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Solve your petchey leisure Timeshare Problems

Read Reports from other Timeshare Ownerss

At TimeshareRelease we receive cries for help from hundreds of Timeshare owners and "Holiday Points Club" members every week - and we have published a selection of the issues reported to us specifically by Petchey Leisure Timeshare Owners below.

If you'd like to see reports from Timeshare owners with other groups, please see: Customer Comments

15th February 2017 - Mr & Mrs S - Infiniti Points

“First purchased in 2010, Infiniti Points in Tenerife, used the system for initially but maintenance fees have become too expensive. In 2012 went to Portugal and told them we wanted out of the timeshare. Were told that if we paid another £3,714 we could surrender our timeshare is 5 years with no penalty. What happened was they sold us another timeshare and this would not terminate our original agreement. We were scammed.”

2nd January 2017 – Ms B – Infiniti Points/MGM/Petchey

“I ‘won’ a weeks holiday. I felt pressured to buy. 60,000 points per year to use at my discretion (which I was not informed I would have to pay for after the first 2 years of ownership of points). I feel I was not given the correct information about point and fees. Have not used the product since signing the contract. Was lied to and cheated out of my money. Not given enough time to review the contents of the agreement before signing. Part payment on day of signing and final payment one week later, with no 14 day cooling off period.”

15th December 2016 – Mr J & Mrs S – Oura Beach Hotel, Petchey/MGM

“Attended several lengthy meetings where we felt pressurised into making a purchase of points. Asked to make deposit the same day. Finance was arranged for us within about ten minutes. We had no direct contact with the finance company. No opportunity to think about it. Perpetuity was not explained to us. Accommodation we were given later was not of the same standard that we had when we were sold the points. Our decision was made based on the verbal statements of the representative.”

2nd December 2016 - Mr B & Ms W - Infiniti Points (MGM/Petchey)

"It was not made clear about the perpetuity. We would not have gone ahead if we had understood that we would have been saddling our children and grandchildren with maintenance fees. We were told that we could book mid-week to mid-week which we later found to be untrue. This year there were no rooms available using our points for two weeks holiday in Portugal (although we could easily have booked one of the same 4 hotels through another company as non-members)."

Friday 11th November 2016 - Mrs L - MGM Clube Praia da Oura & Infiniti Points

"1. The annual management fees have increased more then we expected.
2. We were informed that the ownership would increase in value.
3. The presentation was very long and details became blurred
4. We only had 7 days cooling off period and as we were on holiday the time was up before we got back to UK.
5. We were offered finance to purchase."

Wednesday 21st September 2016 - Mr M – Infiniti Points (Petchey/MGM)

“We came into contact with the company in Portugal. We won a scratch card then rushed off to a hotel where we were sold our timeshare. We felt pressured and we were told many times it could be sold at anytime. We were sold a week that was no good, it was too early in the year. We were told it was easy to exchange. When we went to exchange we had to buy an upgrade which has always been the way right up to where we are now with Infiniti points, a continuous bill year after year and hasn’t been affordable or practical to use.”

Tuesday 16th August 2016 03:07 - Mr D - Petchey - Praia Da Oura

We were on holiday and were stopped in the street. Told we could win a prize if we went to a presentation about holidays. I think there was a cooling off period after presentation of about 4/5 hrs. We were offered a timeshare at a discount price. Because of discount we felt pressured to buy then and not go and think about it. Everything we were told about how easy to use our week and we could swap for different week with no problem was mis leading. When after couple of yrs we asked about it they said we should look at increasing our options with points which we did as we felt our timeshare was useless so we did. We used it about 5 times but they always wanted you to attend another presentation while you were there. Now I just want to get rid of timeshare so that I don’t leave my children this as it will ruin their lives. I have no wish to use it ever again.

9th August 2016 - Mr D – Petchey/MGM Clube Praia da Oura

“We were on holiday and were stopped in the street. Told we could win a prize if we went to a presentation about holidays. I think there was a cooling off period after presentation of about 4/5 hrs. We were offered a timeshare at a discount price. Because of discount we felt pressured to buy then and not go and think about it. Everything we were told about how easy to use our week and we could swap for different week with no problem was misleading. When after couple of years we asked about it they said we should look at increasing our options with points which we did as we felt our timeshare was useless so we did. We used it about 5 times but they always wanted you to attend another presentation while you were there. Now I just want to get rid of timeshare so that I don’t leave my children this as it will ruin their lives. I have no wish to use it ever again.”

Monday 04th April 2016 04:58 - Mrs B - Petchey

The company contacted me by phone.
I went along to the presentation, to which I left under pressure to purchase.
I was told the value of the timeshare would rise, and that there would be no issue if I wanted to sell.
After a few years I was told I would be in a better position, if I bought perpetuity, especially with regards to selling the timeshare.
The cost of this was £1300.
I do not wish to leave this in my will, as this is a liability.

Friday 01st April 2016 09:32 - Mr A - MGM Petchey

Maintenance fees have been increasing at a rate higher than inflation
We were not given a cooling off period on payments
We paid a deposit of £700 on the day of presentation/sale
Contracts were only in English
We were not given land registry details of the property
We were not given information that is legally required under the law prior to signing the contract

Wednesday 06th April 2016 04:37 - Mr & Mrs U - Petchey Leisure

We received an invitation through a relative to attend a presentation. At this time, we had never heard of timeshare and had only been two years back in the UK.
The presentation gave the impression of the best investment ever and gave the prospect of easy resale with profit.
Urgency was create to make us sign up there and then, otherwise it would be a missed opportunity.
At every opportunity, we were made to pay more money – first to have our unit in perpetuity and later to float our week, both with the assurance of easier resale.
All our efforts to re-sell have been unsuccessful and the maintenance fee is on the increase.
This liability is not one that we wish to bequeath to our daughter.

Tuesday 01st March 09:37 - Mr & Mrs A - Petchey

We came into contact with Petchy Leisure via a presentation meeting where we were offered a free holiday which we took up. Whilst on the free holiday we had the regulatory interview with a representative and finally agreed to make a purchase. We were given a cooling off period. We were informed that we could pass the timeshare over to our children (not that we had to i.e perpetuity). This was a misrepresentation of facts. We have since paid £8050 to come out of this perpetuity only to find that this amount relates only to one of the purchases. In addition since the original purchase the maintenance fees have risen from approx £250 to £1300 per year. We do NOT wish to leave this to our children – we feel we were hoodwinked into paying £8000 to come out of perpetuity only to find we are only out of 1 contract. WE ARE VERY UNHAPPY WITH THE WHOLE SYSTEM AND FEEL WE HAVE BEEN MISTREATED. We have spent over £32,000 since joining into something that has NO value whatsoever and were promised it would go up in value over the years – this has not happened.

Wednesday 09th December 11:10 - Mr. W. - Petchey Leisure

We purchased this timeshare in 2007 believing that we could go on holiday with all our 10 family members. They told us that we would have no problem with availability. We have only used it once as we cant get the availability and cant go all together. We were miss sold on the contract with regards to the perpetuity telling us that it was over 40 years. Also saying to us that we had to pay all the money within 3 days or we had to pay double the amount on a finance agreement. We don't want it any more and with not using it we don't want to pay the management fees.

