Solve your Diamond Resorts Timeshare Problems
Read Reports from other Timeshare Ownerss
At TimeshareRelease we receive cries for help from many Diamond Resorts International (DRI) Timeshare owners every week - and we have published below a selection of recent comments/reports. All these DRI members came to us for help in disposing of their Timeshares and releasing themselves from ongoing fee liabilities.
You can read earlier Diamond Resorts International Timeshare member reports here.
Or, if you'd like to see reports from Timeshare owners with other groups, please see: Customer Comments
To report your own experience and/or to find out your options for getting rid of your own Timeshare problems and potentially claiming compensation, please call us on 0203 7699 164 or complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard form now.
20th February 2017 – Mr & Mrs D – Diamond Resorts Fractional
“We first bought in 2001 in Spain. During a holiday in USA we were coerced into changing to USA points system as told it was better for the exchange, this proved to be untrue. On return to Spain we were pressurised into changing into fractional which again turned out to be a mistake and the m/fees have risen to nearly £5,000 a year. We feel we have been continually lied to and mis-sold.”
10th February 2017 - Mr D – Diamond Resorts International
“On 4 July 2008 whilst on holiday in Crete we were encouraged to purchase a 6 week timeshare at a cost of £3,495 which was paid on the day by credit card. When we took our first week in the timeshare in 11-18 July 2010 we were given a further presentation and encouraged to upgrade to a 25 year timeshare, at a cost of £13,105 which we paid on the day by credit card. We have paid the annual maintenance fee every year, which has been increasing and have deposited every year with RCI for the past 2 years. We currently have approx. 110 points with RCI because we could not find a suitable place to go to use up our points due to lack of availability. When purchasing our timeshare we were offered the Red zone which gave us flexibility in peak season, but now we have been told by Diamond Resorts that we can only take week 40. When purchasing the timeshare we were assured of exclusivity but we have discovered that it is cheaper and more flexible to book with at a cheaper price than our maintenance fee. We were also informed when purchasing the timeshare that we could upgrade to a 2 bed unit but this proves also not to be the case. We upgraded our RCI to Platinum in the hope of having more flexibility but there continues to be a lack of availability. We do not wish to leave this burden of liability to our children. From 7-14 March 2015, we were invited to take a free week in Tenerife with Diamond Resorts who hoped that we would convert from RCI to Diamond Resort Points, but we declined to do so. In the light of the above we feel we were mis-sold our timeshare.”
28th January – Mr & Mrs D – Diamond Resorts
“Promised it would be an investment. Maintenance fees increased greater than inflation. Promised that we would be able to exit at any time. No cooling off period. Signed purchase agreement on the day. Paid deposit on the day of purchase. Not told maintenance fees would increase annually.”
9th January 2017 – Mr & Mrs H – Diamond Resorts
“(1) Informed that we would always have enough points to have 2 week holiday at a resort of our choice. (2) Informed that we would have priority over others when booking with regards to being put into newly refurbished apartments etc. This seemed to be the opposite as we always seemed to get put into older accommodation. (3) Told that we could transfer points to be used for flights, but not that this could only happen in low season. This is not of any use if you have a child of school age. (4) The list of available resorts on-line is extremely limited, need to be a platinum member to get priority booking, which entails purchasing more points. (5) Being expected to attend a meeting during every holiday. Using up our time and being pressurised to purchase more points.”
9th January 2017 – Mr & Mrs G – Diamond Resorts Points
“In 2003 traded in Bahamas fixed weeks for points. Used the points every year. Deposit £2,000 paid on day by VISA. Every year we had to keep buying more points to get the sort of holidays we wanted but all we seemed to be able to get was what they wanted us to have – SPAIN. The m/fees are now ridiculous £2,000+ and keep rising. We also notice that you don’t have to own points to go to these resorts. We feel we have been totally mis-sold.”
7th January 2017 – Mr & Mrs B – Diamond Resorts
“At Debenhams stores, sales person approached us. Called at Pine Lake, Lancashire. Sold “points” and cost calculated, we would be able to buy more points for multiple vacations. We were told package holidays were always expensive and were inferior to timeshare holidays. Pressurised to sign on the same day. It would be investment for children to take over. Lot of false promises. Asked for money to put son’s name to certification.
I expected the maintenance fees to go with inflation rather than excessive amounts as it looks it has spiralled beyond imagination. Whenever I went on holiday with them one day was always wasted with “presentation” (trying to sell MORE points)”
13th December 2016 – Mr & Mrs B – Diamond Resorts
“Informed that ownership would increase in value. Hard copies handed out during presentation. Presentation was over two hours and we felt pressurised into signing the agreement.
Annual fees have increased from £500 to £2000 over this period. We understood that we would have right to cancel at any time. Not given time to review documents before signing.
We were offered finance but no representative available. Accommodation not to standard as described. Made our decision on verbal statements were not referred in the contents of the purchase agreement.”
3rd December 2016 – Mr & Mrs D – Diamond Resorts
“When we first bought our timeshare in 2004 we were led to believe that it was an investment that we could leave to our children and that the value would increase. When we bought the timeshare the management fees were around £400 for 2 years which gradually started to rise each time it was due. Now the management fees have tripled and are unreasonable for the service we get. When we want to exchange for a good hotel it is never available which means we end up 3 or 4 or even 2 star accommodation which is not acceptable for the money we pay on management fees.”
1st December 2016 - Mr & Mrs R – Diamond Resorts / GVC
“We originally bought G.V.C. in 2003 and have used it quite successfully until recently when Diamond took over. Since then it has been a nightmare every time we have been on holiday. You are obliged to attend a meeting and subjected to a high pressure sales presentation trying to upgrade you by buying more points. The management fees are now £2,200/year yet you still cannot get the exchange you require. We are now both retired and find these fees unreasonable and financially crippling.”
9th November 2016 – Mr & Mrs D – Diamond Resorts
“We feel we were pressured into buying some of our points but the main reasons we wish to relinquish our points are we do not wish our children to be burdened with the worry of management fees when we die and we are both approaching 75 years old and our health is deteriorating and we are very unlikely to be able to use “DR” in the future. Having seen on social media how it is impossible to give up our points we feel this is the only way to be free!!! We feel that management fees have been increasing steadily over the years and this last increase is a considerable increase.”
27th October 2016 - Mr and Mrs B on 27/10/2016 - Diamond Resorts
“We were on holiday and approached by some person to talk about timeshare sales. I don’t remember being given a cooling off period. Yes we did feel pressured. We were told there were lots of places we could travel too and it would be cheaper than via the travel agents, it would be an investment. We were not told about management fees being increased so much each year. I don’t feel we were given enough information.”
12th October 2016 – Mr & Mrs D - Diamond Resorts Points
“We were contacted to make an appointment with a view to change us from our current “weeks system” which were legally owned to then go over to a “points system”…. NO mention of notarisation, perpetuity or anything else was discussed. He did indicate they would go up in value, it was indicated we could get rid of this timeshare quite easily. Stated holidays would be more flexible, which is rubbish, never get weeks you require.”
7th October 2016 - Mr & Mr K - Diamond Resorts
“We initially purchased 35 points in Scotland but realised almost immediately we needed more points to secure availability for at least one, preferably 2 weeks holiday. The quality of the accommodation (Florida) was not as high as expected. We needed to book a larger apartment (2 bed) to get a decent location. Availability was only achieved if booked one year in advance, and we often settled for alternative places and dates. Management fees increased drastically. We have no desire to leave our points to the family - they don't want it. It's a bind and stressful every year to find and book the holiday we want and we often look at alternatives holidays on line with travel agents.”
Tuesday 4th October 2016 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts
“Came into contact outside Ponda Rosa Restaurant. Was not told cooling off period. We felt very pressured to buy the time share, she was very convincing. Told that we were buying an investment. We have only used time share 3 times. Last time we were there it was very run down. The maintenance fees keep rising a lot every second year. We were shown around, they made us feel very comfortable and then taken to a big hall and then was pressured to buy. If we do not buy on day then the offer was not available after. There was no notarisation at the point of sale, we were never taken off the resort on the day. We were sold perpetuity and also deposit we believe was taken out on the day by credit card. All was contrary to the timeshare act of 1992.”
Tuesday 04th October 2016 - Mrs S - Diamond Resorts Points
“We came into contact with the company when approached by a promotional person in a town centre. We were not told of a cooling off period. We felt pressured into purchasing the points. We were promised that we could sell the points back to GVC/Diamond in the future if we didn’t want them anymore. We were also told that it was an investment that would increase in value. There was no notarisation at the point of sale, as required under Spanish Law. We used points for holidays. The resorts were good although for the majority of times resorts/accommodation were not available.”
Thursday 29th September 2016 - Mrs H - Diamond Resorts
“When on holiday with my sister at Sahara Sunset on her RCI points, we were invited to a presentation, this was a very pressured presentation and we were expected to make a decision there and then otherwise we would not be able to purchase at the price quoted, although we did request time to think about it. Michaela Larson dealt with us and gave us a card stating she worked for Diamond Resorts, another person joined but I don't remember his name. I can't recall being told that there was a cooling off period although I later discovered we had 14 days. During the presentation the only documentation we were given was an example of how to spend the points, we went back the next day to sign the paperwork. We were told the management fees would increase with inflation. I can't recall paying a deposit. We were also told we could pass our points onto our children, not that they would have no choice and have to take on the financial burden for the rest of their lives. Also if we wanted to sell them it would not be a problem as there are many companies who will do it for you. This was done in a four hour presentation so we signed to say we would purchase points as we wanted to get out of there. We had a six month interest free finance agreement and we paid in full at the end of the period. We were also told we would be able to book holidays at other sites in Spain and the rest of the world. On the two occasions we tried we were unsuccessful and had to book with Interval International for an additional fee. The accommodation we stayed at Sahara Sunset was not in very good condition but we were told that they were modernizing the site, so it would be better next year. I don't believe we were given the full facts and implications when we purchased the points and the sales people were just trying to make a sale and not tell the truth.”
Wednesday 21st September 2016 11:52 - Mrs T - Diamond Resorts
“We bought GVC in 1980’s but have bought fractional to sell back to Diamond after 3 years from purchase. Fees are £1600 per year and not affordable. We were given finance on day of purchase and no cooling off period was offered.”
Friday 2nd September 2016 - Mr & Mrs J - Diamond Resorts International
“We went to a fractional to get out of the long term, but now understand that was not what was sold to me. Maintenance costs are increasing whilst the standards are falling. My holiday this year was plaqued with faults and the standard of the accommodation was down. I don't want to burden my children with the maintenance every year when I am gone.”
Thursday 1st September 2016 - Mr & Mrs W – Diamond Resorts
“There is a poor lack of availability and the fees increase yearly. 2054 end of the contract was not clearly defined and this has implications for us. It was sold as money saving, 5 star holidays and the exclusivity of the accommodation is no longer the case. You can rent the accommodation for the same price or less as a package holiday”
Thursday 1st September 2016 - Mr & Mrs A - Diamond Resorts International
“It was sold as an asset which it is not and the availability is appalling. The cost of the maintenance fees is far too high and we do not want to pass this debt onto our children. If anything happened to either of us the other one would not use the points.”
Thursday 1st September 2016 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond International
“When we first purchased the points we were happy with the product and used it but as the years have gone by and the maintenance fees have risen more than the cost of living... This is not what they said at the presentation. We do not want to pass this onto our son as he is not willing to take on any expenses such as maintenance fees. We have also found that availability it difficult to find on the resorts.”
Thursday 01st September 2016 - Mr R – Diamond Resorts
“I am required to pay the fees but I am not using the timeshare. I tried to sell it but it cost me £8000 and nothing happened. The children fees don't use it and don't want to inherit it. Management fees keep rising.”
Thursday 01st September 2016 - Mr & Mrs T - Diamond Resorts Points
“Initially cold called and invited to attend presentation, felt pressure to buy on the day to avail of the offer. Promised 5 star accommodation wherever we went, which proved not to be the case. Yes we were given cooling off period but were led to believe we would have cheaper and more holidays than package offers. We feel were lied to from day one. During holidays we had to attend more sales pitches, again pressure to top up our points. Due to work and family commitments we have never been able to fulfil promises made about the amount of times we could use the points. Maintenance fees have increased more per year than we were told. Due to illness (cancer) we are not in a position to continue paying or travelling. We have not been able to use the holiday points since 2009 and due to illness I am no longer allowed to continue employment. (deposit was taken on the day under pressure I now believe that this is illegal).”
Monday 29th August 2016 - Mr & Mrs N - Diamond Resorts
“In our experience purchase of points with Diamond Resorts is done in a pressurised environment. You are so overwhelmed by their tactics that is is difficult to say "No", or raise objections. Each time we visited the resort an upgrade meeting would be arranged and we would feel badgered to attend. Prior to our arrival at the resort we would receive a phone call at home wanting to arrange a time and date for a meeting. Our purpose was to find out if there was now some way to "escape". However, again we would be subjected to pressure. The meetings could go on for several hours.
At the sales meeting in 2010 where we first upgraded from a promotional membership we paid a deposit by credit card and paid the balance through a finance agreement. There was no representative from the finance company present. We were told that our points would be a valuable asset, something that the family would be glad to use and inherit. The flexibility, exclusivity and lower cost of holidays was continually stressed.
flexibility proved to be a total misconception, with long waiting times and high points values that we could no afford. We were told that our resorts would be exclusive, points would mean cheaper holidays than package holidays.
We have since discovered that anyone can book holidays with a booking agency over the internet without having to pay management fees. It seems that members are therefore subsidising holidays for non-members and the company are making a double profit. In 2014 at one of the meetings we succumbed to the promise of a prospective release date. Diamond had come up with the idea of "fractions". Our membership points with an extra sum of money could be used to purchase a "fraction" with a definite release date. We were told that our fraction was a valuable investment and that it would increase in value. That we would be able to sell ownership and that people would be eager to buy in order to increase their membership. We paid using two credit cards. We have since found that we own nothing tangible. Also high maintenance fees deter people from buying. It seems that it would be Diamond that would be purchasing, and only at their convenience. We were not made aware just how much the management fees would increase annually and feel that this can only escalate out of all proportion. When we originally bought we were never made aware that this was a lifetime commitment.
Finally, we feel that the statements made by the representative selling us the product do not match with either the contents of the purchase contract or physical use of the product. We no longer want the product but cannot give it back. We believe that the points of fact stated in this witness statement are true.”
Friday 17th June 2016 12:17 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts
Was previously a timeshare owner and was invited to Portugal for a weeks holiday. Whilst at resort was pressured to change to points ownership, this was with Grand Vacation Club. This changed to Sunterra and eventually changed to Diamond Resorts. During the transactions I was not told that this would be for perpetuity, nor that this would impact on my children as and when I die. I would never have entered into this agreement had I known. I have used the timeshare but have found it very difficult to get the resort when we wanted. Had I known about this I would never have purchased the timeshare. I feel that it was not explained to in correct terms and that there was a great deal of pressure to complete the transaction there and then, and I believe that the product was missold to me.
Thursday 16th June 2016 10:23 - Mr & Mrs P - Diamond Resorts
Original contact via Market research – prize entry – no mention of the true course of action being. Timeshare/Points company changed hands x 3.
Went to meeting – pressure selling and took nearly all day.
Constant harassment by reps wanting you to purchase more points. Always taken away from the resort we are staying at and feeling as if we were being kidnapped.
Lack of availability for chosen resorts as we are not good with long haul flights.
High management fees – rising every year.
Strong arm tactics meetings when we expressed a wish to leave the system Rep took great pleasure in telling us they would take our house. Offered us their own format – with more cost to get out of it.
Major concerns that we cannot get out of it and it would pass on to our children which both we and they don’t want and feel is criminal.
In hindsight we wish we had never gone into this venture and have refused to attend any reps meetings ever since.
My husband is registered disabled now so travel is not as easy for either of us as it once was. Also majority of the resorts are not very user friendly for people with walking difficulties – many stairs and hills.
Tuesday 14th June 2016 01:25 - Mr O & Ms D - Diamond Resorts
We were offered a free holiday and while we were on this holiday we were pressured into purchasing points. We were informed that the management fee would only increase by rate of inflation. This is not the case as it has increased out of all proportion. It is difficult to book a holiday in the time we want to take a holiday as everywhere was full. Every time we did book a holiday we were pressured to buy extra points during our stay.
Monday 13th June 2016 11:44 - Mr & Mrs C - Diamond Resorts Points
1. Had 1 week at Thurnham - happy with that.
2. Sunterra told us we had to convert to points otherwise we would lose everything.
3. Four days later they charged us again for the same action.
4. We enjoy holidays in this country but it is virtually impossible to book less than 12 months ahead and even then not always possible which means we have to travel abroad, which is not what we wish. The system is not as effective as it was sold to us.
Thursday 02nd June 2016 12:00 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
In 2005 we attended a presentation at Wychnor Park and purchased, by credit agreement on the day, points membership of Sunterra, European Collection.
We were advised it was exclusive, 5* worldwide holidays throughout the year. It was described as an asset where we had direct ownership of the 128 property portfolio. The investment would have return throughout membership, with good resale value.
We were advised that maintenance fees would increase at the rate of inflation and we were tied to perpetuity but an investment to my children. A further 2 investments have been taken.
Having thought this to be a great product I now feel duped and knowing what I know now I would never have purchased the contract.
Wednesday 31st May 2016 04:09 - Mrs. B - Diamond Resorts
I feel I cannot carry on with Diamond shares (points) which I purchased in 2004 in Devon, which I never really fully understood and I am now struggling to carry on with management fees due to retiring early from NHS with ill health. Now under no circumstances do I want my two girls to have to carry on if anything happens to me, and it falls on them to carry on paying.
Wednesday 31st May 2016 04:09 - Mrs. B - Diamond Resorts
I feel I cannot carry on with Diamond shares (points) which I purchased in 2004 in Devon, which I never really fully understood and I am now struggling to carry on with management fees due to retiring early from NHS with ill health. Now under no circumstances do I want my two girls to have to carry on if anything happens to me, and it falls on them to carry on paying.
Monday 30th May 2016 04:03 - Mr & Mrs T - Puerto Anfi
We were approached on the street whilst on holiday in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria.
We went to the presentation, our rep was called Mario, He told us:
* It was all private to Anfi club members (we have since found out this is not true).
* He spoke a lot about the beach and told us it was all private to club Anfi members, and even spoke about neighbouring hotels and how much their guests were paying and how their beach was not as superior as the Anfi one as the sand was imported from the caribean. He even said they were getting a security guard to ensure non Anfi guests could not come onto the site.
* He said that famous people had apartments there such as David Silva (football player) Jason Statham, Kelly Brook etc. He said they loved the exclusivity of it.
* That we could sell back at anytime - we have recently asked about this (May 16) and we were told (via email) that they are not buying at the moment.
* Mario told us that he knew of people that had given up their jobs and were now selling weeks at Anfi as a living (we have since found out that this is impossible)
* That we would always get the dates we want as thay are only ever 75% subscribed - (we have tried to book a week in Nov/Dec 16 and have been told there is no availability, not only in our block but anywhere on the site! They could however give us a week on the golf resort for twice the amount of points.
