend a presentation about holidays.
They kept us theme for 8 hours, eventually my wife said “just sign it”, I want to get out of here.
They gave us breakfast, dinner, alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea and soft drinks all day. The next morning we were revisited by a CLC rep where by my wife and I asked if we could change our mind, he consequently changed our mind by referring to all the benefits on offer. No straight answer as to whether we could cancel was given – my wife was in tears by this time and worried about whether we had done the right thing.
On returning home we tried to book various holidays unsuccessful because there was no availability for places and times of the year we wanted. We have been unable to have a holiday since we bought this partially because of our commitment to paying back our loan. We have never used CLC for a holiday since signing up with them. As we are not happy with what CLC are offering we wish to opt out of this, therefore cancel this agreement.
Wednesday 10th February 2016 04:44 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Points
We received a promotional holiday in the post to Tenerife. On arrival we were approached by CLC rep. Asked to attend a presentation about holidays.
They kept us theme for 8 hours, eventually my wife said “just sign it”, I want to get out of here.
They gave us breakfast, dinner, alcoholic drinks, coffee, tea and soft drinks all day. The next morning we were revisited by a CLC rep where by my wife and I asked if we could change our mind, he consequently changed our mind by referring to all the benefits on offer. No straight answer as to whether we could cancel was given – my wife was in tears by this time and worried about whether we had done the right thing.
Wednesday 10th February 2016 04:01 - Mr & Mrs T - Club La Costa Fractional
Received a phone call, cheap holidays, we went to a presentation and received information about CLC Fractions. We were encouraged to buy 2 weeks but we didn’t really understand what was about in detail. The next holiday we booked with them we asked for more information and they sold us a different product. We still couldn’t use so we tried to sell but unsuccessfully. We went back to them and tried to give them back and they refused, they convinced us to buy a different product which will resolve our problem but we are in the same position, with increased maintenance fees. We can not see a way out of it.
Tuesday 09th February 2016 03:47 - Mr W - CLC Fractional & Signature
As a trial membership to start Vacation Club fractional ownership/signature owneship
Where we have been invited for any sales presentation we were asked to come for a meeting only and at no time was a contract made available in Spanish.
Before signing the contract we were not given any information such as consumer office or notary advice etc.
As for the maintenance fee we were not advised of the exorbitant rise in a year or any notice either.
The timeshare has always been referred to as an investment to our siblings and at no time was a withdrawal form being given to us
Friday 05th February 2016 09:50 - Mr W - CLC Fractional
we were promised 5* accommodation, we have never had this.
We were sold points and told we could have 2 holidays a year but the points were never enough for 1 holiday in the cheaper apartments.
We can never get apartment availability
We try to book 2 years in advance and can still not get the reservation we require
Maintenance costs have soared and this makes the holiday costs excessive
Wednesday 27th January 2016 05:24 - Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa
When we first went to London to find out about this “free holiday”, we were kept there for 4 hours, every time we said we would think about it and get back to you they said no it’s today or not at all. There was constant pressure to sign. On our first holiday in Spain we were taken for a drink. At this point we were “talked to” to persuade us to trade in our holidays for Vacation Club Points. We were kept there for hours while they pressured us into signing. Finally we did when they told us they would always buy it back if we couldn’t afford it. With two small children we needed to leave. When we used the holiday we asked for child secure apartment on the ground floor, they put us on the 3rd floor. The facilities were not as well kept as we had been shown and with children it wasn’t so secure as it should have been. A normal package holiday was cheaper and better.
We had no option but to surrender our points and give them back to CLC as we couldn’t afford the maintenance and could not get holidays during school holidays like we were told we could and needed.
Today I have found out nearly three years later, that this hasn’t happened, they just suspended it, not took it out of our name, so we are still liable. This has been a horrendous blow. I am not a lawyer so don’t understand the difference in wording.
Wednesday 27th January 2016 05:01 - Mrs C - Club La Costa Fractional
I purchased a Trial Membership of “Destinations” – 6 weeks in 2011. I found the quality of accommodation inconsistent and not as described to me.
Following my complaints I was advised to upgrade to Fractional ownership which allowed me to trade my 2 unused weeks, plus an extra £12,018 cost. This discussion took place at a high pressure sales environment lasting 7 hours.
I was advised that this property ownership would increase in value and that the sale would be facilitated by Club La Costa. I have since learned this to be false.
Overall I have not been able to use CLC for holidays due to lack of choice and those that I have used have been of poor quality.
I do not wish this liability to be passed down to my children.
Wednesday 27th January 2016 04:46 - Mr & Mrs M - Club La Costa
We received an unsolicited direct mail shot inviting us to local offices for a timeshare presentation. We were kept waiting for much longer than we had been advised and were then subjected to high pressure selling. We were given a 1 week cooling off period. We were told that timeshare was an asset and would give us a “world of opportunities”. We were given £800 worth of RCI travel vouchers as an incentive to purchase.
We now find we have a liability that our heirs will inherit and for which they will have to continue to pay management fees. The management fees continue to increase meaning it is no longer offering value for money.
We have stayed at Royal Oasis La Quinta on 5 or 6 occasions and have had good experiences, but have always resisted further “opportunities” to buy additional weeks.
Tuesday 26th January 2016 05:11 - Mr & Mrs F - Club La Costa Fractional
Neither purchase have we used. We were given a date in March each year but when we tried to use it in 2015 we were told it wasn’t ready.
We couldn’t always get resorts we wanted or the dates we wanted.
Our daughter certainly does not want this left to her.
We both feel that we have been mis-sold since 2010.
Tuesday 26th January 2016 04:46 - Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa Fractional
The initial contact was by phone advising we had won a holiday and an invitation to attend a meeting was arranged. We went on holiday to Club La Costa Malaga at which time we had to attend a presentation meeting inviting us to join. The meeting lasted several hours and we were pressurised to sign up during this meeting. Several various promises were made during this long meeting including its value, that management fees would not increase and that the fractional unit purchase included an exit date.
We do not wish to leave this liability for ongoing management fees to our heirs.
Tuesday 26th January 2016 04:35 - Mr & Mrs R - Club La Costa Fractional
We were sold a ticket which we were told had won a prize in Spain and were taken to CLC. Everyone seemed so nice they made the timeshare sound so good. They talked to us for several hours, gave us food and drinks. We were told on several occasions our money would be safe. We could always sell back to CLC. We would never lose our money. Each time we went on holiday they got us to go to the next level. The last time they told us our points investment was worth nothing. The only way was to go fractional. We really regret ever getting involved. We cannot sell it back or to anyone else. We are not in good health and we cannot leave it to our children as it is a liability.
Tuesday 26th January 2016 03:53 - Mr & Mrs F - Club La Costa
We were invited to a presentation in Lakeside where we asked if this was a timeshare and was told no. Signed up for trial membership where we would go to Tenerife for further presentation. At this presentation we were told how much better this was for easy booking of holidays and first class accommodation at all times. The presentation was a heavy sell and with many promises of ease of booing etc which we found has not been fulfilled. Fees have increased and the booking of weeks has become worse.
A cooling off period at our purchase in Lakeside or Tenerife was not mentioned.
Misrepresentation has occurred and we would not wish for this arrangement to be burdened on our children in the future.
At first presentation we paid by credit card.
Monday 25th January 2016 10:32 - Mr W - CLC Fractional
My maintenance fees went up more than the rate of inflation by 30% per year.
The reps told me that the offers are only there for the day so I would have to sign on the day which I din't feel I wanted to do
Friday 22nd January 09:36 - Mr. W. - CLC Fractional
Purchased 2 weeks in 1997. Upgraded to Vacation Points in 2004 - paying £1,200 for extra 200 points to take us into Platinum. Converted to Fractional Property in 2013. Management fees continually increase. No intention of using the timeshare again in the future.
Friday 22nd January 06:25 - Mr. T. - Club La Costa Fractional
As I am not a home owner and I only earn minimum wage and since then any holiday we have tried to book we could not get as they told us it was full and we found it on the internet but they told me it was not us?
Thursday 21st 08:09 - Mr. H. - January Club La Costa Fractional
In 2008 I and my wife bought into a trial membership of Club La Costa. We received a free 7 day holiday in the Marina Del Sol complex. In 2010 we went with family members and friends to Tenerife and we attended a presentation lasting approx 6/7 hours to upgrade the Vacation Membership to that of a Fractional Membership. We were assured that this would enable us to "get out" of the membership after the stated time and that we would get our money back after the sale of our fraction. We would have signed anything that day as were exhausted after the presentation. We have found since then that we have never been able to get our desired holidays at a place/time and that we could have got the same properties at Club La Costa a lot cheaper via the internet. We have also been dissatisfied at the standard received as it has not been as promised when we signed the contract in 2010. We feel that we were misled and completely let down and also by the increased management fees which could take a family on holiday elsewhere.
Thursday 21st January 06:21 - Ms. N. - Club La Costa & Marriotts
When I purchased the timeshare from Marriott and CLC World Resorts (Club La Costa) I was expecting greater availability of places to stay, which did not happen. I may reasonably have expected management fees to increase with inflation, however, even during the recession and deflation these prices continue to increase by 4% or more. With Marriott I was also informed that the investment increased and that with CLC the holiday cost is better value than package holidays - neither of which appears to be the case. With the above in mind I would like to cancel both contracts.
Friday 15th January 03:58 - Mr H - CLC
While on holiday we were approached on the street in Tenerife by ticket touts and "won a prize"
We were taken to Club La Costa offices and agreed to join their holiday club on a trial membership basis. We booked a holiday in Sept 2009in Tenerife and while there discussed our plans to allow our daughter to celebrate her 21st birthday with friends.
We were told we could not do this unless we upgraded to destination club membership which we did.
On our next CLC holiday we discussed this again and were told we were misled and that we needed to upgrade to vacation club membership to do this so we agreed since we had committed to our daughter.
Initially there was a 14 day cooling off period, but we did not cancel in this time.
We were always pressurised in meetings with CLC, if for no other reason than the meetings dragged on for a minimum of 4 hours and you could not get away.
We have always struggled to get availability, even if we tried to book 2 years ahead
Friday 15th January 10:44 - Mr B & Ms S - Club La Costa
In august 2010 we 'won' a 3 day break at the clc resort at hustyns Cornwall where we signed up to a 3 year trial membership. We later got an invitation to have a free week at the Spanish resort on the costa del sol. We were put up in a top quality apartment with all the mod cons, Jacuzzi, nice kitchen, large balcony and lovely view towards the sea. Mid way through the week we were picked up by a rep and taken on a tour of the resort showing us all the nice pools and leisure facilities, we were also shown a sample apartment. After this we were taken to the main building where the hard sell commenced. We were shown loads of videos of how flexible and easy it was to get the apartment you wanted at the right time. We were told that there was no problem with availability even during peak season school holidays, and that we could upgrade our booking to get a better/larger apartment as there are 5 of us. We were advised that we could get this for a low yearly maintenance fee on top of the base fee. Then the hard selling began, we were given a 'once only' offer because somebody had traded in their points to move to fractional. The salesman got his manager over to explain that they had rearranged things to give us this good deal. We were told that we could get finance then and there through Hitachi. Once again we were advised that this was a one time offer for that day. No mention was made of a cooling off period or that the contract being in perpetuity and that the maintenance fees would increase so much each year.
When we booked a week's holiday in 2012, we were advised that we could upgrade our apartment on arrival. This did not happen, we were told a upgrade was not possible. We have also tried to book holidays in august and found that there was no availability approx 9 months to a year in advance. We have used the rci package once and had to sit through another meeting with the company that owned the resort in Tenerife who tried to sell us their package. Looking online I can see that I can book a holiday in a Clc owned resort without being a member. This is supposed to be an exclusive club with only members using resorts but this is not the case. Also due to only having 1501 points, we can only really take a 2 week holiday every 2 years, reluctant to get any more points as too expensive and maintenance fees would increase. So this is costing us in excess of 1500 pounds a year to have a holiday every other year.
Wednesday 13th January 12:25 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Fractional
We first came into contact with CLC when we were offered a free holiday to their resort in Scotland. We were told that we would have to attend a presentation whilst we were there. We were quickly pressured into buying a timeshare with no time to think about it before signing up. We were given a cooling off period. We were promised 3 holidays for this money and then we were told that the first holiday had to be at their resort in Spain where we had another compulsory Presentation where we were again pressured into buying another product (vacation) as it would fulfil all of our holiday needs e.g. go wherever we want, when we want and be in luxury accommodation that only members could use. A year later we were further pressured into buying Fraction product as the vacation one had changed. In summary, we feel that we have been misled all the way as we have not been able to use this product as we would have liked and furthermore we feel it is a liability and not an asset so for this reason we would not want to leave this to our children.
Wednesday 13th January 11:09 - Mr & Mrs M - Club La Costa Fractional
The company contacted us by phone and offered a free holiday in Spain which was very nice accommodation was luxury we then spent all day and we did feel pressurised into signing up. We were given a cooling off period, however since becoming members we have not been able to get availability and have never stayed in the accommodation sold to us also we were never told there would be extra booking fees therefore we feel we were mis-sold the timeshare and lied to. We would not want to pass this to our children as it is a liability rather that the asset.
Wednesday 13th January 09:44 - Mr & Mrs G - Club La Costa
We were approached at airport and “won” a holiday with view to attending a promotional meeting. Went to meeting for 8 hours, very pressurised selling with a lot of false promises i.e. holidays whenever and where you wanted them, this is only true if you book years in advance. Free upgrades, I have never been allowed one. “Free” priority pass airport lounges which actually cost you £15 per person with no priority boarding. October 2014 couldn’t get a holiday (2 bedroom) with CLC had to book with another company. We have been back once when we were taken off to another “hard sell” upgrade which we refused and were told we would be back to upgrade sometime as what we had got would be unusable. At the first promotional meeting we were told we needed to sign that day to get it at that price. We went with Barclays finance which we were told to change to a lower interest rate as soon as we got home.
We do not wish to leave this to our children as it is a liability.
Tuesday 12nd January 04:37 - Mr. M. - CLC FRACTIONAL
We went to Club La Costa for a week in Malaga for £99. We went for a presentation and they offered a good holiday deal for £14,000. They set it up with Hitachi for £260 per month for 19 years plus the management fee started with £750 and now we are paying £1,100 and every time you book you have to pay 10 pence on every point you book. We had so many promises on that day we signed the contract. We tried to stop that contract and we couldn't so we remortgaged our house to pay the amount to Hitachi because at the end of the 19 years we're gonna be paying about £60,000 off that agreement and the management fees will be around £3,400, maybe more. We feel we were miss sold with the Club La Costa contact, so we wish to finish that agreement.
Tuesday 12nd January 02:35 - Mrs B - Club La Costa
Club La Costa contacted me and offered me a cheap holiday in Malaga on one condition that I attend a meeting while I was on holiday. While on holiday we several calls to attend and were not given a choice. At the meeting which lasted 9 hours we were placed under pressure to complete the sale. This caused much stress and pressure to me as soon afterwards my partner left. I have two children which I’m trying to support and the increase of yearly management fees are added pressure. I do not wish to leave this to my children as this is a liability. At the current time I do not know where my ex partner lives and have had no contact since he left in 2012.
Monday 11st January 11:39 - Mr & Mrs P - Club La Costa Fractional
We attended a presentation at which we were pressured into purchasing a fractional share ownership. We were assured that this was not a timeshare purchase which would cease after the end of the 19 year period with NO ongoing liability to our heirs. We have now been advised that this information was not true. There were several reps. at the meeting, we were told our purchase would increase in value and could be sold back to the resort. We were given no time to review the purchase agreement before signing. We paid a deposit with a credit card and despite failing a credit test finance was given by Shawbrook Finance. There was no financial advisor present and no cooling off period. Ultimately our decision to purchase was based on verbal statements made by the reps. which do not match the contents of the purchase contract.
Monday 11st January 10:57 - Mr & Mrs K - Club La Costa Fractional
We were offered a holiday package timeshare and taken to Spain to see the products on offer.
While there we were pressurised into the timeshare purchase. We were unable to use the timeshare for a while and Club La Costa contacted us again and invited us to Spain and again pressurised into upgrade in a property timeshare purchase.
With hindsight we would not have entered into these because of annual maintenance fees that we have to pay for the property. We were not given enough time to read the documents that were given to us only after signing into the timeshare. We were told that we will not have a problem with using the facility but had to be turned down once when we tried to make a booking. Even just recently in September 2015 when we had to spend two nights in Plymouth, we were unable to use our points that were built up at this point and had to pay for our stay in Plymouth.
We do not wish to leave this to our children as it is a liability according to the foregoing facts.
Friday 08th January 12:18 - Mr & Mrs S - Club La Costa Fractional
Following a telephone marketing call, we went for a presentation in London and initially we were sold point system and then upgraded to 1500 points. When I paid the cost in Spain they made us believe in to fractional property scheme by selling a loan of £31,000 with 15 years to pay.
During the presentation, we were told that the share will go up in value and we will be helped to sell it anytime of our circumstances change.
When we became financially broke, we contacted the London office for help and they refused to help us and told us we need to carry on paying the loan and management fees.
Several times we tried to book holidays, our preferred destination was never available
Friday 08th January 09:22 - Mr & Mrs Z - Club La Costa Fractional
We strongly feel cheated by Club La Costa who glossily painted their holiday club, pressured and coerced us to join on false verbal information and not even giving us time to read the documentation they gave to us. We strongly feel that misrepresentation has occurred and we have been taken advantage of.
• We were reassured verbally that we can surrender our fractional property any time and get a refund of what we would have paid on handing back the certificate to Club La Costa.
• We were promised holidays any times convenient to us but we always found our convenient times fully booked. We were never given priority as property owners as promised
• The amount of management fee was never disclosed to us at the point of sale only to be shocked when the bill came in. We even got the impression from the representative that it was a very negligible annual fee.
• We never saw the property that we bought. Its remains a mystery property
It all began in 2010 when we were given leaflets by representatives that the club was offering free holidays. We visited their presentation day which was mainly checking on our income and selection of people for the free offer. We were selected and invited to Trenython Manor in Cornwall for a weekend break. We accepted and took the opportunity with the family.
At Trenython Manor we had a representative who did a very exhaustive and intense presentation which took almost half of our day. This was all about their club membership. We did not agree to it initially because we needed time to digest and to review our financial capacity. There was a lot of coercion which we resisted on the basis of funding. This was shot down as the representative brought in his other colleague who said the club can find the needed amount . We finally submitted and were given paper work to sign, We were never given any time to cool off and review or time for legal consultation. After signing that’s when we were booked for a taster in Spain Costa Del Sol resort.