Wednesday 25th November 12:53 - Mr & Mrs J - Atlas/CPO

I believe we were mis sold to and I don’t wish to leave this to our children.
In 1991/1992 went to a timeshare presentation in Leicester Square London.
The presentation concerned C.P.O. (Club Praia da Oura) in Albufeira Portugal where the apartments were offered for sale at various sums depending on size and time of year.
We were all told that the scheme ended in 2011 when the site including all properties would be sold and the money achieved was to be paid to the individual owners according to their valuation. No mention was made of decline in value.
We purchased a studio in CPO for £3,900 on the basis of using it as a holiday home and an investment (we have no documents for this). Due to an admin error by CPO we did not stay there in 1992. They compensated for this with two weeks (wk 8 + 9) in Feb 1993 with two free return flights Gatwick to Faro. I have no recollection or paperwork of any maintenance fees at that stage and this may have been included in the purchase price as was membership of Interval International a timeshare exchange company.
During our stay at CPO in Feb 1993 we visited the Montechoro Beach Club (next door to CPO). This had a gym and other on site ameneties that at the time CPO did not have.
We purchased a one bedroom apartment for £2,900 for week 7 which included membership of RCI a timeshare exchange company. The contract was signed in the presence of a Portuguese Lawyer and it was specified that the maintenance fees would not exceed the rate of inflation.
During late 1993 we received a telephone call from CPO offering us the opportunity to invest in 2 weeks high season using our current studio (ref 91F011152) and then changing to a studio in apartment 507 week 27 + 28. The maintenance on this was payable from 1994.
Membership of Interval International was still included.
During the period May 1993 to December 1994 things are very vague as my father dies in May 1993 and I became the sole carer for my mother who had cancer and died in December 1994.
In July 1994 we were unable to stay week 27/28 at CPO due to caring for my mother and CPO rented this out for us. I cannot recollect what we did with our Montechoro wk 7 in Feb 1994 but we may have banked it with RCI.
We have always paid our yearly maintenance fees to Montechoro and CPO and have regularly stayed at both.
In July 1995 we stayed at CPO but had to alter the dates via Interval International for family reasons.
We did not retain that membership after that.
During July 1998 CPO offered us the opportunity to change our ownership of studio B507 week 27/28 to a one bedroom apartment F106 week 19 and 20 in May. The maintenance fee was higher for a 1 bed apart and we decided to change only week 28 for week 19 and keep week 27 for the use of our family and for rental purposes.
Since that time we have regularly stayed in F106 and in 2007 we celebrated our youngest daughters 30th birthday and CPO arranged rental of other apartments for my whole family during weeks 19 and 20.
The cost for this was the same as the weekly maintenance fee standard for the room type at CPO.
On 20th October 2005 we received a letter from Petchey Leisure notifying us that they as CPO had wholly acquired Montechoro Beach Club.
We tried to sell our Montechoro apartment after that as we weren’t using it and only had 1 exchange via RCI in early 2007. We continued to offer it for sale but unsuccessfully.
We were constantly contacted by countless bogus timeshare companies requesting money to sell our timeshare. We declined each case and sent details to CPO in London who told us they were in contact with the authorities and co-operating in the prosecution of the bogus timeshare companies.
From 2007 we have stayed for 2 weeks in F106 initially by paying internally (CPO) for an extra week. This lead to some aggressive sale ploys by onsite sales people saying we would have to join Infinity a points system. We declined to do this. We contacted the London office of CPO and told them of the aggressive sales ploys. They said they would report this to Mr. Petchey.
In 2009 CPO offered to take back week 7 and week 27 in a scheme called Atlas. We agreed to do this for 2 weeks in a 1 bedroom apartment as long as we retained ownership of F106 and could use these Atlas weeks to stay for the two weeks each year. They agreed to this for the sum of £2,995 interest free using a deferred payment on my Barclaycard.
The Atlas weeks and our fixed F106 were subsequently taken over by MGM in 2012, see letter from Petchey Leisure Group.
Since that time they have tried to get us to join their Infinity Points System in particular to give up our fixed week F106.
In Feb 2015 we used 2 of our Atlas weeks to stay at Royal Park Albatros Club Tenerife now owned by MGM. They offered owners a new scheme to pay £8,950 or £6,950 and be allowed to give up their ownership in 5 years or 10 years repectively.

Friday 20th November 10:20 - Mr L - Petchey Oura Playa

1. That I have been mis-sold.
2. Grossley increses of maintenance fee. I can not afford now getting to the end of mu working years.
3. I have gone to an age that time share is not for me.
4. I do not need the timeshare anymore.
5. I do not want to leave this week and burden to any one as I do not have any children.

Monday 30th March 2015 11:56 Mr C - Petchey Leisure

In 2010 we were offered a free holiday at a resort called Oasis Club Grangefield Costa Mijas Spain, After joining Petchey Leisure I found out that the high quality apartment that we initially used was not available to us simply because my wife is in teaching and we ended up with inferior apartments.
Maintenance fees go up every year and becoming more expensive than going on a package holiday
On entering the system we were given to believe that there would be a 15% discount for members only, this is not true, any person now going to Petchey Leisure gets the same discount.
Non members get a room fro €450.00 per week and get all the facilities except the welcome pack, this is less money than I pay in maintenance.
I feel we are not getting value for money.
On top of this we have paid £12000 up front.
Every holiday we are invited to further sales talks, not wanted but difficult to decline

16th March 2015 08:59 - Mr Ernest L, Northern Ireland - MGM / Petchey

"Too old to travel now. MGM/Petchey have left us completely in the dark. Just want out."

14th March 2015 14:09 - Mr Rodney T, Gloucestershire - Petchey, Royal Park Albatros Club

"Petchey, Royal Park Albatros club. Had it for 15 years tried selling it but Petchey not interested, just wanted us to change to Infinity points at extra costs. Maintenence got to high, so sent them a letter and the timeshare certificate by registered post saying we want nothing for it... had no reply from them but keep being asked for more maintenance fees. "

12th March 2015 09:13 - Mrs F, Carmarthenshire - Petchey/MGM Infiniti Points

"We have just found out that RCI are no longer the booking agents and our choices of hotels are suddenly extremely restricted. We only bought the timeshare because we were promised we could have access to RCI properties ... Now that we cannot access RCI we feel it's a breach of contract and do not wish to continue and want our money back."

11th March 2015 20:19 - Mr Ralph C - Petchey/MGM

"I have had my timeshare at CPO since May 1997 and have been trying to get free of it for years, with no success."

11th March 2015 10:50 - Mr Kevin C, Cumbria - Petchey Leisure

"We were mis-sold and given false info back in 2010. We complained and were fobbed off, but I have emails of complaints. Interested in release from contract but also money paid refunded due to mis-selling. we were told we could sell through Petchey with no problems but now they say no one can sell."

6th March 2015 16:05 - Mr Allan S, Aberdeenshire - Petchey / MGM

"As a member of Petchey Leisure (when Jack Petchey actually met and greeted guests) way back in 1987, I wish to relinquish my liabilities to the monster that is MGM/Muthu as the fees as well as the direct aggressive calling, marketing as well as threats to late payments... "

Tuesday 16th August 2016 03:07 - Mr D - Petchey - Praia Da Oura

We were on holiday and were stopped in the street. Told we could win a prize if we went to a presentation about holidays. I think there was a cooling off period after presentation of about 4/5 hrs. We were offered a timeshare at a discount price. Because of discount we felt pressured to buy then and not go and think about it. Everything we were told about how easy to use our week and we could swap for different week with no problem was mis leading. When after couple of yrs we asked about it they said we should look at increasing our options with points which we did as we felt our timeshare was useless so we did. We used it about 5 times but they always wanted you to attend another presentation while you were there. Now I just want to get rid of timeshare so that I don’t leave my children this as it will ruin their lives. I have no wish to use it ever again.