We have since discovered that weeks at Anfi are available to buy on internet sited such as Trivago, Ice Lolly, Trip Adviser etc.
So not only are Anfi not exclusive the holidays are cheaper than we are paying in maintenance fees!
We also don't want to leave our children with what is effectively a debt in the event of our deaths, as the maintenance fees are forever.
In conclusion we now feel we were mis-sold. A lot of what we were told is in fact not true.
Monday 30th May 2016 03:47 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
1. We were approached by two people with scratch cards who said we had won.
2. We were taken by taxi to a resort and a hard sell afternoon was endured.
3. We felt very pressured to sign up and we were not given any cooling off time.
4. We were promised 4 star accommodation but most of the resorts were 2 star.
5. We feel that we were never allowed to get into 4 star resorts unless it was a "special offer" by them just to get people into a resort in order to make it look busy for other prospective buyers.
Monday 23rd May 2016 11:52 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts
We attend a presentation with Sunterra representative at Tuanton venue with several other couples for all day presentation and being guided by various sunterra representatives during the day.
Informed th maintenance would rise and fall in line with current inflation rates, value of points purchased would be passed from year to year if not used during current year, this accuring multiple points increase over periods could aldo be used by authorised members of close family.
The pressure to sign was placed on us for either deposit of financial agreement which was signed on site with the First National for the full amount this was later agreed by First National after the cooling off period.
Monday 25th April 2016 04:44 - Mr M - Diamond Resorts Points
I bought Diamond Resorts points on two occasions, once in the UK and once on holiday in Malta.
I have tried several times to book but no availability on the places and times I wish to use.
I used my Diamond Points to purchase with another company who said they would dispose of, however they have not been able to do anything with them, this was in September 2012 and I have been responsible for the management fees ever since even although I don't use them.
I wish to get rid of paying the management fees for something I do not use or want.
Wednesday 20th April 2016 04:54 - Mr & Mrs D -Diamond Club Calypso
We went to Visions of the World they said they would take our Petchey points in part exchange for Diamond Club Calypso.
Petchey were not relinquished but we were entered into Diamond Club Calypso via RCI ceded to points.
We were told not to pay the maintenance for Petchey as we were under contract to Visions of the World, but because we did not pay we were threatened with debt collectors, this was when we realised they had not kept to their part of the agreement in taking the Petchey shares.
We have never received a certificate of ownership from Diamond Club Calypso, we were therefore mis sold the Diamond Club Calypso timeshare.
I do not want to leave this problem to any member of my family.
Tuesday 12nd April 2016 04:48 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts Points
We originally purchased the points when on holiday in Spain, where we were assured it would supply us high quality holidays at a cost effective price.
On a holiday with one of the resorts in Spain, we complained about the lack of availability and were informed that we would have far more flexibility if we had a few more points, so we purchased some more.
In 2009 my brother asked me to buy his points from him as he could not afford the maintenance nor could he find availability with his family, so I took on his points, and maintenance fees.
While we have had some good holidays through the system, they have not been good value for money, and the ever increasing maintenance fees have certainly not met the expectations that the points were sold to us with. We were informed that we would need additional points to carry out the transfer of my brothers points.
We now find ourselves in the situation where maintenance cost are unmanageable for us, availability is very limited but despite numerous try’s, we cannot find a way to dispose of the points
Wednesday 23rd 2016 06:16 - Mr G - Diamond points
We were not told that the contract related to a specific accommodation, we were told we were buying points which we could use to obtain holidays anywhere in the world.
We were told that the points would rise in value and that in the future we could sell them.
We were told we could "will" the points to our heirs but not that were obliged to continue the ownership after we died.
We had to make the decision and the payment on the day without a cooling off period for the trial period and with a cooling off period after the finance agreement of 7 days
we were told we could exchange anywhere in the world.
Wednesday 02nd March 05:32 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond Resorts Points
Bought 55 Points in Tenerife not enough.
Bought another 55 points year later been told that would be more than enough.
Found we couldn't get what we wanted and where.
We were told we could go anywhere at any time.
Tried to sell them back and they wouldn't .
Suggested we rented it out and through them we could earn money or pay it towards maintenance. That didn't work as no-one wanted the week we put up.
We feel that we have been lied to and mis-sold as we have not benefited at all from this purchase.
Wednesday 02nd March 04:58 - Mr & Mrs O - Diamond Resorts
Purchased timeshare.
Purchased more points.
Enjoyed a few holidays but now find that it no longer suits our requirements.
Want to exit as soon as possible.
Management fees increased far too much.
Tuesday 01st March 2016 05:31 - Mr & Mrs V - Diamond Resorts
When my husband and I purchased this apartment it wasn’t explained that we had it for life and that the fees would become so expensive. Also in the past we had to pay for refurbishment of the apartment. We haven’t used the apartment for the past 5 years due to my husbands disability.
Our children don’t wish to carry on the agreement as they can’t afford it and now feel it is a very great liability as we are getting older and not able to afford the fees as they have gone from £45 per year to £390 per year and goes up each year as we are both retired.
Thursday 19th February 2016 03:48 - Mrs D - Diamond resorts
We feel we were miss sold the timeshare and information provided at the time of sale was not the truth, the main points are:
Informed timeshare would increase in value and could be sold back to Thurnam Hall
Fees would increase in line with inflation
Thurnam would be easy to exchange and it is very sort after
Exchange availability has been poor, I am unable to exchange the weeks
Told one week at Thurnam Hall could be exchanged for 2 weeks in America
Timeshare is not value for money, able to get same holiday resort cheaper direct
Tuesday 09th February 2016 10:06 - Mr & Mrs G - Diamond Resorts Points
• Jan 1996 Bought 20 points for Grand Vacation Club.
• March 1996 Bought further 15 points because told 20 points not enough for holiday
• Found it hard to book holidays needed at times we wanted
• Only took 6 holidays in 19 years
• Always paid maintenance fees on time even though they increased tremendously through the years
• Tried twice to give back points as we were not able to use them. Had no proper feedback from Diamond Resorts
• The point system does not accommodate our growing family holiday requests – no all inclusive & few resorts available
• All UK holidays are extravagantly made up of excessive points needed. Diamond has taken away this option from us now that we are pensioners
• We were sold the 5 star holidays as an exclusive members club but have realised over the years anyone can have access at relatively cheaper prices than the members
Tuesday 09th February 2016 09:42 - Mr T - Diamond Resorts Points
I initially bought 1 week and over a number of years I was convinced changing to points was a better option for fantastic holidays. However I am unable to receive what I requested and don't use my week, pay extra to visit other resorts and the maintenance costs are being raised further.
Monday 08th February 2016 09:36 - Ms P & Ms S - Diamond Resorts Fractional
Through the post, in summer 2004, we received an invitation to a meeting. The invitation promised a free holiday if we attended the meeting.
We attended the meeting and were taken to Wychnor Park and shown an example of the standard of accommodation we could expect if we bought into the Sunterra points system.
We were told we could also exchange our points for Interval International weeks, which opened up the opportunity to use the points across the world.
Were informed that we could pass on our points in our will – this was portrayed in a positive light.
We were assured that the maintenance would be only £300 per annum for the minimum purchase of 5000 points. 5000 points could be exchanged for up to 3 weeks holidays if booked within 59 days of departure.
We were also assured there would be plenty of availability even when booking late.
Hence we decided to buy points with Sunterra, based on the above information.
We felt gently pressured. We do not remember being given time alone to discuss anything.
We had to sign there and then and we think we had to pay a deposit immediately.
We do not remember a cooling off period.
We did not take a finance loan for this initial purchase but took a draw down on our flexible mortgage.
Each time we used our points in Sunterra or Diamond properties we were pressurised into an “update meeting”. It was very difficult to evade these meetings – the reps came knocking at the accommodation door if you did not return their phone calls. These meetings always turned into a sales pitch for more points or more recently fractionalisation.
The meetings always took up half a day of our holiday. It was difficult to leave the meeting early, particularly in Tenerife where we were taken to the next town and were reliant on being transported back.
At each meeting we were advised of new benefits and ways to use the points, but these were only available if we purchased more points to achieve a higher level of membership. There was always a special deal consisting of reduced priced points only available at the time of the meeting.
We were often advised of ways to earn money to pay our maintenance fees – e.g. successfully introduce friends and family into “The Club”, use the wish to rent system – i.e. book accommodation and put it up for rent with the Club, or use points to pay maintenance fees.
We were given different and sometimes contrasting information and advice each time we attended a meeting – even at the same resort by the same person.
We were convinced to buy more points on several occasions in order to access these extra benefits. Some of these purchases were made via Barclays loans. When we paid these loans off we received a credit card which was difficult to cancel and we did not know we had agreed to receiving. These loans were always paid off in full by taking draw downs on our flexible mortgage.
In practice we found booking availability poor – there are places we would like to go but can never get in – unless we look on commercial websites where we could pay to book accommodation. There seems to be no availability problems in the public field.
Interval international properties incur a booking fee for each week booked even if these are consecutive weeks at the same place, a higher charge is incurred if an overseas booking is made. Again availability is poor in popular places at popular times, which is in contrast to the information given at our initial meeting.
Room upgrades did not materialise as sold and in fact now these have to be purchased up front, whether or not you use them.
Early availability as a gold members made no difference to booking availability.
We were rarely allocated a refurbished unit as promised to gold members.
Using points for alternative holidays such as holiday cottages, hotel stays, booking cars and flights, is never as economically viable as we had been led to believe.
Even the new options such as tours, cruises and experiences are not cheaper than anywhere else.
The travel department was disbanded without notice. The method of exchanging points for holidays booked with other travel companies changed dramatically, which we only discovered via the grapevine.
Our maintenance fees have risen exponentially over the years even considering that we now own more points. There was a sudden hike in maintenance fees when Sunterra was bought out by Diamond Resorts (DR). The explanation was the money was needed to bring the accommodations up to DR standards. In our experience not all units have been upgraded and many are still “tired” several years later.
Since DR took over we have noticed a much increased bias towards new accommodation in the USA rather than Europe.
By 2012 we were looking at reduced financial circumstances and were worried about being able to pay our maintenance fees in the future. In November 2012 we asked what would happen if we stopped paying our maintenance fees and walked away from the points. We were told in no uncertain terms that we would be prosecuted. Fractions were mentioned at this point but not as a get out clause.
In May/June 2013 at White Sands Beach Club we had the usual meeting with the local DR rep Les. He explained to us that fractionalising our points was a way to exit membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees. If we fractionalised our points they would be sold in 15 years. We could sell them at any time before this via Time and Leisure. DR would always take first option in purchasing our fractions by bidding slightly above the price we had been offered. When they were sold in 15 years we would be likely to make money rather than lose it. Les told us he was not selling points, only fractions at this time.
He was very positive and reassuring, so we bought fractions via a loan with Shawbrook in order to exit DR in the finite future, as we could sell them at any time. There were no financial checks made to our knowledge. We had a cooling off period for the loan but not for the purchase as we understood it.
We were not able to put all our points into fractions at this time due to the split of points per fraction offered that day.
In November 2013 we attended a meeting in Tenerife. We were picked up from our accommodation by Paul Plowman and taken to the DR HQ some distance away. We told him we did not want to buy anything else. He told us our remaining points would not be worth much in the future, we would be stupid not to fraction them. He discussed the wish to rent scheme as a way of earning money. He explained if we booked accommodation for marketing weeks in e.g. in Santa Barbara, they would be used by DR for potential members and we would receive a fee, if they purchased points we would receive a percentage of their purchase price which could be well over £1000. He assured us would always be there to assist us with this. In practice whilst he replied to emails, his replies were tardy and not as helpful as we had been led to believe. We did book a week as he suggested and of course no money was forthcoming and DR could not even find the booking when we enquired despite the points being used.
This meeting was very pressurised and stressful. We felt we were trapped as we had no transport back to our accommodation and did not know the area and do not speak Spanish.
Paul Plowman would not take no for an answer and would not let us go until we felt obliged to buy extra points in order to own enough to fractionalise our remaining points. Again we were promised this purchase would be a way out of DR with the same promises as before, ie fractionalising our points was a way to exit membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees. If we fractionalised our points they would be sold in 15 years. We could sell them at any time before this via Time and Leisure. DR would always take first option in purchasing our fractions by bidding slightly above the price we had been offered. When they were sold in 15 years we would be likely to make money rather than lose it.
Having fractionalised all our points we put them up for sale in 2014 with Time and Leisure at a cost of £450. No purchaser has been found to date. We were unaware DR had an interest in Time and Leisure. Time and Leisure told us DR were not interested in buying back our points or anyone else’s points.
At this stage we read some of the small print in the booklet we were given after signing to fractionalise our points. It seems the obligation to sell the fractions in 15 years has plenty of “wiggle room”, in contrast to the impression given on the tick sheet we signed at the point of sale.
We believe we were miss-sold fractions as a way to get out of DR membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees.
Wednesday 03rd February 2016 06:57- Mr & Mrs H - Diamond Resorts Points
Purchased two weeks at Polynesian Isles and we were happy, informed when Sunterra took over we had to change to points.
Had to buy more points to join the club.
Then found we needed more points to get 2 weeks.
Then as new resorts were introduced we needed more points as the points value became higher to use new resorts.
Pressured immensely at presentation to buy more points.
Fees for maintenance continue to increase whilst quality and standards decrease.
Poor availability and increasing numbers of none members and cheap deals on the internet.
Friday 29th January 2016 08:11 - Mr. S. - Diamond Points
We were invited to an exclusive meeting and promised a deal of a lifetime. After several hours at this meeting, we were pressured into purchasing points. We were promised a free holiday. We travelled to Tenerife and were subjected to a meeting for again several hours. We were told that these points were easy to sell and move around. The management fees were apparently an insignificant charge that was affordable. We were not advised about the cooling off period. It was only because we read the small print once we discovered this. Again on holiday in Menorca, we spent the afternoon with consultants who pressured us into signing the contract. They told us we could go anywhere in the world. This is not the case. We struggle to get availability and are paying extortionate management fees. When we initially purchased the points we did not have children and were not told that the points would be passed onto them should we pass away.
Friday 11st December 10:43 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
In July 1991 we purchased 1 week low season at The Royal Oasis Club at La Quinta from LS Interval Ownership Ltd (agents for Benal Holdings Ltd) for a total price of £4350 by paying £500 deposit on day of presentation and financing £3850 through First National Bank, again arranged at presentation. We were given 1 year free RCI membership.
We were not told that we would not be able to cancel the contract and did not realise this until we got home and read the documents thoroughly. We felt too rushed to do this at the presentation. There was no cooling off period.
As we were usually unlucky in getting the exchanges we wanted, when offered the chance to exchange our set week for points which we could exchange through Interval International, thus giving us a much wider availability, we went for the points offer.
In November 1995 we exchanged our week at La Quinta for 30 points and purchased a further 10 points for £2400 again financed through First National Bank.
We then discovered 40 points was inadequate to secure a weeks holiday so were in a position where we had little option but to purchase a further 10 points in October 2000 at a cost of £2669.56
When our daughter told us she did not want to inherit the timeshare we enquired as to whether we could sell the points we owned. We were told no, but if we changed back to weeks we would be able to sell the weeks. So that was how we proceeded, only to find that it is almost impossible to sell timeshare weeks. We have also recently been told that the perpetuity clause does not apply to points, only to weeks. If we had been aware of this we would not have bought back into the week system.
Our original management fees were £120 per year which we were happy to pay however they are now £784.64 which we find excessive.
At the original presentation it was claimed that these were high-end exclusive resorts and in real terms the cost of future holidays would never increase as the management fees would not go up by more than the rate of inflation.
Our current fees are as stated £784.64 and it is now possible to book the same weeks that we own at our resort for less than £500 on the internet.
Since first entering into the timeshare the management has changed from LSI to GVC to Sunterra to Diamond Resorts. We had no choice in these changes and were not given the option to leave at any point.
To sum up, we no longer have what we thought we originally bought. It is not exclusive and the cost to ourselves has escalated beyond what we were told to expect.
Wednesday 09th December 11:46 - Mr A - Diamond Resorts
I originally owned 2 weeks in and apartment at Sunset Bay in Tenerife that I purchased from a Timeshare resale company (worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket. For £4207.00 which included £257.00 annual management fee. I used the resort on two occasions but on my second visit in November 2002 was persuaded to attend a Grand vacation club presentation after first been taken around a number of properties in the close vicinity to Sunset Bay and shown the superior facilities in each. I was then taken to a very upmarket resort, once again owned by GVC where it was explained to me that I could have access to all of these venues if I was prepared to sacrifice my fixed weeks and apartment at Sunset Bay and enrol in GVCs points system. However it was claimed by the representative that I was dealing with that this would be more beneficial to me by virtue of the fact that I could have more flexible holidays by being able to choose to use these facilities whenever I wanted during the year provided that I had sufficient points to cover the cost. I was assured that all of these places where exclusively for the use of GVC members and there associate timeshare exchange scheme ( that I believe to be RCI but not certain). However to qualify for this scheme and have enough points to allow me full access to the scheme I would as well as sacrificing my fixed weeks at Sunset Bay have to purchase 75 extra points at a cost of £3000.00. I was told that this would guarantee me holidays when and where I wanted, within the scheme at a reduced price to normal package holidays.
At the time although employed this was still a lot of money and I said that I didn't think that I could afford this What with maintenance fees flights etc. I was once again assured that even with flight cost and maintenance fees that this would still work out cheaper than comparable package holidays Was also given the impression that maintenance fees would only rise in line with inflation. Every argument that I put forward was defeated and after about of 90 minutes of one on one intense pressure was finally persuaded to sign for the purchase of 75 points for a fee of £3000.00. This was on 5th November 2002 and the money was paid by cheque and removed from my account on 14th. November 2002.
We used the points system on and off till about 2007 only once using a resort other than Sunset Bay in March 2003 when we went to a resort near Fuengerola. After 2007 we noticed that we where experiencing difficulty in obtaining accommodation in any of the resorts to suit our holiday patterns and will the rapidly increasing maintenance fees and cost of independent flights, it became clear that package holidays where a far more viable option.
In October 2008 after becoming increasingly frustrated with diamond resorts ability to fulfil their promise made at the initial presentation to provide me with quality accommodation at reasonable cost I contacted the company and informed them that I wished to sell my timeshare points. They replied after several emails in April 2009 telling me that I could not relinquish or sell my points but needed to convert them back into fixed weeks at a cost and then sell those weeks using only a timeshare sales company approved by them.
I decided to convert back to fixed weeks on the basis that even if I could not sell the weeks I would still have the option of a holiday at a fixed week in a resort of my choice. I therefore opted to convert my points once again to fixed weeks at Woodford bridge country Club, for which I believe I was charged.