Spain was a night mare for us. We were informed that with vacation club membership, we were going to walk away with nothing by the time we decide to leave. We were informed of Fractional Properties that after taking or upgrading to these, then we become properties owners. Any time we wanted to leave the club, we were promised a refund of what we paid for. We were also told that there will be a small fee for management purposes but we were never told the figures. We wanted to see the property but we were told we owned 3 weeks out of 52 weeks and at the end of the contract the property will be sold and proceeds divided accordingly. There was also a provision to withdraw any time we felt so with refund of whatever we would have invested. We never saw it to date. The amount of money that was requested from us was again too much and we refused to join. We were not released. We had to suffer more than six hours being pushed to buy the properties. Again they said funding was available and they emphasized that we can just send back their certificate and get our money back if we decided to leave the property. We had to agree. Paperwork was given to us to sign again no time to read or to get legal advice on what we had been told verbally. Funding was given from their preferred financier who had very high interest rates as we later found out as compared to other financiers.
The sales representatives facilitated the funding through Barclays. Loans were given in both Trenythorn Manor and in Costa Del Sol. This was specific to Barclays and no time was given for us to go to alternative funding sources. The money was requested on the spot.
In Trenython Manor we paid an initial deposit from our credit card of about 200 pounds and then had a loan from Barclays through Club La Costa. In Spain we did the same, paying a deposit of more than a thousand pounds by credit card and also being pushed into a loan..The sales representatives trivialised the management fees but we were shocked by the amount which was requested
Club La Costa verbally promised to do the sale themselves and to refund the amount we paid for the property. They never informed us about third parties. When we informed them that we wanted our refund, they gave us two options, sending back our certificate and walking away with nothing or to get services of a sales organization which they supplied a name so that we do it on our own. We paid another amount to this organization and since then have not been given any feedback.
Overall Experience
Terrible. This was a severe financial drain to us that has left us virtually in debt. We are still being severely bled by management cost. Adding everything together it is much cheaper to arrange our own holidays privately than to continue with payments for nothing. We have not had the holidays at the places we wanted to visit.
We cannot continue with this organisation.
Tuesday 05th January 02:54 - Mr & Mrs N - Club La Costa
We first got to know about Club La Costa from a “cold call” conversation. We were offered a free holiday with the understanding we would have to attend a 2 hour presentation. As we had had money difficulties we accepted the offer, knowing there was no way we would be talked into a purchase of any kind. Actually the “presentation” lasted a whole day virtually. We were “wined and dined” and shown several properties. As we thought, we were turned down for a loan but they managed to somehow secure funding for us. They cleverly showed how cheap the holidays would be – not the case at all! We were “tricked” with sailing holidays – not available to us. I am a teacher and can only holiday in peak seasons. It is far more expensive even though we were assured it wouldn’t be, and the choice at these times is extremely poor. We were told it would be a superb investment for our future, and the future of our son – but he has no interest at all in sunshine holidays.
We were really compelled to purchase on the day by clever employees, despite us being honest about past money worries. We were continuously offered free champagne and meals/snacks, and I feel that we were manouvered and persuaded into a purchase against our better judgement.
Since then, I have been in touch with Club La Costa about selling our fractional property share and they were completely unhelpful, saying we could lose our home if we failed to keep up payments. We believed there would eventually be an end to payments, but have now found out any debt and ownership would pass to our son. We are very worried about this. We are now in our 60’s and are facing retirement with a millstone around our necks. It is not the advantageous “deal” for retirement that we were persuaded into buying. It is becoming increasingly more expensive – and is certainly not the dream we were sold!
Tuesday 05th January 02:33 - Mr & Mrs O - Club La Costa Fractional
Our initial contact with Club La Costa was made at the London Boat Show, where we won a free holiday once we had attended a presentation at a London hotel. We were then persuaded to take out an initial contract know as points, which included an introductory weeks holiday. We were not aware of any cooling off period. This was for a 3 year trial period. Once we were in Malaga we were subjected to a lengthy presentation and persuaded to take out the full points package. On a holiday to Tenerife we were again subjected to another lengthy presentation and persuaded to convert to fractional which would be much better and we were entitled to free upgrades etc. Subsequently we have tried to book holidays without success due to zero availability. Whenever we have been in touch with them we have felt pressured into sales and made uncomfortable if we were reluctant to complete.
We feel this product was mis-sold to us due to poor availability and over inflated costs. Therefore we have been unable to take advantage of this product in the manner to which it was sold to us. We feel we have been mis-sold this timeshare and do not want to pass this onto our children as it is a liability.
Thrusday 17th December 2015 01:06 - Mr O - CLC Fractional
We purchased this timeshare from CLC in 2007 believing that we could have holidays wherever we wanted.
We have found that there was no availability of the resorts we chose so we were told that upgrading will give us all the choice, we upgraded in 2008. We were told we would be able to use the yacht club if we had 3000 points.
When I tried to book the sailing holiday we were told that we were not members of the yacht club.
They did not make it clear how much the management fees would be, they increased by 50% in the first year.
The fees are much too expensive, we are not getting value for money
Thrusday 17th December 2015 01:06 - Mr O - CLC Fractional
We purchased this timeshare from CLC in 2007 believing that we could have holidays wherever we wanted.
We have found that there was no availability of the resorts we chose so we were told that upgrading will give us all the choice, we upgraded in 2008. We were told we would be able to use the yacht club if we had 3000 points.
When I tried to book the sailing holiday we were told that we were not members of the yacht club.
They did not make it clear how much the management fees would be, they increased by 50% in the first year.
The fees are much too expensive, we are not getting value for money
Thrusday 17th December 2015 12:39 - Mr P - CLC Points
In 2008 we purchased a trial membership in the UK. On our first holiday in Spain after an 8 hour presentation we purchased into the points system, we were told that it was an investment and CLub a Costa would buy it back if we ever decided to sell, with a profit as they were building in USA, Turkey and Tenerife. We were not informed about perpetuity and are concerned that our children would be forced top pay yearly costs should we pass away.
We have since identified the fact that we can book holidays on the internet for a fraction of the cost of what we pay yearly. We tried to book holidays on a number of occasions but was told that there was no availability within Club La Costa and RCI
Thrusday 17th December 2015 12:08 - Mr T - CLC Fractional
When we purchased our timeshare membership with CLC back in 2006 we were promised that as members we can use the points and get the availability of our choice.
Later when we attempted to book holidays and realized that bookings were not available for the dates we wanted even though requests were made well in advance.
In 2001 we upgraded to fractional membership by paying extra money and we were promised more luxury accommodation at any of our selected resorts but we are still to book as we were asked to pay additional 15% per point which is totally new to us, our points are accumulating and getting void because we cannot get what we want.
The annual maintenance fees are increasing and as members we feel very let down with the product we were sold
Wednesday 16th December 2015 10:35 - Mr. W & Miss S - Club La Costa
We were told we won a prize, a holiday and was invited to an hotel in London to claim it. We took the holiday to Spain and was invited to a meeting with Club La Costa. After buying £1,000 worth of shares in London. Offered further shares in Spain which we purchased. For the next trip we were invited to and offered more shares to at a higher rate which was unaffordable to us. On another trip we were asked to attend another meeting and this was holiday using our points, but we were pressured into attending meeting, which we did complain about. We were then offered more points to exchange the shares into bricks and mortar rather than shares so we could sell or rent to get a financial return on our investment. Over the years our annual fees have risen, we believed that we could at any time which we now know to be untrue and a misrepresentation and would not leave this liability to any of our children.
Friday 11st December 01:04 - Mr & Mrs E - Club La Costa
Presentation: Interviewed at airport followed by offer of “free holiday”, attended presentation in Sheffield, declined offer. Approached 12 months later persuaded to take holiday in Cornwall CLC.
Sales Process: In Cornwall after extensive, long time consuming sales pitch took CLC trial package. From there arranged for us to go to Spanish head office/holiday in Spain. Had an intensive very long (12+ hours) meeting, felt bombarded with information and not given sufficient time to think through decision before signing documents. Felt pressured to combine trial offer with new purchase.
Finance on the purchase: We extended our mortgage to obtain funds for purchase. We had several emails from the company attempting to rush us into more prompt action. We had already paid our £2,000 deposit while in Spain before we left on our credit card alongside this we had surrendered our £3,750 trial package in Spain also.
Maintenance fees: Each year our maintenance fees have increased considerably.
The exchange company (RCI): We had one holiday arranged by CLC via RCI which was poor standard, disappointing and incurring extra fees.
Re-sale options: we were informed in Spain prior to purchase that we would be able to re-sell our CLC points. We were told they had value, but we now know this is not as suggested, and we are unable at this time to sell our points.
Exclusivity: We were promised that we would be able to book several holidays in the destinations of our choice, but found this difficult to achieve as our holidays were available to non-members (and non member organisations) therefore often booked up.
Perpetuity/contract length: Perpetuity was not emphasised at the sales meeting and as this was sold to us as a re-saleable asset (with value) therefore we did not consider this would be a problem.
In conclusion the product and services we were sold by CLC are not achievable. We did not receive what we were promised therefore we feel we were mis-sold on several counts. We feel that during the presentation of the product, facts and figures were kept deliberately vague and due to the 10+ hour interview were not easy to recall. Alongside not being given time to research or discuss the product we were pressured to sign immediately on the day and produce a deposit. Therefore the product was misrepresented (not as described).
As a result we have not been able to use the product for the last 3 years, but continue to pay maintenance fees.
Wednesday 09th December 11:20 - Mr. R. - CLC POINTS
In 2008 I purchased a trial membership for 35 months holiday. In August on my first holiday, I upgraded to a full membership (1,000 Points). In the past seven years I have only used Club La Costa time share 3 times as I cant get where I want, when I want. I feel the maintenance is to high as I can get the same holidays for less money via the internet. The fact my children will inherit this liability was never explained to me and I feel that it is unfair that there is no way out of this contract.
Tuesday 08th December 02:27 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Points
We attended a venue to be given a free holiday in Spain at that meeting we purchased a trial membership to Club La Costa. During the Spanish holiday we upgraded to Silver membership and the trial membership was taken back and money credited to new membership. During a second free holiday to Club La Costa resort we had a meeting and was pressured into upgrading. The salesperson at both meetings told us it was a benefit we could leave to our children as an inheritance.
A deposit was taken from us and a finance agreement given to us during the meeting. No cooling off period was mentioned. We now realise that it is a liability and don't wish to burden our children with it.
Tuesday 01st December 04:52 - Mrs J - CLC Fractional
When we bought this timeshare from Club La Costa we were informed we could go anywhere, availability was not a problem. which we were never able to get where we wanted.
The maintenance would remain the same but has almost trebled.
In price we feel we have been miss sold, all information given when we originally purchased this product with Club La Costa
Monday 30th November 01:53 - Mr & Mrs T - Club La Costa Fractional
We came into contact with Club La Costa after we had filled in a competition form at Malaga airport on the way home from staying with some friends in Spain.
We had a phone call at home to say we had won a free holiday. We decided to go and try and transfer from Diamond Resorts which we purchased in 2009 (and hadn’t used). We did this because Diamond didn’t seem to have any ending to the contract whereas CLC emphasised that after 19 years we would be able to sell it. They didn’t go into any detail as to how difficult that may be. Certainly nothing was ever mentioned about it being passed on to children or family members should anything happen to us. We just assumed that should either of us die before the 19 years they would automatically take it back off us without any problems. Because we transferred from Diamond no one mentioned a cooling off period. We assumed there wouldn’t be one in this instance. With Diamond Resorts we started reviewing all the paperwork at home just after the deadline so missed being able to cancel everything.
By the end of a very long and drawn out day I think we would have signed almost anything. Even when we read through what we were signing, most of which didn’t really go in, it still didn’t register just how much it was all going to cost. It didn’t dawn on us that 144 months is actually 12 years or how much the maintenance fees were or how much they could increase by. No amount regarding maintenance fees was ever mentioned. In 2012 they were £798. For 2016 they are £984 but paying over 6 months which we have to do takes it over £1,000.
We had an advance on the finance agreement (First Holiday Finance Ltd) of £2,000. We didn’t really know how they did it – assumed it was something to do with the transfer – as we were in no position to pay that kind of deposit. Indeed , not very long afterwards we had to sign up with a debt management company, who we are still with.
Finance £13301 less £2000 = £11301
Charge for credit £11890.39
Total amount payable £25191.39
We currently pay £161.06 over 144 months.
We have been a member of RCI since 26/06/12 Ref: 544524518 and possibly still are – not really sure. That seemed to come automatically but we have never used them, or CLC come to that, so we have no experience of any exchange procedures etc. As far as we are aware we don’t pay RCI anything extra regularly either.
Since we have never used CLC we also have no experience whether our resort is exclusive to us or the availability of it either.
The contract length is 19 years and the agreement states that “Fractional rights and points arising shall continue until the sale date when the allocated property is sold or when he sells or transfers his Fractional rights or ceases to be an owner, whichever happens sooner”.
This phrase implies that the property will be sold regardless or the owner can get out at any time. No mention is made that it may not sell or if other fractional owners don’t want to.
I have recently emailed CLC regarding their so called “easy exit programme” explaining our financial situation but have had no reply or acknowledgement.
On hindsight this really was the biggest and costliest mistake of our lives and we now just want out of it all.
The above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
Friday 27th November 02:03 - CLC Fractional
In September 2013 on a presentation holiday after 6 hrs we wought into the holiday fractions, since then we have never been able to book the holiday when wanted.
At no time during our meeting were we told that our children would be left with our debt, knowing our family would never be able to pay.This was meant to be an investment after 19 years for our retirement fund.
We feel that the maintenance is too high, we can get the same holidays on the internet for less money.
We were offered finance on the day which we ourselves did not apply for
Friday 27th November 09:50 - Mr T - CLC Fractional
We were given a free holiday by our family friends, we went and when we got there we were told we had to attend a presentation.
The presentation involved a very very intense hard selling, where we were sold fractional shares to a holiday this was in 2012, in 2013 when we went back for another holiday we were told that we would not have sufficient points to book any further holidays, so we went through another day of hard selling from CLC they upgraded the points.
The management fee i8s increasing every year, we are not using it as we should be, the availability at the times we want is so hard to get, we just want to dispose of this timeshare
Wednesday 25th November 04:29 - Mrs G - CLC Points
We first purchased a trail membership in 2008 which was sold to us in Lakeside UK.
In 2009 we upgraded to 1501 CLC Points, we were also persuaded to buy an additional 1000 points at an additional cost of £2000. Having now invested in excess of £19000 with the annual fees increasing significantly every year. We have never been able to book a holiday where we wanted or when we wanted.
CLC informed us that the ownership would be an investment for our family particularly being of increased value to our children through inheritance.
The quality of the accommodation we were made to believe we would receive through increased payment and staus as a member (gold) was certainly not what we actually received.
We were plied with beer and prosecco in the hot sun at CLC offices, throughout an arduous 6 hours meeting and presentation, by the time we signed we were quite intoxicated.
We now can get the same holidays for much less money via the internet.
Thursday 19th November 09:31 - Mr & Mrs F - Club La Costa
We came into contact with the company through an agent stationed in Romford centre. We felt pressurised to sign as they could not let us go away to think about it. They said this was a deal only for that day. We were promised a holiday that had security 24/7 on site, a family friendly resorts, no lager louts as only people with families were allowed to join, and being able to accommodate big families which has not happened. We were promised we could sell our fraction at the end of 20 years and the lowest amount we could get a return on was £20,000 but the advisor stated it is always more. They gave us breakfast, champagne, tour of the upgraded facilities and resorts. we feel a breach of contract and misrepresentation has occurred in the fact that we were never informed we would have to pay over £83,000 and that if we are unable to sell our fraction the 20 years would start all over again. we have never used the fraction points. We would never want to leave the fraction to family as this product is a liability. While we were in Spain they asked us to say and write that our wages were more than we actually earned.
Wednesday 18th November 11:54 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Fractional
We were missold Club La Costa (CLC) Fractional Vacation points during an extensive and very aggressive sales presentation lasting 4-5 hours in December 2012. We had agreed under duress to meet with the sales team in an effort to withdraw from CLC as it had become increasingly more difficult to get holidays where we wanted, when we wanted. We wish to state that we were missold to and misadvised by the resort sales company and made false promises. During the presentation we were surrounded by representatives assuring us the only way out was to move forward and reinvest rather than withdraw from holiday ownership. The sales team continually assured us that we were investing to make a profit. However this is not the case and what should have been an investment is clearly a liability. We were told maintenance fees would increase with inflation but this has not been the case. we were led to believe that we could resell our ownership at anytime and would be reimbursed with original investment plus any maintenance fees paid. Having had cause to question this we now understand this is not to be the case and that we can only sell back to CLC approved buyers. We have now also been informed that our children are also liable to any future payments of CLC World. We do not wish to pass this liability to our children.
Wednesday 18th November 11:04 - Mr & Mrs R - Club La Costa Fractional
I feel the shares I bought were misrepresented at the point of sales. It was a busy meeting with us being lead to another office. It was packed with guests. Our representatives introduced themselves as employees of CLC. We were given glossy brochures of their resorts with promise that it was cheaper than a package holiday. We were not told that management fees would increase at the rate they have, We were also told that we could sell our points back to them at anytime and could make a profit. It took most of the day to pressure us into buying in and also again upgrading. We paid a deposit on our credit card and took out finance to fund the rest. Presented with everything we had to sign the same day. At another meeting a few years later we were invited to invest in “Fractions”, when we refused, we were told our points were worthless. This was not what we bought into.
Tuesday 17th November 12:39 - Mr & Mrs E - Club La Costa
We were called for a holiday in Hustings/Cornwall and in a presentation meeting with many guests present we were sold a fraction of property by stating it as investment for repeated holidays in different parts of the world with many freebies on the way. It was sold as an agreement for 19 years and were promised, can come out of it anytime. Then as it advanced , never places to stay were available in UK in our place of choice at the time we would have liked as we have two children so could not use any time off from school other than term breaks, and the management fees is also increasing year after year. No explanation is provided what all is done with the money we pay what type of maintenance activities are done what are costs breakdown etc. The finance for the property was arranged through Hitachi finance limited which was a high APR so that way we had to pay much more than original cost. In total it was mis-sold to us, we also don’t wish to leave it to our children as it will be a liability than an asset. Also when we took loan from Hitachi in our credit settings it always showed outstanding loan of 30000, which included all the interest added up into the actual loan amount.