9th August 2016 - Mr D – Petchey/MGM Clube Praia da Oura

“We were on holiday and were stopped in the street. Told we could win a prize if we went to a presentation about holidays. I think there was a cooling off period after presentation of about 4/5 hrs. We were offered a timeshare at a discount price. Because of discount we felt pressured to buy then and not go and think about it. Everything we were told about how easy to use our week and we could swap for different week with no problem was misleading. When after couple of years we asked about it they said we should look at increasing our options with points which we did as we felt our timeshare was useless so we did. We used it about 5 times but they always wanted you to attend another presentation while you were there. Now I just want to get rid of timeshare so that I don’t leave my children this as it will ruin their lives. I have no wish to use it ever again.”

Monday 04th April 2016 04:58 - Mrs B - Petchey

The company contacted me by phone.
I went along to the presentation, to which I left under pressure to purchase.
I was told the value of the timeshare would rise, and that there would be no issue if I wanted to sell.
After a few years I was told I would be in a better position, if I bought perpetuity, especially with regards to selling the timeshare.
The cost of this was £1300.
I do not wish to leave this in my will, as this is a liability.

Friday 01st April 2016 09:32 - Mr A - MGM Petchey

Maintenance fees have been increasing at a rate higher than inflation
We were not given a cooling off period on payments
We paid a deposit of £700 on the day of presentation/sale
Contracts were only in English
We were not given land registry details of the property
We were not given information that is legally required under the law prior to signing the contract

Wednesday 06th April 2016 04:37 - Mr & Mrs U - Petchey Leisure

We received an invitation through a relative to attend a presentation. At this time, we had never heard of timeshare and had only been two years back in the UK.
The presentation gave the impression of the best investment ever and gave the prospect of easy resale with profit.
Urgency was create to make us sign up there and then, otherwise it would be a missed opportunity.
At every opportunity, we were made to pay more money – first to have our unit in perpetuity and later to float our week, both with the assurance of easier resale.
All our efforts to re-sell have been unsuccessful and the maintenance fee is on the increase.
This liability is not one that we wish to bequeath to our daughter.

Tuesday 01st March 09:37 - Mr & Mrs A - Petchey

We came into contact with Petchy Leisure via a presentation meeting where we were offered a free holiday which we took up. Whilst on the free holiday we had the regulatory interview with a representative and finally agreed to make a purchase. We were given a cooling off period. We were informed that we could pass the timeshare over to our children (not that we had to i.e perpetuity). This was a misrepresentation of facts. We have since paid £8050 to come out of this perpetuity only to find that this amount relates only to one of the purchases. In addition since the original purchase the maintenance fees have risen from approx £250 to £1300 per year. We do NOT wish to leave this to our children – we feel we were hoodwinked into paying £8000 to come out of perpetuity only to find we are only out of 1 contract. WE ARE VERY UNHAPPY WITH THE WHOLE SYSTEM AND FEEL WE HAVE BEEN MISTREATED. We have spent over £32,000 since joining into something that has NO value whatsoever and were promised it would go up in value over the years – this has not happened.

Wednesday 09th December 11:10 - Mr. W. - Petchey Leisure

We purchased this timeshare in 2007 believing that we could go on holiday with all our 10 family members. They told us that we would have no problem with availability. We have only used it once as we cant get the availability and cant go all together. We were miss sold on the contract with regards to the perpetuity telling us that it was over 40 years. Also saying to us that we had to pay all the money within 3 days or we had to pay double the amount on a finance agreement. We don't want it any more and with not using it we don't want to pay the management fees.

Wednesday 25th November 12:53 - Mr & Mrs J - Atlas/CPO

I believe we were mis sold to and I don’t wish to leave this to our children.
In 1991/1992 went to a timeshare presentation in Leicester Square London.
The presentation concerned C.P.O. (Club Praia da Oura) in Albufeira Portugal where the apartments were offered for sale at various sums depending on size and time of year.
We were all told that the scheme ended in 2011 when the site including all properties would be sold and the money achieved was to be paid to the individual owners according to their valuation. No mention was made of decline in value.
We purchased a studio in CPO for £3,900 on the basis of using it as a holiday home and an investment (we have no documents for this). Due to an admin error by CPO we did not stay there in 1992. They compensated for this with two weeks (wk 8 + 9) in Feb 1993 with two free return flights Gatwick to Faro. I have no recollection or paperwork of any maintenance fees at that stage and this may have been included in the purchase price as was membership of Interval International a timeshare exchange company.
During our stay at CPO in Feb 1993 we visited the Montechoro Beach Club (next door to CPO). This had a gym and other on site ameneties that at the time CPO did not have.
We purchased a one bedroom apartment for £2,900 for week 7 which included membership of RCI a timeshare exchange company. The contract was signed in the presence of a Portuguese Lawyer and it was specified that the maintenance fees would not exceed the rate of inflation.
During late 1993 we received a telephone call from CPO offering us the opportunity to invest in 2 weeks high season using our current studio (ref 91F011152) and then changing to a studio in apartment 507 week 27 + 28. The maintenance on this was payable from 1994.
Membership of Interval International was still included.
During the period May 1993 to December 1994 things are very vague as my father dies in May 1993 and I became the sole carer for my mother who had cancer and died in December 1994.
In July 1994 we were unable to stay week 27/28 at CPO due to caring for my mother and CPO rented this out for us. I cannot recollect what we did with our Montechoro wk 7 in Feb 1994 but we may have banked it with RCI.
We have always paid our yearly maintenance fees to Montechoro and CPO and have regularly stayed at both.
In July 1995 we stayed at CPO but had to alter the dates via Interval International for family reasons.
We did not retain that membership after that.
During July 1998 CPO offered us the opportunity to change our ownership of studio B507 week 27/28 to a one bedroom apartment F106 week 19 and 20 in May. The maintenance fee was higher for a 1 bed apart and we decided to change only week 28 for week 19 and keep week 27 for the use of our family and for rental purposes.
Since that time we have regularly stayed in F106 and in 2007 we celebrated our youngest daughters 30th birthday and CPO arranged rental of other apartments for my whole family during weeks 19 and 20.
The cost for this was the same as the weekly maintenance fee standard for the room type at CPO.
On 20th October 2005 we received a letter from Petchey Leisure notifying us that they as CPO had wholly acquired Montechoro Beach Club.
We tried to sell our Montechoro apartment after that as we weren’t using it and only had 1 exchange via RCI in early 2007. We continued to offer it for sale but unsuccessfully.
We were constantly contacted by countless bogus timeshare companies requesting money to sell our timeshare. We declined each case and sent details to CPO in London who told us they were in contact with the authorities and co-operating in the prosecution of the bogus timeshare companies.
From 2007 we have stayed for 2 weeks in F106 initially by paying internally (CPO) for an extra week. This lead to some aggressive sale ploys by onsite sales people saying we would have to join Infinity a points system. We declined to do this. We contacted the London office of CPO and told them of the aggressive sales ploys. They said they would report this to Mr. Petchey.
In 2009 CPO offered to take back week 7 and week 27 in a scheme called Atlas. We agreed to do this for 2 weeks in a 1 bedroom apartment as long as we retained ownership of F106 and could use these Atlas weeks to stay for the two weeks each year. They agreed to this for the sum of £2,995 interest free using a deferred payment on my Barclaycard.
The Atlas weeks and our fixed F106 were subsequently taken over by MGM in 2012, see letter from Petchey Leisure Group.
Since that time they have tried to get us to join their Infinity Points System in particular to give up our fixed week F106.
In Feb 2015 we used 2 of our Atlas weeks to stay at Royal Park Albatros Club Tenerife now owned by MGM. They offered owners a new scheme to pay £8,950 or £6,950 and be allowed to give up their ownership in 5 years or 10 years repectively.

