Solve your CLUB LA COSTA Timeshare Problems
Read Reports from other Timeshare Ownerss
Please see below a selection of earlier comments/reports from Club La Costa members who also came to us for help in disposing of their Timeshares and freeing themselves from ongoing fee liabilities.
You can go back to the selection of more recent Club La Costa member comments here.
Or to see reports from Timeshare owners with other groups/resorts, please see: Customer Comments.
To report your own experience and/or to find out your options for getting rid of your own Timeshare problems and potentially claiming compensation, please complete the short TimeshareRelease enquiry form now
31st March 2014 06:15 - Mr S M - Club La Costa
"Like many of the comments already, we signed into CLC some 6 years ago on the promise that we could make use of the facilities with our growing family, travel the world, open up opportunities, have flexibility and choice. However this has rarely been the case and we have been trying to sell the timeshare points over the past 2 yrs and cannot even give them away. Each time we complained to CLC they seem to come up with a solution which then costs us more but does not work. Please can you advise us on how we can be released from such a scheme?"
30th March 2014 12:55 - Mr Peter D, Lancashire - Club La Costa
"Hi, I am looking to exit my CLC Timeshare and looking for a quick and easy solution"
29th March 2014 16:45 - Mrs D, South Yorkshire - Club La Costa Paradise, Tenerife
"As we have both retired we cannot afford it anymore."
28th March 2014 14:59 - Mr David B, London - Club La Costa
"Salesman promised that we could re-sell our points, but we but can't."
27th March 2014 21:47 - Mr William L - Club La Costa
"I am a Platinum member and paid a lot of money for my 2501 points. I can relate to all of the comments / reports. I want out of CLC."
27th March 2014 13:45 - Miss Katie R - Club la Costa Vacation Club Diamond Member
"My mum has recently passed away and I have been "lucky" enough to inherit club la costa vacation club diamond membership. The whole thing does not match my lifestyle - is it possible to sell or get out. Maintenance fees approximately £3k!!"
26th March 2014 13:45 - Mrs C Hammond, West Midlands - Club La Costa, Fractional
"Would like to cancel our membership CLC limits holidays and does not open up the world with top resorts as sold!"
25th March 2014 12:45 - Mr George B - Club La Costa
"Would just like to get out of timeshare"
25th March 2014 08:18 - Mr John H, Tyne & Wear - Club La Costa Fractional
"Rarely seem to get what we want and the 'promise' of 2 year advanced booking just hasn't materialised for resorts that we want. I feel that the annual service charge is also excessive in addition to booking fees."
23rd March 2014 12:58 - Mrs Tracy S, Glamorganshire - Club La Costa
"I have a CLC timeshare. Its just going into the third year but we have used just one week. Due to illness we haven't been able to go. Our circumstances have changed and really can't afford to keep paying, but they say we have to? Can you help?"
18th March 2014 09:31 - Miss Tracy S, West Yorkshire - Club La Costa
"My Mother and her husband bought this timeshare about 12 years ago and has recently separated from her husband and is unable to pay the fees each year. Can you please advise me of her options. Kind Regards Tracy"
17th March 2014 07:13 - Mr S A - CLC
"I have CLC fractional membership. If I want to stop it, can you help?"
16th March 2014 23:04 - Mr R H - Club La Costa
"Please advise how to get out of our timeshare. We have had points in CLC for nearly 10yrs, and our annual maintenance fee is approximately £1,000. Thanks"
16th March 2014 17:03 - Mr Steve G, W Midlands - CLC Fractional Property Owners Club
"We upgraded as we were told that we would easily be able to sell once we had upgraded. I was told it was a goodway to get some of the money back that we had paid into CLC and they would help to sell on. But when we enquired about doing this we were told that there was no market for this as it was a new product now we have another loan to refinance"
15th March 2014 21:45 - Mrs Valerie W, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"Need to get out of CLC as our circumstances have changed and we can no longer afford the maintenance fees."
14th March 2014 12:45 - Miss C M, Sussex - Gold membership with Club La Costa
"We are now 3 years paying fees and never had the holiday yet as what we wanted holidays were not available on offer therefore we were given expensive ones. I thought that we were given assurance to have the best holiday but we haven't started yet. We are wasting money on annual increasing fees that if we don't pay them on time, our chance of going holiday will not be granted. Very disappointed and I did try to ring them if there is a way I could get out this misery.. But I was told I would still carry on paying the finances that I have signed with hitachi. Really we are wasting money and it's a big regret that we felt forced to have this membership."