I was presented as to be used round the year by offering the place/share to friends/families and to get money from them but whenever we checked for availability there was none at the place of you choice.
Tuesday 17th November 11:51 - Mr & Mrs G - Club La Costa
My wife and I have been mis-sold this time share product by representatives of Club La Costa. We were sold this product in a high pressure situation at CLC Tenerife resort. This process lasted over 7 hours and was quite stressful. The main CLC sales person was Lorraine, and her manager kept popping in every 30 minutes or so. The process involved showing us ways that the product would make it cheaper for us to have great holidays whenever we wanted. We were given various printed documents and shown examples of what holidays could cost using blank paper with very large writing for emphasis.
We have not paid management fees yet. We are told we are on a bi-annual payment basis. We were told that fees would remain in line with inflation over the years.
Lorraine and her manager said the contract would last 19 years and it is likely the value of the time share will increase. So it was an investment for us and not just spending money. This was a big selling point as we saw it as an asset and not a liability.
They also explained that if we wished to sell it after 19 years it would be easy for us to do this. They even said that it could be inherited a as valuable asset by our children if we passed away. We now realise that much of the statements made by Lorraine and her manager were untrue. Especially as they kept making “incentives” only if we became a member today! We definitely did not have time to review the contents of the purchase agreement. We also were not offered the chance to take away the finance agreement to review it. This has worried us because we were not able to discuss it with an IFA.
We were told there is only a 14 day cooling off period. As the documents were posted to us from Tenerife, this package all arrived after 14 days.
We have tried to contact CLC to book a holiday. We tried to book a holiday as advised to us by Lorraine and were disappointed that we were unable to book it. There was a lack of availability. Also, the additional costs that were required would mean us paying £1,000’s more than advised. This was a massive mis-selling point for us and means this package is of no value to us.
We were pressured to make the decision on the day based on verbal statements made by Lorraine , her manager and Pam. We feel these statements have not matched the reality and we have been mis-sold
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Tuesday 17th November 04:47 - Mr B - CLC Fractional Points
A call was received visit a club la costa holiday presentation. After the presentation we received an invitation to vist CLC holiday resort in Spain. At this time we were sold a CLC holiday club package, we were not given an introductory offer or a cooling off period.
We soon realised this was not a holiday package but a timeshare. We contacted CLC and they advised us to visit them where they sold us an additional package (vacation club) and used our points to transfer.
On each occasion we have tried to use these points there has been no availability.
We again approached CLC stating that the product is not owrking for us and they introduced II claiming it would give us more availability and also changed/upgraded and transferred our existing membership to fractional club.
This has resulted in no difference, availability has been non existence and when speaking to CLC staff they have been nothing but rude and unhelpful
Friday 13rd November 10:14 - Mr & Mrs O - Club La Costa
A friend introduced us to the holiday, which we took the opportunity to go to Spain CLS would after series of phone calls from the CLC representatives. A welcome pack was given with a meeting of up to 4 hours where we were wined to purchase the product on the spot on the day without given the opportunity to go and think about it and all documents were completed on the day. The pressure on the day was just too much without given me & my family to think about it. Second visit we were ask/forced to upgrade which we did, by the time I got back to England to cancel , I couldn't. All attempt to give the product back proved abortive.
Besides we couldn't go on holiday as when we wanted. The management fee was too high and we had to pay. We were told if we didn't pay back we will not be able to go on holiday & we will be liable.
The company arrange a finance which with high APR hence we have to remortgage our house to pay off.
Thursday 12nd November 04:18 - Mr S - CLC Fractional
In February 2014 my wife and I took a £99 holiday offer to Tenerife with the understanding we had to attend a 2 hour talk, this turned out to be a 6 hour5 assault with 4 o 5 people coming and going telling us why this product was so good.
We ended up acquiring points on a fractional ownership and then offered a free week holiday in October the same year at the property we purchased but had to go to another presentation where we were told we did not buy enough points to have a holiday and then had to buy even more to make it worth doing, when trying to contact them to book holidays nobody would answer the phone and when we actually got through told no holidays available when we could go.
They also told us after 19 years the property would be sold by them and any profit returned, this was a lie, with out a doubt we have been bullied into this and with maintenance fees higher than said and going up without a word from anyone
Thursday 12nd November 11:55 - Mr & Mrs S - Club La Costa
We received a phone call initially. We received a complimentary week in a beautiful show home. we were told it would be easy to sell if no longer required, not true. We have never used the facilities except on promotional week. We do not want our children to be burdened with continuing high maintenance fees. We feel we were pressurised into making this purchase. Mr S developed cancer and so we were unable to use the points. We were told we could bank them, but they feel we were mis-sold the product in every aspect and would never have entered into any contract with this company.
Thursday 12nd November 11:16 - Mr S - Club La Costa Points
I purchased my first timeshare interest, Destinations Plus in London on 14/11/2009. I purchased this after a long 5 hour presentation.
We were pressured before leaving to take this timeshare and we signed the paperwork believing the timeshare to be for a fixed term with low maintenance fees.
This was bought together with my late wife who dies in Feb 2013.
In May 2010 we went on promotional holiday we received in Destinations Plus to Fuengirola Spain. On this holiday we were again pressured into a 3 hour meeting to upgrade to a fractional points system 1501 points.
From 2010 to now I have paid over €1300 - €1600 and never used the timeshare.
At the same time I have continued to pay for finance on a loan paid to Barclays Partner Finance to the sum of £16K.
I had continually paid this until January 2015 when I informed the finance company of my wife's death and I could no longer continue to pay the finance and it should be under probate.
Since my wife's death in Feb 2013 I have tried many companies to sell the timeshare and get rid of timeshare. The total amount I have paid to advertise and market my timeshare is over £300.00.
Since I bought this timeshare we or I have never used it and when I have tried to use it I could never get the accommodation I wanted or requested. Always told I had to book more than 4 months even a year in advance for some resorts.
I was never told the points were in perpetuity and I no longer wish to keep this timeshare.
I have paid a total of £20,860 since the inception of this timeshare.
I have found this experience to be nothing but a lie and I no longer want to have this product.
I have been mis-sold this product and misadvised when both signing the contract and finance.
Wednesday 11st November 04:24 - Mrs J - CLC Points
We were contacted in 2009 by telephone to say we had won a free holiday. We attended a 4hr presentation at Haydock Park and subsequently went to Duchally resort in Scotland and signed up to a trial membership were we could have 6 weeks holiday with CLC.
On our "first trial" holiday we were put in poor quality accommodation, we were invited for breakfast and a tour of the facilities, we then had to attend a 5 hour presentation where we were told the better 5* accommodation was only available to full members.
We had our baby daughter with us and after 5 hours felt pressured to but into the Club La Costa lifestyle. The salesman over the 5 hours kept going to speak ot the management about discounts, they sold points that were discounted because they had been bought back from other members implying that tyhis was an option, they also said that the cost of the points would go up each year implying that the value would increase year on year. We were also told that we could gift the membership to our daughter in our will so that she could benefit from it in the future.
Once we agreed to sign up we were offered finance which we also agreed to sign up to, the interest rates were high so the salesman explained how to secure finance on the mortgage and pay the loan off with very little interest to pay, this also encouraged us to take the finance.
We were informed then that the full benefits of CLC membership were open to us.
On our next holiday, again in Spain, we were again invited to breakfast and told about session weeks and how if we increased our points to 1500 we would also be able to book weeks in other resorts, this was explained to us because we complained about not getting access to the premier accommodation and only being offered the 3/ accommodation.
We attempted to book UK breaks and holidays in Spain in premier accommodation to be told they are booked years in advance, or booked by diamond and platinum members so we would need to again upgrade our membership. We refused any more breakfast meetings
We bought into CLC based on the statements of the representatives that this was an exclusive members club. In fact we can book their accommodation, the same standard we are offered as members on line at much less cost. The maintenance fees increase year on year which was not explained in depth and we have never seen where the fees are allocated and what benefits we are getting as a result
Wednesday 11st November 12:38 - Mr & Mrs P - Club La Costa
At the time of selling timeshare we were not allowed to discuss rate of payment. There was Independent Financial Adviser to inform about the rates of interest and financial commitment and I have to surrender the place. We were forced to accept the finance as they refused outside finance.
this has no future value as management controls the portfolio. we were restricted also for not having valuation of future market value.
Sale rep was not honest and lack trust.
Friday 30th October 03:40 - Mr M - CLC Fractional
We bought a timeshare with CLC in 2013 as we were advised that we could not stay at Hustyns or Trenythen Cornwall without having a timeshare, this is not true as we found it cheaper on the internet.
It was also sold as an investment that after 19 years we would make money on it would and be free of a timeshare
We also have never been able to use our points in Hustyns and had to pay through other internet sites
Thrusday 29th October 03:28 - Mrs M - CLC Fractional
On 21/06/2009 we first purchased a trial membership with Club La Costa, this was at Dunchally in Perthshire.
We later went to Fuegirola, Spain where we purchased a Vacation club membership. We were advised that we may leave this to family members on our deaths. The issue of perpetuity was never discussed or explained.
Over the next few years we experienced difficulty in obtaining availability at Club La Costa resorts or via RCI which was included in our membership.
In May 2013 we transferred to fractional ownership, this was attractive to us as it appeared to be for a fixed term of 19 years, at which time we could walk away.
Over the period we have been members of Club La Costa the management fees have steadily and are no longer affordable, we have experienced problems in availablity but discovered apartments being made available for general booking via the internet for less money than we are paying in maintenance fees.
Wednesday 28th October 09:46 - Mr F - Club La Costa
We bought a trial. it was sold as a holiday of a lifetime with first class accommodation, this has not been the case. Resorts were never available for the dates requested. There was no mention of maintenance fees. The staff always tried to get you to upgrade. It was sold as an asset
Wednesday 28th October 08:59 - Mr Y & Mrs B - CLC Fractional
I was promised I would get accommodation of the standard they had showed me initially but I have never been able to get that. Fees have risen considerably and I was told they may increase slightly. I never get my first choice of exchange and they are not particularly helpful when you call and they always try to get you to take turkey, USA or mainland spain. I only agreed to go to fractional as I thought I could be rid of this burden in 20 years as I didn’t want this to carry on after I die as this would then become a burden on my children. When you do visit the resort you are always being harassed to upgrade.
Wednesday 28th October 08:56 - Mr L and Mrs T - Club La Costa
We attended a presentation in Glasgow where low cost luxury holidays were sold. This was the only Scottish resort that allowed dogs and this is the main reason why we bought. We took out a trial and paid a deposit with no cooling off period. We went to spain in 2012 and spent all day being sold to, we asked for time to think about it but that was refused. We again asked about taking dogs to the timeshare in Scotland and were told we had to contact the resort directly to take them.
We were bombarded with confusing figures and told we could make money selling our points and that this would cover our management fees. We bought a fractional as was told after 19 years that the property would be sold and the proceeds split and we would make a profit on our investment.
We were told we could re-finance after year 1. We can never get the booking we want and there was again no cooling off period, it was done on that day and we didn’t view the credit proposal form.
We contacted to try and sell and were recommended a company. It is apparent now that we were mis sold this and promised they could accommodate the dogs which they could not.
Tuesday 27th October 2015 03:07 - Mrs J - CLC Points
We came into contact with Club La Costa after winning a "free holiday" at which time we bought a trial membership.
We came to Spain where we were convinced that we should upgrade, at our next holiday we were once again convinced to upgrade.
We were sold it on the basis of it being an investment and that it would be easy to resell, turns out that's not true, they are not shares and have no worth.
We were never told our kids would incur the maintenance fees when we are gone. Those maintenance fees are too high and we can get the same holidays at the same places for cheaper on the internet, We were promised exclusivity for having platinum points but anyone can book what we can
Thurday 8th October 2015 09:46 - Mr F - Club La Costa
We bought a trial. it was sold as a holiday of a lifetime with first class accommodation, this has not been the case. Resorts were never available for the dates requested. There was no mention of maintenance fees. The staff always tried to get you to upgrade. It was sold as an asset
Thursday 24th September 2015 08:56 - Mr L and Mrs T - Club La Costa
We attended a presentation in Glasgow where low cost luxury holidays were sold. This was the only Scottish resort that allowed dogs and this is the main reason why we bought. We took out a trial and paid a deposit with no cooling off period. We went to spain in 2012 and spent all day being sold to, we asked for time to think about it but that was refused. We again asked about taking dogs to the timeshare in Scotland and were told we had to contact the resort directly to take them.
We were bombarded with confusing figures and told we could make money selling our points and that this would cover our management fees. We bought a fractional as was told after 19 years that the property would be sold and the proceeds split and we would make a profit on our investment.
We were told we could re-finance after year 1. We can never get the booking we want and there was again no cooling off period, it was done on that day and we didn’t view the credit proposal form.
We contacted to try and sell and were recommended a company. It is apparent now that we were mis sold this and promised they could accommodate the dogs which they could not.
Wednesday 8th October 2015 10:29 - Mr & Mrs V - Club La Costa Fractional
We were contacted by telephone and invited to attend a meeting at Lakeside. Offered a week in Spain at first class resort. Have felt pressurised during several holidays to "upgrade" and in doing so it has not improved the availability of requested resorts.
Were told in initial meeting that we would not lose any money through membership.
Knowing the uncertainty of requested availabilities our two children do not want to inherit this membership and liability.
My wife and I consider that we were mis-sold on this initial purchase as very little promises have come to fruition and it is difficult to get a preferred vacation.
Tuesday 6th October 2015 12:12 - Mr & Mrs G - Club La Costa
We purchased timeshare membership at Club La Costa in Spain in 2010 for 1501 points. We were convinced that this was going to be a lifetime investment and an asset, with minimal costs which would only increase by inflation but in fact has increased astronomically.
At the sales meeting we were pressured into signing contracts that were meant to be worthwhile and set to be increasing in value, and guaranteed exotic yearly holidays. At the end of almost half a day we sign the contracts.
We were informed that we would have free airport transfers, cheap or reduced rate car rentals, cheaper air travel but it turns out to be wrong or even more expensive.
We have only been able to use it 3 times as we have school age children and can therefore only do school holidays, which are almost never available.
It turns out that even though we were sold a members only club membership, it is not so, and anyone can pay and use the facilities, and because they pay more and without management fees which we pay at high rates, we are never able to secure suitable week, or the exotic accommodation we were told to expect.
We have not been able to resell or dispose of our timeshare even at a reduced rate or price and it has become more of an ever increasing liability with ever increasing fees and the resort would not rebuy.
Also we were told it was a couples membership only but it turns out to be that single individuals can be members.
We were never told it was not legal to accept money with 10 days of signing the contracts ot that in Spanish law we had 90 days to cancel.
We can truthfully state that had we been correctly informed and explained to we would not have purchased this timeshare.
Another fact is that everytime we went out on holiday we were forced to sit through another presentation to buy more products and it has become clear that when we refuse it was as if we are breaking some sacred code.
Under no circumstances would we leave timeshare to our children, it will become a death sentence to them and ever increasing liability.
Tuesday 6th October 2015 11:23 - Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Fractional
we went to a timeshare presentation in Maidstone. We went to Club La Costa on a free holiday where we was talked into upgrading to Gold, we finally booked a holiday in Gold, and was advised by CLC to upgrade again so we could get dates we wanted to platinum where we still had trouble getting dates we wanted. we then upgraded to Diamond so we could book a year in advance, then we was last told to upgrade to fractions. we have now laid out a total sum of £73,229. They said that our maintenance bill would reduce and that after 19 years we would receive a sum of £99,000 and nothing about the contract continuing after the 19 years. In fact our maintenance fees are rising every year now standing at £2,900 per year, and have found out that the debt continues on to our children. we was told at the time that we would have to sign it over or it died with us. we both would like to terminate this ongoing nightmare contract as we feel we have been very much so mislead to this. Our maintenance fees now stop us even affording any holidays.
Monday 5th October 2015 05:41 - Mr M & Miss M - Club La Costa
We came in contact with CLC World via a questionnaire last year after our holiday. CLC World contact us by phone in February 2015.
Pressure selling us into a holiday and as its a reasonable price we took the holiday.
As soon as we arrived on holiday we had calls to go into a presentation and we would receive a full free breakfast. After this a 6 hour pushy pressure selling. Not allowing us to leave with no real understanding what we had signed up for. With 2 people talking not allowing us to ask questions or read the paperwork. All this on our first day. We weren't allowed to talk to each other on our own. We ended up signing a costly product of which we didn't understand all the hidden costs.
Monday 5th October 2015 05:16 - Club La Costa Fractional
We were invited to Spain on a free holiday with a commitment to join a presentation. The presentation was to view the properties and felt it was a pressurised and aggressive sale of holidays by showing various scenarios of how this can be afforded. Not only that , but the fractional points meant that when the property was sold after 19 years, we would benefit from the sale. This does not look likely. Having done more research and reading the documentation we were offered 14 days cooling off period but at the time soon after the holiday. it was difficult to go over all the documentation. One of the tricks used was to give free holiday or points so we would not cancel. On holiday in tenerife, the presentation started to take much longer and prices kept dropping. Just to get out of there we ended up trading as a deal meant more booking fees which were quite high, as discovered when booking for Florida. the points we have are not of much use and feel we can get better holiday values through other means. the amount of money we spend on management is not worth as we can only take holidays during school term and no offers are available as promised. The overall experience has not been great and feel this has been missold to us. Also I would not pass this onto anyone as this would just mean passing the burden and hassle. there has not been much joy as promised and am very unlikely to use this again. I would not leave this for my daughter as it is a liability and not an asset.
Monday 5th October 2015 04:52 - Mr & Mrs M - CLC/ Esacapeaway
We were lured to a holiday resort in Cornwall where were sold timeshare in 2007. We were then persuaded to upgrade several times in the succeeding years. The reason given was that our experience with Club La Costa holidays would improve if we moved from Destinations Holidays to Points system, or from this to Fractional. we were promised lowed maintenance fees each year if we upgraded and that we would get money at the end of the full term of 19 years. The reality is that we have put our hard earned cash into a bottomless pit. The maintenance fees keep going up and there is no prospect of us ever getting any money back. we are aware how difficult it is to escape from CLC so we were easy prey of EscapeAway Holidays who said they would release us from CLC on payment of £11,000. We paid this in June 2015 when they invited us to Tenerife. We now know that they are an unregulated company - it was a scam. we are very upset about this and we are claiming all our money.