Friday 20th November 10:20 - Mr L - Petchey Oura Playa

1. That I have been mis-sold.
2. Grossley increses of maintenance fee. I can not afford now getting to the end of mu working years.
3. I have gone to an age that time share is not for me.
4. I do not need the timeshare anymore.
5. I do not want to leave this week and burden to any one as I do not have any children.

Monday 30th March 2015 11:56 Mr C - Petchey Leisure

In 2010 we were offered a free holiday at a resort called Oasis Club Grangefield Costa Mijas Spain, After joining Petchey Leisure I found out that the high quality apartment that we initially used was not available to us simply because my wife is in teaching and we ended up with inferior apartments.
Maintenance fees go up every year and becoming more expensive than going on a package holiday
On entering the system we were given to believe that there would be a 15% discount for members only, this is not true, any person now going to Petchey Leisure gets the same discount.
Non members get a room fro €450.00 per week and get all the facilities except the welcome pack, this is less money than I pay in maintenance.
I feel we are not getting value for money.
On top of this we have paid £12000 up front.
Every holiday we are invited to further sales talks, not wanted but difficult to decline

16th March 2015 08:59 - Mr Ernest L, Northern Ireland - MGM / Petchey

"Too old to travel now. MGM/Petchey have left us completely in the dark. Just want out."

14th March 2015 14:09 - Mr Rodney T, Gloucestershire - Petchey, Royal Park Albatros Club

"Petchey, Royal Park Albatros club. Had it for 15 years tried selling it but Petchey not interested, just wanted us to change to Infinity points at extra costs. Maintenence got to high, so sent them a letter and the timeshare certificate by registered post saying we want nothing for it... had no reply from them but keep being asked for more maintenance fees. "

12th March 2015 09:13 - Mrs F, Carmarthenshire - Petchey/MGM Infiniti Points

"We have just found out that RCI are no longer the booking agents and our choices of hotels are suddenly extremely restricted. We only bought the timeshare because we were promised we could have access to RCI properties ... Now that we cannot access RCI we feel it's a breach of contract and do not wish to continue and want our money back."

11th March 2015 20:19 - Mr Ralph C - Petchey/MGM

"I have had my timeshare at CPO since May 1997 and have been trying to get free of it for years, with no success."

11th March 2015 10:50 - Mr Kevin C, Cumbria - Petchey Leisure

"We were mis-sold and given false info back in 2010. We complained and were fobbed off, but I have emails of complaints. Interested in release from contract but also money paid refunded due to mis-selling. we were told we could sell through Petchey with no problems but now they say no one can sell."

6th March 2015 16:05 - Mr Allan S, Aberdeenshire - Petchey / MGM

"As a member of Petchey Leisure (when Jack Petchey actually met and greeted guests) way back in 1987, I wish to relinquish my liabilities to the monster that is MGM/Muthu as the fees as well as the direct aggressive calling, marketing as well as threats to late payments... "

26th February 2015 20:50 - Mr Michael A, Derbyshire - Petchey MGM

"We would like to know how to get released from our time share"

23rd February 2015 22:45 - Mr Ian H, Lancashire - Petchey

"I wish to understand my options when it comes to getting rid of the timeshare."

1st February 2015 09:44 - Ms Wendy B - RCI & Petchey / Club Praia da Oura

"Told we had to join in able to get the full benefit out of the timeshare. We were NOT told that we have to book at least a year in advance to get the resort that we wanted so always had to settle for something else."

10th January 2015 12:10 - Mr Colin P - Petchey Leisure/MGM & Diamond Resorts/Sunterra

"Having not had the resorts wanted at the time wanted and ever increasing fees we now no longer want these points. Our children are not interested in holidaying this way. Therefore we like offload our points and receive some remuneration, as promised at the original presentation."

9th January 2015 10:32 - Miss Katrina H, Cornwall - Petchey Infiniti points / RCI

"We would like to get rid of our points as they are not providing us with the flexibility we thought they would. We have had weeks cancelled and have lost weeks as well. Thanks"

4th January 2015 22:58 - Mr Peter M, Staffordshire - Petchey

"I have been a member with Petchey for a number of years and my maintenance fees have trebled in the last few years. I would now like to be free of it…"

31st December 2014 21:13 - Mrs Suzzann B, Leicestershire - Petchey

"I need to release 200,000 points as maintenance has become to costly and due to ill health I haven't been able to use."

31st December 2014 12:33 - Mr Colin B, Greater Manchester - Petchey

"Looking to offload as maintenance fee constantly increasing. At point of sale we were advised if we no longer wanted time share we could sell it back... They now say the only option is to buy Infiniti points at a cost of thousands of pounds... "

30th December 2014 13:11 - Mr Mick C, Shropshire - Petchey/RCI

"RCI never seem to be able to offer anything that falls within our requirements which, to us, seem perfectly reasonable. When we try to book a cruise, for example, they tell us we can only convert 14 points, when we have 39 in the 'Bank' - I don't understand why."

14th December 2014 23:03 - Mrs Esther B. London - Petchey (MGM)

"I have owned the Praia da Oura timeshare since 2000 and have wanted to offload it for years"

11th December 2014 21:54 - Mr Andrew S, Derbyshire - Petchey

"They reneged on the promise that if we were not able to finance the timeshare they would cancel the agreement."

11th December 2014 13:28 - Mrs Jean B, Cornwall - RCI, Petchey/Club Infiniti & Diamond Resorts

"My husband and I are desperate to get rid of our timeshares."

10th December 2014 23:18 - Mr Terence S, Isle of Man - RCI / Petchey


8th December 2014 16:09 - Mrs N W - Petchey Leisure

"We wish you to release us from the contract. We are not as young as we were when we signed up. We travel less and fees are now VERY HIGH for us as we do not work any more."

11th November 2014 09:08 - Mrs Ann F, Channel Island - Petchey

“Been a member for some 12 years, circumstances now changed and wish to release.”

10th November 2014 16:37 - Mr Terence H - RCI, Petchey

“We tried to book several times for the U.K. Only once were we able to book the resort that we wanted and that was not for the original weeks that we requested. One resort in Devon had no facilities open and the veranda and patio doors were broken although I had made them aware my parents were disabled. A resort in Cumbria was virtually closed with the restaurant only open one night, not as described in the brochure.”

10th November 2014 13:04 - Mr Peter M - Atlas (now MGM)

“We own a floating week, red season and we want to get rid of it because it is a lot of money every year, how can you help us?”

10th November 2014 12:55 - Mr Kevin B - Petchey

“We are at Oura View Beach Club, which was a unique resort. It was originally owned by Portuguese and had an inflation only maintenance increase built into our leases. It is now a Petchey resort passing ownership to MGM who have ceased to over increase maintenance for the last 2 years but who knows! My issue is that have devalued my ownership in that it is unsaleable and they insist my only get out is conversion to Infinity points. Help!”

5th November 2014 11:59 - Mr William P, Devon - Petchey

“We would like to get out of the scheme as we don't have time to use it.”

4th November 2014 12:11 - Mr David A, Kent - Petchey Infinity Points

“Don’t use points. Not enough to use at peak times. Do not want it any longer or pass on to family.”

3rd November 2014 17:02 - Mr Fraser M - Petchey

“It's cheaper to buy the holidays we want than to search (often unsuccessfully) for a suitable holiday provided by Petchey/MGM.”