13th March 2014 13:20 - Mr Alistair B - Club La Costa
"How can I get out of this timeshare?"
11th March 2014 18:59 - Mrs Linda T, Merseyside - Club La Costa
"Would like to no how to get out of it. Have been with them for ten years this May and fed up of paying"
11th March 2014 14:37 - Mr Andrew G, Kent - Club La Costa Fractional Property Owners Club
"I want to get a release from club la costa as I can't use it because of some of the terms and conditions that they have in place"
11th March 2014 13:30 - Mr Adrian C, Northern Ireland - Club La Costa
"Never available when we want to use our points. Maintenance fees have gone up by over 300%"
6th March 2014 17:08 - Mr Mark A - Club La Costa
"My annual fees are not good value for money, need to know how I stop paying and if I stop paying if I will still remain liable."
6th March 2014 09:55 - Mr Paul Y - Club La Costa
"This was a huge mistake full of lies from the start and we want out of this nightmare."
5th March 2014 11:21 - Mrs Lara S, Hants - Club La Costa
"Help! Please we would like to get out of this timeshare."
5th March 2014 08:26 - Mr Andrew M, Nottinghamshire - Club La Costa
"Totally found that what i was sold was a myth. I have been unable to use this scheme successfully for 2 years now disgrace Never been able to use the points allocated."
4th March 2014 19:22 - Mrs M - Club La Costa
"We felt pressured into buying this timeshare and have tried to cancel it, as we financially cannot afford it. But we were informed by the company that we cannot cancel."
3rd March 2014 17:01 - Mrs Dawn Y, Berks - Club La Costa
"We have silver vacation membership, sold to us as an 'investment'. High pressure sales people who lied through their teeth to us. We want out due to the ever increasing annual maintenance but have been told they will pursue us for fees. Not straight away, they will leave it for a few years then take you to court. They won't even take it back free!"
3rd March 2014 08:29 - Mr Greg M - Club La Costa Platinum Member
"Lied to horribly in the sales meeting in Spain. CLC denied any possibility of this happening and as per usual he was not willing to write anything down beyond spurious random pictures as per their training - as per watchdog televised programmes. All of the concerns mentioned in your opening statement on your website."
2nd March 2014 14:13 - Mr Robert V, Suffolk - Club La Costa
"All sounds brilliant at the sales pitches, but in reality if your financial situation changes, as ours did when hit with redundancy, you are paying so much in fees and everything that you can't actually afford to go on holiday. Just want out. It is very stressful and causes a lot of worry."
27th February 2014 23:49 - Caroline P, Scotland - Club La Costa
"High interest loan unable to refinance. Can't get holidays when required even with booking well in advance."
26th February 2014 07:58 - Ms Emma O, North London - Club La Costa
"Our maintenance fees keep rising and we always get told by the reps when we are on holiday that we can refinance our loans but they keep adding more on and we are now struggling with the monthly payments. We need to get out as its causing us a lot of stress and we have a baby on the way. We can't do it anymore. Please help us. Thank you"
24th February 2014 - Mr Vance D, Essex - Club La Costa
"We are never able to get what we really want or times when we would like to go on holidays. The yearly maintenance fees are extremely expensive and I do believe people are mis-sold, as members are not told the truth about exactly how things works. The charges are extremely high."
23rd February 2014 - Mrs Debora V, West Midlands - Club La Costa Fractional Property Owners Club
"We believe we were not told the full story when being sold a fractional owner property club contract and now are burdened with a high interest loan and increasing yearly fees."
21st February 2014 - Mr Mustafa R, Essex - Club La Costa
"Its only been a year since we have bought our timeshare, but our circumstances have changed and we can no longer afford to pay our monthly loan. We have asked to terminate our policy and they refused. Please can you help us?"