Monday 5th October 2015 11:31 - Mr G & Miss C - Club La Costa Points
We feel we were missold this product after an aggressive presentation. We were told if we could not afford this in the future the company would re purchase this back from us at the original purchase price, we were also told that the management fee would rise only with inflation which has not been willing to help us in any way with releasing us from the vacation club. We have also not been able to make use of this product as we do not have the finances. we do not wish to will this to any of our family as we do not want them to have this burden and stress we have experienced. the resale company we were advised to use has only resulted in us being scammed and losing more money but still being left with the deeds.
Friday 25th September 2015 03:09 - Mr. C. - CLC
Bought timeshare in 2014 from Club La Costa, pressurised sales pitch lasted about 5 hours, signed a contract.
Set up with the finance that has high interest rate attached to it and we will be paying more than double over the course of the agreement.
Our circumstances have changed, we do not want to keep it any longer, we want to get rid of it and also get rid of the finance.
The fact that we have to pay the maintenance and the loan is too much for us, we cannot afford it.
Friday 25th September 2015 11:37 - Mr. S. - CLC Fractional
We purchased a trial membership with CLC, before we got to use the "membership benefits" we had to attend an "information presentation", at this we were pressured into a hard sales pitch to take full membership
Once we tried to use the points we were given, availability was almost non-existent except at the 2 non CLC resorts
We were told that it was an exclusive members club but subsequently found that most resorts can be booked by anyone via travel agencies
Friday 18th September 2015 07:39 Mr. J. - - Club La Costa
In 2014 we were invited for a free holiday to Club La Costa in Tenerife via Hitachi Finance. Naturally we accepted and whilst there we had to attend a presentation, the upshot of whcih was that we became Fractional owners at CLC. Now one year on we feel this was not appropriate as we were told that after 10 months subsidising us we would be able to get a loan for £100 per which was about all we could afford. On trying to do this we found the cheapest option was £170 which was far more than we can afford. We were misrepresented here by what the salesman said to us.
CLC holidays whilst nice are not really our type of holiday and anyway off the internet we can find such holidays at a far cheaper price. Due to being financially stretched we cannot afford the type of holidays we most want. We do not want our children to inherit this liability. The cooling off period of 14 days was well before we became aware of the major problems. Now we find that we could not get out of the agreement even though we wanted to.
Friday 11th September 2015 11:49 Ms. B. - Club La Costa
I purchased timeshare initially in 2006 on a trial basis. I was encouraged to upgrade for investment and further availability options in 2007. For several years on many occasions I was unable to access the accommodation I desired so in a bid to rid myself of the liability, having been to Spain to seek help and discuss my options, I was advised to pay for fractional ownership in 2012 which I was told would be bought back by the company at any point during the 19 years remaining. I approached Club La Costa to give up my fractional ownership for them to buy it back following an independent evaluation and they refused. I have seen many offers linked to Club La Costa, accommodation on the internet and Groupon for much cheaper than my annual management fees. I was never informed that my children would have to continue the contract upon my death and feel that I have been lied to on many occasions.
Friday 11th September 2015 10:36 Mrs. B. - Club La Costa
When we purchased this timeshare in 2009 with Club La Costa we bought into a long term commitment at a low cost. These costs escalated and availability was non-existent despite promises being made to be able to use anytime worldwide.
We were completely missold on the contract. We feel that we are entitled to the money that we paid through Club La Costa. We were told that it was a good investment that would increase in value. We were sold "quality" holidays that would be cheaper than package deals that friends and family could also use.
Thursday 10th September 2015 06:30 Mr & Mrs W - Club La Costa Points
We "won" a holiday in Spain ... was the beginning of our experience with Club La Costa. When in Spain we were bamboozled with jargon! In the space of 3 hours we were sold shares in their company by way of accruing points. We were not given enough cooling off time.... we were still on holiday. We felt pressurised into buying. we were also told it was an investment that would increase in value...up to £50,000 in 5 years. We were also led to believe our children could continue to use after our deaths....not true. Management fees continue to rise. It is very difficult to get resort of your choice. Destinations we revisited were not up to standard. They are often a long way from holiday activities and it was always necessary to hire a car. I also would not like to leave this to my children because it is more of a liability than an asset. We feel missold and misled had we known the full concept we would never have purchased this product.
Wednesday 9th September 2015 06:30 Mr S & Mrs F - Club La Costa Points
Initially we were sent a letter telling us we had won a holiday, we were invited to Lakeside to collect our "prize". There we were sat down by a rep who talked us into purchasing a 3 year trial timeshare for £3995, a deposit of £595 was paid on the day by Mrs F credit card in 2009. In 2010 were sent by CLC to the flag ship resort in Malaga for our "free" holiday. We paid for the flights but accommodation was our "free" holiday - upon arrival we were given an invitation to breakfast for our family of 4. They collected us by taxi and drove us to a sister hotel where we had breakfast and we were then all taken to an office block where we sat down with another rep, plied with alcohol and persuaded to upgrade our 3 year trial timeshare to a permanent timeshare. They kept us all in office for 2 hours + and after feeling pressurised and just wanting to leave and get back to our resort we upgraded at extra cost of £6859. Mrs F did not have her visa with her but did have her 14 year old daughters debit card. CLC rep took the full amount from debit card and 14 year old daughter to sign receipt. We do not wish to leave this to the children as we feel its a liability not an assett.
Friday 4th September 2015 11:51 Mr W - CLC Points
We fiorst purchased timeshare in 2000, upgrading in 2003 and 2011 to obtain more availability. The fact that our children would inherit this liability was never explained and if it was we feel we would never have gone ahead with this purchase.
We consider the maintenance to be too high as we can get the same holiday via the internet which explains why we cannot holiday when and where we want
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 06:41 Mr & Mrs O - Club La Costa
1. In 2008 we were invited to a CLC presentation in Essex and bought a trial package, 2009 we bought a full membership.
2. After unsuccessfully booking holidays we surrendered our points at no money value to the resort.
3. We were sold as an investment and have lost over £20,000.
4. The fees increased at 5% per annum.
5. We were told the resort would buy back at market value which was not true.
6. We tried to cancel but told out of time, which we were not.
7. Given finance on the day via Barclays.
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 05:30 Mr S - Club La Costa Points
1. 12/8/08 - Visited Lakeside shopping centre offices and purchased trial pack CLC.
2. 27/9/2010 - Visited Malaga CLC resort and upgraded to 1540 Points. Total cost £20,846.
3. Both above on finance and card deposits.
4. I bought with ex partner, however I have paid all fees and finance payments.
5. I have never used the product.
6. CLC said would buy back but will not and was savings scheme.
7. Also can bank any amount of years but can only bank 1 year.
Thursday 20th August 2015 05:40 Mr & Mrs B - Club La Costa Points
We were offered a weeks holiday at CLC Spain. We were given a nine hours presentation and made to feel that joining CLC would work out cheaper than our yearly £1200 on holiday accommodation. First we were asked how much we spent on holiday accommodation each year. We told them it was £1200 and they said they'd come up with a package that would match our yearly spend.
We feel we have been lied to because when we eventually worked everything out we found that we would be paying about £4,300.00.
Taking the CLC membership is not worth the amount we pay because we can get much cheaper holidays at any CLC resort via booking dot com.
When we tried to book a holiday in the UK we were told that we had to wait nearly 12 months to find out if there were place at the resort. However prospective customers were being offered places at the resorts we wanted on promotional basis.
When you attend the presentation CLC reps make it look like the best deal. They tell you about all the fantastic places you can go and things you can do as a member.
But when you actually join, you get nothing, it it so said that the reps did not provide any financial delegate to discuss things with us and explain the implications. This agreement was seriously mis-sold.
we don't want to leave this kind of huge responsibility to our kids should anything happen to us.
We have not used any of the points because we have not been given any holidays. Please help us get out of this please.
Thursday 20th August 2015 05:17 Mr A & Miss S - Club La Costa
We received an invitation through the post to attend a presentation and a free holiday. After the presentation a holiday was offered and as result we were coaxed into buying a timeshare. we felt pressurised in the circumstances into buying the timeshare. We were promised we could book any holiday any where with the points but we could not get the holidays we wanted. They were always fully booked and our points kept building up. Even with the points we were charged for whatever service/holiday we could. We feel our contract was breached because we could not sell, transfer or leave it to our children because it is a liability.
Our experiences with the timeshare have been horrible.
We pay maintenance of almost £950 but we can not make use of our points.
Tuesday 18th August 2015 10:45 Mr P - CLC
I bought this timeshare in 2010 told many things that I consider to be incorrect and believe that CLC have failed to fulfill their contractual obligations, i.e. availability of property and the extortionate increase in maintenance fees.
I do not feel this was a sound and informed purchase or investment that we were led to believe at the time of purchase
Wednesday 5th August 2015 05:09 Mrs W - Club La Costa
First point contact was free holiday, on arrival it was conditional upon us attending a meeting. We were offered the opportunity of a life time to access holidays in luxury on a vacation points process. Following this each and every holiday we booked we were then badgered into attending meetings. At these meetings further pressure was applied and we entered an all singing points scheme where we went off to Tenerife and were placed in an appartment that was substandard. Upon us complaining we were told that there were no Club La Costa appartments free and asked to pay £150 to get a better appartment which was only 1* not 5* as we expected. We were sold something that does not exist and found ourselves paying management fees we could not pay. If we went on holiday because we had to holiday outside the Club La Costa package because the holidays we wanted were never available. We were just given something to sign at the end of day that means your at the point where by you would do that because your worn out and unable to say any more.
Wednesday 5th August 2015 04:51 Ms M - Club La Costa
Article in local paper offering timeshare at half price in competition.
All done by phone and mail.
Details given regarding property.
Legal details sent.
Seemed an appealing purchase - holidays cheap - flights cheap.
Convenient holiday date - week 16 - covers easter.
NO cheap flights.
Tuesday 4th August 2015 05:42 Mr & Mrs S - Club La Costa
Mrs flew from Birmingham airport and she was stopped by a Club La Costa rep. offering a week’s holiday to Malaga Spain. When Mrs returned from her holiday we had a few phone calls trying to get us to go to Malaga. It was offered for 99 pounds, we were a bit reluctant, but we gave in as they said it would be a free holiday. We went February 2011? with our children. Everything was OK. We were picked up, given a lovely apartment with flowers and wine and a message to say we will contact you about a meeting. At the meeting we viewed the site. They were a very high standard. All the while they kept saying “this is the quality you can expect”. We were taken to a marketing suite where lots of others were there. We were shown on computer all about it and that we could have 2 weeks a year holiday. We signed up for a trial membership (Destinations trial membership), we felt we were being pressured a lot and the reps. kept saying to our kids things like bet you would like to go here etc.
We bought a timeshare for £12,086.00.
We went to Tenerife where again they put us in a beautiful high standard apartment, again with flowers and wine (April 2012). Great holiday.
We went to Malaga again. They put us in a basic apartment, ground floor, not luxury at all. No flowers, no wine, we were not happy.
They asked us to meet them like the first time and asked us to join the Fractional Rights. We were pressured again through the kids and Mr told them he was made redundant and one of the managers said , I know a van driving company who will give you a job in Birmingham, pressured again. Mrs asked what happens to the £12,086.00 already invested, they wouldn’t give her a clear answer. She complained and said that’s my children’s inheritance. They gave in and said we will add it to the £13,741 which we would be in for 19 years. We thought we would lose their inheritance so the other was saying we get it back, so we thought it was the only way to get most of it back, even though we will have to be in it for 19 years.
Mrs is in bad health now and can no longer travel due to major surgery. We also notice a big rise in the yearly maintenance. We did ask before we signed anything, will the maintenance go up? They said NO.
We can no longer afford this.
So we rang Club La Costa and explained the situation. They said they don’t buy them back but they could give us their partner company to sell it for us called Travel & Leisure based in Sudbury. Mrs paid them almost £400 for their service.
Tuesday 28th July 2015 10:01 - CLC points
We purchased Club La Costa points in 2007, since then we have not been able to get the holidays at the locations or at the times we wanted.
We do not wish our children to inherit such "in perpetuity" financial liabilities.
We think the maintenance costs, year on year are far too high and provide poor value for money.
We were informed at the point of sale that Club La Costa would buy back our points, that the points would accrue in value over time and that they would be easy to dispose of
Had we know these facts at the time of sale we would never have gone through with the purchase in the first instance
Tuesday 28th July 2015 08:33 AM - - Club La Costa
We purchased a trial membership in 2010 and then upgraded to full membership in 2011. We were told when we became full members that we could get holidays anytime during the year but we found that there was no availability and told we now have to book 2 years in advance. We are in a perpetuity contract and was told our children could use it but have since found out that they would be liable to pay maintenance fees for the rest of their lives. Our maintenance fees since we purchased have increased year on year. We were missold on the contract as we were told that Club La Costa would purchase the points back if we decided to sell them but when we asked we were told they do not buy back the points and were advised to go to a selling agent. We were told our points were an asset but it is a liability.
Tuesday 14th July 2015 11:00 Mr & Mrs T - Club La Costa
Back in 1991 timeshare seemed like a good idea and we were impressed with the quality of the resort. Asurances were given about the flexibility in terms of changing weeks etc. We did not use it much in the first 10 years. Changing to vacation points in 2003 seems attractive, again we were assured booking would be easier. But exchanges were more difficult to achieve even if we booked a year in advance. We upgraded to platinum but booking difficulties still existed. We can not get out of the contract and do not want to pass it onto our children
Thursday 9th July 2015 09:56 Mr & Mrs R - Club La Costa
First in contact with Club La Costa by taking a free holiday from attending presentation in Corby. Once there Club La Costa sold as membership after attending a lengthy meeting. Every time we took a holiday we felt pressurised into taking more points, always on finance. They had sometimes to try several finance companies due to our financial status. They even encouraged us to add our sons to the ownership. Always had problems booking holidays and due to the above pressurisation we are now in an IVA to clear our debts.
Thursday 2nd July 2015 11:54 Mr M - CLC Fractional
IN 2008 we bought a trial membership in the UK, In 2009we upgraded to a points system, this was a constant upgrade.
When we requested to take this back they told us the only way to sell this back was to upgrade to fractional, we have never been able to get where we want when we want
We thought the maintenance paid for both accommodation and flights.
we never realized or explained that our children would inherit this liability on our death.
We can get the same holidays via the internet for half of the cost of the maintenance
Wednesday 1st July 2015 11:07 Mr W - Club La Costa
We purchased a trila membership of Club La Costa in 2007 after a sales presentation in the UK
We attended a sales presentation in Spain later that year and were persuaded to upgrade to the Destination Club
By 2012 we had decided that we did not want to keep in the scheme and during a holiday in Tenerife we were persuaded to upgrade to the fractional points owners club on the basis that this would be easier to dispose of either by reselling privately or by reselling through Club La Costa
We were never made aware that the liability of this agreement would be transferred to our children
We found all the sales presentations to be very high pressured and many of the claims made were misleading
We have had a few holidays with Club La Costa but often found that there was no availability at the resort that was our first choice
Tuesday 30th June 2015 10:23 Mr & Mrs C - Club La Costa Points
I attended a meeting in London, not realising it was a high pressure sales that lasted approx 41/2 hours. i bought 1 week timeshare (red). I was given a free week in Marina Del Sol, there another high pressure salesman sold me another week. he told me it was a brilliant asset which I would be able to sell anywhere. But the truth is I don't think so. As years went on it was harder to get week I wanted, I changed to points in 2007. I was led to believe by the sale guy in Duchally it would be a lot easier to get short breaks and holidays, but it's not true. I think that I have been misrepresented and mis-sold. I don't wish to leave this to the children as I think that it would be a liability.
Tuesday 30th June 2015 06:26 Mr & Mrs T - Club La Costa Points
I received a telephone call and was informed that I had been picked out and I can have a free holiday for one week in Tenerife. I had previously filled out a questionnaire at one of the airports.
We paid for our flights and received an apartment free for the week.
We were informed that both myself and my wife had to attend a meeting on the Wednesday. Unfortunately my wife was very poorly and she was confined to the apartment on that day so we could not attend. We had two days left of our holiday and we were told that we had to attend the meeting or we would have to pay the cost of the weeks holiday, six hundred pounds, which we just could not afford.
We arranged to go to the meeting on Thursday – the following day, as we were returning home on the Friday.
On the Thursday morning my wife was still not well, I had myself caught the virus and was very ill and sick but we had to go to the meeting.
My wife and I met the holiday representative at the reception, where I had to disappear as I was feeling awful. I said to the representative I was not feeling well, she said we had to go.
We got on the bus, I got to the meeting when I had to disappear once again.
This was happening throughout the meeting which lasted six hours, my wife was outside the office for most of the time as she felt unwell. We just wanted to go back to bed.
In the meeting we were informed that this was not a timeshare business, we were informed that we could give it up after two years, they would buy it back off us. They were very influential and we felt very pressurized. We were given five thousand points, plus a free bonus week. We were given a financial agreement there and then, on the day – no deposit. We were given one hundred per cent agreement (financial), no credit checks. This agreement was with Hitachi Capital.
We arrived on our bonus week, only to find out we had to go to another meeting. We were given a new agreement, they said the first one would be cancelled. In fact no agreement was cancelled and I am now paying for two investment firms, Hitachi Capital and Shawbrooks.
We were not given the large folder with all the information in it until we had signed, we didn’t realise there was more.
We can never get the holiday resorts at the time we need, they are all booked up. My daughter was going to join us on holiday and we were informed to have an extra bed in the room would be one hundred pounds for one week – she did not come.
I go online, package deals are so much cheaper, I feel I am being robbed.
I have missed two direct debit payments with Hitachi Capital, I have managed to catch up, now Hitachi Capital say if I can’t keep up with the payments they want forty three thousand pounds from me.
We are in financial crisis. This all due to Club La Costa giving me false information. Club La Costa told me they would cancel the Hitachi Capital payments – but they have not done so.
My wife and I are extremely stressed. We were put under a lot of pressure in the meeting as we were both visibly unwell. We definitely were under duress when we signed, we were forced to attend the meeting, Club La Costa didn’t care, the fact we were both unwell.