2nd November 2014 19:41 - Mr George M, Scotland - Petchey & Silverpoint

“Joined Petchey Oct 2009, in dubious circumstances, still trying to get out. Paid around £XXXXX for an annual 140,000 points. As recently as April & Oct 2014, had talks relating to this. Now they throw at us this "perpetuity clause". Now Silverpoint cost us £XXXXX in 2012, this was to get out of Petchey and go with them. Now 2014, I have put the Studio and 1 bedroom app up for re-sale for the amount of £XXXXX. Haven’t heard from them since about the money…. As I was nearly duped into getting a section of Silverpoint called holidays who in turn in contact with Reclaim GC, who were going to do wondrous things and clear all our problems, but at a cost. I have a lot of paperwork from both situations. I know that timeshare is illegal. I require information regarding points, which we have. We pay Petchey, now MGM annual maintenance of £XXXX and keeps going up. Recently chatted with a rep from MGM and he said that I could get out in 5 years if I paid them £XXXX. Told him where to go, he them came back and said the boss said £XXXX, told him the same, this was in April 2014 in Portugal, and again in Oct 2014 was told the same, it would be 10 years instead of five. Told them where to go. We need someone we can trust. Thank you.”

30th October 2014 14:53 - Mrs V. S, Lincolnshire - RCI/Petchey

“We have requested Riviera France without success, waited 2 yrs to get Cyprus in March, compromised on alternative places in Spain and taken Egypt instead of USA. Holidays are to suit RCI not paying members. We have been scammed out of money to sell our points as no sales ever materialise. Making most of options now as high payments being taken anyway.”

28th October 2014 19:39 - Mr Surinder M - Petchey

“I jointly own a timeshare with my sister in Law in Oura View Beach Club which we have owned since 1998. She has retired and I have been made redundant so need to get out of this contract.”

28th October 2014 17:08 - Mr Kevin O - Petchey Clube Praia Da Oura

“Bought in 1998, never been once, need to get out as I have retired and can no longer afford the fees.”

28th October 2014 16:31 - Mrs Marta C - RCI/Petchey CPO Albuferia

“Too high maintenance fees, normal price lower on the internet. Also we are unable to sell and need to pay it every year. Terrible!”

27th October 2014 18:55 - Mr Glyn R, Gloucestershire - MGM Oura View beach club

Owe £XXXX. RCI keep forcing us to join but not done so this year. Cannot get dates or hotel you ever want so waste of time not used for 8-9 years. Have no interest in this anymore. Trying to book a holiday to be told you have to ring on a certain day within certain hours and then told you still can't have it.”

25th October 2014 09:38 - Mr Lui R, Buckinghamshire - Petchey

“We need to get rid of our timeshare we've had it about 6 yrs. Bought it off a friend!!! But am now out of work.”

24th October 2014 12:06 - Mrs Pauline P - Petchey Leisure

“Would like to get out of timeshare.”

23rd October 2014 11:44 - Mrs Irene D - Petchey/Infiniti

“Can no longer afford maintenance fees for 60000 points as now on pension.”

21st October 2014 11:04 - Mrs Pamela F, Wales - Mgm hotels. CPO Portugal

“I have a studio timeshare at Club Praia da Oura which I would like to dispose of. Thank you.”

21st October 2014 11:03 - Ms Pamela C, Essex - Petchey

“Keep getting letters from MGM saying that I can't sell want to know my options to get out of contract.”

16th October 2014 22:02 - Mrs Sandra S - Club Infiniti (was Petchey Leisure now MGM Group)

“Bought Timeshare 1990 upgraded to Club Infiniti (Points) in 2010 as unable to sell or get out of timeshare. Would like to get rid completely… Is not as explained to us.”

15th October 2014 21:23 - Mr Kevin W, Warwickshire - Petchey

“Haven't been to my timeshare for 13 years as always too busy at that time of year, am struggling with debt & cannot afford maintenance fee of £XXX, a complete joke.”

15th October 2014 14:45 - Mrs Patricia T - Petchey Leisure

“Would like to release time share in Clube Praia da Oura ASAP, maintenance fees too expensive and hardly ever use.”

13th October 2014 00:39 - Mr Tony S - Petchey Clube Praia da Oura

“I was mis-sold a Petchey week approx. 13 years ago. We were categorically assured there were flights from Newcastle to Portugal at that time and it wasn't until we returned home and found out there weren't. We took a loan out to purchase the week and have tried unsuccessfully to give them back the week in March without success.”

13th October 2014 17:10 - Mrs Heather S, Bristol - Petchey/RCI

“We have points but never get to use them other than at home sites. Never helpful but always offering free weeks....!”

11th October 2014 14:23 - Miss Sue M, Surrey - Petchey Leisure

“In perpetuity… I was pressurised to purchase more points although I didn't want them. Told this would allow me to opt out (a year was given) now the company is owned by MGM!! As I was on my own I had no one to discuss this with and unable to seek advice at the time. I cancelled agreement with in the cooling off period. Do not sign anything… walk away...”

11th October 2014 13:02 - Mr Michael R, Leicestershire - Petchey / Silverpoint

“Trying to get out of Petchey & Silverpoint.”

10th October 2014 17:39 - Mrs Dolores K, Northern Ireland - Petchey

“Cannot travel and need to dispose of timeshare.”

10th October 2014 17:04 - Mr James T, East Sussex - Petchey Points

“Want to get rid of points for nothing, we are pensioners and unable to travel abroad any longer.”

9th October 2014 08:32 - Mrs Hilary B - Petchey

“Had this a long time cost thousands and ongoing fees never used it tried to get rid of it for years.”

7th October 2014 23:00 - Mr Robert T - Petchey

“We have tried several times and places to get rid of our time share as it is nearly impossible to get any space and have been conned by Monster Travel who took money from me under the false impression that they could get me out of my contract.”

6th October 2014 09:24 - Mrs Catriona W, Scotland - Petchey

“Our maintenance fees at CPO are going up 10% per year. When we have challenged this, we have basically been told to go to Portugal to see our title deeds.”

5th October 2014 10:41 - Mr James E, Bedfordshire - Petchey Praia Da Oura & Radisson Golden Sands Malta

“Have never been to the resort in Portugal and once to the one in Malta. We were led to believe it was an investment which we could sell back. We are in a debt management plan, and cannot afford to go to either resort, and could really do with getting out of these.”

4th October 2014 15:21 - Mrs Susan O, West Yorkshire - Petchey Infiniti

“How do we get out of Infiniti points?”

4th October 2014 15:12 - Mr Stephen M, Wiltshire - Petchey Leisure now owned by MGM

“We bought our original timeshare at Royal Park Albatross in 1999 then owned by Hutchinson's Trustees. It was all carried out in a respectable business-like manner. We converted to points in 2002. A few years ago we were advised that Royal Park Albatross was being bought out by Petchey Leisure who invited us down to Hever Castle in Kent for a 'free' weekend. We were subjected to a horrific 'meeting' with three members of Petchey, who firstly tried to persuade us to buy at Hever for five times as much as we had paid for our original timeshare. When we refused they were rude, bullying and threatening and also intimated that our Gold Crown resort status in Tenerife would be taken away and why were we bothering with it. This didn't make sense at all considering Petchey had bought it! The whole encounter was awful and we had to walk out.…”

1st October 2014 23:13 - Mr Colin H - MGM Hotels (formerly Petchey Leisure)

“I wish to find a way of getting out of my timeshare - already registered with the RCI action group.”