This transfer did not take place until April 2010 when I was issued with certificates for 2 floating weeks at Woodford Bridge ( 1 week Low Season and 1 week Mid Season) I was also advised to book early to avoid disappointment. On my first bill for maintenance fees however I was shown to have fixed weeks (19 & 48) with named accommodation. That is no longer the case and I only get bills now indicating floating weeks. I did not use my weeks at Woodford Bridge Country Club until November 22nd to 29th. 2015 when I had one week in a I bed apartment. Our stay at the hotel was seriously marred by major building work taking place scaffolding surrounding the hotel and contractors vehicles filling the car park. We where also woken early on a morning by the building work taking place. This venue does not in my opinion offer good value for the £575.00/ week that I am now being asked for maintenance payments.
Whilst at the resort I was approached by a Diamond Resorts Representative who assured me that I could get out of my Diamond Resorts nightmare . He asked that I reconvert back to the points system at a cost of £2400 and a maintenance payment of £1176.00 I would be able to relinquish my points in 2016 after a further payment of 2 years maintenance fee by way of compensation for early release.
I have been with Diamond resorts, in one form or other now since 2002 when I was 55 years old I am now 68 and retired such high maintenance fees for so little value for money are a serious drain on my pension when I am lead to believe that it is possible to book this resort on line as a non member and stay there for as little as £200.00 per week/person. I am also lead to believe that I may be considered from release from this contract at the age of 75 under special circumstances of ill health or bankruptcy. Or death.
I declined this offer and contacted a timeshare release company for specialist advice.
Wednesday 09th December 10:54 - Mr. F. - Diamond Points
We first purchased a fixed week in Florida in 1996 and over the next few years we upgraded from fixed weeks into finally an exclusive simpler points system. At this time the maintenance was affordable and there was little annual increase, but in the last 10 years this has now drastically increased well ahead of inflation and is now an unaffordable financial burden. We were never told that our ownership would be forever and the burden would be passed onto our children, whether they wanted it or not. When we first purchased our holidays seemed to be very exclusive 5 star resorts but they never seem to be available now when we try to book and similar bookings are more easily available elsewhere at travel agents or online at much cheaper prices. We were never told it would be impossible to dispose of our timeshare, which is now an unwanted financial burden, which we now wish to dispose of.
Tuesday 08th December 02:53 - Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts Points
In December 2013 my husband and I went to Florida and we bought a timeshare with Diamond Resort International. We were told that this would be an investment. We were told that the maintenance was a one off payment which proved not to be true. We were told that it would be for a 60 month contract which turned out to be 120 months. We were not told the length of contract or given a cooling off period and felt pressured to commit on the day after a 8-9 hour long session/presentation with various people. My husband was very ill at the time, under heavy medication and explained to them that he was in discomfort. When we returned home we reviewed the paperwork and tried to get out of the timeshare. Diamond resorts told us that we had missed the cooling off period by a few days. We did not understand the process and what we had bought fully. We were not allowed any other person in the room with us while we were sold this and did not have the time to fully digest or comprehend before signing the contract and making payment and setting up a finance agreement. We had to deal with several different people. The whole process was emotionally draining.
Wednesday 25th November 11:50 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
we were on holiday in Cala D'or and we were at a welcome meeting with the holiday re and a GVC rep was present and in the meeting it was said that if attended their offices we could get a reward of lunch + euro's. No cooling off period was offered and they made it sound an offer to good to miss. We were told that if wanted to sell it would not be difficult to do, but that is totally untrue. We first bought 100 points and then due to our finances and because we wanted to sell, we were told to change them to fixed weeks, but again no sale.
When we had points we used them for our holidays but when change to weeks we never used them again. The main thing is that we do not want to leave this to our children as this not an asset it's a liability.
Thursday 19th November 09:55 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We were offered a free holiday in Tenerife on the basis that we attended a presentation to purchase points for future holidays. We subsequently purchased the minimum number of points, which as it turned out, was inadequate to use for a proper holiday. the company tried to later sell us more points but we resisted. we were not offered a cooling off period. It was a hard sell by the company and we both felt pressured at the time.
We have not used our points, other than attending ONE free weekend to attempt to sell us more points. The main reason we have not used the points is an inadequate number and more recently Mrs. medical condition, a brain tumour. Mrs. spoke to Diamond Resorts about the medical condition but the response was unsympathetic.
Wednesday 18th November 12:47 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond International
We bought the very lowest amount of points in 1997. We were told we could pick anywhere in the world from a brochure and the amount of points we had would get us there. We realised this was untrue and if we wanted to go anywhere we would have to buy more points. We were told this would be a great asset and we could leave it in perpetuity to our sons. The management fees in the beginning were reasonable, but now they are so high that we do not want to saddle our sons with the burden. Unless one books 1 year in advance it is impossible to get the accommodation of our choice. However many points we have purchased it is never enough to get gold level accommodation
Wednesday 18th November 12:21 - Mr & Mrs M - Diamond International
We were happy with the initial points and enjoyed our holidays but we were constantly harassed to purchase further points. We realised that this all came at a cost when the management fees rose steadily and were unsustainable. Availability for desired locations was difficult. We were told we could sell but this proved impossible over the years. We were persuaded to buy a Fractional and that this would alleviate the heavy financial burden - this has not happened
Tuesday 17th November 11:25 - Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts/RCI
Purchase of Calla Blanca – Diamond Resorts – RCI
Whilst on holiday in Gran Canaria my wife and I were bombarded for approx 6 days by timeshare sales consultants, some of which were very rude and pressurising.
On the final day of our week’s holiday we finally submitted to the pressure and agreed to a consultation. We were promised gifts ranging from free holiday, wine and spirits, cosmetics etc which was all done using a card type arrangement.
A taxi arrived at our hotel at around 9.30am to take us to a meeting that we had been told would last no more than 1 ½ hours, but actually lasted approximately 7 hours. We were taken completely off the beaten track along unmade roads to an unfinished building site some 6 miles away. Both my wife and I felt very uneasy and somewhat intimidated by this.
We were met at the resort a number of people representing T.S. International, the meeting and presentation was very pressurised with a number of people talking all at the same time, which made the situation untenable. At no point during the time were we left alone to discuss what was happening. We were even followed to the bathroom!
A number of times during the meeting I asked to leave and requested a taxi, however this was not made available and we felt trapped against our will.
During the barrage of conversation we were told that it would be a life changing experience we would have cheaper holidays anywhere in the world, New York, Sydney, all at no extra cost. If we didn’t want to return to the complex we could exchange our week for anywhere worldwide with no issue. At no point during the 7 hours was the term “perpetuity” or a cooling off period explained to either me or my wife.
The pressure places upon both my wife and I during this meeting was nothing like I had ever experienced before in my life.
We both explained that we would like time to think but our comments were completely ignored, we felt the only way we were going to get away from these people and this resort was to agree to a purchase, which we eventually did after 5 ½ hours.
I explained that I would pay a deposit by credit card to which they arranged us a taxi immediately escorted both my wife and I back to our hotel to take the deposit payment.
It was just like we had been held hostage for 7 hours no food just water to drink!
This experience left both my wife and I very traumatised by the whole event and tainted our memories of our holiday forever.
On arrival home to the UK I immediately contacted a solicitor who informed me that I had signed into a contract with no cooling off period therefore I had no option but to pay the balance as agreed.
Over the past 20 years I have on several occasions tried to sell the timeshare as we were told at the original consultation that it would increase significantly in value, however it turns out that it is worthless. Both my wife and I have worried over this for a number of years and ever increasing costs are just spiralling out of control rising at over twice that of the average UK inflation.
Over the past we have tried to exchange our weeks as they sold us the exchange program with not once any success of travelling or staying in the resort we have selected.
The whole experience over the past 25 years has been very harrowing and the sales and bullying tactics used by these people will be something both me and my wife will never forget.
Thursday 12nd November 10:22 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
1. We attended LSI presentation in Nottingham, and purchased a 1 week ,2 bedroom unit in High season. Being a teacher and needing to take holidays in July/August, we were told that we could easily pay cash for an extra week and so have a two week holiday. Trying to do this proved impossible as there wasn’t any availability, and so after numerous letters + phone calls, LSI agreed to give us an extra week, no charge included. Of course maintenance had to be paid on this extra week. We were told at this presentation, that although this wasn’t an investment, if we wanted to sell we would get our money back. We have since realized that it is impossible to sell. We feel as though we were misled from the start. Now realize investment is worth £1.
2. We have been to a number of high pressure selling presentations whilst on holiday + have been persuaded to buy extra points. Over the years we have reached the conclusion that The Diamond Sales reps cannot be trusted to give truthful information, + would say anything to secure a sale. This was highlighted, when in Tenerife, we were told that we could buy extra points as they were having a special promotion and points could not be bought cheaper at any other resort – a complete lie, as a friend bought the same number of points at a UK resort, at the same time as we were in Tenerife, at £3,000 less than we were quoted.
3. We have never taken out finance + find it totally unacceptable that maintenance fees have given by 8.5% per annum.
4. We were led to believe that Diamond was an elite club, but when people can purchase the same holiday, at the same resort on the internet, this is certainly not the case. We have had good holidays but why pay maintenance fees – go on the internet!!
5. It is difficult to get availability at RCI/II resorts, and when you do, the standard is not good.
6. Latest offer – hotels in the UK. We paid the equivalent of £400 for a night at The Oxford Hotel. My sister joined us, having paid £78 from Groupon for a room identical to ours!! Some offer!!
7. Attended a very highly pressurised sales talk last year at Cromer, where we were told, that converting our points to fractions, at a cost of £19,000, would be a way of being able to exit Diamond. So glad that we declined, as now Diamond will allow you to leave by paying 2 years maintenance fees. Had we taken this offer, we would be £14,000 worse off.
8. We have never been asked to agree to conditions that have changed as the organisation has changed hands – LSI, Sunterra, GVC, Diamond. Surely this can’t be right.
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Tuesday 10th November 11:40 - Mr & Mrs J - Diamond Resorts Points
We had a phone call inviting us to a presentation by the company. We were persuaded and paid a deposit at our first meeting and agreed a finance agreement. We had problems getting holidays where we wanted to go so on holiday in Spain we were persuaded to buy more points to make it easier. We did but it hasn't made any difference. We paid outright by Barclay card on the day for those points.
Wednesday 28th October 09:57 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We are unhappy that we cannot use the points every year. We were told it would be an asset for our children and the maintenance fees are increasing unfairly in comparison to inflation.
We have only been able to book 6 holidays in 18 years and we were advised that the holiday would always be cheaper than package holidays. We find it impossible to book holidays in the UK. We have tried to return our points but it was declined
Wednesday 28th October 09:50 - Mr & Mrs I - Diamond International
We initially bought 3 fixed weeks that suited our needs, they introduced a points system in 1989 and we saw the benefits of a more flexible holiday system. We exchanged the weeks and purchased points. The availability became poorer and we lost points. Our children no longer want to go and the maintenance fees have increased way beyond what was anticipated
Wednesday 28th October 09:43 - Mr & MRs H - Diamond Resorts
the maintenance fees are too high and we did not know it was in perpetuity. It was sold as an asset and we signed the contract on the same day of purchase. We have tried to sell several times without success, we took out in house finance at very high interest rates
Monday 26th October 2015 03:59 - Mr D - Diamond Points
I purchased 5000 points in 2003 and was not told my daughter would inherit this.
The maintenance is £900.00 a year which has tripled in the last ten years.
I can never get the week I want and always get told you can have whatever is avaiable
Friday 23rd October 2015 09:57 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We are unhappy that we cannot use the points every year. We were told it would be an asset for our children and the maintenance fees are increasing unfairly in comparison to inflation.
We have only been able to book 6 holidays in 18 years and we were advised that the holiday would always be cheaper than package holidays. We find it impossible to book holidays in the UK. We have tried to return our points but it was declined
Tuesday 20th October 2015 11:37 - Mr & Mrs P - Diamond Resorts Points
We purchased two holiday weeks at Sahara Sunset Club through independent agent in Benalmadena, Spain on 27/9/2007. The property was owned by Sunterra, later to be Diamond resorts.
On a visit to Sahara Sunset we were invited to a presentation to advise us of benefits we were not aware of. The duration of this meeting should have been approx one hour. This meeting became a very long selling forum. We were advised to gain more flexible use of our purchase would be to convert to points – 7,000 – and to buy a further 3,000 points at a special reduced price.
Although after several hours we did feel pressurised but agreed as we could also see advantages.
We wanted to pay and not incur debt but this was refused and the representative told us that we had to take a credit agreement with Barclays Bank. This was arranged on the day by Diamond Resorts.
Never having had dealings with Barclays we asked again to pay but were refused, our only option was the arranged credit agreement. Up to date, the maintenance fees have risen sharply and the availability to use our points has reduced greatly.
We were assured, as a member we would have exclusive use of the resorts. However, this is most definitely not the case. We have witnessed people walking in off the street and booking rooms at greatly reduced prices. Diamond resort personnel have also told us that up to 40% of all resorts are let at the owners discretion and for a further payable fee. All of this when members cannot book because the resort is showing as “Full”
As the points system does not deliver the flexibility we expected we contacted the company to end our contract. We received a letter saying this was not an option but we could sell our points through Travel & Leisure, being their authorised third party resale intermediary.
We have paid for three periods of advertising with Travel & Leisure over eighteen months but without success.
At the time of purchase we were not told the expected length of our contract, only that our family could inherit our points. The company did not explain that this would automatically happen and the subject was glossed over.
We have visited Sahara Sunset annually and cannot fault the resort. The availability has remained an issue and it is us who have had to be flexible.
However, we have been harassed to attend further presentations on every visit but we have not succumbed to the pressure.
We feel, in hindsight, that we were misled. We were not fully informed of our commitment and were duped into believing that this would give us the flexibility we were looking for.
Wednesday 14th October 2015 09:50 - Mr & Mrs I - Diamond International
We initially bought 3 fixed weeks that suited our needs, they introduced a points system in 1989 and we saw the benefits of a more flexible holiday system. We exchanged the weeks and purchased points. The availability became poorer and we lost points. Our children no longer want to go and the maintenance fees have increased way beyond what was anticipated.
Monday 12nd October 2015 09:43 - Mr & MRs H - Diamond Resorts
the maintenance fees are too high and we did not know it was in perpetuity. It was sold as an asset and we signed the contract on the same day of purchase. We have tried to sell several times without success, we took out in house finance at very high interest rates
Tuesday 6th October 2015 10:50 - Mr S & Miss N - Diamond Resorts
Contact with company was through friends who had purchased shares - offered free holiday from Diamond Resorts to go to Tenerife. Once there taken by representative to sales office to discuss possibility of buying points. Prolonged period of time there, no breaks to reflect. Deals on offer were found to be unrealistic. Unavailability of resorts, especially during school holidays, resorts often long distance from airports. Cost of flights alone can be as much as a whole package deal to some places causing holidays abroad to be more expensive. Every holiday taken has had a rep trying to pressurise us into buying more points, saying this could increase our chances of availability. Hotel breaks unattainable on our points very overpriced.
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:56 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond
There is a poor lack of availability and the fees increase yearly. 2054 end of the contract was not clearly defined and this has implications for us. It was sold as money saving, 5 star holidays and the exclusivity of the accommodation is no longer the case. You can rent the accomoodation for the same price or less as a package holiday
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:49 - Mr & Mrs A - Diamond International
It was sold as an asset which it is not and the availability is appalling. The cost of the maintenance fees is far too high and we do not want to pass this debt onto our children. If anything happened to either of us the other one would not use the points
Thursday 01st September 2016 05:47 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond International
When we first purchased the points we were happy with the product and used it but as the years have gone by and the maintenance fees have risen more than the cost of living... This is not what they said at the presentation. We do not want to pass this onto our son as he is not willing to take on any expenses such as maintenance fees. We have also found that availability it difficult to find on the resorts
Friday 02nd September 2016 05:35 - Mr & Mrs J - Diamond International
We went to a fractional to get out of the long term, but now understand that was not what was sold to me. Maintenance costs are increasing whilst the standards are falling. My holiday this year was plaqued with faults and the standard of the accommodation was down. I don't want to burden my children with the maintenance every year when I am gone.
Thursday 01st September 2016 04:51 - Mr & Mrs T - Diamond Resorts Points
Initially cold called and invited to attend presentation, felt pressure to buy on the day to avail of the offer. Promised 5 star accommodation wherever we went, which proved not to be the case. Yes we were given cooling off period but were led to believe we would have cheaper and more holidays than package offers. We feel were lied to from day one. During holidays we had to attend more sales pitches, again pressure to top up our points. Due to work and family commitments we have never been able to fulfil promises made about the amount of times we could use the points.
Maintenance fees have increased more per year than we were told. Due to illness (cancer) we are not in a position to continue paying or travelling. We have not been able to use the holiday points since 2009 and due to illness I am no longer allowed to continue employment. (deposit was taken on the day under pressure I now believe that this is illegal)
Monday 29th August 2016 01:22 - Mr & Mrs N - Diamond Resorts
In our experience purchase of points with Diamond Resorts is done in a pressurised environment. You are so overwhelmed by their tactics that is is difficult to say "No", or raise objections.
Each time we visited the resort an upgrade meeting would be arranged and we would feel badgered to attend. Prior to our arrival at the resort we would receive a phone call at home wanting to arrange a time and date for a meeting. Our purpose was to find out if there was now some way to "escape".
However, again we would be subjected to pressure. The meetings could go on for several hours.
At the sales meeting in 2010 where we first upgraded from a promotional membership we paid a deposit by credit card and paid the balance through a finance agreement. There was no representative from the finance company present.
We were told that our points would be a valuable asset, something that the family would be glad to use and inherit.
The flexibility, exclusivity and lower cost of holidays was continually stressed.
flexibility proved to be a total misconception, with long waiting times and high points values that we could no afford.
We were told that our resorts would be exclusive, points would mean cheaper holidays than package holidays.
We have since discovered that anyone can book holidays with a booking agency over the internet without having to pay management fees. It seems that members are therefore subsidising holidays for non-members and the company are making a double profit.
In 2014 at one of the meetings we succumbed to the promise of a prospective release date. Diamond had come up with the idea of "fractions". Our membership points with an extra sum of money could be used to purchase a "fraction" with a definite release date. We were told that our fraction was a valuable investment and that it would increase in value. That we would be able to sell ownership and that people would be eager to buy in order to increase their membership. We paid using two credit cards.
We have since found that we own nothing tangible. Also high maintenance fees deter people from buying. It seems that it would be Diamond that would be purchasing, and only at their convenience.
We were not made aware just how much the management fees would increase annually and feel that this can only escalate out of all proportion.
When we originally bought we were never made aware that this was a lifetime commitment.
Finally, we feel that the statements made by the representative selling us the product do not match with either the contents of the purchase contract or physical use of the product. We no longer want the product but cannot give it back.
We believe that the points of fact stated in this witness statement are true.