18th February 2014 - Mr Ronnie N, Midlothian - CLC Fractional Owner
"Biggest mistake of my life. Copy everyone else's problems. Promised all sorts of special offers but always fully booked, even though still advertised on their website, they never change either. Two for one week is only available at unsuitable times e.g. when flights are hard to get and you have to change rooms after first week. After you sign up there is no pick-up from the airport. Benefits are only available for potential clients while we foot the bill. Best accommodation, resorts and holiday weeks seem to be reserved for potential customers also. Friends of ours can book CLC through Travel Republic much cheaper and for a varied number of days with midweek flights while we are stuck with seven or fourteen days flying at the weekend when it's more expensive. Never again."
18th February 2014 - Mr Kevin C, South Yorks - Club La Costa Fractional Owner
"I am very concerned as i have just got back from Tenerife and I have been told that I will never be able to sell my fraction with Club la Costa. However, when I was there in November they told me this would not be a problem and I would get my money back. I'm very concerned at the moment as ... I can't afford to carry it on."
18th February 2014 - Mr R, Oxfordshire - CLC World
"Not able to book the required resort. Unrealistic annual maintenance fee."
17th February 2014 - Mrs Jennifer S, Derbyshire - CLC
"I believe, like most people, this timeshare has been mis-sold. I can never get my choice of accommodation or dates and even being a platinum member this makes no difference whatsoever. My annual maintenance fee is in excess of £1700 and I am certainly not getting value for money. To this day I've not had accommodation which I believe to be 5 Star... in fact in some cases its struggling to be a 3 Star."
17th February 2014 - Fiona O - Club La Costa Fractional Ownership
"In January this year I was unable to book anything in Spain for this September. Really quite fed up with it"
17th Feb 2014 - Mr Mark T, W Yorks - CLC
"Just recently received a call to say my membership is still live with CLC, but I told them to take my points back off me a few years ago. Looks like that's not happened. I've never used my points as cannot afford them then or even now."
15th February 2014 - Stephanie V, London - Club La Costa
"Bought points several years ago with my partner who has since died. Was not informed of management fees at time of sign up. If this had been known never would have joined as would not have been able to afford fees. Now saddled with paying very high interest loan to Club La Costa at £214 per month, as well as fees. Never had a holiday with them. When I speak with their customer services they refuse to discuss the situation and just kept repeating that they have a signed contract."
15th February 2014 - Mr Bernard C, Lancs - Club La Costa
"Paid 15k for something that is now worthless..."
14th February 2014 - Mrs A V - Club La Costa
"Just need to know how to get out of a Club La Costa points timeshare"
12th February 2014 - Mr M. E., Essex - Vacation Club Points
"Frustrated by increasing maintenance fees and lack of availability When the product was sold to us we were told that the unused points could be taken or set off against maintenance fees, but now they say we cannot do that."
9th February 2014 - Mr David S, Lancs - Club La Costa
"Makes me realise we are not on our own, CLC sold us a complete lie, we were pressurised and unable to book school holidays as originally stated. We haven't been able to use our points for over 2 years now due to the availability. The contract was not fully explained and the maintenance fees were never expalined as part of our contract. How can this company carry on year after year when they have so many unhappy paying customers?"
9th February 2014 - Mr James T - Club La Costa
"We are in on a CLC points system that we have never used... We paid around £11,000 for the points that get us a week if we are lucky and are being asked to pay £900 per year in maintenance. We have made a huge mistake and looking for advice to get out if this millstone round our neck. Thanks."
7th February 2014 - Mr Peter C, Surrey - Club La Costa
"We have been on two holidays using our points from CLC and have been extremely disappointed on both occasions. The resorts were miles from anywhere and the condition they were in was shocking. We want to get out. The maintenance fee is rising and there appears to be no way of terminating the contract. We were pressured into purchasing the deal and totally misled. We were told that our points could be bought back at any time."
6th February 2014 - Mrs Claire G, Wilts - Club La Costa
"We bought our points 11 years ago and we have felt for a long time we were mis-sold.... They were very pressurising and said a lot which wasn't actually true. Our fees have gone from £400 to £2500 in that time and we have also divorced so need to deal with this now as neither wants or can afford to keep it and CLC won't buy it back, which we were originally told they would!! Complete con artists!!"