1st October 2014 19:20 - Mr Gary W - Petchey

“Bullied into buying. Hounded every day on holiday phone calls to room, people calling round just kept going on at us, finally went to meeting just to get rid of them and stupidly signed up. Never been back to resort, never used timeshare, maintenance just keeps going up + up just want to get rid and give it back. Don't want any money back.”

1st October 2014 18:37 - Mr Stuart L, Gloucestershire - Petchey

“Have points with Petchey following a conversion from VIP. Bought specifically as "Not timeshare", the Petchey sale presentation used an "intranet" purporting to be an "Internet" connection showing what could be available. Never able to use VIP, hardly able to use Petchey and horrendous maintenance fees which we cannot afford.”

1st October 2014 14:35 - Mrs Julie T - Petchey

“Bought this timeshare some 9 years ago, miss-sold on Room No and had a couple of year’s battle to get similar room we had thought/been led to believe we had bought. Hassling us all the time to swop and pay more for points, do not want to go back now that MGM just bought into Petchey and changes we see we do not like, also my husband is now 60, I’m 59 and also in perpetuity contract with my sons name on it also on their advice? Feel strongly that we were lied to from start about maintenance which was low at start and now doubled and showed room we wanted to buy to find another room had been sold to us above their bar! Want some money out of this for timeshare we have bought and for mis-sale/lies and hassle we had to get a decent room with sea view that we wanted.”

1st October 2014 13:28 - Mr Peter W - Petchey/Leisure Dimensions Ltd

“I wish to be released from my Timeshare with Petchey/Leisure Dimensions Ltd, as I feel that it was miss-sold when I transferred ownership to Petchey from Hever Castle in 2010.”

1st October 2014 11:53 - Miss Elizabeth R - Petchey

“Do not use timeshare, maintenance costs keep rising and do not wish this burden on my relatives when I have gone. When I enquired about selling back to them response was to try to get me to go on points system. When I refused man got nasty and said I would never sell so I’m totally fed up.”

1st October 2014 09:20 - Mr David D - Petchey Leisure Infiniti

“Can’t pay the maintenance!”

30th September 2014 18:40 - Miss Sandy P, London - Petchey Leisure

“My sister bought a time share in Petchey leisure over 4 years ago and we have never used it. However we cannot afford the yearly maintenance fees as she no longer lives here and I am unemployed and my parents are on pension. We really want to sell it and get rid of it once and for all. Petchey leisure know of our situations however they don't seem to help and just want money all the time.”

28th September 2014 18:54 – Mrs Celia H, Bedfordshire - Petchey

“I have had this timeshare for over 11 years and only used 3 times. I do not wish to go there and now find I am having difficulty in affording the maintenance fees. How can I get rid of this unwanted burden?”

28th September 2014 16:00 – Mr Nick P - Petchey

“Have never been to Clube Praia da Oura despite holding a timeshare there for 15 years or so. Haven't wanted it for years and can't even sell it for a penny, want out and Petchey are about as much good as a chocolate teapot.”

26th September 2014 17:28 – Ms Christine J - Petchey

“I brought my timeshares as a single person. At the time, they only sold to married couples but sold to me. Now I am nearly 62 still on my own and cannot afford them. Plus new management and things have changed, it is more for package holiday makers, they are no longer interested in owners it’s the fees they want.”

25th September 2014 08:10 – Mrs Amanda M - Petchey

“Looking to get out of timeshare.”

22nd September 2014 22:59 – Mr Geoffrey C - Oura View Beach Club, Portugal

“Do not want to be locked into in perpetuity clause as we are getting older and do not want to leave the problem of our sons having to pay for something they do not want.”

22nd September 2014 19:31 – Mr Peter H, London - Petchey

“No longer need our timeshare. Too old to travel.”

21st September 2014 19:42 - Mr Michael M - Petchey

“Am I eligible for compensation? I paid £xxxx and never been. Was well and truly robbed, these people are criminals.”

18th September 2014 23:59 - Mrs Smith, Gloucestershire - Clube Praia da Oura

“Maintenance Fees escalating. CPO no longer an owners resort and are treated as second class compared to Infiniti members.”

15th September 2014 20:37 - M David E, Perth and Kinross - Petchey

“Would like to see options as I have had the apartments for sale with Petchey for 2 years (with no success).”

15th September 2014 14:19 - Mr Anthony C, Cheshire - Petchey

“Because of age and medical reasons, also we do not want to leave this problem to our children. (Perpetuity contract)”

13th September 2014 14:54 - Mr Mike B - Gloucestershire - Petchey

"I am on a Petchey point’s contract but cannot travel abroad anymore."

12th September 2014 12:45 - Mr Ronald T, Buckinghamshire - Petchey points and Westgate Vacation Villa

"Need to dispose of all my timeshares/points. My wife and I are in our late 70's."

11th September 2014 16:27 - Mr Duncan D - Petchey - Praia da Oura

"Inherited from father paid ten years part owner with brother can't pay any longer and do not use it. Need out at reasonable cost."

5th September 2014 14:22 - Mr Graham G - Petchey

"Hi, I would like to get out of my agreement for Clube Praia da Oura. We cannot afford to pay maintenance fees and do not use the timeshare. What can we do?"

3rd September 2014 14:01 - Mrs Helen E, London - Petchey

“We bought into an exchange scheme with one week at Club Praia D'Ora in Portugal. The maintenance fees keep rising and we want to stop paying. Our original agreement just says if we don't pay they will repossess nothing about other legal action. We have this agreement in perpetuity. Please advise what our options are. I did write to them saying I couldn't afford the fees a while ago and asked to give the week back but they would not accept this. Please advise.”

2nd September 2014 14:58 - Mr Neville W - MGM EX PETCHEY

"Maintenance has increased significantly to 390 GBP/year for 2015. Not happy with new, management or recent alternations to complex, previous excellent staff have left or unhappy. Want to get out."

2nd September 2014 13:36 - Mr Jason W - Petchey Leisure (MGM)

"I felt I was mis-sold the timeshare, led to believe it was win-win, and when I questioned the ease to get out/sell, I was told there wouldn't be any problems, the resale value would only go up. I never use it anymore, and can't sell it. What options do I have?"

2nd September 2014 12:44 - Mr Clifford B, Berkshire - Petchey

"It's time to stop paying exorbitant fees and not getting what we what, time to get out and stop paying fees."

1st September 2014 18:24 - Mr Alun R - Petchey

"Would like to be released due to the ever increasing costs involved."

1st September 2014 14:58 - Mr Marcus J, London - Petchey

"Bought timeshare at CPO in 1986 and have regretted it since. Only able to use it a handful of times over 26 years. Paid for perpetuity and then an upgrade to OVBC more recently."

19th August 2014 19:06pm - Mr C. B, Leicestershire - Infiniti Points/Petchey

"I have 20000 points in fractional ownership with diamond resorts. We now need to get rid."

19th August 2014 19:05pm - Mrs Patricia B - Infiniti Points/Petchey

"I have Infiniti points and the maintenance fees are now very high. Would like some advice on how to get out of this contract."

14th August 2014 15:32 - Mr John S, Surrey - RCI / Infiniti points, Petchey Leisure

"Main problem is that I was sold this "in perpetuity". If I can no longer afford maintenance payments. am I likely to be able to stop? Also, my children definitely do not want to inherit this. What should I do?"

12th August 2014 22:46 - Mr Alan H, Kent - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da Oura

"I have a fixed week at Praia da Oura and would like out."

11th August 2014 09:32 - Mr A - Petchey Leisure

"I would like a conversation about the ways your service can help me get rid of 2 weeks of Timeshare at Clube Praia da Oura. "

8th August 2014 09:34 - Mr J - MGM/ Petchey Leisure/ Clube Praia Da Oura

"Membership fees too much!"