I have so many points but cannot afford to go on holiday. We were informed we could cancel our membership after two years, Club La Costa would buy it back off us, now we are told one of us would have to die before it would be considered, this has become a nightmare and we are now in financial trouble. We felt the pressure put on us was greater because CLC knew we needed to get back to our apartment, we feel they played on that fact – we were not able to return until we had agreed to what they wanted.
Friday 26th June 2015 08:59 Mr & Mr R - Club La Costa
Initially the accommodation and attention to detail was terrific.
Availability started becoming an issue after the second year. Flight availability from where we live is difficult and the management fees escalated beyond expectation. Our belief was that the points we purchased were floated on the stock exchange so we were purchasing shares in CLC.
The club is no longer exclusive
Wednesday 24th June 2015 10:57 Mr. T. - Club La Costa Fractional
I purchased a trial membership with Club La Costa in 2003. I then bought into the points system, which I found was a constant upgrade because I never had enough points. I bought into a fractional membership because it finished in 19 years and the maintenance was promised to be a lot less. I can now get the same holiday a lot cheaper and easier on the internet. The fact that our children would inherit this liability was never explained. They told me I could re-sell back to them at any time.
Tuesday 23rd June 2015 10:00 Ms. W. - CLC POINTS
Bought membership in 2010. Was sent a free holiday and felt pressured into upgrading to being full member. Cannot get availability and was told family/friends can use. Was told can be sold on perpetuity contract. Have been unable to get weeks/accommodation I've asked for. Maintenance has risen every year since purchase, paying money yearly and cannot get what I've asked for.
Thursday 11th June 2015 06:27 Mr & Mrs H - Club La Costa
I received a phone call from a man stating I completed a survey about holidays. He said we could have a cheap holiday if we would tell all our friends how wonderful the resort and club were. They helped us to find a cheap flight. Also I asked if it was timeshare - he said definitely not! and repeated to me just tell friends and family on your return. We went to the resort in Tenerife (Paradise). When we entered the apartment there was a paper on the table stating we had to attend a meeting. This was not a welcome meeting although the rep paid for our breakfast. We were taken to an office on the resort. We were shown many holiday destinations that they control. I was taken in by it all. They talked about points and fractions and bi-annuals. Neither of us really understood it all. We felt we were talked to death. Before we came away we were promised another cheap holiday with them at either Tenerife or Malaga. We took it up still not realising what we were getting into. We then went through the many papers and realised we had signed up to something outrageous. Looking at what we would need to pay at the end of the term, we both felt so sick. I had just finished chemotherapy when I first had the phone call re the holiday. My head was everywhere and I really pushed my husband to agree. When we went back in May it dawned on us that we were being pulled into something we could not afford. I am now a pensioner and my husband will be in 2 years. we both felt sick with worry, couldn't sleep. It made my husband really ill.
Wednesday 10th June 2015 11:53 Mr B - CLC Fractional
Cold call - Presentation @ Stratford upon Avon
Purchased in 2012 in Tenerife, finance sorted by Club La Costa
No option for looking for a better financial deal, lied about pay back options
Can never get a holiday where we want and when we want it which we were told we would never have a problem with.
Completely miss-sold as an investment.
We were told that we could sell at the end of the term and make a profit.
Price of maintenance and booking fees are very high, a lot more than we were initially told.
We were told that we could easily have 3 weeks holidays a year with the points we have this is not the case
Wednesday 10th June 2015 11:33 Mr M - CLC Points
We feel that the point system is a constant upgrade as we now have 4001 points and still cannot get where we want when we want.
We feel that the maintenance is too high as we can get the same holiday cheaper on the internet.
The fact that our kids would inherit this debt and liability was never explained to us.
This was also sold to us as an investment.
We now have something of no value with increased costs.
Speaking to Club La Costa is of no use as they will only try and sell another scheme
Wednesday 10th June 2015 09:17 Mr A - CLC Points
We first bought a trial membership in 2009, then upgraded to the points system
we have never been able to get what we want where we want and we feel that the system is a constant upgrade
the maintenance we feel is to high as we can get the same holiday on the internet for less money and moor availability
The fact that our family will inherit the debt and liability was never explained
We feel that the sales presentation was very high pressured and we were never made aware of a cooling off period
Tuesday 2nd June 2015 07:20 Mr & Mrs D - Club La Costa
Club La Costa holiday in Spain, approached by a rep to come to resort presentation - which took 6 hours - showed us around all the best properties. Liked what we saw. no cooling off period offered. At the end of the presentation felt pressured due to having to pay the money upfront. 1 Bed apartment, when called to book never got what wanted, where we wanted, especially at of Spain. breach of contract, never got what wanted, when wanted it, had to pay maintenance fee, not fixed increase every year. Did use product, told not steps due to elderly mother, when arrived 14 steps to climb.
July 2005 - went to RCI Brentwood presentation, was told to exchange CLC for 100,000 RCI points. Only to find out linked to a Diamond resort in Lanzarote. Maintenance increased from €500 in 2005 to €1100 in 2011. Mis-sold product, as did not get 100,000 pure points as linked to resort.
Gave notice Dec 2011 of 1 year to get out of timeshare. We don't want to leave anything to our children/grandchildren as it will be a debt not an asset.
Friday 22nd May 2015 10:58 Mr. & Mrs. A. - Club La Costa
We brought a trial membership in 2008. We upgraded to a silver membership with 1,000 points in 2009. We upgraded to a gold membership in 2011 by adding 500 points extra. We were sold it each time on the basis that it would be an appreciating asset.
The fact that our children will inherit this liability and debit is a massive concern to us. This was never explained at any point. We can get the same holidays via the internet at half the cost.
Friday 22nd May 2015 10:43 Mr. G. - Club La Costa
Having found myself in perpetuity contract with Club La Costa and having been told I could use it on a floating week and that it would increase in value and reasonable maintenance fees. I have since found out not true. I have tried several times to have a different week but never had this fulfilled. I have also been unsettled by the hard sell every time I have my allocated week, trying to get me on points or fraction contract. Additional costs occurred having paid 200€ for a copy of my certificate and an additional 200€ for re-reinstatement of my timeshare due to a late payment. On several occasions I have been allocated a different apartment to the one I own which has unsettled me.
Wednesday 20th May 2015 08:33 Mr. G. - Club La Costa
I have purchased a timeshare from Club La Costa in 2000 consisting of 1501 points on a promotional holiday. It was a high pressure intense sale and I was promised that there would be availability for many premier resorts and that the product would have a resale value that would increase annually and that the maintenance charges would go up only in line with inflation. However, the charges have escalated beyond belief and the resorts that I want to stay at are never available. I have since purchased a further 500 points in 2006 because at a sales presentation I was convinced that there were many venues coming online and hence more availability. This is NOT the case and Club La Costa are re-selling and re-branding the same products for sale again. I have tried to sell my points as it is unusable but they wont take it back and it has no value. Perpetuity was never explained to me on the day and I feel that the product was totally mis-sold.
Monday 18th May 2015 09:01 Mrs E - CLC Fractional
We first purchased our timeshare in 1987 in Spain and for the first 10 years we had really good holidays.
However since 1997 we have had to upgrade to points then to fractional ownership to enable holidays as required.
Consequently we found that availability was not available for the periods we required
With fractional ownership we would be able to sell our points in 19 years and that there would not be any future responsibility by our sons to continue paying maintenance or membership fees, however these fees have increased over 100% since 1987 and we were not informed of the clause that in perpetuity meant that our children would be liable after our death
Wednesday 13th May 2015 06:44 Mr. B. - Club La Costa Fractional
We bought our 1st week in 2001 & this was traded in for points in 2001 and upgraded again in 2002. So we had 2001 points total. We were told we could book any number of holidays anywhere in the world. This was not the case. On planning to book, nothing was available. We were told to join RCI to book, which would and still could not get any booking. In 2013 we traded in our points for Fractional and we were told this would increase in value until it sold in 2030 as it was a property. The maintenance has risen from £469.25 to £1,794.00 this year, well above inflation. We were told we could sell firstly the points and were not told it was forever 'perpetuity'. We feel we were pressured & lied to by Club La Costa and feel we have been miss sold into a contract which we cannot get out of and which is increasing in cost year and year. They said they would buy points back etc. complete lies and false statements and promises.
Tuesday 12th May 2015 05:54 Mr & Mrs W - Club La Costa Points
We were initially contacted by telephone prior to our first meeting advising we had won a weeks holiday but had to attend a meeting in order to obtain the holiday. When we arrived we were shown to a large area where many other couples had also received the same invitation. After initial presentation each couple was seen by a representative whilst still in the room and questioned on past holidays, venues and ways of having more holidays in the future – trying to tempt us to buy a trial membership – which we did – a horn was sounded each time a purchase was agreed, and a little bottle of champagne presented – creating a situation where everyone seemed to want to buy. We were offered finance for the cost of the initial trial but decided to use private funds instead. This meeting was in September 2009.
We were available to take our “free week”/prelude week holiday until May 2010. At this holiday we attended a welcome meeting and were then given a tour of all accommodation on resort before being taken to office area and given further sales talk about quality of product, exclusivity of resorts to members, world wide choice of resorts etc. And as a result we proceeded to full membership with 1501 points.
Maintenance fees were mentioned very briefly, sales talk was largely focused of how to utilise the points we bought to our best advantage; No mention made either that we would need to factor cost of flights into our annual expenditure. We did the purchase of additional points on finance with Barclays Partner Finance (CLC did provide “discount” towards first years holiday expenses = £100 per month x 10 months).
In the next year we experienced difficulty in booking accommodation. At our next meeting we had with CLC in May 2011, it was suggested to us that if we upgraded membership level by purchasing more points this would be resolved. 1000 more points were bought, but subsequent experience has proved this not to be the case and that there is no improvement regarding availability.
Our most recent face to face visit took place in June 2011. During this meeting we were interrupted by a sales manager who seemed agitated that we had only 2501 points and therefore if we dies our sons could not inherit equal shares of 1500 points each, as a result we agreed the purchase of 500 more points and agreed to fund the purchase by adding to the Barclays Partner Finance Agreement commenced the previous year. (This we cancelled due to high interest rate and incorporated overall loan to finance points purchase within our mortgage arrears).
In all our direct meetings with CLC representatives the focus has been how best to utilise points and about the quality and exclusivity of resorts – however it does seem apparent that certain resorts do have an element of private ownership, other than CLC members.
Following continual difficulties regarding availability and the unability by us to use our annual points allocation we contacted CLC to ask them to buy back some of our points. We were then made aware that CLC do not buy back points, nor do they accept partial surrender of points, only surrender of full points held. They did provide contact details for 2 Timeshare Resale companies but we did not pursue this course of action at the time. It seems that there is very little resale value, which is of concern to us in that we were told any purchase we made were ours to pass on to our children/relatives if anything should happen to us and it seems that there is no capital value to them but that there is an ongoing liability in terms of maintenance fees.
We do not recall at any of the sales meetings we attended that there was any mention of how long the contracts being entered into were actually for – it seemed to us that purchases made would permanently become part of our estate.
Friday 8th May 2015 09:31 Mr & Mrs N - CLC - Monterey
The reasons we wish to dispose of our timeshare are:
1. In perpetuity
2. Escalation of maintenance fees.
3. Unavailability of required resorts
4. Lack of any availability at key resorts in Scotland in the summer
5. Difficult to work the RCI online system
6. Many resorts are not up to the Gold Crown Resort standards promised
7. Many resorts tired and disappointing in presentation.
8. Stressful and time consuming trying to find a holiday with RCI
9. RCI have failed to provide what they promised.
10. Misled during the sales pitch
11. It's easier to book a package holiday than trudge through RCI
Friday 8th May 2015 08:50 Mrs V - Club La Costa
I am not happy with the continuing rise of the maintenance fees nor the in perpetuity aspect of this contract.
Most of the resorts are out of the towns and rely on a car - not suitable for older people
Tuesday 5th May 2015 09:51 Ms O - CLC Points
The reasons why I think this timeshare was miss-sold to me and why I want to relinquish it are listed below
It was not explained to me that my timeshare would be transferred to my children and they would be liable for the maintenance.
Also I have never gotten a booking whenever I request to go, the last time I complained I was offered a property which was infested with ants although I was moved when I called and started crying, I was also that the value would continue to increase which has turned out to be wrong.
I have now realized that I can get the same property for the same or less amount that I pay for my maintenance a year.
There are several other reasons why I have decided to relinquish my timeshare with CLC
Thursday 30th April 2015 09:37 Mr M - CLC Fractional
In 2010 we purchased a trial membership in the UK for £3750.00 of which we paid £1000.00 by debit card on the day, we then financed the remainder with Barclays for £2500.00.
In 12011 on our next holiday in Spain we bought into the vacation club on finance with Barclays Partner finance using the trial membership as the trade in, they financed for £26327.00
In 2013 in Tenerife we upgraded to the fractional membership for a purchase price of £28081.00 using our vacation club as a trade in for £22000.00 leaving a balance of £6081.00 which we financed with First Holiday Finance Ltd, paying a deposit of £500.00 by way of a debit card
We feel we have been totally misrepresented with every purchase with Club La Costa.
Thursday 30th April 2015 04:26 Mr G - CLC Points
We feel that CLC miss-sold the timeshare points as the information given to us on our stay in Spain turned out to be totally untrue.
It was a high pressure sales session which went on for hours, everything was so rushed and glossed ove, we never realized the long term commitment that we were making, we were told that the points "could even be passed onto our children", not that these were in fact held in perpetuity, that they'll be liable for a debt that would continue after our deaths.
When we bought the initial trial membership we were informed that this wasn't really timeshare, as we owned the points we could take them at any resort at any time of the year we wished.
We were lead to believe that this would indeed be an investment that could be sold back to CLC at any time, we thought this as a fact as mr Sheldon Medrick disappeared from our meeting after we said the price was too high for us, to see if his manager would be able to reduce the price of the points or if anyone had come in to sell their points as sometimes happened.
later he returned and said that an elderly owner had been in and sold his points, we had no reason to disbelieve him but later found it to be a lie.
Wednesday 29th April 2015 11:33 Mr M - CLC Fractional
We bought a trial membership in 2008 and the upgraded to the points system.
It has been a constant upgrade to the point that we now own a fractional share.
The fact that our children would inherit this liability was never explained.
We feel that the maintenance is too high as we can get the same holidays for less via the internet
Wednesday 29th April 2015 09:24 Mr E - CLC Fractional
As a couple we took out the timeshare in 2011 on a trial period and within a year because of less points and the fact that we couldn't go to the places we wanted we were then upgraded to a higher rate and share fraction from studio to 2 bed for family.
We were miss-sold by a far margin not just to us but to our family, there were numerous lies upon lies and pressure.
There was never a time we could get the holiday we want during the time agreed, they offered places that was of no interest to us.
just fed up of paying so much money for a share of property that's worth pennies, where we can google search and get it for a few quid.
we want out of it as we were told we could sell back and get percentage but it was all word of mouth and not in black and white.
Total rip off C.L.C. within the 3years of purchase we were only able to use the facilities 3 times with maintenance fees mounting up every year
Wednesday 29th April 2015 07:12 Mrs M - CLC Points
we were approached by representatives of a timeshare company called Club La Costa Resorts based in Spain, who offered us a week's holiday free of charge and the only condition was that we attend a presentation while on holiday at their resort
At the presentation they offered us a contract to buy a franchise of points of about 1000 points.
we had to put down a deposit on the day and the balance was financed through G E Money.
Once we became members we discovered that we never could have the holiday of our choice because of availability and lack of points. So about a year later we bought another franchise of points but we still could not get holidays of our choice.
We also spoke about the option of our children deciding on whether they wanted to continue and CLC had our original deeds and changed them to include our children's names on the new deeds.
This is not what we wanted and we would never saddle our children with such a debt in perpetuity.
Now we realize that this timeshare was wrong
Monday 27th April 2015 11:19 Mr P - CLC Points
We bought our timeshare with Club La Costa in 1990 and they told us it is a good investment and go away any week holiday but it was fixed week in November which is not a very good season for holidays so they advised us to go into the points system and we can get better holidays. We never used to get holidays we wanted, they also told us to go into gold to buy more points so we can get first class holidays but we still never did, every time I tried to book they will say it is not available where we wanted.
We had to book one year in advance which is very bad for us, service was no good
Monday 27th April 2015 11:05 Mr C - CLC Points
After purchase of trial membership in 2007 then advanced to upgrade to a silver package being 1000 points and to be adequate for our holiday requirement
Our next holiday being informed this was not the case and at this point had a resale value and were not advised that our children were liable for the commitment
Availability never available on dates required, also never informed of annual increase of maintenance charges, hard pressured selling spending up to 9 hours of sales presentations
Friday 17th April 2015 09:53 Mr B - CLC Fractional
We first purchased a trial membership in 2008. It has been a constant upgrade situation ever since, this has been because every time we complained about our situation with CLC they talked us into upgrading, because this would be in our best interest
We now feel the maintenance is much too high as we can get the same holiday much cheaper via the internet
The fact that our children will inherit this liability and debt was never explained to us or we would never have become involved with CLC
Friday 17th April 2015 09:20 Mr C - Club La Costa
I have attended a presentation with Club La Costa in Feb 2014 and had been promised a sensational holiday packagefor over 19 years,
We had paid £500 deposit on the same day and arranged finance with First Holiday for £8997 over the 12 years with very high interest
The whole process took a few hours and gave us very minimum space to think, also told us it can be transferred sold which is not practical now later experience.
They did not tell us maintenance costs would be increased over the years, once we went back to London we tried to cancel the whole contract but they pressured us into signing another contract and eventually they did and set up a monthly payment for £121.05 per month
Since we did not pay the maintenance charge for 2014 they have temporarily suspended our account which will prevent us from using the services further
Thursday 16th April 2015 05:30 Mr W - CLC Points
I purchased timeshare in 2008. I then bought more points in 2009.
I have never used the membership in 6 years as I can never get the holidays that I want.
I feel that the maintenance is too high as I can get the same holidays for less money via the internet.
The fact that my children would inherit this liability and debt was never explained to me and if it had been I would never have bought the purchase.
I feel that we were misrepresented in many ways, investment, resale etc
Wednesday 15th April 2015 04:44 Mr & Mrs B - Club La Costa Fractional
We became interested in CLC because they claimed they could sell our fixed week timeshare at De Vere’s Cameron House, and use the value towards a more flexible timeshare. After initially selling us a trial membership, they sold us points based membership then on our one visit to a lodge at Hustyn’s sold us Fractional ownership on the specific advice that annual maintenance would be less than £300 annually – this only verbally. We were told that the purchase was a fixed lease period NOT perpetuity, at the end of which CLC would sell the fraction on our behalf.