Friday 17th June 2016 12:17 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts
Was previously a timeshare owner and was invited to Portugal for a weeks holiday. Whilst at resort was pressured to change to points ownership, this was with Grand Vacation Club. This changed to Sunterra and eventually changed to Diamond Resorts. During the transactions I was not told that this would be for perpetuity, nor that this would impact on my children as and when I die. I would never have entered into this agreement had I known. I have used the timeshare but have found it very difficult to get the resort when we wanted. Had I known about this I would never have purchased the timeshare. I feel that it was not explained to in correct terms and that there was a great deal of pressure to complete the transaction there and then, and I believe that the product was missold to me.
Thursday 16th June 2016 10:23 - Mr & Mrs P - Diamond Resorts
Original contact via Market research – prize entry – no mention of the true course of action being. Timeshare/Points company changed hands x 3.
Went to meeting – pressure selling and took nearly all day.
Constant harassment by reps wanting you to purchase more points. Always taken away from the resort we are staying at and feeling as if we were being kidnapped.
Lack of availability for chosen resorts as we are not good with long haul flights.
High management fees – rising every year.
Strong arm tactics meetings when we expressed a wish to leave the system Rep took great pleasure in telling us they would take our house. Offered us their own format – with more cost to get out of it.
Major concerns that we cannot get out of it and it would pass on to our children which both we and they don’t want and feel is criminal.
In hindsight we wish we had never gone into this venture and have refused to attend any reps meetings ever since.
My husband is registered disabled now so travel is not as easy for either of us as it once was. Also majority of the resorts are not very user friendly for people with walking difficulties – many stairs and hills.
Tuesday 14th June 2016 01:25 - Mr O & Ms D - Diamond Resorts
We were offered a free holiday and while we were on this holiday we were pressured into purchasing points. We were informed that the management fee would only increase by rate of inflation. This is not the case as it has increased out of all proportion. It is difficult to book a holiday in the time we want to take a holiday as everywhere was full. Every time we did book a holiday we were pressured to buy extra points during our stay.
Monday 13th June 2016 11:44 - Mr & Mrs C - Diamond Resorts Points
1. Had 1 week at Thurnham - happy with that.
2. Sunterra told us we had to convert to points otherwise we would lose everything.
3. Four days later they charged us again for the same action.
4. We enjoy holidays in this country but it is virtually impossible to book less than 12 months ahead and even then not always possible which means we have to travel abroad, which is not what we wish. The system is not as effective as it was sold to us.
Thursday 02nd June 2016 12:00 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
In 2005 we attended a presentation at Wychnor Park and purchased, by credit agreement on the day, points membership of Sunterra, European Collection.
We were advised it was exclusive, 5* worldwide holidays throughout the year. It was described as an asset where we had direct ownership of the 128 property portfolio. The investment would have return throughout membership, with good resale value.
We were advised that maintenance fees would increase at the rate of inflation and we were tied to perpetuity but an investment to my children. A further 2 investments have been taken.
Having thought this to be a great product I now feel duped and knowing what I know now I would never have purchased the contract.
Wednesday 31st May 2016 04:09 - Mrs. B - Diamond Resorts
I feel I cannot carry on with Diamond shares (points) which I purchased in 2004 in Devon, which I never really fully understood and I am now struggling to carry on with management fees due to retiring early from NHS with ill health. Now under no circumstances do I want my two girls to have to carry on if anything happens to me, and it falls on them to carry on paying.
Wednesday 31st May 2016 04:09 - Mrs. B - Diamond Resorts
I feel I cannot carry on with Diamond shares (points) which I purchased in 2004 in Devon, which I never really fully understood and I am now struggling to carry on with management fees due to retiring early from NHS with ill health. Now under no circumstances do I want my two girls to have to carry on if anything happens to me, and it falls on them to carry on paying.
Monday 30th May 2016 04:03 - Mr & Mrs T - Puerto Anfi
We were approached on the street whilst on holiday in Puerto Rico Gran Canaria.
We went to the presentation, our rep was called Mario, He told us:
* It was all private to Anfi club members (we have since found out this is not true).
* He spoke a lot about the beach and told us it was all private to club Anfi members, and even spoke about neighbouring hotels and how much their guests were paying and how their beach was not as superior as the Anfi one as the sand was imported from the caribean. He even said they were getting a security guard to ensure non Anfi guests could not come onto the site.
* He said that famous people had apartments there such as David Silva (football player) Jason Statham, Kelly Brook etc. He said they loved the exclusivity of it.
* That we could sell back at anytime - we have recently asked about this (May 16) and we were told (via email) that they are not buying at the moment.
* Mario told us that he knew of people that had given up their jobs and were now selling weeks at Anfi as a living (we have since found out that this is impossible)
* That we would always get the dates we want as thay are only ever 75% subscribed - (we have tried to book a week in Nov/Dec 16 and have been told there is no availability, not only in our block but anywhere on the site! They could however give us a week on the golf resort for twice the amount of points.
We have since discovered that weeks at Anfi are available to buy on internet sited such as Trivago, Ice Lolly, Trip Adviser etc.
So not only are Anfi not exclusive the holidays are cheaper than we are paying in maintenance fees!
We also don't want to leave our children with what is effectively a debt in the event of our deaths, as the maintenance fees are forever.
In conclusion we now feel we were mis-sold. A lot of what we were told is in fact not true.
Monday 30th May 2016 03:47 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
1. We were approached by two people with scratch cards who said we had won.
2. We were taken by taxi to a resort and a hard sell afternoon was endured.
3. We felt very pressured to sign up and we were not given any cooling off time.
4. We were promised 4 star accommodation but most of the resorts were 2 star.
5. We feel that we were never allowed to get into 4 star resorts unless it was a "special offer" by them just to get people into a resort in order to make it look busy for other prospective buyers.
Monday 23rd May 2016 11:52 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts
We attend a presentation with Sunterra representative at Tuanton venue with several other couples for all day presentation and being guided by various sunterra representatives during the day.
Informed th maintenance would rise and fall in line with current inflation rates, value of points purchased would be passed from year to year if not used during current year, this accuring multiple points increase over periods could aldo be used by authorised members of close family.
The pressure to sign was placed on us for either deposit of financial agreement which was signed on site with the First National for the full amount this was later agreed by First National after the cooling off period.
Monday 25th April 2016 04:44 - Mr M - Diamond Resorts Points
I bought Diamond Resorts points on two occasions, once in the UK and once on holiday in Malta.
I have tried several times to book but no availability on the places and times I wish to use.
I used my Diamond Points to purchase with another company who said they would dispose of, however they have not been able to do anything with them, this was in September 2012 and I have been responsible for the management fees ever since even although I don't use them.
I wish to get rid of paying the management fees for something I do not use or want.
Wednesday 20th April 2016 04:54 - Mr & Mrs D -Diamond Club Calypso
We went to Visions of the World they said they would take our Petchey points in part exchange for Diamond Club Calypso.
Petchey were not relinquished but we were entered into Diamond Club Calypso via RCI ceded to points.
We were told not to pay the maintenance for Petchey as we were under contract to Visions of the World, but because we did not pay we were threatened with debt collectors, this was when we realised they had not kept to their part of the agreement in taking the Petchey shares.
We have never received a certificate of ownership from Diamond Club Calypso, we were therefore mis sold the Diamond Club Calypso timeshare.
I do not want to leave this problem to any member of my family.
Tuesday 12nd April 2016 04:48 - Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resorts Points
We originally purchased the points when on holiday in Spain, where we were assured it would supply us high quality holidays at a cost effective price.
On a holiday with one of the resorts in Spain, we complained about the lack of availability and were informed that we would have far more flexibility if we had a few more points, so we purchased some more.
In 2009 my brother asked me to buy his points from him as he could not afford the maintenance nor could he find availability with his family, so I took on his points, and maintenance fees.
While we have had some good holidays through the system, they have not been good value for money, and the ever increasing maintenance fees have certainly not met the expectations that the points were sold to us with. We were informed that we would need additional points to carry out the transfer of my brothers points.
We now find ourselves in the situation where maintenance cost are unmanageable for us, availability is very limited but despite numerous try’s, we cannot find a way to dispose of the points
Wednesday 23rd 2016 06:16 - Mr G - Diamond points
We were not told that the contract related to a specific accommodation, we were told we were buying points which we could use to obtain holidays anywhere in the world.
We were told that the points would rise in value and that in the future we could sell them.
We were told we could "will" the points to our heirs but not that were obliged to continue the ownership after we died.
We had to make the decision and the payment on the day without a cooling off period for the trial period and with a cooling off period after the finance agreement of 7 days
we were told we could exchange anywhere in the world.
Wednesday 02nd March 05:32 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond Resorts Points
Bought 55 Points in Tenerife not enough.
Bought another 55 points year later been told that would be more than enough.
Found we couldn't get what we wanted and where.
We were told we could go anywhere at any time.
Tried to sell them back and they wouldn't .
Suggested we rented it out and through them we could earn money or pay it towards maintenance. That didn't work as no-one wanted the week we put up.
We feel that we have been lied to and mis-sold as we have not benefited at all from this purchase.
Wednesday 02nd March 04:58 - Mr & Mrs O - Diamond Resorts
Purchased timeshare.
Purchased more points.
Enjoyed a few holidays but now find that it no longer suits our requirements.
Want to exit as soon as possible.
Management fees increased far too much.
Tuesday 01st March 2016 05:31 - Mr & Mrs V - Diamond Resorts
When my husband and I purchased this apartment it wasn’t explained that we had it for life and that the fees would become so expensive. Also in the past we had to pay for refurbishment of the apartment. We haven’t used the apartment for the past 5 years due to my husbands disability.
Our children don’t wish to carry on the agreement as they can’t afford it and now feel it is a very great liability as we are getting older and not able to afford the fees as they have gone from £45 per year to £390 per year and goes up each year as we are both retired.
Thursday 19th February 2016 03:48 - Mrs D - Diamond resorts
We feel we were miss sold the timeshare and information provided at the time of sale was not the truth, the main points are:
Informed timeshare would increase in value and could be sold back to Thurnam Hall
Fees would increase in line with inflation
Thurnam would be easy to exchange and it is very sort after
Exchange availability has been poor, I am unable to exchange the weeks
Told one week at Thurnam Hall could be exchanged for 2 weeks in America
Timeshare is not value for money, able to get same holiday resort cheaper direct
Tuesday 09th February 2016 10:06 - Mr & Mrs G - Diamond Resorts Points
• Jan 1996 Bought 20 points for Grand Vacation Club.
• March 1996 Bought further 15 points because told 20 points not enough for holiday
• Found it hard to book holidays needed at times we wanted
• Only took 6 holidays in 19 years
• Always paid maintenance fees on time even though they increased tremendously through the years
• Tried twice to give back points as we were not able to use them. Had no proper feedback from Diamond Resorts
• The point system does not accommodate our growing family holiday requests – no all inclusive & few resorts available
• All UK holidays are extravagantly made up of excessive points needed. Diamond has taken away this option from us now that we are pensioners
• We were sold the 5 star holidays as an exclusive members club but have realised over the years anyone can have access at relatively cheaper prices than the members
Tuesday 09th February 2016 09:42 - Mr T - Diamond Resorts Points
I initially bought 1 week and over a number of years I was convinced changing to points was a better option for fantastic holidays. However I am unable to receive what I requested and don't use my week, pay extra to visit other resorts and the maintenance costs are being raised further.
Monday 08th February 2016 09:36 - Ms P & Ms S - Diamond Resorts Fractional
Through the post, in summer 2004, we received an invitation to a meeting. The invitation promised a free holiday if we attended the meeting.
We attended the meeting and were taken to Wychnor Park and shown an example of the standard of accommodation we could expect if we bought into the Sunterra points system.
We were told we could also exchange our points for Interval International weeks, which opened up the opportunity to use the points across the world.
Were informed that we could pass on our points in our will – this was portrayed in a positive light.
We were assured that the maintenance would be only £300 per annum for the minimum purchase of 5000 points. 5000 points could be exchanged for up to 3 weeks holidays if booked within 59 days of departure.
We were also assured there would be plenty of availability even when booking late.
Hence we decided to buy points with Sunterra, based on the above information.
We felt gently pressured. We do not remember being given time alone to discuss anything.
We had to sign there and then and we think we had to pay a deposit immediately.
We do not remember a cooling off period.
We did not take a finance loan for this initial purchase but took a draw down on our flexible mortgage.
Each time we used our points in Sunterra or Diamond properties we were pressurised into an “update meeting”. It was very difficult to evade these meetings – the reps came knocking at the accommodation door if you did not return their phone calls. These meetings always turned into a sales pitch for more points or more recently fractionalisation.
The meetings always took up half a day of our holiday. It was difficult to leave the meeting early, particularly in Tenerife where we were taken to the next town and were reliant on being transported back.
At each meeting we were advised of new benefits and ways to use the points, but these were only available if we purchased more points to achieve a higher level of membership. There was always a special deal consisting of reduced priced points only available at the time of the meeting.
We were often advised of ways to earn money to pay our maintenance fees – e.g. successfully introduce friends and family into “The Club”, use the wish to rent system – i.e. book accommodation and put it up for rent with the Club, or use points to pay maintenance fees.
We were given different and sometimes contrasting information and advice each time we attended a meeting – even at the same resort by the same person.
We were convinced to buy more points on several occasions in order to access these extra benefits. Some of these purchases were made via Barclays loans. When we paid these loans off we received a credit card which was difficult to cancel and we did not know we had agreed to receiving. These loans were always paid off in full by taking draw downs on our flexible mortgage.
In practice we found booking availability poor – there are places we would like to go but can never get in – unless we look on commercial websites where we could pay to book accommodation. There seems to be no availability problems in the public field.
Interval international properties incur a booking fee for each week booked even if these are consecutive weeks at the same place, a higher charge is incurred if an overseas booking is made. Again availability is poor in popular places at popular times, which is in contrast to the information given at our initial meeting.
Room upgrades did not materialise as sold and in fact now these have to be purchased up front, whether or not you use them.
Early availability as a gold members made no difference to booking availability.
We were rarely allocated a refurbished unit as promised to gold members.
Using points for alternative holidays such as holiday cottages, hotel stays, booking cars and flights, is never as economically viable as we had been led to believe.
Even the new options such as tours, cruises and experiences are not cheaper than anywhere else.
The travel department was disbanded without notice. The method of exchanging points for holidays booked with other travel companies changed dramatically, which we only discovered via the grapevine.
Our maintenance fees have risen exponentially over the years even considering that we now own more points. There was a sudden hike in maintenance fees when Sunterra was bought out by Diamond Resorts (DR). The explanation was the money was needed to bring the accommodations up to DR standards. In our experience not all units have been upgraded and many are still “tired” several years later.
Since DR took over we have noticed a much increased bias towards new accommodation in the USA rather than Europe.
By 2012 we were looking at reduced financial circumstances and were worried about being able to pay our maintenance fees in the future. In November 2012 we asked what would happen if we stopped paying our maintenance fees and walked away from the points. We were told in no uncertain terms that we would be prosecuted. Fractions were mentioned at this point but not as a get out clause.
In May/June 2013 at White Sands Beach Club we had the usual meeting with the local DR rep Les. He explained to us that fractionalising our points was a way to exit membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees. If we fractionalised our points they would be sold in 15 years. We could sell them at any time before this via Time and Leisure. DR would always take first option in purchasing our fractions by bidding slightly above the price we had been offered. When they were sold in 15 years we would be likely to make money rather than lose it. Les told us he was not selling points, only fractions at this time.
He was very positive and reassuring, so we bought fractions via a loan with Shawbrook in order to exit DR in the finite future, as we could sell them at any time. There were no financial checks made to our knowledge. We had a cooling off period for the loan but not for the purchase as we understood it.
We were not able to put all our points into fractions at this time due to the split of points per fraction offered that day.
In November 2013 we attended a meeting in Tenerife. We were picked up from our accommodation by Paul Plowman and taken to the DR HQ some distance away. We told him we did not want to buy anything else. He told us our remaining points would not be worth much in the future, we would be stupid not to fraction them. He discussed the wish to rent scheme as a way of earning money. He explained if we booked accommodation for marketing weeks in e.g. in Santa Barbara, they would be used by DR for potential members and we would receive a fee, if they purchased points we would receive a percentage of their purchase price which could be well over £1000. He assured us would always be there to assist us with this. In practice whilst he replied to emails, his replies were tardy and not as helpful as we had been led to believe. We did book a week as he suggested and of course no money was forthcoming and DR could not even find the booking when we enquired despite the points being used.
This meeting was very pressurised and stressful. We felt we were trapped as we had no transport back to our accommodation and did not know the area and do not speak Spanish.
Paul Plowman would not take no for an answer and would not let us go until we felt obliged to buy extra points in order to own enough to fractionalise our remaining points. Again we were promised this purchase would be a way out of DR with the same promises as before, ie fractionalising our points was a way to exit membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees. If we fractionalised our points they would be sold in 15 years. We could sell them at any time before this via Time and Leisure. DR would always take first option in purchasing our fractions by bidding slightly above the price we had been offered. When they were sold in 15 years we would be likely to make money rather than lose it.
Having fractionalised all our points we put them up for sale in 2014 with Time and Leisure at a cost of £450. No purchaser has been found to date. We were unaware DR had an interest in Time and Leisure. Time and Leisure told us DR were not interested in buying back our points or anyone else’s points.
At this stage we read some of the small print in the booklet we were given after signing to fractionalise our points. It seems the obligation to sell the fractions in 15 years has plenty of “wiggle room”, in contrast to the impression given on the tick sheet we signed at the point of sale.
We believe we were miss-sold fractions as a way to get out of DR membership and the responsibility for maintenance fees.
Wednesday 03rd February 2016 06:57- Mr & Mrs H - Diamond Resorts Points
Purchased two weeks at Polynesian Isles and we were happy, informed when Sunterra took over we had to change to points.
Had to buy more points to join the club.
Then found we needed more points to get 2 weeks.
Then as new resorts were introduced we needed more points as the points value became higher to use new resorts.
Pressured immensely at presentation to buy more points.
Fees for maintenance continue to increase whilst quality and standards decrease.
Poor availability and increasing numbers of none members and cheap deals on the internet.
Friday 29th January 2016 08:11 - Mr. S. - Diamond Points
We were invited to an exclusive meeting and promised a deal of a lifetime. After several hours at this meeting, we were pressured into purchasing points. We were promised a free holiday. We travelled to Tenerife and were subjected to a meeting for again several hours. We were told that these points were easy to sell and move around. The management fees were apparently an insignificant charge that was affordable. We were not advised about the cooling off period. It was only because we read the small print once we discovered this. Again on holiday in Menorca, we spent the afternoon with consultants who pressured us into signing the contract. They told us we could go anywhere in the world. This is not the case. We struggle to get availability and are paying extortionate management fees. When we initially purchased the points we did not have children and were not told that the points would be passed onto them should we pass away.
Friday 11st December 10:43 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
In July 1991 we purchased 1 week low season at The Royal Oasis Club at La Quinta from LS Interval Ownership Ltd (agents for Benal Holdings Ltd) for a total price of £4350 by paying £500 deposit on day of presentation and financing £3850 through First National Bank, again arranged at presentation. We were given 1 year free RCI membership.