7th August 12:28 - Mr Nigel G - Petchey Leisure / Infiniti Points

"Retirement coming up can't afford annual maintenance fees. 'In perpetuity'. Partner made redundant last year and she has been unable to find work. Need to get out of agreement. When purchased told we cold get out at any time. Not a chance!"

7th August 11:32 - Mrs Catherine D - Petchey Leisure / Oura View Beach Club

"Just worried about the perpetuity clause, can you offer me some options !!"

27th July 2014 16:31 - Mr Philip G, East Sussex - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da Oura

"I have had my timeshare for 30 years, it is now much too dear and I'm not happy with some of the changes that have been made to the complex."

26th July 2014 15:37 - Mr Anthony D, Worcestershire - RCI/Infiniti Points, Petchey Leisure

"I have just been to Grangefield Oasis and I was approached by one of their reps and he went through the usual flannel they do. Anyway, the upshot is that if I pay £3500 and that would give me an extra 20000 points... Why do I have to buy more points?"

25th July 2014 09:36 - Mr William G, Greater Manchester - RCI / MGM Petchey Leisure

"2 weeks at Royal Park Albatros costing almost £1000/year now. Not used. In RCI and converted it to weeks."

24th July 2014 08:32 - Mr Derek A - Clube Praia da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"Have 2 weeks in August in perpetuity. Am retiring this year so need to get out."

24th July 2014 00:19 - Mrs Bridget W - Infiniti Points, Petchey Leisure

"Need to stop paying maintenance and preferably sell points but realise this is probably unrealistic…"

21st July 2014 18:45 - Mr Robert C - Petchey Leisure - Clube Praia Da Oura (CPO)

"Received a letter recently with a form for me to indicate by which method I would like to pay 2015 maintenance fees, but no amount is shown ??? I have written to CPO indicating that I do not consider that I have any formal contractwith them. To date I have not had any response from them. What are my legal rights in this instance. I have asked repeatedly by email and written letters asking for copies of any contractual documents, but these are being ignored."

18th July 2014 20:55 - Mrs Sophia P - Petchey, Clube Praia da oura

"Been trying for years to get out as partner not working and we cannot afford the fees."

18th July 2014 13:00 - Mr David N, Nottinghamshire - MGM Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da oura

"I was given my timeshare for free and is an unwanted gift, we just want rid of it and don't want anything for it. What are my options please.

16th July 2014 19:56 - Mr Philip R, Cheshire - RCI/ Infiniti, Petchey Leisure

"I believe my original contract was not in perpetuity. I have sent them a copy Registered post, and requested some 5-6 months ago to receive back a copy of the alleged 'In Perpetuity' contract, they have not complied. I do not believe they have one. They have continued to send me demands for two years now, without supplying me with the information I have requested from them. I don't believe there is such a contract, short of suing them for harrassment, what would you suggest?"

14th July 2014 09:45 - Miss Susan M - Clube Praia da Oura, Petchey Leisure (MGM)

"Hi, appreciate my week 38 is valueless but just need to know what my options are. No longer want timeshare."

6th July 2014 16:49 - Mr Timothy C, Nottinghamshire - Petchey MGM

"I have had to buy extra points to get out of my timeshare!! I am still not sure that I will get out, I am looking to get out in 2015 as I am now ill and not working. Petchey have done a brilliant one this time, they have sent a bill for this years maintenance fees but do not tell us how much it is going to be, just telling us they will let us know as soon as we send the form back!"

3rd July 2014 12:16 -Mr Gary N, Greater London - RCI / Petchey Infiniti Points

"Cannot afford maintenance fees … and we are unable to use it."

1st July 2014 13:33 - Mr A M - Clube Praia Da Oura / Petchey MGM

"Unable to use because of ill health and fees being increased each year. Would like to dispose of this timeshare as soon as possible."

29th June 2014 17:58 - Mrs Barbara B, South Wales - Clube Pria da Oura / Petchey Leisure

"Need to get out of this. Cannot afford the ever increasing maintenance."

29th June 2014 11:47 - Mr Robert P, Hertfordshire - Clube Praia da Oura, Portugal / Petchey Leisure

"I have been signed off work indefinitely so I cannot afford the maintenance payments on the property and cannot travel."

26th June 2014 21:44 - Ms Lorraine H, Leicestershire - RCI / Clube Pria da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"We have been unable to find a buyer for this timeshare. They are refusing to buy back... Also have timeshare at Starwood and we are unable to sell this too."`

26th June 2014 17:20 - Mr Brian B, Lincolnshire - Petchey / Infiniti Points

"I am unable to use my points due to ill health and just want to relinquish my ownership."

26th June 2014 13:40 - Mr S - Petchey Leisure

"Had our timeshare for 25 years but now cannot afford the high rising maintenance fees. We are just struggling to pay"

25th June 2014 21:46 - Mrs Samantha R, West Yorkshire - Petchey Leisure / Club Praia Da Oura, Portugal

"I would like to be rid of this timeshare as i am no longer in a position to pay for it or use it."

22nd June 2014 23:36 - Ms Denise Y, South Yorks - Clube Praia da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"I no longer want the timeshare as I don't use it any more and cannot afford it."

22nd June 2014 19:52 - Mr G P - Petchey Leisure, Infiniti Points

"Just want release from this Petchey timeshare."

17th June 2014 11:35 - Mrs Dawn H, Devon - Petchey Infiniti Points

"I have lots of points but no money to pay ever increasing fees. Can I sell my points? I really need to try and recoup some of my losses due to sudden financial pressures. I feel sick with worry at the moment. Any advice gratefully received."

13th June 2014 06:54 - Mrs Margery D - Petchey Leisure

"No longer able to pay fees widowed 9 years ago have struggled to pay ever since. Tried selling, but so are hundreds of other people. Would just like to get rid of it but Petchey don't want to know".

8th June 2014 13:16 - Mr Bob C, Surrey - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da Oura

"Want to get out of the perpetuity commitment as our daughter is not interested in continuing with it when we are gone. I was told that CPO would buy back."

6th June 2014 23:00 - Mr R A, Greater London - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da Oura

"I am 62, widow, and have not used for past 20 years and now unable to pay service charge due to lack of finances."

6th June 2014 11:31 - Mr Gary A, N Ireland - Petchey Leisure

"When sold, perpetuity was either not mentioned at all or as an advantage (legacy etc) and I had no understanding of this until recently. Maintenance fees now risen to £1698.40 per year... I am FURIOUS. I need advice and support please."

3rd June 2014 13:31 - Mr Simon G - Petchey Leisure/MGM at CPO

"Concerned about contract locking-in family members. Feel contract was mis-sold. Also rising maintenance fees a concern."

1st June 2014 15:45 - Mr John B - Petchey Leisure

"The timeshare was jointly with my wife, who has since died. Petchey have informed me that the timeshare is now in my name and in perpetuity. The maintenance fees are pushing £1000 pa."

23rd May 2014 17:25 - Mrs S T - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia Da Oura

"Owned floating week since 1997, changed to points. Can't afford the fees, now retired and don't go on holidays, please help!"

22nd May 2014 14:33 - Mrs Denise M, Surrey - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia Da Oura Portugal

"Purchased in 1989. Did not use for a long time as had money problems. Asked about getting rid and I was told if I had it in perpetuity it would make things easy to sell, but have asked reps about selling but non-one is interested. My partner has a walking disability and is now retired. Also my health is not good, so money is getting tight as I don't know how much longer I will be working. Just seems to cost more money every year, would just like to get rid of my week. Any advice welcome."