Each time we had contact with CLC’s team at Hustyn’s we were pressured to buy more from them, with verbal promises which were not confirmed on paper. In 2014 we still had some allocated discounted time to take, but CLC had no availability.
Now we find the annual maintenance charges increasing by something around 9% from a base figure of around £700, whereas our expectation from what they told us was a figure around £300.
Monday 13th April 2015 10:03 Mr L - CPO/CLC
Originally bought in Club Praia Da Oura in 1986 with the promise of holidays worldwide within the timeshare network via RCI plus cheap flights, unfortunately RCI could not offer the accommodation or quality that we were promised when we attempted to trade in. Totally misrepresented.
We then had the opportunity to swap our ownership of CPO to Club La Costa. Promise of quality was there with their own resorts but had huge availability issues.
This has been more excentuated with the cost of accommodation being twice the price (in points) against the same place on the internet.
No availability in prime time but full of availability outside at half the price.
Maintenance for both properties has gone up more than the rate of inflation not as originally promised.
CLC does not offer value for money in any way and has been a huge liability
Monday 30th March 2015 11:35 Mr D - CLC Fractional
We bought fractional ownership from CLC in 2014 not realising the liability would be passed to our children.
We feel the maintenance is far too high as we can get the same holidays for less money via the internet.
We were sold this as an investment and now realise that the membership is impossible to sell
Thursday 26th March 2015 12:48 Mr J. - Club La Costa Points
We first bought timeshare in 1986. We upgraded to points in 2009. We now feel that the maintenance is too high as we can get the same holidays for the same money or less. The fact that my children would inherit this debt was never explained.
Tuesday 24th March 2015 11:20 Mr R - CLC Destinations
We purchased our timeshare in 2010. When we were sold the timeshare we were told that the main advantage, or one of them, was that we could book a holiday at the last minute and there would always be a wide chose available.
This has not proved to be the fact, in the last 5 years we have only managed to use the timeshare twice because it has not been available when required.
On the day we purchased the timeshare we also took out finance with Barclays Bank, we were not told that there was a cooling off period in respect of any part of the agreement.
In addition we feel that the maintenance is too high and we can get the same holiday on the internet for less money.
Further the fact that the holidays are available on the internet is in breach of the purchase given that only club members could use the accommodation
Friday 20th March 2015 07:28 Mr. C. - Club La Costa
The reason why we wish to get out of this timeshare is that we feel that we were totally miss sold on the perpetuity and investment.
We also could not get the availability that we wanted and again we feel that we were totally miss sold this timeshare.
2nd March 2015 19:39 - Mr Nicholas H, Northamptonshire - Club La Costa Fractional
"CLC Management Fees have been crippling us on outgoings for last two years. We would like to be released from our CLC Fractional Property Membership"
28th February 2015 18:39 - Mrs Ann B, Greater London - CLC Vacation Club
"Like so many others, I have had GOLD vacation club points since 2003, each year the maintenance fees are increasing and availability decreasing. They tried to hard sell fractional scheme two years ago, but we didn't buy. I just want to know how to get out of this."
22nd February 2015 19:57 - Mr Peter R, Hertfordshire - CLC
"Management fees far too high. Can no longer afford it."
17th February 2015 10:44 - Mrs Catherine S, Derbyshire - Club La Costa
"Feel like its been mis-sold to us, rubbish availability as we have no choice but to book at the beginning of the year, we were told at the time of signing up that would be fine. "
16th February 2015 13:00 - Mr Brian C - Club La Costa
"Fed up. No support. Always chasing for holidays. Not able to use points fully. Told the were growing and more resorts would be available…"
10th January 2015 13:45 - Mrs Kathryn C, Bedfordshire - Club La Costa
"Hi. I want to cancel and also get compensation due to it being mis-sold to us on a number of points, please can you confirm what actions we need to take, thanks."
9th January 2015 17:54 - Mr Richard D, Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
"Longstanding CLC member (about 14 years),platinum level, lots of points. Can no longer afford maintenance payments and, as can never get availability, want out of the contract."
9th January 2015 16:38 - Miss A - Club La Costa
"We bought the time share nearly 10 years ago and we barely get a chance to use it. Whenever we wish to book a week - it is unavailable. Fees have then increased significantly - we do not get any value for our money."
8th January 2015 14:19 - Mrs Marion C - CLC
"Would just love to be rid of it."
8th January 2015 10:14 - Mr Paul O, West Yorkshire - CLC & RCI
"Unable to book up 2 years in advance and have lost points last year and likely to lose this years allocation, only offered the one unsuitable destination. Not happy with paying for a service that we do not receive."
7th January 2015 12:37 - Mrs Pamela B, Dumfries and Galloway - Club La Costa
"Same as everyone else - Difficulty booking, bombarded with offers to upgrade, eventually did… it just costs too much"
6th January 2015 23:51 - Ms A T, Cheshire - RCI / CLC
"Need out. Can't refinance and can't afford and whenever we try to book a holiday....nothing's available."
5th January 2015 15:55 - Mrs K, Norfolk - Club la Costa Fractional
"We signed up to FOPC in 2013. After reading all the negative reports from very unhappy CLC members I'm wondering now if we will EVER get any of our FOPC money back. My husband reckons he'll be dead by the time it finishes - me too if my health carries on in a down ward spiral. We can't afford the maintenance or the £600+ per booking. I can get package holidays cheaper now."
5th January 2015 14:34 - Mrs O A, Bedfordshire - CLC
"We originally bought Fractional points at CLC in October 2013 for a loan of £11,800. We were then offered a free holiday to Tenerife and after a very hard sell and incorrect information we were signed up to another deal which then took the total loan to over £20,000. Unfortunately we didn't take into consideration the maintenance fees. The maintenance fees and the loan repayments are now overwhelming and we can no longer afford it. We have not even used any of the points for any holiday yet. Please kindly let us know how we can pull ourselves out of this nightmare."
5th January 2015 13:27 - Mrs Lindsey M - CLC
"Took out CLC membership in 2008 - rising maintenance fees mean we want to exit this contract ASAP."
4th January 2015 18:23 - William & Valerie S - CLC
"Same complaints as most others here. We feel that because we will not spend any more money upgrading that we are pushed to the back of the queue."
4th January 2015 11:25 - Mr Shane N, Suffolk - CLC
"We are Fractional owners. Have wanted to get out for years. Have not been able to get a week in Spain for 3 years as I have 3 children. The maintenance fees are a joke - £1600 per year and no holiday."
3rd January 2015 22:02 - Miss Natasha E, Greater London - Club La Costa
"We have not once been able to book where and when we wanted to go since we had timeshare. 2 years ago we went to Tenerife where we were advised that the amount of points we had was what was causing us the problem with booking and we were told to change to fractions and that would enable us to book whenever and wherever we wanted, but it simply was not true. We were still not able to book anywhere last year and lost points that we had saved. We are desperate for advice on how to release ourselves from this burden."
30th December 2014 18:36 - Mr M, Essex - Club La Costa
"The management fees are now crippling us as we have now both retired we can never get bookings that suit us."
30th December 2014 16:39 - Mr Paul N, Somerset - CLC
"Have points. Same old story - no availability, 3 children, increasing management fees and no holidays!"
30th December 2014 12:56 - Mr Roy B - CLC
29th December 2014 11:01 - Mr Aidan B, Dorset - CLC
"Bought fractional ownership with a loan supplied by CLC. Every time we have been to Club La Costa Paradise they have pestered us to buy more points. They tell us it will only take 40 minutes but five or six hours later we are still sitting in the office, thereby losing nearly a day of our holiday. The repayments on the loan are over £250 per month and the management fees have risen so much they are over £1000 year. Due to a change of circumstances we can no longer afford to pay these."
15th December 2014 10:55 - Mrs Shandra G, Lincolnshire - Club La Costa
"I have been trying to get out of CLC membership for years. Feel it was mis sold and now have a charging order on property. My husband died just over a year ago, think all this made him ill and it's not doing anything for my health either."
13th December 2014 16:45 - Miss O H, Hampshire - Club La Costa
"Same as a lot of people, went onto to buy fractions, can't book, can't afford the fees."
13th December 2014 08:34 - Mrs Margaret B, Cheshire - Club La Costa
"Just feel that this is not for us. We bought under pressure and dont feel that is now right. The maintenace fees are a nightmare"
11th December 2014 15:58 - Mr Michael B - CLC World Fractional
"CLC Have just tried to sell us more points whilst on our bonus week in Tenerife! More pressure and a 0930 to 1500 "presentation". Desperately looking for a way out of 19 years of something I never should have signed up to. To say the sell is not a hard one is rubbish! These guys shouldn't be able to get away with it!"
9th December 2014 22:01 - Mr A, Surrey - Club La Costa
"We feel we were wrongly advise, also we took out there finance and was told it was easy to change from lender after the first year and now the costs keep going up."
7th December 2014 23:36 - Mrs Paula M, Kent - CLC
"Cannot believe that it can be legal to increase the annual management fees by such a high amount year on year."
2nd December 2014 09:25 - Mr S, Essex - Club La Costa
"We was pressured into buying CLC fractions two years ago with the promise of easy transfer of loan to any high street lender to bring down the monthly costs. I've contacted a number of lenders who refuse to lend so I now have a huge monthly bill which im struggling to pay, and also huge maintenance fees."
28th November 2014 17:47 - Mr D T, London - CLC Fractional Ownership
"Become CLC fractional percentage member about 2 years ago. Paid £8000 for it. Prior to that we were CLC members. Today in 2 years I tried to book 1 weeks CLC holiday in South Tenerife . The adviser say that once I book it - I have to pay additional amount under the new fractional % membership. 15p for every point - My holiday would use 680 points. This was not explained when we upgraded. I have also just received a bill for the increased £1432 membership fee as well. How can I come out of this deal and can I get my money back?"
12th November 2014 23:24 - Mrs Susan W, Wales - CLC
“I feel completely let down and misled by CLC with the ever increasing maintenance fees. I haven`t contacted them yet, however looking for advice on what I can do to release me from this company.”
12th November 2014 a16:30 - Mr Tom B, Buckinghamshire - CLC
“Never got the times we booked with CLC. Kids are grown up.”
12th November 2014 12:30 - Miss Tina L, London - CLC
“I am a fractional owner, which I converted to as my only option of getting any return on money paid to CLC I am still paying high management fees, tied in until 2017 when shares sold? I am not convinced this will happen if there is an option to get out sooner with payment would welcome it. As I have paid a lot of money into this company over the years.”
12th November 2014 00:12 - Mrs Denise G, Northumberland - CLC
“Would like to get rid of CLC fraction. Not working for us. Maintenance fees for 19 years etc. Pressurised selling. Mis-sold on lies.”
11th November 2014 20:53 - Mr Frank D, Scotland - CLC
“Would love to find a way out of our commitment to pay ludicrously escalating charges to a pretty ropey company.”
10th November 2014 10:30 - Mrs Susan S - CLC
“Worn down by aggressive sales pitch into signing up for something we didn't want. Mislead into agreeing to sign for an extortionate loan & maintenance fees which we can't afford. Very gullible sold a dream. Reality a nightmare. Can you help please?”
9th November 2014 10:23 - Mr Brett A - CLC
“How can I get out of CLC and get money back?”
8th November 2014 10:52 - Mr Frank T, Cheshire - CLC
“Cannot afford ever increasing maintenance fees. Could never get the holiday WE wanted!”
8th November 2014 10:38 - Mrs Christine T, Cheshire - CLC
“We cannot afford the ever increasing maintenance bills. Not easy to get the holiday of your choice.”
7th November 2014 18:24 - Mr Matthew S - CLC
“Overall feeling of being conned into a false sense of security and signed up for a contract that we can't afford so we need out ASAP.”
6th November 2014 14:33 - Mr Mark H, Kent - CLC
“It appears like thousands of others we are CLC members paying a lot of money and getting nothing in return so want out?”
6th November 2014 12:03 - Mrs O - CLC
“Poor quality accommodation and very limited availability.”
4th November 2014 18:04 - Mr Kevin S, Surrey - CLC
“We were informed today that we have won yet another holiday with CLC when we queried this we were told our membership was inactive. In 2009 we were badgered into buying a timeshare with CLC we were unable to go on holiday and informed them that we wished to cancel, however after checking through our bank details they are still taking £XXX a month. So far we have paid them £XXXX we have never taken a holiday through them and when we did try for a date to suit us we were refused. We do not want to be tied in with this company and feel we should have a full refund.”
2nd November 2014 11:11 - Mr Jason K, Scotland - CLC
“We feel we have been mis-sold our fraction & not able to go on holiday for two weeks with the points. But they said we would have more than enough points.”
31th October 2014 10:58 - Mr Allan S - CLC Destinations
“We have a high interest loan for the membership. We have lost 2 weeks banked holidays as unable to get holidays in times available. My wife works in a school so limited to dates. We just want to get out of the contract.”
30th October 2014 22:28 - Mrs Albert O - CLC
“Cannot book desired resorts during school holidays, paying every month but when you want to go on holiday they say you do not have enough points, great offers advertised but outside school holidays. If you have school going children it is not worth it.”
29th October 2014 19:32 - Mr Claire - CLC
“Just purchased on Sunday this week now reading reviews, want to know if we can get out?”
29th October 2014 11:06 - Mr Thomas K, Surrey - CLC
“Have been checking the numbers and none of it adds up. Looking for the best way out.”
28th October 2014 14:31 - Mrs Alyson C - CLC
“How do I get out of my timeshare?”
27th October 2014 21:58 - Mr Peter W, London - CLC
“Our CLC points have been for sale for 2 years, we want to be released from the contract as soon as possible.”
27th October 2014 13:35 - Mrs Louise G, Greater Manchester - Club la Costa
“I have just received my maintenance fee request...this is XXXX euros which is XXX euros up on last year. Where will this end? They only give you the opportunity to pay for 6 months but add on 5% for the privilege! I need to consider getting out. Please advise.”
27th October 2014 11:28 - Mr T. H, Norfolk - CLC Gold
“Want out of gold membership.”
19th October 2014 17:52 - Mr Jonathan M, London - CLC
“I have Club La Costa gold membership and want to get rid of it as soon as possible.”
17th October 2014 23:18 - Mrs Anthonia B - CLC
“Finished paying for my timeshare but the resort available to us has been reduced, which was what attracted us to buy the timeshare. We cannot book even if you try as early as 1 year in advance. It’s sad to see the resort online advertised by CLC at a lower cost but not to us members. We would like to be released so I don’t have to pay the increasing maintenance fees.”
16th October 2014 10:25 - Mrs Yasmin J, Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
“Want to get rid of it immediately.”
15th October 2014 14:38 - Mr T - CLC
“We were persuaded to purchase FOC last year at a cost of £XXX per month on the assumption that we would be able to reduce our loan payments after a while. We stated at the time that we did not own our own property but they said this did not matter. We believe this was mis-sold and we are now stuck with a long term, high interest loan.”
13th October 2014 14:25 - Mrs H - CLC destinations Gold
“Just want out! Still got all points.”
12th October 2014 18:06 - Mrs Elizabeth Y, West Midlands - CLC
“Need to get out of the CLC contract. It does not work for us.”
10th October 2014 15:38 - Mr Alan & Jenny W - CLC
“Fees not paid since 2005. Timeshare not wanted. How do we get out of it?”
6th October 2014 21:36 - Mrs Susan D, Scotland - CLC
“Would like to get out of CLC due to rising maintenance fees.”
6th October 2014 16:47 - Mr Adrian P, Hampshire - CLC
“We are not using CLC as we would want to, we want to book and there is no availability and the maintenance fees are huge. Please help us get out of it.”
5th October 2014 18:38 - Mrs Diane F - CLC
“I am a Diamond Point’s holder with CLC. Refused to buy into the fractional timeshare enterprise and after spending tens of thousands of pounds on points cannot book even 2 years in advance anymore and am stuck with annual fees of £XXXX. If I forfeit the points I have nothing to show for the fast amounts of money spent. I have also been a member since 1986.”
4th October 2014 21:56 - Dr M. M - CLC
“Very poor quality accommodations and facilities for what it cost.”
3rd October 2014 23:52 - Mrs M. B - CLC
“Have only been a CLC member for less than a year. We are planning to pay outright any monies owing to purchase our fractional timeshare agreement as the interest rates are very high. We have now changed our minds about being members of CLC as we have found not all the accommodation they offer is of a high standard and we are sometimes unable to book the weeks we would like.”
3rd October 2014 17:49 - Mrs Ann J - CLC
“We are Platinum Members and last year were pressured then persuaded to be Fraction Members with the promise that after 7 years because of our ages, we would recoup £15,000. Now we have signed it evolves it is all lies and they are not interested in helping us. We have finished up communicating with some Member Services minion who became quite aggressive. We have worked it out that due to the high maintenance we will gain nothing. Thinking of cutting our losses and getting out which will be much cheaper than paying their high maintenance for the next 19 years, if we live that long. Wish we had stuck to our guns, I advise anybody to think twice.”
1st October 2014 21:02 - Mr Stephen C, Norfolk - Club La Costa points
“I have tried to sell my timeshare points back to Club La Costa, but they are not interested. My wife had a stroke nearly 3 years ago and needs constant care. We haven't used our points (4001) for about 4 years. My annual fees are around £XXXX which I can no longer afford. Current cost of points is £25 per point which means that my points are worth £XXXXXX. I also have accumulated 24000 points which is worth £XXXXXX. There is a lot of money involved and the only way I can get out of it is to forfeit the points and not get a penny for them. Please help if you can.”
1st October 2014 15:59 - Mrs Joan P - CLC and Wimpen
“Perpetuity release because of age and not wanting to leave potential debts for children in future. My weeks are ceded to CLC from Wimpen Leisure Management to enhance the number of points for holiday options. CLC say they can release my escitura (Deeds) from Wimpen Leisure Management at my request. Is this true?”
1st October 2014 12:45 - Mrs Jennifer B - CLC
“We feel we've been utterly conned into something. We're left paying for something that has broken all promises. We were sold one thing on their many bits of papers that was suitable to our requirements and then the overall package sold to us does not meet any of our requirements.”
30th September 2014 15:43 - Mr Gary O, Devon - CLC
“We are still paying for the loan, I’m retired through ill health and the wife has retired to look after me. We cannot afford it anymore and need help.”