We were not told that we would not be able to cancel the contract and did not realise this until we got home and read the documents thoroughly. We felt too rushed to do this at the presentation. There was no cooling off period.
As we were usually unlucky in getting the exchanges we wanted, when offered the chance to exchange our set week for points which we could exchange through Interval International, thus giving us a much wider availability, we went for the points offer.
In November 1995 we exchanged our week at La Quinta for 30 points and purchased a further 10 points for £2400 again financed through First National Bank.
We then discovered 40 points was inadequate to secure a weeks holiday so were in a position where we had little option but to purchase a further 10 points in October 2000 at a cost of £2669.56
When our daughter told us she did not want to inherit the timeshare we enquired as to whether we could sell the points we owned. We were told no, but if we changed back to weeks we would be able to sell the weeks. So that was how we proceeded, only to find that it is almost impossible to sell timeshare weeks. We have also recently been told that the perpetuity clause does not apply to points, only to weeks. If we had been aware of this we would not have bought back into the week system.
Our original management fees were £120 per year which we were happy to pay however they are now £784.64 which we find excessive.
At the original presentation it was claimed that these were high-end exclusive resorts and in real terms the cost of future holidays would never increase as the management fees would not go up by more than the rate of inflation.
Our current fees are as stated £784.64 and it is now possible to book the same weeks that we own at our resort for less than £500 on the internet.
Since first entering into the timeshare the management has changed from LSI to GVC to Sunterra to Diamond Resorts. We had no choice in these changes and were not given the option to leave at any point.
To sum up, we no longer have what we thought we originally bought. It is not exclusive and the cost to ourselves has escalated beyond what we were told to expect.
Wednesday 09th December 11:46 - Mr A - Diamond Resorts
I originally owned 2 weeks in and apartment at Sunset Bay in Tenerife that I purchased from a Timeshare resale company (worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket. For £4207.00 which included £257.00 annual management fee. I used the resort on two occasions but on my second visit in November 2002 was persuaded to attend a Grand vacation club presentation after first been taken around a number of properties in the close vicinity to Sunset Bay and shown the superior facilities in each. I was then taken to a very upmarket resort, once again owned by GVC where it was explained to me that I could have access to all of these venues if I was prepared to sacrifice my fixed weeks and apartment at Sunset Bay and enrol in GVCs points system. However it was claimed by the representative that I was dealing with that this would be more beneficial to me by virtue of the fact that I could have more flexible holidays by being able to choose to use these facilities whenever I wanted during the year provided that I had sufficient points to cover the cost. I was assured that all of these places where exclusively for the use of GVC members and there associate timeshare exchange scheme ( that I believe to be RCI but not certain). However to qualify for this scheme and have enough points to allow me full access to the scheme I would as well as sacrificing my fixed weeks at Sunset Bay have to purchase 75 extra points at a cost of £3000.00. I was told that this would guarantee me holidays when and where I wanted, within the scheme at a reduced price to normal package holidays.
At the time although employed this was still a lot of money and I said that I didn't think that I could afford this What with maintenance fees flights etc. I was once again assured that even with flight cost and maintenance fees that this would still work out cheaper than comparable package holidays Was also given the impression that maintenance fees would only rise in line with inflation. Every argument that I put forward was defeated and after about of 90 minutes of one on one intense pressure was finally persuaded to sign for the purchase of 75 points for a fee of £3000.00. This was on 5th November 2002 and the money was paid by cheque and removed from my account on 14th. November 2002.
We used the points system on and off till about 2007 only once using a resort other than Sunset Bay in March 2003 when we went to a resort near Fuengerola. After 2007 we noticed that we where experiencing difficulty in obtaining accommodation in any of the resorts to suit our holiday patterns and will the rapidly increasing maintenance fees and cost of independent flights, it became clear that package holidays where a far more viable option.
In October 2008 after becoming increasingly frustrated with diamond resorts ability to fulfil their promise made at the initial presentation to provide me with quality accommodation at reasonable cost I contacted the company and informed them that I wished to sell my timeshare points. They replied after several emails in April 2009 telling me that I could not relinquish or sell my points but needed to convert them back into fixed weeks at a cost and then sell those weeks using only a timeshare sales company approved by them.
I decided to convert back to fixed weeks on the basis that even if I could not sell the weeks I would still have the option of a holiday at a fixed week in a resort of my choice. I therefore opted to convert my points once again to fixed weeks at Woodford bridge country Club, for which I believe I was charged.
This transfer did not take place until April 2010 when I was issued with certificates for 2 floating weeks at Woodford Bridge ( 1 week Low Season and 1 week Mid Season) I was also advised to book early to avoid disappointment. On my first bill for maintenance fees however I was shown to have fixed weeks (19 & 48) with named accommodation. That is no longer the case and I only get bills now indicating floating weeks. I did not use my weeks at Woodford Bridge Country Club until November 22nd to 29th. 2015 when I had one week in a I bed apartment. Our stay at the hotel was seriously marred by major building work taking place scaffolding surrounding the hotel and contractors vehicles filling the car park. We where also woken early on a morning by the building work taking place. This venue does not in my opinion offer good value for the £575.00/ week that I am now being asked for maintenance payments.
Whilst at the resort I was approached by a Diamond Resorts Representative who assured me that I could get out of my Diamond Resorts nightmare . He asked that I reconvert back to the points system at a cost of £2400 and a maintenance payment of £1176.00 I would be able to relinquish my points in 2016 after a further payment of 2 years maintenance fee by way of compensation for early release.
I have been with Diamond resorts, in one form or other now since 2002 when I was 55 years old I am now 68 and retired such high maintenance fees for so little value for money are a serious drain on my pension when I am lead to believe that it is possible to book this resort on line as a non member and stay there for as little as £200.00 per week/person. I am also lead to believe that I may be considered from release from this contract at the age of 75 under special circumstances of ill health or bankruptcy. Or death.
I declined this offer and contacted a timeshare release company for specialist advice.
Wednesday 09th December 10:54 - Mr. F. - Diamond Points
We first purchased a fixed week in Florida in 1996 and over the next few years we upgraded from fixed weeks into finally an exclusive simpler points system. At this time the maintenance was affordable and there was little annual increase, but in the last 10 years this has now drastically increased well ahead of inflation and is now an unaffordable financial burden. We were never told that our ownership would be forever and the burden would be passed onto our children, whether they wanted it or not. When we first purchased our holidays seemed to be very exclusive 5 star resorts but they never seem to be available now when we try to book and similar bookings are more easily available elsewhere at travel agents or online at much cheaper prices. We were never told it would be impossible to dispose of our timeshare, which is now an unwanted financial burden, which we now wish to dispose of.
Tuesday 08th December 02:53 - Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts Points
In December 2013 my husband and I went to Florida and we bought a timeshare with Diamond Resort International. We were told that this would be an investment. We were told that the maintenance was a one off payment which proved not to be true. We were told that it would be for a 60 month contract which turned out to be 120 months. We were not told the length of contract or given a cooling off period and felt pressured to commit on the day after a 8-9 hour long session/presentation with various people. My husband was very ill at the time, under heavy medication and explained to them that he was in discomfort. When we returned home we reviewed the paperwork and tried to get out of the timeshare. Diamond resorts told us that we had missed the cooling off period by a few days. We did not understand the process and what we had bought fully. We were not allowed any other person in the room with us while we were sold this and did not have the time to fully digest or comprehend before signing the contract and making payment and setting up a finance agreement. We had to deal with several different people. The whole process was emotionally draining.
Wednesday 25th November 11:50 - Mr & Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
we were on holiday in Cala D'or and we were at a welcome meeting with the holiday re and a GVC rep was present and in the meeting it was said that if attended their offices we could get a reward of lunch + euro's. No cooling off period was offered and they made it sound an offer to good to miss. We were told that if wanted to sell it would not be difficult to do, but that is totally untrue. We first bought 100 points and then due to our finances and because we wanted to sell, we were told to change them to fixed weeks, but again no sale.
When we had points we used them for our holidays but when change to weeks we never used them again. The main thing is that we do not want to leave this to our children as this not an asset it's a liability.
Thursday 19th November 09:55 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We were offered a free holiday in Tenerife on the basis that we attended a presentation to purchase points for future holidays. We subsequently purchased the minimum number of points, which as it turned out, was inadequate to use for a proper holiday. the company tried to later sell us more points but we resisted. we were not offered a cooling off period. It was a hard sell by the company and we both felt pressured at the time.
We have not used our points, other than attending ONE free weekend to attempt to sell us more points. The main reason we have not used the points is an inadequate number and more recently Mrs. medical condition, a brain tumour. Mrs. spoke to Diamond Resorts about the medical condition but the response was unsympathetic.
Wednesday 18th November 12:47 - Mr & Mrs R - Diamond International
We bought the very lowest amount of points in 1997. We were told we could pick anywhere in the world from a brochure and the amount of points we had would get us there. We realised this was untrue and if we wanted to go anywhere we would have to buy more points. We were told this would be a great asset and we could leave it in perpetuity to our sons. The management fees in the beginning were reasonable, but now they are so high that we do not want to saddle our sons with the burden. Unless one books 1 year in advance it is impossible to get the accommodation of our choice. However many points we have purchased it is never enough to get gold level accommodation
Wednesday 18th November 12:21 - Mr & Mrs M - Diamond International
We were happy with the initial points and enjoyed our holidays but we were constantly harassed to purchase further points. We realised that this all came at a cost when the management fees rose steadily and were unsustainable. Availability for desired locations was difficult. We were told we could sell but this proved impossible over the years. We were persuaded to buy a Fractional and that this would alleviate the heavy financial burden - this has not happened
Tuesday 17th November 11:25 - Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts/RCI
Purchase of Calla Blanca – Diamond Resorts – RCI
Whilst on holiday in Gran Canaria my wife and I were bombarded for approx 6 days by timeshare sales consultants, some of which were very rude and pressurising.
On the final day of our week’s holiday we finally submitted to the pressure and agreed to a consultation. We were promised gifts ranging from free holiday, wine and spirits, cosmetics etc which was all done using a card type arrangement.
A taxi arrived at our hotel at around 9.30am to take us to a meeting that we had been told would last no more than 1 ½ hours, but actually lasted approximately 7 hours. We were taken completely off the beaten track along unmade roads to an unfinished building site some 6 miles away. Both my wife and I felt very uneasy and somewhat intimidated by this.
We were met at the resort a number of people representing T.S. International, the meeting and presentation was very pressurised with a number of people talking all at the same time, which made the situation untenable. At no point during the time were we left alone to discuss what was happening. We were even followed to the bathroom!
A number of times during the meeting I asked to leave and requested a taxi, however this was not made available and we felt trapped against our will.
During the barrage of conversation we were told that it would be a life changing experience we would have cheaper holidays anywhere in the world, New York, Sydney, all at no extra cost. If we didn’t want to return to the complex we could exchange our week for anywhere worldwide with no issue. At no point during the 7 hours was the term “perpetuity” or a cooling off period explained to either me or my wife.
The pressure places upon both my wife and I during this meeting was nothing like I had ever experienced before in my life.
We both explained that we would like time to think but our comments were completely ignored, we felt the only way we were going to get away from these people and this resort was to agree to a purchase, which we eventually did after 5 ½ hours.
I explained that I would pay a deposit by credit card to which they arranged us a taxi immediately escorted both my wife and I back to our hotel to take the deposit payment.
It was just like we had been held hostage for 7 hours no food just water to drink!
This experience left both my wife and I very traumatised by the whole event and tainted our memories of our holiday forever.
On arrival home to the UK I immediately contacted a solicitor who informed me that I had signed into a contract with no cooling off period therefore I had no option but to pay the balance as agreed.
Over the past 20 years I have on several occasions tried to sell the timeshare as we were told at the original consultation that it would increase significantly in value, however it turns out that it is worthless. Both my wife and I have worried over this for a number of years and ever increasing costs are just spiralling out of control rising at over twice that of the average UK inflation.
Over the past we have tried to exchange our weeks as they sold us the exchange program with not once any success of travelling or staying in the resort we have selected.
The whole experience over the past 25 years has been very harrowing and the sales and bullying tactics used by these people will be something both me and my wife will never forget.
Thursday 12nd November 10:22 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
1. We attended LSI presentation in Nottingham, and purchased a 1 week ,2 bedroom unit in High season. Being a teacher and needing to take holidays in July/August, we were told that we could easily pay cash for an extra week and so have a two week holiday. Trying to do this proved impossible as there wasn’t any availability, and so after numerous letters + phone calls, LSI agreed to give us an extra week, no charge included. Of course maintenance had to be paid on this extra week. We were told at this presentation, that although this wasn’t an investment, if we wanted to sell we would get our money back. We have since realized that it is impossible to sell. We feel as though we were misled from the start. Now realize investment is worth £1.
2. We have been to a number of high pressure selling presentations whilst on holiday + have been persuaded to buy extra points. Over the years we have reached the conclusion that The Diamond Sales reps cannot be trusted to give truthful information, + would say anything to secure a sale. This was highlighted, when in Tenerife, we were told that we could buy extra points as they were having a special promotion and points could not be bought cheaper at any other resort – a complete lie, as a friend bought the same number of points at a UK resort, at the same time as we were in Tenerife, at £3,000 less than we were quoted.
3. We have never taken out finance + find it totally unacceptable that maintenance fees have given by 8.5% per annum.
4. We were led to believe that Diamond was an elite club, but when people can purchase the same holiday, at the same resort on the internet, this is certainly not the case. We have had good holidays but why pay maintenance fees – go on the internet!!
5. It is difficult to get availability at RCI/II resorts, and when you do, the standard is not good.
6. Latest offer – hotels in the UK. We paid the equivalent of £400 for a night at The Oxford Hotel. My sister joined us, having paid £78 from Groupon for a room identical to ours!! Some offer!!
7. Attended a very highly pressurised sales talk last year at Cromer, where we were told, that converting our points to fractions, at a cost of £19,000, would be a way of being able to exit Diamond. So glad that we declined, as now Diamond will allow you to leave by paying 2 years maintenance fees. Had we taken this offer, we would be £14,000 worse off.
8. We have never been asked to agree to conditions that have changed as the organisation has changed hands – LSI, Sunterra, GVC, Diamond. Surely this can’t be right.
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Tuesday 10th November 11:40 - Mr & Mrs J - Diamond Resorts Points
We had a phone call inviting us to a presentation by the company. We were persuaded and paid a deposit at our first meeting and agreed a finance agreement. We had problems getting holidays where we wanted to go so on holiday in Spain we were persuaded to buy more points to make it easier. We did but it hasn't made any difference. We paid outright by Barclay card on the day for those points.
Wednesday 28th October 09:57 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We are unhappy that we cannot use the points every year. We were told it would be an asset for our children and the maintenance fees are increasing unfairly in comparison to inflation.
We have only been able to book 6 holidays in 18 years and we were advised that the holiday would always be cheaper than package holidays. We find it impossible to book holidays in the UK. We have tried to return our points but it was declined
Wednesday 28th October 09:50 - Mr & Mrs I - Diamond International
We initially bought 3 fixed weeks that suited our needs, they introduced a points system in 1989 and we saw the benefits of a more flexible holiday system. We exchanged the weeks and purchased points. The availability became poorer and we lost points. Our children no longer want to go and the maintenance fees have increased way beyond what was anticipated
Wednesday 28th October 09:43 - Mr & MRs H - Diamond Resorts
the maintenance fees are too high and we did not know it was in perpetuity. It was sold as an asset and we signed the contract on the same day of purchase. We have tried to sell several times without success, we took out in house finance at very high interest rates
Monday 26th October 2015 03:59 - Mr D - Diamond Points
I purchased 5000 points in 2003 and was not told my daughter would inherit this.
The maintenance is £900.00 a year which has tripled in the last ten years.
I can never get the week I want and always get told you can have whatever is avaiable
Friday 23rd October 2015 09:57 - Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts
We are unhappy that we cannot use the points every year. We were told it would be an asset for our children and the maintenance fees are increasing unfairly in comparison to inflation.
We have only been able to book 6 holidays in 18 years and we were advised that the holiday would always be cheaper than package holidays. We find it impossible to book holidays in the UK. We have tried to return our points but it was declined
Tuesday 20th October 2015 11:37 - Mr & Mrs P - Diamond Resorts Points
We purchased two holiday weeks at Sahara Sunset Club through independent agent in Benalmadena, Spain on 27/9/2007. The property was owned by Sunterra, later to be Diamond resorts.
On a visit to Sahara Sunset we were invited to a presentation to advise us of benefits we were not aware of. The duration of this meeting should have been approx one hour. This meeting became a very long selling forum. We were advised to gain more flexible use of our purchase would be to convert to points – 7,000 – and to buy a further 3,000 points at a special reduced price.
Although after several hours we did feel pressurised but agreed as we could also see advantages.
We wanted to pay and not incur debt but this was refused and the representative told us that we had to take a credit agreement with Barclays Bank. This was arranged on the day by Diamond Resorts.
Never having had dealings with Barclays we asked again to pay but were refused, our only option was the arranged credit agreement. Up to date, the maintenance fees have risen sharply and the availability to use our points has reduced greatly.
We were assured, as a member we would have exclusive use of the resorts. However, this is most definitely not the case. We have witnessed people walking in off the street and booking rooms at greatly reduced prices. Diamond resort personnel have also told us that up to 40% of all resorts are let at the owners discretion and for a further payable fee. All of this when members cannot book because the resort is showing as “Full”
As the points system does not deliver the flexibility we expected we contacted the company to end our contract. We received a letter saying this was not an option but we could sell our points through Travel & Leisure, being their authorised third party resale intermediary.
We have paid for three periods of advertising with Travel & Leisure over eighteen months but without success.
At the time of purchase we were not told the expected length of our contract, only that our family could inherit our points. The company did not explain that this would automatically happen and the subject was glossed over.
We have visited Sahara Sunset annually and cannot fault the resort. The availability has remained an issue and it is us who have had to be flexible.
However, we have been harassed to attend further presentations on every visit but we have not succumbed to the pressure.
We feel, in hindsight, that we were misled. We were not fully informed of our commitment and were duped into believing that this would give us the flexibility we were looking for.
Wednesday 14th October 2015 09:50 - Mr & Mrs I - Diamond International
We initially bought 3 fixed weeks that suited our needs, they introduced a points system in 1989 and we saw the benefits of a more flexible holiday system. We exchanged the weeks and purchased points. The availability became poorer and we lost points. Our children no longer want to go and the maintenance fees have increased way beyond what was anticipated
Monday 12nd October 2015 09:43 - Mr & MRs H - Diamond Resorts
the maintenance fees are too high and we did not know it was in perpetuity. It was sold as an asset and we signed the contract on the same day of purchase. We have tried to sell several times without success, we took out in house finance at very high interest rates
Tuesday 6th October 2015 10:50 - Mr S & Miss N - Diamond Resorts
Contact with company was through friends who had purchased shares - offered free holiday from Diamond Resorts to go to Tenerife. Once there taken by representative to sales office to discuss possibility of buying points. Prolonged period of time there, no breaks to reflect. Deals on offer were found to be unrealistic. Unavailability of resorts, especially during school holidays, resorts often long distance from airports. Cost of flights alone can be as much as a whole package deal to some places causing holidays abroad to be more expensive. Every holiday taken has had a rep trying to pressurise us into buying more points, saying this could increase our chances of availability. Hotel breaks unattainable on our points very overpriced.