22nd May 2014 12:23 - Mr Barry A, Surrey - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia Da Oura

"Have been trying to relinquish this timeshare - have paid maintenance for last 12+ years only used once now have financial problems and need to cut back."

21st May 2014 21:25 - Mr C - Petchey Leisure, Oura View Beach Club

"Cannot afford the exorbitant fees any longer."

21st May 2014 09:30 - Mr Guy M, London - Petchey Leisure, Oura View

"Fed up with both Petchey and RCI dictating what we can or when we can bank our weeks etc. We want out of Oura View"

15th May 2014 14:18 - Mrs June G - Clube Praia da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"My mother bought it and put both our names on contract. After her death I told them I no longer wanted it. They told me I had it for life and they would not just take it from me. I cannot afford to pay the maintenance any longer but they said it would go to court. Advice please!"

14th May 2014 13:31 - Mr Peter W - Petchey Leisure/MGM

"Bought a 'week' in Portugal with information that Petchey would buy it back at 20% less than going rate if we ever decided to sell. My wife and I seperated 14 years ago, neither of us want the 'week' and Petchey wont buy it back. Tried to give it back for nothing..."

12th May 2014 17:23 - Mr Robert J, Lancashire - Clube Praia Da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"Purchased September 2000. Arrived May 2011 to find we had been allocated unit in corner with no view and very little sunshine. Upgraded to apartment with better view at extra cost including a LOSS of £465 on 'sale' of first apartment. Used apartment this year for the first time in a number of years and was asked to convert on Infiniti Points at a further cost of £4,600. Older and wiser I said NO! Have used RCI to bank and exchange over the years for resorts in UK but have only been able to get out-of-season bookings. Overall feeling of being conned out of over £6,000 plus maintenance fees increases of over 200% over 14 years.

12th May 2014 17:04 - Mr J, County Durham - RCI / Petchey Leisure Clube Praia Da Oura

"Mis-sold and totally conned into been able to sell it back at any time. Worst thing we have ever been involved with. Gutted."

10th May 2014 18:20 - Mr Ahmad B, Surrey - Clube Praia da Oura, Portugal. Petchey Leisure

"Due to ill health, and retirement, we can't afford to pay the maintenance fees."

9th May 2014 13:10 - Mrs Janet F - Petchey Leisure / Infiniti Points

"Have points and would like to get rid of our timeshare now, as not as good as it used to be."

7th May 2014 16:31 - Mr Mark H, Bedfordshire - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia da Oura

"I have split from my wife 10 years ago and I have no use for this and I cannot get out of the now very high maintenance costs."

7th May 2014 11:33 - Mrs Sharon S, Lancashire - Clube Praia da Oura, Petchey Leisure

"Have timeshare 1 week, 4 bed apartment at Clube Praia da Oura, Algarve, Portugal. Husband left me, I can't afford the maintenance. Help please!"

5th May 2014 17:01 - Mr Chris V - Petchey / Leisure Dimensions, Club Praia da Oura

"I have a studio, one week in September. Maintainance fees have risen over 300% in 8 years. Am pestered all the time to upgrade. I have an "in perpetuity" contract and wish to get out. Any advice please?"

27th April 2014 19:31 - Ms Angie G, West Sussex - Petchey Leisure

"Myself and my friend want to get out of our contract, as we are separated. I can't afford to pay the maintenance, but they say we are in a contract for life, so we cannot cancel. Communication is very poor."

26th April 2014 16:42 - Mr Graeme C, Surrey - RCI / Petchey Leisure

"As others on here, ever increasing fees & lack of availibility, but you can go to most places if you pay! Might as well just go to local travel agents!!!"

26th April 2014 12:08 - Mrs K I - Petchey Leisure

"On behalf of my father who has the timehare - he wants to get out of his time share but the Petchey rep won't hear of it, won't even provide a copy of my father's timeshare agreement which he has lost since he moved house a few years ago. He is on a pension and he doesn't travel anymore alone. He hasn't used his timeshare or used his affiliation to RCI in 6 years, he is paying fees for no reason and can't afford them. Petchey say that he can't cancel."

25th April 2014 18:40 - Mrs Christine J - Petchey Leisure, Clube Praia Da Oura

"I am sick to death of yearly rising maintenance fee's when purchased was told it would increase only very minimal amounts. Also when at the resort you get pestered by meetings and sales pressure no rest for a holiday at all."

25th April 2014 07:16 - Mr Stuart L - Petchey Leisure

"Increasing maintenance fees, without corresponding improvement in apartment and my wife's illness, make this an unecessary burden which we need to be free from."

24th April 2014 10:20 - Mr Vincent M, Tyne & Wear - Petchey Leisure

"Would like to get out of timeshare agreement, but its in perpetuity."

22nd April 2014 21:43 - Mr Paul C, Kent - Petchey Leisure

"We have a petchey atlas timeshare and were shocked to get a maintenance bill of £631. Tried to contact them by phone and email to customer services but no joy. Have not been able to speak to anyone, all we keep getting in reply are payment reminders. Is there anything you can do help please."

22nd April 2014 18:12 - Mr John L , Cheshire - Petchey Leisure

"We were sold our points 'In Perpetuity' as though this was a good thing. We were given the impression that we would be able to sell our points easily if we ever wanted to. We know this isn't so because we have tried to sell them more than once. We are now both in our 70's and don't want to burden our children with this problem. We are not interested in getting any money back just to rid ourselves of this burden."

19th April 2014 19:34 - Mr M R, Leicestershire - Petchey Leisure Clube Praia da Oura & Oura Beach

"Need to get out. Retired + redundant and cannot afford £1713 per year - in perpetuity"

About Timeshare Release

During the Timeshare sales boom of the 80s & 90s, potential buyers were lured in by the promise of affordable exotic holidays, flexible exchange programmes and the impression that Timeshare would be a valuable "investment".

In an industry with little or no regulation, high pressure sales tactics were rife and contract smallprint was often glossed over and explained away by sharp salespeople.

Many Timeshare buyers were therefore unaware that they were actually making significant, long term financial commitments on behalf of themselves and their families.

To find out how you can escape the Timeshare Trap please complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard now.

The Timeshare Trap

The timeshare trap

For many Timeshare owners, annual maintenance fees were barely considered token amounts in the early "honeymoon period" of ownership.

However, year-on-year increases imposed by the resorts over time now mean that the maintenance fees have risen to become substantial sums.

Owners are also facing the prospect of ongoing yearly fee increases and realising that they (and their families) are often committed to long term contracts for generations to come.

Please try our Future Fees Calculator to estimate your liabilities over the term of your Timeshare contract, based on an annual increase of 7.5%.

If you're concerned about rising fees and how to escape the Timeshare Trap, please contact us today.

Timeshare Owner Reports

Timeshare owner reports

Recent comments from RCI Timeshare owners who have come to us for help with contract cancellation:

Mr Steve R, Middlesex - RCI/Hollywood Mirage

“We 'swapped ‘another place in Tenerife for this in order to move to the points system. Since then, getting exchanges to desirable resorts proves almost impossible, irrespective of in-season or off-season.”

Mrs Rachael B, Yorkshire - RCI Europe

“I purchased my timeshare in 1999 and have been a timeshare member ever since. More often than not, I have not be able to go where I wanted and have ended up giving a few weeks to Friends, etc to book somewhere they wanted in order not to lose the weeks. I have then stayed in a hotel!! I am desperately trying to get rid of the timeshare and am now paying Timeshare Shop in Manchester to get rid of it for me.”


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