6th February 2014 - Ms Yvonne F, London - Club La Costa
"I believe that the contract was not fully explained and may have been mis-sold. It was sold to us as an Investment Plan for the future where we could get a lump sum when property was sold, or we could sell our share before that if we chose to. In the meantime we could enjoy holidays at their resorts during that time for a minimal cost thereby saving ourselves money at the same time. We were told that CLC would buy these options back at any time - They now state that they do not repurchase options and there is no market for them to be sold. The timeshare was forced upon us, was not fully explained and I believe was mis-sold."
5th February 2014 - Mr Arthur H, Norfolk - Club La Costa
"Fed up with increasing maintenance fees, cannot get our holiday choice when wanted, even tried 12 months in advance told not available. Told when bought it was an investment with a resale value but it is not the case... Fed up with them trying to sell me fractional points when I stay at a resort, it seems as though all they want is more money from us. My view is clear my investment is worthless and not as told when I purchased."
3rd February 2014 - Mrs Naresh C, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"Never get the resort we want. Maintenance fees gone up. Can't afford to pay. Were told we could get cheaper finance in UK but can't. Losing out on points because can't afford the flights and can't get resorts in uk."
1st February 2014 - Mr A K, Berks - Club La Costa
"We own points in CLC and were told in 2008 we could re-sell them when we wanted to. In reality can't. Also cannot get resorts or bookings when we want! Fees too high."
31st January 2014 - Tracey K, Essex - Club La Costa
"Very disappointed with CLC. Maintainence fees too high. Can't get weeks we want. Absolute rubbish. Want to get out."
28th Jan 2014 - Mr David P, Scotland - CLC
"We are at a loss as how to get rid of this. We tried to return our certificate and were told there is no provision to surrender our FPOC membership."
21st January 2014 - Mr Les T, Middlesex - CLC
"Can't get out, no-one at CLC wants to help! Can't afford flights, Fees are costing loads."
20th January 2014 - Mrs Lindsey H, W Yorks - CLC
"We tried to cancel our membership in Nov 2013 and were told we could not as the terms and conditions were changed in the AGM in 2010 and we had not realised. Now we have to keep paying fees and there is no availability."
20th January 2014 - Mr Andrew C, West Yorks - Club La Costa
"We were originally sold the deal in a pressurised environment at what we were led to believe was a knock down price. The annual fees keep increasing, over double what we paid in 2007. Having tried to sell back my benefits to CLC it appears they are worthless.."
19th January 2014 - Mr Martyn W, Greater Manchester - CLC
"I believe I was missold my CLC timeshare in 2008. In addition we were promised we'd be able to switch the high rate finance to a lower rate after 1 year which as proved impossible. Finally, we struggle to get into the resorts we want when we want."
19th January 2014 - Mr Alex T, Tyne & Wear - CLC
"Was not aware that I was tied in. Lost points in the past because of no availability, however they are giving free weeks to prospective buyers at key holiday times of the year like August - its ridiculous! Tried to sell me into a new scheme last year - really blackmailing me by saying I was tied in and had no avaliability unless I invested again."
12th January 2014 - Ms Elaine B, Sussex - Club la Costa
"Now find I am unable to keep up loan repayments and maintenance due to changes in my circumstances. Wish to get rid of it, but CLC have said they will not take it back."
5th January 2014 - Mrs C, West Midlands - Club La Costa
"We were sold our first fractions in Tenerife 2013 and the second in Malaga 2013. We were told that we would be able to come out of it when we required if any our circumstances ever changed... I got in touch with Club la Costa and explained the circumstances had changed and was told that I would have to sell to other members of my family or friends. We have tryed and no one can afford it. We really need help but dont know which way to turn and all the stress is making me and my family very ill."
2nd January 2014 - Mrs Dawn T, Herts - CLC
"We were not aware tha twe would lose the money we had originally invested, which was £17000. We were told that we had to surrender the vacation points but were not aware that the funds had been lost as well or we would not have taken the second fractional points. We were told we would be able to sell these - but have now been told that this is not available."
17th December 2013 - Mr Andrew B, Staffs - Club La Costa
"Maintenance charges forever going up. Can't get resorts we want. Can't afford the flights due to the maintenance anyway."
6th December 2013 - Mrs B, Kirkaldy - CLC Points:
"We have 1701 points. The fees started at £800, now £1400 pounds. We want to get out..."