Friday 25th September 2015 03:24 - Mr. T. - Diamond points
We bought intol timeshare in 2002 and 2005. The product was sold as an investment which will increase in value and could be sold on at a profit.
The reality is far from this, the points have decreased in value and cannot be sold at any price. It was not explained to us that our son would inherit the maintenance fees when we die, we though the timeshare was an answer to dream holidays, in reality it is a nightmare that costs and holidays can be bought on the internet with flights and transfers included in the price.
Diamonds availability is very poor proving almost impossible to get to where we want to go.
Friday 25th September 2015 02:53 - Mr. S. - Diamond points
At Woodford Bridge (GVC) free weekend sales talk special deal for that day only points sold at a fixed price and bought at a fixed price (just phone HQ.) last bit is a lie
at Alpha CLub (Sunterra) on holiday there:- buy into it and "home resort" ski-ing when I wanted :- Sunterra going to run it and update it to "special day" during holiday (raised price later) No longer on DRI so no home resort advantage no ski-ing at desired time.
at Santa Barbara (DRI) Select programme easy and ready to go (in fact 12 months delay and loss of use of points) special deal to get rid of Sunset View week if completed while in Tenerife, DRI growing and growing and potentially even greater, Actually Alpine Club gone.
Monday 14th September 2015 04:44 Mrs. M. - - Diamond Points
We purchased timeshare in Gran Canaria in 1983 - weeks 30, 31, 32. In 1995 at Los Amigos Beach Club we purchased 70 GVC points at a cost of £12,950. They traded in our three weeks and gave us an allowance of £6,950, also taking £950 as a deposit paid by credit card.
We now feel that the maintenance is too high (£1,000) as we can get the same holidays for half that amount via the internet. The fact that our son will inherit this liability was never explained to us. We were mis-sold as they told us we could get three weeks for our 70 points.
Tuesday 1st September 2015 07:00 Mr & Mrs J - Pine Lakes - Diamond
I wanted to get out of my timeshare ownership for the following reasons:
My children didn't wabt to inherit in perpetuity.
We often could not book the holidays that we wanted.
The maintenance fees kept riding faster than inflation.
The value of the timeshare didnt go up - it fell.
Several exchange properties were poor quality.
We were forced to pay an additional fee to convert weeks to points
We had to pay a lot of money to exit from Diamond Resorts
Friday 14th August 2015 04:52 Mr & Mrs J - Diamond Resorts
We first encountered Diamond Resorts when we stayed at one of their hotels in Tenerife independently. We were repeatedly contacted by a member of their staff based at the hotel to go to a breakfast meeting regarding the resort. After being badgered on a number of occasions we gave in and went. We were escorted to another resort where we were given the big sell, which went on for a number of hours into the early evening.
We were told we would be able to enjoy many holidays on the 5000 points option and the value of these points would only increase, we were shown how many different countries we could use the points in and how many holidays we could have with those points, including. The paperwork was extensive and the pressure was immense to sign there and then. We were not allowed to leave with any paperwork to read thoroughly before signing, we were told we had to sign before we left that evening.
We purchased the points using their finance partner (Barclays). Again, rushed through very quickly that same evening.
We were told that the Maintenance Fee was based on the points system only and not told about the base charge for the Management Fee.
When we have visited a Diamond Resort (twice) we were constantly hassled by a Diamond Rep, either by phone calls, room visits or in reception.
We were also told, when we enquired, that we would be able to very easily re-sell.
On our last holiday, on talking to people, we found that a high proportion of guests of the hotel were not actually members, so making the statement exclusivity of the resort a nonsense.
When we tried to book a resort using our points, we found no availability. We tried various weeks and resorts to no avail.
We both feel very uncomfortable knowing that this is a perpetuity contract as in life peoples circumstances change constantly.
Monday 10th August 2015 04:50 Mr L - Diamond Resort Points
I only bought 50 points as I was advised that this would be sufficient for holidays. With my wife being a school teacher and having to holiday at school times we soon found this was insufficient to ur needs. Availability is virutally non existant, even when choosing several dates. The resort has deteriorated over the years. We were promised an upgrade and this never happened, we have now refused to pay the maintenance fees due to the poor standards
Monday 27th July 2015 06:08 Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts
We were cold called by the GVC vacation company and offered the opportunity to spend the weekend in a hotel to allow us to visit there timeshare holiday park at the Kenmore Club at Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scotland.
We were shown around the site during a 3 hour presentation where we were given a large amount of information both verbally and in writing about the benefits of there points based timeshare holiday system and Interval International exchange system. There was a level of pressure selling by the sales people and they appeared to need to meet targets over the weekend and were very encouraging in telling us how wonderful the opportunity was that we had been offered.
After the presentation we agreed to pay a deposit to allow us to purchase 12,000 points and pay the balance as soon as possible, this would allow us to use the timeshare properties they had immediately and to have access to the Exchange system for holidays around the world. We would pay a yearly charge for our inclusion in the points system and that this charge would only increase by the rate of inflation every year, this has not been the case as fees have increased every year by an amount greater than inflation. We would also have to pay another charge to Interval International to be able to use the exchange system.
We where told that the Points System would come to an end after 50 yrs and the company would be closed and sold and that we would get all of our money back.
We can not remember if we paid cash for the points or took out a finance agreement with them to purchase the points.
We used the points once to visit Tenerife and once to visit Malaga and once to visit Minorca. The accommodation was quite basic and not as good as we had been lead to believe.
We tried to use the Interval Exchange system ( now RCI ) a number of times, but were only successful once in getting an exchange week in Hawaii, on the basis of we paid for one week’s accommodation and used an exchange week for the second week.
We were under the impression that only members could use the properties and this was one of the reasons why getting exchanges was as difficult, as we had to rely on someone in the resort we wanted to give up there week/s for exchange use. It was not until some years later that we discovered that anyone could book the resorts and on many occasions pay less for a week than we were paying in maintenance fees
After a few years of being unable to get exchange weeks we contacted GVC which was now called Sunterra and asked if there was a better way to use the system, or a way to sell the points and opt out completely. We feel that we were mislead when we were advised that we could only sell our points to other members of Sunterra or swap them for fixed weeks which we could sell easier through the resale company that they would recommend.
We feel we were also mislead when we agreed that we wanted to swap for weeks as we were not told that the ownership of weeks was in perpetuity, as opposed to the points which would cease after 50 years, and responsibility would fall to our to family to pay maintenance fees after we died.
Had we been aware that the maintenance fees on fixed weeks were in perpetuity we would not have swapped as the points would have ended in 50 yrs and our family would have no further responsibility for payments.
We have tried over the years on a number of occasions with a number of so called resale companies to sell the weeks we had been allocated but with no success.
Sunterra then became Diamond Resorts and we contacted them to see if we could sell or otherwise cancel our weeks and membership of the resorts to be told no we could only sell them to others, which as it turned out was impossible because the weeks are worthless, as no one wants them due to the maintenance charges and the amount they increase by every year which is higher than the inflation rate.
Friday 17th July 2015 06:17 Mr & Mrs W - Diamond Resorts Points
We were approached by Elliott Property Ltd London by mail in 1988. We were promised (2002) by DRI points (on payment of £1000). We are burdened by high maintenance fees £1670 (£10.10 2007). In event of death of myself would leave too big a burden for my wife.
We do not wish to pass this burden to our family or involve them with misleading statements as when points were purchased e.g. "perpetuity". We have paid maintenance fees since 2006 and have never used Diamond Resorts.
An attempt to sell since 2010 has been unsuccessful and calls in question any advantage in our original purchase.
Tuesday 14th July 2015 11:08 Mr & Mrs M - Diamond Club Martima
We thought we had bought a 2 bedroom apartment but in actual fact it was never built.
It is in perpetuity and our children don't want it, the maintenance fees are getting too expensive and as it is only a 1 bedroom apartment we were given in exchange for our 2 bedroom we now can't use it as a family
Wednesday 8th July 2015 11:43 Mr G - Diamond points
We first purchased the timeshare in 2000 and it has been a constant upgrade since
We feel that the maintenance is too high and not value for money.
We can get the same holiday at the same resorts for less on the internet.
The fact that our children would inherit this debt was never explained to us and is a constant worry to us
Friday 3rd July 2015 06:36 Mr S - Diamond points
April 2010 cold call from Diamond Resorts offering a promotional holiday
May 2010 short stay at Pines Lake (Cumbria) "please allow 90 mins for your presentation" very friendly but hard sell 4/5 hours
Signed up for sampler membership on 19/05/2010 for £1995, £400 by credit card and £1595 through Barclays Partner Finance, offer was limited to certain European resorts 10000 points to use over 18 months
May 2011 7 day stay under preview sampler at Valley De Golf (Portugal) again friendly but hard sell promotion of 4/5 hours
signed up for 10000 points membership on 10/05/2011 cost was supposed to be £12500 but we were allowed £2000 trade in for sampler membership and negotiated a small discount cost was £10250, this was paid through an extension of the Barclays Partner Finance account
August 2011 letter and certs received from DRI points were "registered"
Nov 2012 stay at Vilar De Golf Portugal, had further 4 hour session to promote fractional, we were told we needed more points to make it work and so signed up for a further 6000 points at a cost of £6000 with a further credit agreement with Barclays Partner Finance account, on return home had second thoughts and telephoned and emailed on 05/12/2012 to withdraw from contract
Holiday at White Sands Beach Club Menorca similar friendly but sustained 4 hour session on 17/05/2015 reps attempted to sell us a conversion to fractionals at a cost of £12700, we declined thios offer
Friday 3rd July 2015 04:25 Mr & Mrs H - Diamond Resorts
First approached in Huddersfield enquiring about holidays. Obtained phone number and invited to Wakefield to presentation. Went ahead because keen on timeshare in UK. A cooling off period was allowed. Were particularly pressured by company when Sunterra took over Thurnham – uncomfortable so.
The product we own is not, we feel, we originally wished to own. Perpetuity was not explained but encouraged as doing something wonderful for any children. Re-sale companies now proven to be not independent of Diamond.
Tuesday 30th June 2015 10:06 Mrs B - Diamond Resorts
My late husband and I purchased Palm Oasis in 1999. we were approached on the street and taken to the resort. We did feel pressurised. We decided to sell in 2009 to ILG who were going to take it off us to resell and they would pay maintenance fees, which were not paid. We did use the resort several times. we did find several factors at the resort needed looking into with regards to maintenance of the property. Maintenance fees keep going up annually. Mis-sold timeshare on basis of passing it to my children. We bought points with Sunterra but was never easy to get what we required. Same again ILG were to sell but did not pay the maintenance. I just need these to be gone from life.
Friday 26th June 2015 08:28 Mr & Mrs C - Diamond International
It was fixed weeks originally and then it changed to the points system. We have learned to use this by sharing every second year with another couple.
Huge percentage increases on the maintenance fees, and we do not want to leave it to our children. I am not retired and I want to tidy up my estate. A fractional would not be an option considering my age
Monday 22nd June 2015 07:52 Mr. & Mrs. M. - Diamond Resorts
We bought the points from GVC in 1998. We noticed that the management fees did increase far more than we expected. In 2008 we thought we had sold these points by changing to 2 weeks (13 & 14) and paying a company Incentive Leisure. We sent the next bill for maintenance to Incentive Leisure as they said they would pay them. During this time GVC Diamond Resorts said that the maintenance fees hadn't been paid. Then in 2011 we received a bill for 3 years maintenance which I had to pay. As we don't really use the timeshare I feel that it was not beneficial for us to purchase in the first place and the whole purchase was never really explained to us. We weren't told that if we passed away our children would be responsible for the maintenance for the 2 weeks we own.
Wednesday 10th June 2015 08:51 Mr J & Mrs H - Diamond Resorts Points
We were approached in Hersonissos, Crete by gentleman offering scratch cards to win various items. we "won" a prize but meant travelling to the Village Heights Golf resort, Crete, where we were given a talk on the benefits of investing into Aegean Blue Vacations. we were promised cheap holidays all year round, especially school hols. Also told always able to book where you wanted to go as properties only ever 80% full!! Given cooling off period. Felt pressurised on 2nd upgrade. Feel let down when Diamond Resorts took over Aegean Blue in 2014 and to become a full member with Diamond Resorts, they wanted a further £6,000! Have used product 3 times but last experience in Praia Da Oura, Portugal was awful, like a cave. We were promised 5 star accommodation every time - not the case. Do not wish our children to be left this time share.
Thursday 4th June 2015 05:20 Mr W - Diamond points
We purchased points in 2001 and it has been a constant upgrade ever since as they said we never had enough points for what we wanted to do
The maintenance fees have been increasing yearly and we feel they are now too high as we can get the same accommodation on the internet for less money.
The fact that our children will inherit this liability was never explained to us at any of the upgrades
Tuesday 19th May 2015 08:30 Mr. S. - Diamond Resorts
The initial contract was a trial membership promising outstanding holidays to entice myself into the lifetime of great holidays at a fraction of standard holiday costs. On first holiday a hard sell and a full membership was taken out.
Since then an almost impossible task of finding any holiday to a location of my choice with what seems a constant increase of maintenance costs. These were promised to be of high availability and ease of access to make holidays simple.
I have children and I admit to take them on holiday limits my dates but I feel that this whole holiday scheme cannot fulfill the promises that were sold to me and I cannot take my children away when I require so end up paying for holiday outside Diamond Resorts.
Diamond Resorts failed to explain fully to me that the membership and all fees would carry over to my children on my death of which is unacceptable and I would not have agreed.
Monday 18th May 2015 08:14 Mr D - Diamond resorts & Fractionals
We originally signed for trial membership (2 Diamond weeks and 3 RCI week) €1815.
On first holiday on 14/05 ibn Village Heights, Crete we were sold full membership - Fractional membership 13 years
We were told availability at any of the resorts was never a problem, especially as we holidayed outside the children's holiday period - not so.
We were told that all the resorts offered a 50% resort discount if booked within 59 days
We asked about if one of us died before the term ended and were told, "we are a very caring company and will be released from your contract - Not so we were not told that if they couldn't sell the property at the end of the term then we were stuck with it
We were advised of the cost of he points we had to buy for the holidays but not the charge for membership fees
They even worked out the cost of the holidays omitting their fees
Monday 18th May 2015 07:38 Mrs B - Diamond points
We purchased 25 points with Diamond in the year 2000, on our first holiday to Tenerife they informed us that we did not have enough points to holiday.
We then bought a further 100
We can never get where we want to go and visit due to no availability, we can get the same holiday's for less money via the internet, which proves this is not exclusive.
The fact that our children would inherit this debt was never explained to us
Monday 11th May 2015 11:06 Mr L - Diamond points
I changed from RCI points to Diamond points because I understood it would give me a greater choice and more flexibility in the type of holiday I required.
I was never made aware that the purchase was in perpetuity and that my children would inherit the liability.
I now realize that I could obtain the same holidays for less money via the internet.
Friday 8th May 2015 08:48 Mr & Mrs M - Diamond Resorts International
Lack of availability and suitability of resorts has proved to be extremely limiting resulting in not being able to use the scheme as wanted. A sixty year scheme has pitfalls as clients who signed the contracts will not be around during the majority of the tenure and my children do not want to use the scheme.
The management fees are too high and it is extremely likely that we could source better facilities and experiences at a cheaper outlay than the current situation
Friday 8th May 2015 08:37 Mr & Mrs P - Diamond Resort Points
We attended a local event at which we were told that 35 points would enable us to have regular luxury holidays so long as we had flexibility in how we used them.
We were given a great deal of personal attention which we were told would continue throughout our first year or two of membership to help us make the best of our points.
We were persuaded almost immediately to increase to 50 points to improve our options.
The management fees have almost tripled and we have only managed half a dozen holiday which were average in quality.
The only ongoing contact has been pressure to buy more points.
We were given the impression it would be easy to sell points on if not satisfied, but we have tried to so with no success and a lot of effort and frustration.
Friday 24th April 2015 10:19 Mrs C - Diamond Group
The initial purchase was not enough so we expanded it in the early years, the management fees are increasing expedentially.
We were over sold extra points with promises of extra value in later years.
Sometime I struggle to use the points because of family commitments, and Diamond resorts not in places that I visit with family.
Resorts are seldom available when wanted.
Friday 24th April 2015 09:23 Mr & Mrs T - Diamond Points
Maintenance Fees - we were told these would increase only in line with UK inflation.
Lack of availability at sites we wished to visit. i.e. time/place of our choice.
We were told we could easily resell back to Diamond or outside parties.
Certain sites are not as per the brochure, eg restaurants are closed.
Wednesday 22nd April 2015 09:22 Mr W- Diamond points
We first purchased timeshare in 2003 and upgraded in 2004 as they said we were miss sold in the first instance.
We now feel that the maintenance fees are too expensive as we can get the same holiday on the internet for a lower cost.
We were sold this as an investment but has turned out to be a liability
Thursday 16th April 2015 11:38 Mr & Mrs S - Diamond Resorts Points
We answered an advertisement to become timeshare owners by way of purchasing points with Diamond Resorts (GVC at the time). We were given a cooling off period. We were led to believe the following, which has proved to be false:-
*We could sell the points at a later date.
*We did not understand that the purchase was in perpetuity, and not to a fixed time.
*Maintenance costs have increased dramatically, not just in line with inflation.
*There was a limited amount of vacancies when we came to book a holiday.
Tuesday 14th April 2015 09:22 Mr S - Diamond/Marriotts
We first purchased our timeshare in 1999 then a second week (both at Marriotts) in 2000.
We now feel that the maintenance is far too high as we can get the same holidays by going on the internet
We were told at the time that this would increase in value, this has not been the case
The fact that my children would inherit it was never explained
We found that exchanging was just about impossible as either no vacancy or not up to standard
Tuesday 14th April 2015 08:38 Mrs M - Diamond resorts & Fractionals
When I bought my timeshare in 2005 I was in Las Americas, Tenerife where I was told I could have holidays at any of the resorts available, also maintenance fees would not vary by much.
The first time I went away with the timeshare I was harassed by a representative to by more points which I did not do at the time.
In June 2009 I was in a resort in Portugal where I was persuaded to get more points, giving more availability.
In October 2010 my personal circumstances and finances changed and I rang Diamond saying I could not afford maintenance fees and wanted to sell the points.
They put me in touch with a company who dealt with selling and I paid them £180.00 by card payment, they said that if the points were not sold they would buy them back and convert them into a week for them to resell.
They asked how much I would be happy with and although my points cost £17000 I would accept £6000 to come out of the timeshare ownership.