29th September 2014 19:53 - Mrs Margaret C, London - Club La Costa
“Had been a member of Club La Costa. Never got the apartment or date we required. Have now given up on our Gold Membership as from Dec 2014 as Husband has dementia and family are sick and tired of not getting the holiday they ever wanted. Thank you”
29th September 2014 10:19 - Mrs N. S, Essex - CLC
“Please help me get out of this timeshare. I was original sold the package back in 2010 for £xxxx we went to see them in Spain and was sold another package for £xxxxx we have never used this since as my husband is a stroke patient. Please help me as I have paid them for the past 4 years and not used the timeshare.”
25th September 2014 23:18 – Mr Eric T, Buckinghamshire - Club La Costa
“Now aged 70 failing health, income falling (no longer able to work) and lack of availability of accommodation, when and where we wish to travel. In short not getting what we signed up for. Time to get out if possible.”
25th September 2014 14:04 – Mr Scott S, Norfolk - CLC
“I am keen to look into freeing myself of my CLC vacations platinum membership and the yearly costs they incur. I also want to sell my property in Kusadasi that was purchased through CLC real estates. I am finding help in this subject very hard to gain.”
23rd September 2014 22:29 – Mrs Katie E - CLC
“Unable to afford timeshare due to ill health.”
22nd September 2014 23:03 – Mr Peter R - CLC
“Having divorced from my wife we need to get out of this contract and lack of availability of resorts means we cannot use the points.”
22nd September 2014 13:21 – Mrs Kathryn C - CLC
“We are gold members and have found we can never book where we want to go. But they do have availability if you meet with them to advise you of changes that are happening and new resorts. This we have done purely to get the accommodation where we want to, however found we end up losing a whole day of our holiday just trying to get rid of them as we don’t want to upgrade etc. Been members since 2006, we did have the RCI member ship for a few years alongside this but it was too costly to use them to book the resort as fees were astronomical, especially as we have already paid for the accommodation at Club La Costa.”
21st September 2014 13:42 - Mrs Patricia F, West Lothian - CLC
“Can’t afford CLC fees any more what can I do?”
18th September 2014 18:59 - Mr R. C - CLC
“I want to get out of my CLC membership before December is this possible, as I can’t afford it anymore.”
18th September 2014 12:09 - Mrs Sue R - CLC Canaltime
“Unable to use dates and illness means we need to get rid of timeshare.”
18th September 2014 09:44 - Mrs Lesley B, Hertfordshire - CLC World
"We have a CLC World membership, which can no longer afford, and found out we cannot be released and they won’t buy it back, what do we do?"
16th September 2014 06:53 - Mr Bryan W, London - CLC
“Concerned about rising fees, falling standards at resorts but mostly about availability and the fact that non-members can book holidays at CLC resorts via travel agents on budget packages costing less than our annual maintenance fees.”
13th September 2014 22:53 – Mrs Anne P - CLC Fractional
"Having changed to fractional ownership last year we have now found that we are unable to book the accommodation of our choice for November 2015 and have had to make do with lower grade property. Own 2500 points and have approx. 6000 to be used by end of 2015 which will prove impossible due to lack of availability."
12th September 2014 12:40 - Mr Alan T, Nottinghamshire - CLC
"Currently a Gold star member of Club la Costa Vacation Points and need to get out....."
11th September 2014 14:25 - Mr Garry C, Orkney - CLC World Fractional Owner
"Got drawn in through free holiday scheme, sold fraction then upgrade, can't get points used as always booked up.”
4th September 2014 08:48 - Mr Adrian W, Cornwall - CLC
"Looking to leave CLC"
1st September 2014 10:36 - Mrs Gail S - CLC
“Need to get shot of CLC timeshare. Fees extortionate at approx. 1,800 euro per annum.”
1st September 2014 09:59 - Mr Shane B, London - CLC
“Been conned again by CLC. Wanting us to sign for fractions and yet still can’t get the stay where I want to. Currently platinum member and just returned from Tenerife which was awful.”
27th August 2014 09:15 - Mr Chris D, West Midlands - CLC
“Sold fractional ownership last year and so far can’t book anything and want to get out!!”
26th August 2014 10:01 - Mr Colvin H - Club la Costa
"Due to changing financial circumstances, I simply cannot afford the membership fee"
22nd August 2014 09:18 - Mrs Gill H, Nottinghamshire - Club le Costa
"We purchased a 2 year trial and was rail roaded into a 15 year purchase that would give us 6 weeks holiday per year. We have never been able to book 1 year yet"
15th August 2014 09:55 - Mr Geoffrey C, Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
"Due to financial circumstances I am looking to get out of our CLC points agreement. Have previously tried to sell, but feel this has been a total waste of time."
14th August 2014 06:45 - Mr Colin P, Surrey - CLC Fractional
"Fees to high and now we have to pay to use our points on top of that!"
13th August 2014 16:33 - Mrs Linda C, East Riding of Yorkshire - CLC gold point member
"Husband in and out of work - so we have struggled to keep paying maintenance fees. Also could not afford to take the family due to poor availability during school holidays and increased flight costs. Now getting divoreced and have been landed with this and cannot keep paying for something I get no benefit from."
11th August 2014 13:26 - Mr Steve B, Essex - CLC Fractional
"Cannot sustain ever-rising fees and resorts are definitely not 5* quality. Want out"
4th August 2014 19:09 - Mr Ron C - CLC
"Want out!"
4th August 2014 16:08 - Mrs A - Club la Costa
"We have got ourselves involved with Club la Costa's Fractional Ownership, on visiting Tenerife this year we are so angry with what we have been told, regarding booking fees etc. and would like to get out of the contract. Can you help?"
3rd August 2014 22:57 - Mrs T C - Club La Costa
"Fees too high, can't afford it anymore"
3rd August 2014 21:04 - Mr A K - Club La Costa
"I want to know if there is any way out of this timeshare as the fees are very steep."
3rd August 2014 13:41 - Mrs P C, Bedfordshire - Club La Costa
"I am Platinum member joined last year October 2013 … the maintenance charge is too high, I would like to get out."
31st July 2014 15:25 - Mr Paul T - CLC
"We felt pressured into buying this after spending all day with a salesman. We left it too late to cancel after we got back and have been paying now for 2 years at nearly £300 per month and seen nothing of it. Now they are demanding fees of nearly £1900 which I can't afford to pay and wanted out of this right from the start. I was told if I didn't make payments that I would be suspended so I thought I would not have to pay anymore fees but this is not true. I would like to sell, exit get rid full stop and save on this money that I have to pay out every month."
30th July 2014 17:51 - Mrs P, Essex – CLUB LA COSTA
"Fractional owner, want to give it up."
29th July 2014 22:00 - Mr Michael S, Northamptonshire - Club La Costa
"We are fractional 'owners' started in March 2013. The yearly fees have risen quite steeply and we didn't realise at the time that we would have to pay a booking fee which equates to approx. £200 every time we wish to book a holiday as well as using the 'points' we accrued through our ownership.
29th July 2014 08:43 - Mrs Anita W, Norfolk - Club la Costa
"We have got platinum membership. As my partner and I have split up I can't afford the fees or have a holiday anymore. I just want to get rid of it"
29th July 2014 08:35 - Mrs A N, Kent - Club la Costa
"Booking is difficult. Annual fees increasing. High sales pressure on every holiday…"
27th July 2014 19:13 - Mrs Edna F, Kent - Club la Costa
"Have had our week since 2001… but due to bad health & rising costs we are not able to carry on."
27th July 2014 06:07 - Mr Stephen S, Kent - CLC
"We got CLC Fractional ownership 3 years ago and felt we were mis-sold this product. We thought it would be ideal to take a cheap holiday each year, but it is far from cheap and every time we go they want to try and milk you for more money. This has become a burden to us and a constant worry."
25th July 2014 22:22 - Miss Mandy C, Cornwall - CLC
"High fees - no availability - bullied into buying in the first place."
25th July 2014 16:11 - Ms Gloria N - Club La Costa
"Far too expensive and never the dates/weeks we want to book."
24th July 2014 19:13 - Mrs Sam T, Fife - Club La Costa
"We were mis-sold these CLC points, sat though hours if torture before we finally gave in. Lots of promises, but we've just ended up with increased fees and a lifetime of debt. The reality is miles away from the dream they sold!!"
22nd July 2014 15:30 - Mr Edward M - Club La Costa
"No availability, high maintenance fees. Want to get out of the contract and re-coup some of my money somehow"
20th July 2014 10:35 - Mr Stephen S, Yorkshire - CLC
"As fractional owners in the platinum band we are very disillusioned with the way CLC works - rising maintenance fees, lack of availability & poor choice outside of Spain. CLC have also gone into partnership with Interval who NOW want money! It is about time something was done about this company who mis-sells its product. Once they have sucked you in & got your money they don't want to know you. All they are interested in is impressing new victims by showcasing their premier properties by giving away free weeks. Therefore, the likes of us who pay all the fees can never get the accommodation we want at a time we want. Any assistance you can offer us will be gratefully accepted. Thank you."
18th July 2014 12:20 - Mr William J, Lanarkshire - Club La Costa
"We have 3,100 points. Because of financial difficulties we cannot pay the ever increasing fees"
18th July 2014 11:08 - Mr Robert D, Merseyside - Club La Costa Vacation club
"Not able to book the places we want to visit even when we try to book 12 to 18 months in advance. Also fees going up. Health reasons mean we have to look closely at where we can go."
17th July 2014 12:04 - Mr Robert J - Club La Costa
"I have 800 points which I want to get rid of. My wife and I felt pressured into buying them after a full day of captivity by the sales person. I can't afford to keep paying the annual maintenance fee and never seem to be able to book a holiday at one of their resorts."
17th July 2014 10:24 - Mrs Catherine J, Surrey - Club La Costa
"I have 12000+ points accrued and want 'out' as the system just isn't working for me, even at Platinum level."
16th July 2014 18:36 - Mrs Anne M - Club La Costa
"I am a widow who took out Fractional Ownership in 2013. Unfortunately I have lost all my money this year when my son's business went in to liquidation. I have written to CLC but they havn't helped me at all. They just say I have to sell privately but must keep on paying their fees. I have explained that I live on a fixed pension and have no spare cash but they say I must find someone to help me pay. I am at my wits end."
14th July 2014 16:04 - Miss O - CLC Fractional Ownership
"I bought this in Feb this year and have not used it yet, but seeing all the complaints I'm petrified and would like to get rid of it."
7th July 2014 23:04 - Mr Steve G, Warwickshire - Club La Costa
"We want to cancel our timeshare and look at compensation options... on a no win no fee option. Thank you"
6th July 2014 20:41 - Mrs Eileen E, Wiltshire - Club La Costa
"Fed up with increasing annual fees and lack of availabilty."
5th July 2014 18:17 - Mr Roy K - Club La Costa
"Became fractional owner 2 years ago with promises of easy resale and no management fees. This has certainly not been the case. Very keen to be released from this noose around our necks"
30th June 2014 21:21 - Mr Lee U - Club La Costa
"I would welcome any assistance in trying to release me from something I was mis-sold. When I asked for help as I couldn’t afford the payments, they just tried to sell me more.....HELP!!!!!!!"
30th June 2014 08:14 - Mr Robert P, Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
"Became a fractional owner early last year whilst under pressure to purchase. we were told they would re-buy them back from us if necessary and that we were purchasing from such a source. We were put under pressure to sign with lots of promises. we have been unable to book as no availability and certainly cannot afford any more. When last spoke with them they tried to sell us a house in USA!!!! We sent an email outlining our concerns and mentioned we had spoken to a rep in Tenerife who said he would help; they sent a really aggressive response and now do not know what to do. HELP"
28th June 2014 19:41 - Mrs Carole H, Greater London - Club La Costa
"How do we get out of this awful club."
28th June 2014 14:56 - Miss Pat M, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"Can never get accommodation that I require. They are renting out our apartments to holiday companies - and the loyal members of 20 years are ignored. This is disgraceful, after paying £2000 per year maintenance."
27th June 2014 20:53 - Mr David B, West Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"At the point where I just do not know what to do."
26th June 2014 18:01 - Mrs Elizabeth L - Club La Costa
"Have had 2 weeks timeshare for past 10 years in Spain. Had been thinking about getting rid of these 2 weeks as the maintenance fees are increasing yearly and no end in sight. Have now been persuaded to transfer the 2 weeks into Fractional ownership commits us for 18 years, but at least there seems to be an end in sight for this system. Need a bit of advice now as we are having second thoughts."
26th June 2014 09:02 - Mrs Kathryn J - Club La Costa
"No availability and high management fees."
23rd June 2014 13:43 - Mr S, Essex - Club la Costa
"Looking to sell or give back our points as it is no longer a viable holiday option for us."
22nd June 2014 08:53 - Ms Lorna N, London - Club La Costa
"Both my husband and myself feel as if this company pressured us into investing into buying our timeshare. Very often, there is no availability when we need it. Management fees are becoming unaffordable and now that we want to get out of it, we are getting no help from Club La Costa on how to go about it."
21st June 2014 20:57 - Miss Tracy K - CLC FPOC
"Thinking of getting out of Club La Costa Fractional Property Owners Club - advice needed please!"
21st June 2014 14:47 - Mr Kevin T, Northamptonshire - Club La Costa
"Agree with everyone else on here. Fees are rising and availability is poor.
21st June 2014 14:22 - Mr Carol W, London - Club La Costa
"Not worth the paper it is written on and want to be released from any further association with this 'club'."
19th June 2014 23:23 - Mr Martin C, Shropshire - Club La Costa Vacation Club
"Good evening. I have decided that the time has come for us to leave Club La Costa. I do have a Points Rights Certificate which appears to be a deed. Myself, my wife and four children are names as owner members on this deed. We own 1501 points and pay about £1200 a year membership fee. I would be grateful for your advice before I make an approach to Club La Costa. best wishes. Martin C."
19th June 2014 15:30 - Mrs Sandra R, Lanarkshire - Club La Costa
"Needing advice please… lack of availability on resorts and dates.... rising maintenance fees."
18th June 2014 13:49 - Mrs Karen W - Club La Costa
"We are still repaying a bank loan taken out to fund our Club La Costa membership. We have managed to use the facilities offered 3 times since 2007. We are finding the maintenance fees difficult to cope with. Due to the down turn in the hospitality trade (we are publicans) it is financially unviable for us to take time off, let alone to subscribe to something that we are unable to use, or seemingly get out of."
18th June 2014 04:03 - Mr Chris A, Nottinghamshire - Club La Costa
"I was conned into taking it. I can not afford to pay anymore. I want to get out."
16th June 2014 18:41 - Mr Les T - Club La Costa
"Costing a fortune and can never book up anywhere!!!"
14th June 2014 15:40 - Mr Ceinor F - Club La Costa
"Maintenance fees increasing beyond the rate of inflation. Pressure to upgrade, holidays not available and am getting too old to travel … Need serious advice as I am at my wits end ".
13th June 2014 22:45 - Mrs Helen L, Essex - CLC Points
"We are retired now. Our children don't want the points and we cannot afford the maintenance fees."
13th June 2014 15:16 - Mr D, Surrey - Club La Costa
"Not interested in Club La Costa any more. Would like to get my money back. We believe it is a big con and were given wrong information and sold on a false pretence . If you can advise or help that would be much appreciated."
12th June 2014 20:27 - Mrs Kath S - Club La Costa
"My husband and I took out this with club la costa several years ago, and are still paying for it. We have never used it at all and to be honest felt pressurised into buying into it. We have since split up and I am currently left paying for something I will frankly never use. Can you advise me on how to get out of this agreement. Yours sincerely Kath S."
12th June 2014 09:50 - Mrs Lesley C, Renfrewshire - Club La Costa, Marina Del Sol
"Feel I've been mis-sold after spending £40000. It seems its never enough for the holiday I'm trying to get, can never get accommodation I want, and as I have young children, need school holidays. Even booking 1yr in advance still having problems , I thought this was going to be easy way to holiday. Its terrible! How do you get out ????"
11th June 2014 10:43 - Mrs Jacqueline R - Club La Costa
"Trying to ger tid as cannot afford stupid maintenance costs of £200+ per month! "
10th June 2014 16:31 - Dr Sheela R, London - Club La Costa
"Would like to know how to get out of the timeshare with CLC as my circumstances have changed since I took it up last year."
7th June 2014 21:23 - Mr David V - Club La Costa
"Con after con, lie after lie.....need this monkey off our back."
4th June 2014 14:24 - Mrs P D, Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
"Last year we agreed to sign up for a Fraction. On reflection we feel that we were high pressured and we will struggle to use all our points to go on holiday as we have the high maintenance fees as well. We thought at the time it would be to our advantage to sign up for the Fraction as we were advised that it would be sold after 20 years and we would get money back and would no longer be members. We saw this as a get out from Club La Costa but on reflection after another 20 years they would have had a lot more maintenance from us."
4th June 2014 13:52 - Mr O O, Midlothian - Club La Costa
"I joined Club La Costa in 2006 and have not been able to use this timeshare holiday since I joined due to lack of availability and costs. This has also put me in the financial difficulty which am still paying for. I want to know if I can get any money back from it?"
4th June 2014 10:43 - Mr Leslie J, Cornwall - Club La Costa
"Never been able to get what I want. Once had sub-standard accommodation to what I was sold. Now management fees are 100% more than when I bought."
31st May 2014 13:24 - Mr Philip G – Club La Costa & RCI
"We are in the RCI points system and find we are not using our yearly points - this happens regularly as we now have four dogs which need to be accommodated when we go on holiday abroad. RCI are requesting additional money to extend the points we don't use. We are unable to book holidays any longer than 10 months in advance. We have points from 2012 and 2013 not used and will have to pay over £100 to extend these if we don't book a holiday before the end of June - we want to go away in May 2015 but are unable to book because it is more than 10 months in advance... We are getting increasingly disillusioned by RCI and the whole timeshare scene and would therefore, like to get rid of the problem."
30th May 2014 13:25 - Mrs Corinne H - Club La Costa
"Have not had a holiday in two years because we cannot get the resorts we want due to lack of availability."
30th May 2014 11:45 - Mrs Tracey H - Club La Costa, Tenerife
"Fractional owner and they speak rubbish! Can't get hols I want or for my daughter to get where she wants."