27th November 2013 - Mr B - Club La Costa Points:
"We were told that CLC would buy these points back at any time, we can not afford the maintenance fees any more with the massive increase, the timeshare was forced up on us and was not fully explained and was mis-sold"
26th November 2013 - Mrs B - CLC Points:
"Too old and sick now to travel and so cannot possibly make use of points any more. No places in the UK that we can use as they are always full."
24th November 2013 - Mrs S - CLC Points scheme:
"The maintenance is really expensive, I can't book where I want even if I book over a year in advance and I can't find a way of selling it back."
15th November 2013 - Mrs L - Club La Costa points:
"I felt bullied into signing with Club La Costa and was pressured for hours to sign up. Big mistake, I have never actually had a holiday apart from the FREE ones they give you to get you to sign up. The whole thing is making me ill."
30th October 2013 - Mr and Mrs S - Club La Costa:
"We are unhappy, angry upset and feel frustrated about this becase we were misled into buying the points. We were told it was an investment and we would be able to sell our points anytime we want, but this is not happening. The maintenance fees are increasing above the inflation rate and we cannot continue to pay."
5th October 2013 - Mr & Mrs N - Club La Costa
"...We believe Club La Costa missold the scheme to us by stating that this would be a good investment and forced us into a financial agreement at a very high interest rate. In conclusion this has caused us a great deal of financial stress which is affecting our quality of life and health."
2nd October 2013 - Mr & Mrs D - Club La Costa
"We enjoyed our first two weeks holiday at our studio so much that we upgraded it to a one bedroom. After that we were able to take two members of the family each year. We then enjoyed a long number of years enjoying it. Now we are unable to travel due to our health problems and find the maintenance fees a big burden on our finances. We have tried to sell it but have lost a lot of money to potential buyers who have let us down. Now it seems we are stuck with our Timeshare that we don't want and cant sell"
9th October 2013 - Mrs F - Club La Costa
"I brought the Timeshare with CLC in 2002 to take my stepchildren and then husband on holiday at peak time within an affordable budget. My circumstances have changed and I am not with my husband and the maintenance fees are not affordable. My lifestyle has changed, the fees are too high. I can not afford to go on holiday after the fees have been paid... I can not believe a company can do this and get away with it. "
You can go back to the selection of more recent Club La Costa member comments here.
About Timeshare Release
During the Timeshare sales boom of the 80s & 90s, potential buyers were lured in by the promise of affordable exotic holidays, flexible exchange programmes and the impression that Timeshare would be a valuable "investment".
In an industry with little or no regulation, high pressure sales tactics were rife and contract smallprint was often glossed over and explained away by sharp salespeople.
Many Timeshare buyers were therefore unaware that they were actually making significant, long term financial commitments on behalf of themselves and their families.
To find out how you can escape the Timeshare Trap please complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard now.
The Timeshare Trap

For many Timeshare owners, annual maintenance fees were barely considered token amounts in the early "honeymoon period" of ownership.
However, year-on-year increases imposed by the resorts over time now mean that the maintenance fees have risen to become substantial sums.
Owners are also facing the prospect of ongoing yearly fee increases and realising that they (and their families) are often committed to long term contracts for generations to come.
Please try our Future Fees Calculator to estimate your liabilities over the term of your Timeshare contract, based on an annual increase of 7.5%.
If you're concerned about rising fees and how to escape the Timeshare Trap, please contact us today.
Timeshare Owner Reports

Recent comments from RCI Timeshare owners who have come to us for help with contract cancellation:
Mr Steve R, Middlesex - RCI/Hollywood Mirage
“We 'swapped ‘another place in Tenerife for this in order to move to the points system. Since then, getting exchanges to desirable resorts proves almost impossible, irrespective of in-season or off-season.”
Mrs Rachael B, Yorkshire - RCI Europe
“I purchased my timeshare in 1999 and have been a timeshare member ever since. More often than not, I have not be able to go where I wanted and have ended up giving a few weeks to Friends, etc to book somewhere they wanted in order not to lose the weeks. I have then stayed in a hotel!! I am desperately trying to get rid of the timeshare and am now paying Timeshare Shop in Manchester to get rid of it for me.”