I never heard again from them. Last year I upgraded to 2 fractions and they said that these were for 15 years and after that time the property that my fractions was with would be sold and in all probability when it was sold I should receive back what it had cost me to buy the fractions plus interest as usually property values increase and I would at the end of this 15 years no longer be a member of the timeshare
Wednesday 8th April 2015 03:21 Mr & Mrs R - Diamond Resorts Points
We joined Voyager programme in 2005. After attending the presentation and were to receive 5 weeks in Sunterra Resorts. During our first week at Santa Barbara Resort in Tenerife in 2006, we were constantly harassed and pressurised by Sunterra reps. to purchase points. On our second holiday in 2007, at Sahara Sunset Club in Spain, again we were constantly pressurised by Sunterra reps.
We were promised great holidays at any resorts whenever we wanted. We were also told that management fee will not rise above rate of inflation. We were also misinformed that we can sell our points after 10 years and get half of our money back.
We never received what we were promised. There was always unavailability of the resorts whenever we tried to book, no matter how early we tried.
Sunterra was taken over by Diamond resort and the management feed have gone up massively, well above the rate of inflation and have become unaffordable.
Thursday 2nd April 2015 06:02 Mr & Mrs H - Diamond Resorts
We received a free “promotional” week at Village Heights Golf resort in June 2013 via the “Ambassador Club” from Gran Canaria.
On arrival in apartment we received a wine and food “welcome” pack plus fresh flowers every day.
We received approximately a 6 hour presentation at various properties and saw various types of accommodation on one day. Also showed “Diamond Resorts” web page in their offices. Our salesman also met us for a free breakfast plus he and his wife took us to an evening bar-b-q and also another evening meal at the resort with entertainment and free drinks.
The sales process on the day long presentation was very intensive and the weather very hot and we were mentally and physically exhausted at the end of the day.
After the first selling price quotation, the price was reduced by approximately £3000 as we mentioned our connection to the Ambassador Club.
The initial deposit was paid after salesman talking to his (and revisiting us twice in our apartment!) via mastercard £2940 on 15/6/2013, the balance £3000 paid with a bank transfer on 11/7/2013.
The annual maintenance fee for 2015 should have been invoiced Oct/Nov 2014 and despite several emails etc acknowledging our concerns, invoice finally arrived in January 2015, which meant that it was too late to transfer this year’s week to RCI. Although subsequently we have discovered via more emails that this would have been required to be paid between 24/3 and 24/6/2014!!!!
There has been constant unavailability with the Diamond Mediteranean Connection Club, unless you are prepared to book out of season times (if you are lucky!)
We have also discovered that some of the resorts are not exclusive (as we are led to believe). We have see resorts offered on Groupon, Trip Advisor etc.
We were also affiliated to RCI for 3 years (until 31/12/2016) but have only been able to use the 2015 week as the management fee for 2014 was paid in advance of 2013 as part of the deal. RCI also seems to lack some availability, but the web page is much superior to Diamond.
Our certificate from Diamond shows an expiry date of 31/12/2043, but Ricky has advised that this is purely for management fees and that ownership is for perpetuity, which was never explained to us at all. In essence we consider that we have been misled with this purchase, including false promises.
Wednesday 1st April 2015 05:34 - Diamond Points
If possible, I'd like you to present content. This again.
Monday 23rd March 2015 09:11 Mr. M. - Diamond Points
We purchased timeshare in 2009 and upgraded to points in 2011. We now feel that maintenance fees are becoming excessive, and that we would be able to book the same holiday on the internet for less money. Therefore, we do not want to continue with this, or do not want our children to inherit this liability and debt.
The points are surplus to requirement as we are never able to book our holiday of choice through the points system, where and when we want.
Sunday 22nd March 2015 04:50 - Diamond Points
Hi Mr H, my wife and i have been diamond members since 1997 and over the years have had many lovely holidays BUT as you say maintenance fees have
soared dramatically over the last few years.
Itra contacted us last November and we both went to Spain to fill in the relevant forms and instructed Itra to take up our claim for compensation. Although we paid a fee, we felt that was justified as to the amount of compensation we would get for the amount of points we owned (27000.) We look forward to your response, and hope this has helped you.
Mr B.
Wednesday 18th March 2015 12:54 Mr. H. - Diamond Points
We bought into Mystic Dunes in 2010 and all the promises at the time did not come to fruition. We couldn't swap the II very much (never got what we wanted). We were persuaded to buy into Diamond Points in 2014, transferring our MD weeks, again to promises which did not happen. We were not told it was "for life" and "beyond" regarding ownership/obligations/fees etc and our sons inheriting that load. Since then dealing with Diamond has been difficult and we have been unable to get the holidays we want despite many on-line attempts. We also find its not the exclusive resort we expected and can get the same holiday on-line for much less money and no commitment to own/buy/pay management fees.
Friday 13th March 2015 11:46 Mr & Mrs L - Diamond Resort Points
We have just found out about the in perpetuity claim in our contracts, as well as two sets of base fees we are paying and realise we are being taken to the cleaners. Verbal promises have been untrue, we can not book holidays where and when we want, and our fees have escalated.
Thursday 12th March 2015 12:37 Mr H - Diamond points
We first purchased our timeshare in 1995, in 1997 we were persuaded to convert to points and have over the years been encouraged to purchase more points and even at one point in the last two years we were again badgered into yet another Diamond product which we refused.
We now feel that the maintenance fees are too high as we can get the same holidays via the internet.
The fact that our children will inherit this debt and liability was never explained
Wednesday 11th March 2015 09:59 Mr S - Diamond points
We originally bought with LSI weeks, holidays were good, accommodation was excellent, so we felt we had a good deal, however we never knew the costs would escalate as they did for maintenance, or that our family would be inheriting the costs involved.
Because we were unaware of this we changed to points as we understood that doing so would be financially beneficial to us.
We the upgraded again by buying more points, sold to us by showing us more availability, a reduction in maintenance costs, however we can book cheaper holidays on the internet. the standards are as good . T
he maintenance is increasing each year.
We now understand fully the inheritance that we are leaving our family and to add insult to this timeshares are advertised as holidays for anyone to use at a much lower cost than we pay in maintenance.
During the course of our ownership the original company has been taken over 4 times and each one of these companies has promised us better, which we have not received
15th March 2015 20:44 - Mr Colm O, Northern Ireland - Diamond Resorts
"Our timeshare is in Kissimmee in Florida and we have it since 1990. We are no longer interested in keeping this as it costs too much to fly to America with a family and they never seem to have any suitable vacancies in Europe."
15th March 2015 19:14 - Mr Andrew T, Derbyshire - RCI / Diamond Resorts
"I feel the yearly maintenance fee we pay is very expensive for just one week, there is no availability within Diamond to exchange and the choice is also very limited within RCI unless you are prepared to pay excessive amounts extra. Also everything seems to be top price if you book flights, taxis. hire cars through RCI also. I would be interested to see what is any options we have to get out of the contract?"
11th March 2015 15;31 - Mr Keith G, Somerset - Diamond Resorts
"Worried about Diamond points passing to my children, rising fees and lack of availability."
7th March 2015 08:02 - Mrs Elaine W, Leiscestershire - Diamond Resorts
"I work in Education and tied to school holidays, which I was told wouldn't have any issues with booking holidays. Since then my partner has left me too and I have been forced to move house and have had to manage the fees on my own, but also I have no partner to go on holiday with now. My kids are adults and if we all go away we need accomodation to sleep 6 and there is never any available in school holidays. the fees are extremely high now especially as the only place I ever get to is the canary islands as that's all that available without paying big air fares. Daimond weren't bothered that I was now on my own and my partner's name is still on the membership as I don't know where he is to get it off the membership and Diamond don't care - they would rather see you go into debt! They havent allowed for changes in peoples personal circumstances at all and its really worrying as I won't be able to afford to go away this year at all as on one salary its really tight. But I am paying the fees to save getting any debt behind me - HELP!!!"
6th March 2015 16:02 - Mr Andy H, Kent - Diamond Resorts
"We originally joined GVC European resorts which then became Sunterra and eventually Diamond Resorts. On a visit to the USA we then switched to the US collection as we were assured availability was much better and the maintenance fees cheaper than the European collection. It soon became obvious that this was not the case and the fees just keep rising (far outstripping UK inflation) and availability is poor for the majority of the year. We still get pestered to buy more points every time we go on holiday which is really annoying ...."
1st March 2015 15:20 - Mr W L, West Midlands - Diamond Resorts Points
"I have 22000 DRI points and have been trying to rid without success. Annual Maintenance charge too high for comfort. How do you work?"
25th February 2015 20:03 - Mrs Karen D, Essex - Diamond Resorts (GVC)
"Member of Diamond Resorts since GVC were owners. currently own 21,000 points and management fees are escalating out of control now in excess of £2000 per annum"
25th February 2015 19:13 - Mr Michael S, N Ireland - RCI & Sunterra/Diamond Resorts
"We had several resort requests turned down and finished up with dirty resorts. One in Tenerife and one in Canada where the apartment was filthy, one where water was never hot, one place completely run down with ants and the one in Canada was so filthy I managed pull a wad of hair out to the Bath drain, which I took down to manager of the property. One resort was just like a caravan realy awful and not up to the Standard RCI was offering."
24th February 2015 19:39 - Mr Royston G, Herefordshire - Diamond Resorts
"There is no way of selling my points and Diamond will require us to pay maintenance until we die!!"
24th February 2015 15:18 - Mr James F, Buckinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"Resort availability not good. Now retired and cannot afford fees."
22nd February 2015 16:40 - Mrs Jane C, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"My husband and I inherited ownership Diamond Resorts points as my mother-in-law suffered a stroke, we were told at the time that we would be able to cancel our membership at anytime. Management fees are too expensive and we are consistently not able to book the accommodation preferred. We are now being told we cannot cancel the contract."
20th February 2015 05:22 - Mr Paul N, Kent - Diamond Resorts (Sunterra)
"My initial company was Sunterra but since joining membership has changed hands twice & is now Diamond Resorts. I have tried to release from the contract and give away my points but the company says I am tied to the contract for life which will be passed over to our children. I feel I was mis-sold the policy in the first place as we were promised so many things but never materialized due to planning permission. I bought it for use of the country club Broome Park on a 24/7 basis as we live local and not really for the holiday options. However when we have looked to go to a holiday location it was always booked or we had to go through the international group and then we would be charged additional money for something we have already paid for. I just want this yearly nightmare to stop."
18th February 2015 10:30 - Mr Richard T, Lancashire - Pinelake / Diamond Resorts
"We own at Pinelake in Lancaster and have done since late 80s. The maintainance fees are really high and we struggle to exchange. We have 3 weeks banked at present. We would be happy to just be rid of it and not to have to pay any more fees."
15th February 2015 14:06 - Mrs Mavis A, - Diamond Resorts
"Having joined RCI we were told we could get any holiday we would ever want, only to find when trying to book these holidays they were always fully booked! Exchanged our RCI pure points while on holiday in Benalmadena for a Diamond Resort ownership, but now find we cannot afford the very high maintenance fees."
14th February 2015 09:40 - Mrs Nikki H, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"I would just like to get rid of this timeshare. Like many we were taken in by all the hard sell. Ours was Thurnham Hall initially and now Diamond Resorts. I pay over £500 a year for fees and can never get to use it… I feel very embarrassed and stupid for ever starting this. Hate to say it but I should of listened to the Husband! Can you help?"
10th January 2015 13:43 - Mrs W - Interval World / Diamond Resorts
"We bought a timeshare if Florida back in 2005, bought it on the first day of our holiday under pressure, feel that we have been lied to, Interval World have not delivered what they promised either but I guess this will be all old news to you. We are looking to off-load this timeshare and Star Island are not interested in corresponding or taking this back... hope you can help."
10th January 2015 12:10 - Mr Colin P - Diamond Resorts/Sunterra & Petchey
"Having not had the resorts wanted at the time wanted and ever increasing fees we now no longer want these points. Our children are not interested in holidaying this way. Therefore we like offload our points and receive some remuneration, as promised at the original presentation."
8th January 2015 21:53 - Mrs Gina A - Diamond Resorts
"My husband died shortly after we joined Sunterra (Diamond Resorts). I have struggled to maintain the management fees, but I can no longer afford these increases, but have been unable to sell these."
6th January 2015 18:58 - Mrs Dawn C - Diamond resorts
"The fees are too high. My husband is self-employed and we cannot afford to keep up the payments. We have struggled to find places to book... Would just like to get out of membership of Diamond Resorts."
6th January 2015 07:04 - Mrs Rosemary H, Norfolk - Diamond Resorts US collection
"On a recent visit to Florida we converted our weeks timeshare at Mystic Dunes resort to Diamond points, because we were advised that as Diamond have taken over the resort would no longer be guaranteed the flexibility be previously had over dates. We were hesitant about the fact that we would be paying higher fees, and paying these each year as opposed to every other year, but we're convinced that we would have much easier swap ability than had previously been the case through Interval International. However since then, it seems that the resorts we would particularly like are not available. In fact, we can answer yes to all the questions on your website, and can't understand why we were so stupid to buy the points; it seems that we have thrown good money after bad..."
4th January 2015 21:46 - Mr Derek R, Lincolnshire - Diamond Resorts
"My wife & I own points in the Diamond Resorts scheme. We first bought with Sunterra in 2004; then we were given a "FREE" holiday in Tenerife where we more or less had to be on call for the Diamond Resorts rep to show us to other their resorts... Each and every time we went on holiday with Diamond we were given the hard sell and hounded until we increased our holdings. When we first went into the scheme we were assured that there would be accommodations and facilities for the disabled, which iss very important to us. We have not seen any of these apartments or facilities coming our way - only false promises, lack of availability due to oversubscription and ever increasing maintenance fees which have become extortionate..."
4th January 2015 14:38 - Mr Stephen W, West Midlands - Diamond Resorts
"It seemed a good idea at the time but after trying to book holidays we have had no success and we are fed up with getting nowhere with the company."
4th January 2015 11:09 - Mr Ronald C, Midlothian - Diamond Resorts
"Been a member since 2000. GVC, then Sunterra, now Diamond Resorts. Also gold member with Interval. Management fees now getting beyond a joke. Diamond has now become a rental company with limited availability for members."
30th December 2014 21:33 - Mrs Shilpa R, Leicestershire - Diamond resorts
"Our maintenance fees is over £500 and we are v frustrated with lack of options to exchange - so we end up accumulating weeks and points that we are not able to use - money down the drain! Diamond Resorts have not provided any get out options."
30th December 2014 12:42 - Mr David M, Aberdeenshire - Diamond Resorts
"I would like to dispose of my points, We have not used for 10 years due to health problems, therefore the points are no longer suitable for us as we do not travel abroad or far from home."
330th December 2014 10:50 - Mr James M, Cheshire - Diamond
"Please help us to get rid of our timeshare. We were pushed into all sorts of different companies ending up at Diamond resorts. We need to get rid of this in desperation. Please help as we have tried to sell without success."
30th December 2014 08:48 - Mr Bertram B, Gloucestershire - Diamond Resorts
"We wish to cancel our Diamond Resorts points due to the lack resorts available & the rising cost of the management fees"
29th December 2014 22:08 - Mr L D - Diamond Resorts
"My 2 week timeshare bought in 2002 through Tempest Palms International has been taken over By Diamond Resort about 3 years ago. Resulting escalation of maintenance fees premium currently 1180.17 US dollars per week has become an odious burden that I am unable to sustain. Please could I request your help in addressing this exploitative situation".
27th December 2014 05:41 - Mr M A - Diamond Resorts
"I paid £15k to buy these share now I'm paying over £1000 every year. Can I get my money back?"
23rd December 2014 10:44 - Mr Steven H - Diamond Resorts
"I am now retired and finding the maintenance fees too much. I was sold the timeshare on the basis that it would be easy to resell if I no longer wanted to use it. I have contacted Diamond Resorts who have not responded."
22nd December 2014 22:18 - Mrs L W, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts Points
"How can I get out of the contract with DRI. We bought from GVC when fees were low. We have 30000 points and pay in excess of £2000 a year."
14th December 2014 11:43 - Mr Sean B, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"Due to ever increasing rise in maintenance fees I would like to exit my contract with diamond resorts"
11th December 2014 21:05 - Mr G P, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts Points
"Like so many members I am trapped into paying maintenance fees for resort ownership points that I no longer wish to hold. I am 77 years of age and on a state pension; my wife likewise. Initially joined GVC , then Sunterra when we were working and fees manageable."
11th December 2014 13:28 - Mrs Jean B, Cornwall - RCI, Club Infiniti & Diamond Resorts
"My husband and I are desperate to get rid of our timeshares."
9th December 2014 18:54 - Mr Leslie F, Wiltshire - Diamond Resorts
"Would like advice to opt out of diamond resorts. Fees are now far too high,and we can never book to suit our holiday periods."
8th December 2014 15:54 - Mrs Helena B - Diamond Resorts
"Is it possible to get rid of Diamond Resorts membership … ? We are no longer going to use our points and and don´t see why we should keep paying the Club Fees."
7th December 2014 17:32 - Mr Ian S, Tyne & Wear - Diamond Resorts Points
"Income now a small pension therefore no funds remaining to service the extortionate maintenance fees. Maintaining an existence is far more important than maintaining a timeshare. Your assistance in removing this liability would be much appreciated. Regards"
23rd November 2014 11:49 - Mr & Mrs Steve S, Hampshire - Diamond Resorts (Originally GVC)
"Joined originally with GVC and now with Diamond. Very dissatisfied with increasing fees and lack of availability as most others are. Would be interested to know what can be done."
19th November 2014 16:15 - Mr B - Diamond Resorts
"I just want to cancel my membership."
18th November 2014 11:54 - Mr Alan C, Lanarkshire - Diamond Resorts
"Have previously advised Diamond Resorts that my wife suffers ill health which means that we are unable to travel abroad or indeed any great distance without problems. This is an ongoing problem which has, over the years, prevented us from using our points to their full potential. We are also both pensioners and now find that the annual maintenance fees are putting our finances into a very serious situation which we can no longer sustain .It is therefore urgent that we find a solution as soon as possible. We look forward to your reply with interest."
17th November 2014 17:46 - Ms J - Diamond Resorts International
"We have 35000 DRI points and are looking to get out of it A.S.A.P. due to fees being due again very soon."
17th November 2014 17:28 - Mr Peter S, Kent - Diamond Resorts
"Have tried without success to resell. Is there a way in which we can donate to a charity or surrender ownership?"
17th November 2014 16:56 - Mr J B, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"Want to cancel after 12 years with 15000 points, please advise."
15th November 2014 16:59 - Mr Paul W - RCI & Diamond Resorts
"We have been trying to sell our points through the proper channels advised, so far cost around six hundred pounds and still not sold. We even offered to give them away or back as maintenance extortionate, but they say we have to try and sell through TravelandLeisure or through our families. Just want to get rid of our points as cannot afford £3000 a year maintenance any more."
14th November 2014 18:23 - Mr Keith G, Somerset - Diamond Resorts
"Interested in getting out of Diamond."
13th November 2014 18:01 - Mrs Adrienne C, Midlothian - RCI / Aegean Blue (now Diamond Resorts)
"Whenever try to book anything in Uk always booked up and last minute bookings only able to get Tenerife."