28th May 2014 10:08 - Mrs Susan R - Club La Costa
"We have been members for about 4 years. Last year we agreed to sign up for a Fraction. On reflection we feel that we were high pressured and we will struggle to use all our points to go on holiday as we have the high maintenance fees as well. We thought at the time it would be to our advantage to sign up for the Fraction as we were advised that it would be sold after 20 years and we would get money back and would no longer be members. We saw this as a get out from Club La Costa but on reflection after another 20 years they would have had a lot more maintenance from us. This seems never ending and I am concerned that at the end of the 20 years we will not get much back anyway."
25th May 2014 19:25 - Mr Rodney W - Club La Costa
"Just sick of all the hassle"
25th May 2014 00:10 - Mrs U M, London - Club La Costa
"My husband and I joined CLC since 2004 and became Platinum members since 2008. Three years ago we were talked into buying the Fractional membership. The increase in annual maintenance fees and inability to get any holiday are making it very difficult for us to want to continue."
24th May 2014 12:09 - Mrs Maria F, Midlothian - Club La Costa
"Can't get booked for dates we want in Europe or UK resorts for next 12 months. As we are self-employed we need to be able to book within a week to 10 days before we depart. We were told CLC was great for our needs!! But it’s just not the case."
22nd May 2014 19:29 - Mrs Shirley H - Club La Costa
"Club La Costa fractional owner seeking options for immediate release."
21st May 2014 15:01 - Mr Michael P, Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"Can never seem to get availability in Tenerife, it is so frustrating! Always booked up. Want to get rid now as I've just had enough and sick of the fees going up."
20th May 2014 20:30 - Mr Rudi G - Club La Costa
"Been a member for just one year, and recently was told my points were not enough to get decent holidays. This is after being pushed and pressured to invest in the first place. We recently had a 'bonus' in which we had to sit through one of their dreadful, long winded bullying meetings which are impossible to get out of. We cannot book a holiday for this summer through CLC as there is nothing available, or they don't own certain resorts therefore availability is pathetic. However, through Interval International, the same, 'unavailable' resorts are available, but for a fee, and almost of these are with all-inclusive resorts where you have to pay your all inclusive costs separately to the resort. CLC is a scandalous money grabbing company. I am so ashamed to have fallen in their trap, and if there is a way, I would like more than anything to part company with them."
19th May 2014 19:35 - Mrs Emma O, Cheshire - Club La Costa
"Need to find a way out of this financial burden - cannot afford it and didn't realise there would be a booking fee on every point we used."
19th May 2014 11:18 - Mr David C, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"I would like to be released from CLC. Reasons include difficulty in booking, quality of accommodation, increasing fees. Several thousand unused points. Thank you."
18th May 2014 10:28 - Mr Richard J, Suffolk - CLC World / Club La Costa
"Club La Costa Fractional owner seeking options for immediate release."
17th May 2014 17:01 - Mrs Gillain T - Club La Costa
"Platinum members since 2004, but I now teach and have to take my holidays within school holiday dates. It is increasingly difficult to get what I want or even anything at all. My husband does not get his holiday dates until the year in which the holiday is to be taken, so this makes booking ahead nigh on impossible. The increasing fees for a product we cannot access are becoming a great drain on our finances and I feel we would be better off without the burden."
17th May 2014 11:07 - Mr Richard J - Club La Costa
"Just want to review my options to opt out or timeshare."
17th May 2014 10:51 - Mr Peter J, Lancashire - Club La Costa Fractional Membership
"I would like to sell/dispose of this and leave CLC"
16th May 2014 08:10 - Dr B M, Devon - Club La Costa Fractional Destination club
"We joined CLC two years ago as a young family. We have had one holiday. Bookings have been difficult as we rely on availabilities in school holidays and this will continue to be the case for the next 13 years. Unfortunately my husband and I have separated and are considering divorce. For these reasons, we need to break out of our CLC membership."
15th May 2014 12:50 - Miss D D - Club La Costa / Sunningdale Village
"The increase in our maintenance fees was steep so much so that i couldnt afford to pay last years maintenance fees and havent paid this years but never even received the bill for this years (normally receive Oct/Nov for the next year) no one has questioned or sent any reminder letters or emails so not sure whether still have it or not."
14th May 2014 17:50 - Mr Cecil T - Club la Costa
"I have bought fractions with CLC 2yr ago. Tried to book holidays in advance with no luck. Total waste of money. Cheated and missold"
14th May 2014 12:18 - Mrs Alison A - Club la Costa
"Just been told that as we are fractional owners we now have to pay 15p for every point used when booking, on top of the yearly fee! Cannot justify the expense and last year due to limited availability the apartment we stayed in did not justify the expense."
13th May 2014 22:40 - Mr Peter O - Club La Costa
"My wife and I want to opt out of the timeshare program as we can no longer afford both the management fees and the ''loan''provided by FNTC. We have not been able travel since we bought the timeshares due to the high costs. We did not realize what we were going into when the idea was sold to us in one of their demostrations. Lastly, our finacial situation has changed seriously due to ill health. We have written to CLC and they are asking us to look for buyers to sell to and still continue to pay the management fee with the loan till this is done. How do we sell what we don't own? Any way we can be delivered from this systematic exploitation will be highly welcome. "
13th May 2014 20:56 - Ms Pauline D - Club La Costa
"Really felt there was a hard sell. I've since been made redundant and now struggling financally."
13th May 2014 15:28 - Mr Nick S - Club La Costa Vacation Club
"I have 2501 points in Club la Costa Vacation Club which I purchased over a number of years. I used to visit quite often and enjoyed my stays there very much. However a few years ago I lost my job and have been out of work ever since so I was unable to pay my maintenance fees. Therefore I have been suspended from CLC Vacation Club whereby I am unable to use or rent out my points until I have paid up to date. Can they charge me a maintence fee for the period that I have been suspended for? It looks as though I will not be in a position to visit for some time, so do you have you any suggestions as to what I can do? Thanks, Nick."
13th May 2014 12:13 - Mr James W, London - Club La Costa
"Need to get rid of this noose around our necks."
11th May 2014 12:31 - Mr Anthony B, North Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"We went on a presentation paid £4500 for a trial membership. On every holiday we took, we got the hard sell and we stopped going because of this and never signed up for full membership. I paid on my credit card, so can I make a claim on this?"
8th May 2014 19:19 - Mr A W, Clackmannanshire - Club La Costa
"Mis-selling on perpetuity clause. Our book on ownership rules indicate ONE MONTHS NOTICE IN WRITING to cease being members. Difficulty in getting accomodation and dates we require. Fri-Sun entry days cost us a fortune flying out of Scotland."
8th May 2014 10:20 - Mrs Julie P - Club La Costa
"Have Platinum membership. Ever increasing fees, ever decreasing availability."
7th May 2014 08:12 - Mr Tony B, Devon - Club La Costa
"Have just returned to work after a 2 week break, only to here there is a strong possiblity of redundantcy at work. Haven't made the first payment yet but am beyond the 14 day 'grace' period. HELP!!!"
6th May 2014 16:07 - Mrs Donna C - Club La Costa
"We bought this timeshare in I think 2003/4. I'm no longer with my husband and we want to just give it them back but don't no how to go about this? "
5th May 2014 12:17 - Ms A - Club La Costa
"I was mis-sold timeshare. I have not take a holiday with the company for 4 years now as they cannot meet my needs."
4th May 2014 21:53 - Mrs Heather H, Essex - Club La Costa
"Have been fractional members since Jan 2012. have only used once and do not feel we are or will get the use out of membership and are struggling to make the monthly payments and costly maintenance."
29th April 2014 10:55 - Mrs Charmaine W - Club La Costa
"We would like to cancel our Club La Costa. We have moved countries and our financial situation has changed. We simply can't afford it anymore."
28th April 2014 16:16 - Mrs Carol C - Club La Costa
"Just want to get out of the long term contract with CLC as we can no longer afford it."
25th April 2014 18:28 - Ms Carol J, West Sussex - Club La Costa
"Need help. Would like to claim money back please."
24th April 2014 11:15 - Mr Laurie B, Kent - Club La Costa
"Mis-sold timeshare and mis-sold fractions."
23rd April 2014 16:32 - Mrs Christine L, Surrey - Club La Costa
"I cannot travel far now due to health. I find that there is never any availability in the few sites that they have in the UK."
19th April 2014 15:28 - Ms Alice F, County Durham - Club La Costa, Paradise, Tenerife
"I purchased a timeshare in 2002 which was a fixed week in two bedroomed apartment Kxxx. They are now using this particular apartment as a show apartment to sell the fractional timeshare, which means that I no longer own what I originally purchased. Although they say that I will be accommodated with an apartment of the same spec this has not always been the case, also I do not like the fact that they can place me anywhere they like as I liked Kxxx. Also the maintenance charges have soared. Could you advise me of my options please?"
17th April 2014 18:36 - Mr Paul G, Essex - Club La Costa
"We would like to reduce our outgoings and we find it near impossible to get what we want where we want."
17th April 2014 16:26 - Ms Paula R, Surrey - Club La Costa
"Platinum members since 2009, have never used as there is no availability. Wish we'd never signed up - but the sales pitch was very good and they say 'oh you get your money back after 10 years!!!' Argh"
17th April 2014 14:35 - Mrs Linda H, Staffordshire - Club la Costa Marbella
"Keen to look at our options. We ar pensioners now and cannot afford the increasing fees. Plus always no availability when required, or no properties with 3 bedrooms when we wish to take our grandchildren. Just not using it. Very very mis-sold by CLC."
16th April 2014 13:55 - Mrs Devina R, Essex - Club La Costa
"Club La Costa convinced my husband and I to become gold members and promised us that we could book holidays anywhere in the world. But every time we try to book, we are told it is fully booked no matter how far in advance it is... We still have to pay maintenance fees every year. CLC continues to recruit new members using their cunning sales techniques but cannot deliver what they promised to paying members. We are very disappointed and regret joining them. So we would like to get out of the scheme is possible."
15th April 2014 20:00 - Mr Steven C, Cambridgeshire - Club La Costa
"Got talked (duped) into upgrading to fractional membership at CLC eighteen months ago, first increase in maintenance was 13%, at this rate by end of 19 years I could be paying over £7500, so would like to get out now!! Advice please. Plan to be in Tenerife May and Sept (no availability where we wanted to go!! AGAIN !!). Looking forward to seeing the people who sold me something I am not receiving face to face, for hopefully some straight answers."
15th April 2014 09:44 - Mr Donald A, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"Maintenance fees rising alarmingly and cannot sustain rising costs at this rate. Also told that i could sell points back but this was untrue."
14th April 2014 19:32 - Mr David H, West Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"We made ourselves Platinum members after they pestered us and we we're told that, when we got home, we could go to a bank and consolidate the 2 loans we had got, to make it cheaper. But none of the banks would do this so we were paying over Barclays £400 a month which we couldn't afford, plus they want £1300 Maintainence Fees."
14th April 2014 17:37 - Mr A A, Essex - Club La Costa
"My wife and myself were pressurised into buying the time share. It was a big mistake."
14th April 2014 12:10 - Mr M D, North London - Club La Costa
"We would like to sell or just give up."
13th April 2014 16:09 - Mr John M, Angus - Club La Costa / FRACTIONS
11th April 2014 21:59 - Mrs K, Hampshire - Club La Costa
"For several years tried booking in advance to get widest choice but always full. Fees have risen and the promise of buying back points when we bought is not true - so yes, need to leave Club La Costa."
11th April 2014 18:19 - Mrs Gillian D - Club La Costa
"We would love to get out of CLC asap."
11th April 2014 15:11 - Mr Stephen W - Club La Costa
"Agree with all of the above. Cannot book where or when we wish to go etc…"
10th April 2014 16:39 - Mrs Jo A - Club La Costa
"Limited availability on holidays, huge annual maintenance and had enough of it."
9th April 2014 18:59 - Mrs Susan R - Club La Costa
"Newly retired and can longer afford maintenance. Looking to cancel this year."
8th April 2014 15:04 - Mr Richard N, South Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"I joined CLC as a sole fractional owner in 2013 after a trial period with my wife had begun in 2011. I took on the suggested loan by CLC which currently costs me £200 per month for ten years and I was told that I should obtain a seperate loan from another lender to pay off this loan as the payback over the time period was over three times the value of the ownership. I have also been told that my membership is currently suspended as I haven't paid my maintenance fee although back in June I was told that I had 12 months free of this fee. I have since seperated from my wife and I'm finding it difficult to pay the £200 monthly loan and also obtaining a covering loan due to my circumstances. Is there anything I can do to to release me from this company."
8th April 2014 12:17 - Mrs Stella B - Club La Costa
"Hello, I am a CLC platinum member. I purchased my points 15 years ago and was promised a lifetime of flexible top class holiday options. I have 7000 points paid for and banked for future use over the next three years. This will be added to in coming years as I do not use the points I have due to poor availability. My husband passed away 6 years ago and I now find that I am not using the points that I pay for as I have no one to travel with unless friends are free. When I do use them I constantly get allocated the apartments that have not been upgraded unless I make a point of calling the resort direct to ensure otherwise. There is poor availability for the times that I request and options are limited no matter how far in advance I try to book. My fees are now in the region of £1500.00 pa. I have just been made redundant from on of my bigger contracts which in addition to losing my late husband's income has made me question the economics of continuing with CLC when I feel that they have not met the promises made at the time of purchase. Can you please advise if I could get out of this contract... Many thanks."
7th April 2014 13:32 - Mrs Janet O, Kent - Club La Costa
"I would like to know how you get out of the paying out all this money. We got a loan with GE money at CLC a small amount and now we are paying back 70,000 and it goes up every month by 750 interest can any one help or tell me how to get out of this."
7th April 2014 04:48 - Mr N. M., Kent - Club La Costa
"Maintenance fees too high, retired now unable to pay fees, children at university."
6th April 2014 11:46 - Mr R. T., Monmouthshire - Club La Costa points
"I purchased 4500 points from CLC in 2004 on the promise of 4 weeks pa in their best standard accomodation, when and where I wanted. Within 6 months I regretted this decision and have been since attempting to release myself from this contract, with numerous exchanges with CLC and outside agencies but all to no avail. This has been the worse case of mis-selling I have ever experienced and now would be happy to just get out of the contract to aviod the ever increasing management and maintenance fees. "
3rd April 2014 18:44 - Mr Graham R - Hertfordshire - Club La Costa
"When we took out membership 5 years ago we were told that our points value, if we were to sell them on the open market, would increase over time... however this now does not seem to be the case and the points appear to have little or no value. Maintenance charges have jumped at 7.5 % which is 3 times higher than the rate of UK inflation which makes it increasingly expensive. They have tried to move us from a 67 year bond to a 19 year part fractional ownership scheme which we rejected.... I am nearing retirement and therefore want to get out of this CLC arrangement to make sure that I do not, along with my wife, find ourselves with a financial burden we will not be able to afford. I also do not want any liabilities to fall upon my children... It is also very difficult to get the accommodation you want because you have to book it over a year in advance and you do not know what your circumstances will be or to be able to arrange annual leave. We have tried to book a resort but on numerous occasions we have found we cannot get the resort we at the time we want. I would also like to try and get back some of the money we have "invested" in CLC but realise this may not be possible."
3rd April 2014 17:25 - Mr Paul F, Cambridgeshire - Club La Costa
"We're with club la costa as fractional owners and want to get out of contract."
3rd April 2014 16:16 - Mrs Tracy S, Staffordshire - Club La Costa
"We were told we could sell them but there is no resale value and the maintenance is going up, so want to get out."
2nd April 2014 21:28 - Mr C B, Renfrewshire - Club La Costa
"Cannot afford to stay in Club La Costa, looking for a way out of this."
2nd April 2014 11:52 - Dr A K - Club La Costa
"We cannot sustain rising maintenance cost. Cannot find proper holiday dates no matter how early we book."
2nd April 2014 11:32 - Mr Adam M, Renfrewshire - Club La Costa
"Been a Platinum member for 15 years but now in our 70s and find fees unjustifiable. Our children are also included in the membership list but have never contributed towards payment of management fees. They have no interest in continuing the membership as they now have their own families and the concept neither suits their requirements or their financial circumstances. I would be pleased to have your advice as to my best way forward in terms of terminating my membership. I have experienced all the original sales pitch regarding the points being a long term investment but have for sometime realised that they are probably worthless. Having felt misled from the outset, although pressed to take up the fractions option, I take the view that having been misled regarding the continuing value of my points, why should I believe their future projections regarding favourable returns from the fractions concept."
1st April 2014 21:34 - Mr S, Warwickshire - Club La Costa
"I brought into due to 8 hours of mis-selling. Now have debts and can;t afford the maintenance fees. Trying to cancel, but can't"
To read earlier Club La Costa customer comments, click here.
About Timeshare Release
During the Timeshare sales boom of the 80s & 90s, potential buyers were lured in by the promise of affordable exotic holidays, flexible exchange programmes and the impression that Timeshare would be a valuable "investment".
In an industry with little or no regulation, high pressure sales tactics were rife and contract smallprint was often glossed over and explained away by sharp salespeople.
Many Timeshare buyers were therefore unaware that they were actually making significant, long term financial commitments on behalf of themselves and their families.
To find out how you can escape the Timeshare Trap please complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard now.
The Timeshare Trap

For many Timeshare owners, annual maintenance fees were barely considered token amounts in the early "honeymoon period" of ownership.
However, year-on-year increases imposed by the resorts over time now mean that the maintenance fees have risen to become substantial sums.
Owners are also facing the prospect of ongoing yearly fee increases and realising that they (and their families) are often committed to long term contracts for generations to come.
Please try our Future Fees Calculator to estimate your liabilities over the term of your Timeshare contract, based on an annual increase of 7.5%.
If you're concerned about rising fees and how to escape the Timeshare Trap, please contact us today.
Timeshare Owner Reports

Recent comments from RCI Timeshare owners who have come to us for help with contract cancellation:
Mr Steve R, Middlesex - RCI/Hollywood Mirage
“We 'swapped ‘another place in Tenerife for this in order to move to the points system. Since then, getting exchanges to desirable resorts proves almost impossible, irrespective of in-season or off-season.”
Mrs Rachael B, Yorkshire - RCI Europe
“I purchased my timeshare in 1999 and have been a timeshare member ever since. More often than not, I have not be able to go where I wanted and have ended up giving a few weeks to Friends, etc to book somewhere they wanted in order not to lose the weeks. I have then stayed in a hotel!! I am desperately trying to get rid of the timeshare and am now paying Timeshare Shop in Manchester to get rid of it for me.”