8th November 2014 10:24 - Mrs Linda U, Greater London - RCI/Diamond Resorts
“Whilst having to book dates that don't suit and getting nothing like Diamond Resort 5star accommodation, some are great back times not good but have to do so not to lose out which we have once before.”
4th November 2014 16:14 - Mrs Ruth E, Surrey - Diamond Resort/Sunterra
“Want rid of the whole thing - the annual dues and the timeshare but want to recover some (if not all) of our investment, originally in Sunterra. Can never find availability and the home resorts are of a poor quality.”
2nd November 2014 13:18 - Mrs Katrina V, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
“Just discovered your website. We're part of the flock, paying out annually for far too long and rarely using the timeshare, which has been converted to points.”
1st November 2014 12:41 - Mrs Anita D, Cambridgeshire - Diamond Resorts
“My sister and I just cannot afford the fees anymore and would hopefully like to get something back for our points if possible.”
30th October 2014 13:25 - Mr Malcolm J - Diamond Resorts
“Am not interesting in joining a “points” system. I have had the timeshare for 20 years and no longer wish to use them and therefore holiday at Las Calas again. Also, we no longer have or wish to have a self-catering holiday.”
29th October 2014 19:30 - Mrs Peter H - Diamond Resorts
“Like to get rid of this timeshare .”
29th October 2014 13:57 - Mr Michael W, Wales - RCI/Diamond Resorts
“Way too expensive - would like to get rid.”
28th October 2014 22:22 - Mrs S. M - Diamond Resort
“Want rid of our ever increasing managements fees bought from GVC then Sunterra in 2009 and only managed to get about 5 holidays due to lack of availability.”
27th October 2014 19:58 - Mrs Denise W, Devon - RCI and Diamond
“I sold my timeshare, which I used to exchange into an RCI resort, approximately four years ago as I could never obtain the resort or the dates I wanted. I now experience similar problems with my Diamond Points when trying to exchange through Interval International. For example: the last three years I have tried to swop points to stay at the SAS Radisson Blu at Golden Bay, but have not been successful, I have tried again this years, but again there was no availability.”
26th October 2014 23:30 - Mrs Paula H, Surrey - Diamond Resorts
“Have been wanting to get out of timeshare for a number of years. Have difficulty getting the resort of our choice at time we can take holiday. Partner now terminally ill and can't go abroad as we can’t get travel insurance.”
25th October 2014 13:00 - Mr David B - Diamond Resorts
“I have 125000 points with DR and would like to get rid of them. We live in Spain and are not really using them as it is very hard to find holiday weeks where we would like to go.”
23rd October 2014 21:29 - Mrs Patricia W - Diamond Resorts
“We want to get rid of our timeshare and stop paying for it what do we do?”
23rd October 2014 20:41 - Mr M. P - Diamond Resort
“Purchased originally from GVC then Sunterra would just like rid of as find it near impossible to get holiday we want.”
23rd October 2014 17:04 - Miss Yvonne A - Diamond Resorts
“I bought the Diamond Resort Timeshare in 2008, I stopped paying the membership due to the increasing cost. I have had the timeshare on since 1 Apr 14, with no success. I would even give it back for free if that was an option.”
22nd October 2014 18:57 - Mr Simon H, Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
“Looking to get out of diamond resorts points system.”
21st October 2014 12:29 - Mr Chris G - Diamond Resorts Thurnam Hall
“I have in the past not received points at all, have not used this for over 3 years. It is time to move on.”
20th October 2014 14:53 - Mr Paul L - Diamond Resorts
“Currently ok with paying annual management charges which I consider reasonable at the moment. My problem is how to get rid of my timeshare in the future when we are too old to use and there are many years left on the perpetuity contract.”
20th October 2014 11:03 - Mr A. R, Essex - Diamond Resorts
“I just need to know my options.”
16th October 2014 19:34 - Mr John C, Buckinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
“We have been recommended to you. We have tried to sell points by 'reputable timeshare dealers', we have tried to give points away.....we were definitely mis-sold but then bought more to try to get it to work. Probably a tale you have heard many times before.”
15th October 2014 19:54 - Mr Edward K - Diamond Resorts Points
“We have bought 7000 points, 10 years ago. The maintenance fee was raised over 30% since. We would like to cancel my membership but they told me we cannot do that before 75 my age, or one of us will dies.”
14th October 2014 21:47 - Mr John R, Berkshire - Diamond Resorts, RCI
“As a platinum member with 80,000 points and fractional ownership, dating back TO GVC and Sunterra, I find that 'simplicity, choice, value' have all been eroded away. As I have spent in excess of £XXXXXX over the years on points and ownership I want a good portion of my money back.”
14th October 2014 21:26 - Mr Ashley R, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts/RCI
“The biggest mistake we ever made! Invite us back to Greece to try and get more money out of us! Apparently need to pay more money as it's gone from weeks to points! Useless waste of money! “
14th October 2014 21:00 - Mrs Tracey L, Devon - Diamond resorts
“How can I get rid of my timeshare as maintenance going up and cannot afford it.”
14th October 2014 17:52 - Mrs Kathleen S, North Yorkshire – Diamond Resorts (Formally Sunterra)
“I would love some advice on how to get rid of my timeshare. We have never used it and have been paying the fees for many years. We feel we were actually mis-sold the original points (Sunterra) as we were hoping to build them up for a big holiday in USA, but couldn’t do that, they didn’t tell us this at the time.”
14th October 2014 17:00 - Mr Richard H - Diamond Resorts
“My wife and I bought our timeshare from a friend in 2001. At the time the transaction was with GVC. It’s now with Diamond. When we purchased the timeshare we signed a form of surrender and request and assumed that as long as we paid the management fee we could use the timeshare but expected to stop paying the maintenance fee when we did not want the timeshare and potentially forfeit any returned capital. It now seems that we may be subject to the same issues seen on your site that others have suffered. I have written to Diamond to ask what we need to do to terminate and am waiting for their response. What are our options as you see them?”
14th October 2014 14:08 - Mr Roger W, Wales - Diamond Resorts
“Was mis-sold additional points 2 years ago.”
14th October 2014 11:53 - Mr R. T, Warwickshire - Diamond Resorts
“Membership is no longer appropriate.”
13th October 2014 21:17 - Mr Andrew E - Diamond Resorts
“We inherited the timeshare after my parents died and struggled to pay the associated fees but in 2011 I was made redundant and couldn't afford to pay and we are being chased relentlessly by Diamond. I have been working now since March of 2014 but have no savings left to pay them. Their advice has been to sell but all fees must be paid before any transfer to a new owner can take place and that is if you can find one daft enough to take it on. We are desperate.”
13th October 2014 17:02 - Mr P, Middlesex - Diamond Resorts
“Purchased from the palms in Kissimmee, got taken over by Mystic Dune's, now a Diamond Resort, just want out as maintenance fees are too expensive.”
13th October 2014 15:25 - Mr L, Surrey - Diamond Resorts
“Much increased maintenance fees my main grouse.”
13th October 2014 13:53 - Mrs Elizabeth M, Devon - Diamond Resorts/RCI
“I bought timeshare in 2000 in Lanzarote. In 2012 was talked into Aroma Points costing me a further £XXXX for a further 15,000 points and 51,000 points exchanged for my timeshare week and doubling my maintenance, then again in 2014 talked into RCI pure points £XXXX for 15,000 points and losing the 51,000 points when I cancel the membership to Aroma but £XXX pw maintenance, I cancelled this in time so still left with 66,000 points and £XXX maintenance fees.”
12th October 2014 13:50 - Mr ANDREW M - Diamond Resorts
“Cannot afford maintenance fees anymore.”
11th October 2014 19:34 - Mr P, Surrey - Diamond Resorts
“Want to get rid completely.”
11th October 2014 17:58 - Mr John & Judith N, Somerset - RCI/Aegean Blue now Diamond
“Have contacted by letter to both. Informed them we have cancelled our direct debit for RCI fee. They sent form to send back, they are stating there is a 12 month cancelation period while paying all fees. These are fees for RCI, two lots of point’s management fee to Aegean Blue.”
11th October 2014 10:53 - Mr Stephen W - Diamond Resorts
“No longer need Time Share so would like to get rid of it.”
9th October 2014 16:38 - Mr Graham H - Diamond Resorts
“I would like to dispose of my 40 points.”
9th October 2014 16:24 - Mr Robert W - Diamond Resorts
“Maintenance fees are rising each year and I don't believe I am getting value for money.”
9th October 2014 12:14 - Mrs M, Aberdeenshire - Diamond Resorts
“We have two fixed weeks with Diamond Resorts for ten years my husband is now not so able to travel. How do I get out of it?”
8th October 2014 18:01 - Mr C. I - Diamond Resorts
“Property was purchased from ILX, which has been taken over by Diamond, who have changed to points system. Originally told that property could be sold back to them.”
7th October 2014 15:06 - Mr Gareth H - Diamond Resorts
“Is there any way of getting out of Diamond resorts for good? I owe maintenance fees plus a loan. I am in the process of paying it all off as my wife & I are getting divorced we have been told we can only split the points and we will have to pay for that despite telling them we no longer want the points we have been told that is not possible I am at my wits end with it all.”
6th October 2014 21:11 - Mr Peter L, Scotland - Diamond Resorts
“Trying to get rid of Mystic Dunes Timeshare, Orlando. Have been owners for 7 years and fees are increasing. Thanks.”
6th October 2014 13:06 - Mr Neil J - Anfi, Diamond
“Having retired, I would like to dispose of the timeshare to cut my outgoings. My children are unable to take this on.”
6th October 2014 13:09 - Mrs Pauline S, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
“Have been owners for around 20 years, but when contacted them was told I could only sell if exchanged my points for weeks in I resort which I did and managed to sell I week for a few hundred pounds as they had given me 2 separate weeks, my husband hasn't been able to go for years. As too many steps to apt. I have used but need to get out of contract as can't afford any more to be honest can book same resort cheaper online.”
5th October 2014 12:46 - Mrs Karen C, Staffordshire - Diamond Resorts and Points Vacation
“We purchased points through Points vacation who took our Diamond Resorts points as part of the deal. We now are in a position of paying for maintenance to Diamond Resorts and also paying a hefty bank loan for the new timeshare that have broken every promise made to us and we are finding it increasingly difficult to get a resolution to both situations.”
1st October 2014 21:03 - Mr Mark E, Wales - Diamond Resorts
“I wish to be released from my 7000 diamond resorts points. I am retired and the cost of the annual fees plus flights etc. does not make economic sense. Have not taken a holiday with the company for 2 years or more but keep having to pay the fees.”
1st October 2014 18:09 - Mr M. A, London - Diamond Resorts
“I just want out, can't take it anymore.”
1st October 2014 17:36 - Mr Paul B, Berkshire - Diamond Resorts
“We do not use timeshare and we do not exchange because it is too expensive.”
1st October 2014 11:39 - Mr Gary P - Diamond Resorts
“Looking to cancel my contract with Diamond Resorts.”
30th September 2014 13:54 - Mr M. S - Diamond Resort
“Joined Diamond Resorts in July 2013 for my parents to go on holidays. However, 2 years ago I requested Diamond Resorts if we could cancel the membership and get a refund of the £10,000 joining fee. But to my dismay they refused saying that the cancellation period was over. The cancellation request was due to my dad's health issues, which would limit his holiday travel.”
30th September 2014 10:34 - Mrs Jocelyn P, Northamptonshire - Diamond Resorts
“I have had points with Diamond for over 10 years and have only been on holiday with the scheme once. The cost of fees is now almost as much as a holiday of my choice. I am also retired so can't afford to keep paying the fees.”
29th September 2014 00:27 - Mr Chris C, Gloucestershire - Grand Leoniki Diamond Resort Crete
“High maintenance fees. Bought 2 weeks converted into points after buying extra points. Can’t use points for airfare or even car rental anymore. We have too many points which we are not using. Need a solution as we are now financially drained and in debt after taking out loans to buy extra points which we were told can be used as a currency for airfares and car rental which is no longer available through RCI.”
29th September 2014 11:35 - Mr Bob A, Kent - Diamond Resorts
“Have fractional points, want out next year, Diamond tell me I can sell but their company was a waste of time. Thanks.”
27th September 2014 23:56 – Mr Alexander B, Scotland - Diamond/Paradiso points
“No longer able to travel due illness.”
27th September 2014 12:49 – Mr P - Diamond Resorts
“Very happy with GVC. Split points in divorce settlement. Diamond is a con and not what we signed up for with GVC. You no doubt already know how this company is treating people!”
27th September 2014 11:01 – Mr Dean, Somerset - Diamond Resorts
“Having now retired and the fees having been raised at an accelerated rate. It is no longer cost effective to have a Diamond timeshare.”
27th September 2014 10:02 – Mr James B - Diamond Resorts International (points)
“Have enjoyed good quality holidays but with lifestyle changes find is less appropriate to take this sort of holiday plus rising annual maintenance fees not attractive.”
26th September 2014 22:25 – Mr Alan S - Diamond Resorts
“As like so many others our circumstances have changed where we cannot afford the fees.”
26th September 2014 17:44 – Mr Robin T, Essex - Diamond Resorts
“I have tried to move my timeshare week. They say they are trying to get the paperwork sorted. So far been 6 months, have told them if no paperwork by the end of July I would ask for information on a buy back scheme. Have heard nothing. Could you let me know what the costs and possibilities are to get out of the contract?”
26th September 2014 13:24 – Mrs Linda S, Essex - Diamond Resorts
“We have two schemes with Diamond based in Crete and Rhodes, and the maintenance fees coupled with RCI non-availability of anything worthwhile mean we are considering getting out after only two years. Fortunately both buys were only on limited contracts, but still paying tens of thousands in maintenance is not going to be worth it.”
26th September 2014 11:22 – Mrs Wendy R - Diamond Resorts
“Want to get out.”
26th September 2014 11:20 – Mr Craig R, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
“I separated from my wife 5 years ago and we never use the timeshare. We haven’t done for years and are never going to again but we can’t get rid of it. I paid £xxx in January 2013 to the timeshare hypermarket but had no enquiries. We don't even want any money for it we just want to get rid.”
25th September 2014 11:57 – Mr Phillip E, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
“We bought through GVC/Sunterra in 1998 and the maintenance fees have soared but availability has gone way down. We have 3 children and no option to go out of term time. How do we get rid of our points?”
23rd September 2014 19:35 – Mr Chris W - Diamond Resorts
“We are interested in getting rid of our points with Diamond completely.”
23rd September 2014 17:09 – Mr John H - Diamond Resorts
“My wife is disabled and I have had to take early retirement to look after her so we can no longer afford the high fees.”
21st September 2014 18:10 - Mr J, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts Points Scheme
“We have been members for a few years but we are getting older and our circumstances are changing, we would really like to get out if you can help us please.”
21st September 2014 12:26 - Ms Jayne M, Suffolk - Diamond Resorts
“Can no longer afford the high maintenance fee.”
20th September 2014 18:44 - Mr Nicholas S - Diamond Resorts
“We would like to get rid of our week at Royal Sahara Sunset Hotel.”
19th September 2014 21:07 - Mrs Kim, Lincolnshire – Diamond Resorts
“I have just been for a week at the resort we have been paying into for 11 years. It was run down and up for refurbishment which we were under the impression had been done. They knew we were coming but we were put in one of the oldest apartments they had and on the 3 floor. We ended up moving 3 times in the week. It was only when I went to the hotel manager that we ended up in one that had been refurbished. It was not up to our RCI standard as at least one of the sockets was hanging of the wall and microwave was out of the ark and still not up to standard I am use to. I am very disappointed with the whole experience. Diamond just said their hands were tied and did not do much.”
17th September 2014 18:09 - Mrs Catherine S, Highland - Diamond Resorts International
“I have been trying to sell my points for the last 4 years since separating from my husband. I can no longer afford the maintenance fees.”
16th September 2014 14:26 - Mrs Beverley D, Greater Manchester - Diamond resorts
"We have had a timeshare for 23 yrs and only ever used it a few times. We are now pensioners and our weekly earnings have dropped and we do not want to keep the timeshare at Sunset Harbour club. We want out..... What can you advise?”
16th September 2014 08:52 - Mrs Gail R - Diamond Resorts
“I have a terminal illness and I want out of my timeshare but Diamond will not release me.”
15th September 2014 21:49 - Mr Charles F, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
“We are signed up for 3000 diamond points a year. We want out and would pay within reason to get out.”
15th September 2014 18:19 - Mr I. L - Diamond Resorts
“Joined GVC in 1999, changed name several times and now Diamond Resorts fees always going up and now retired and have health issue.”
14th September 2014 21:29 - Mr Adrian S - Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"I want to get rid of my timeshare as the yearly fees are too high and can't get the holiday dates I want even though I can go at short notice. Never any availability."
14th September 2014 19:37 - Mr A. V - Wales - Diamond Resorts International
"Difficult to book: few options. Liable in perpetuity!"
14th September 2014 14:58 - Mr David P - Dorset - Diamond Resorts
"Can't afford maintenance as I am now on limited income, old age pension."
13th September 2014 11:33 - Mr R. C - West Sussex - Diamond Resorts
"I just what to be done with the timeshare and stop payments completely."
13th September 2014 10:40 - Mrs C. L - Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"Diamond tried to sell us more points in May and tried to scare us into buying by saying we would be paying management fees for a long long time. So if you can let me know how to cancel ... then that would be great. Thanks.”
10th September 2014 10:14 - Mrs Sylvia M, Dumfries and Galloway - Diamond Resorts
“We only have 2000 points and can only use school holidays so it’s very difficult to use the points. It works out that we get a 4 day break every second year and this costs over £1000 in fees. VERY BAD DEAL”
10th September 2014 09:10 - Mr George K - Diamond Resorts
“Started in 1989 with one week low season. Upgraded twice to high season via GVC and then onto points with Diamond Resorts. Fees are now at £xxxx per year as we now have 6000 points. We are both now in our 70's and now wish to dispose of our points. Tried today to book a holiday in Tenerife for November and found it fully booked at all Diamond resorts, this is not the first time that we have been unable to use our points. So getting more frustrated by the minute. Can you help us dispose of our points please?”
10th September 2014 07:35 – Mrs Dee J - Diamond Resorts
“We signed up to mystic dunes in 2007, and have been trying to cancel our agreement.”
9th September 2014 20:47 - Mrs Carole W - Diamond Resorts
"I agree with all the comments, what are my options?"
8th September 2014 15:37 - Mr Robert W - Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"Had timeshare over 20 years and never used it. Keep paying fees every year. Time to stop paying."
7th September 2014 21:21 - Mr Michael K, Wales - Diamond Resorts
"Stuck in Diamonds points system until 2054, I'm already 62?"
7th September 2014 18:37 - Mr Chris J - Diamond Resorts
"Want out of expensive diamond resorts fees and hassle."
7th September 2014 09:59 - Mrs E, Somerset - Diamond Resorts
“Seem to be paying a lot of money. They lied to us about things i.e. you had to be a member to use the resorts. Also, rooms not what was sold to us.”
5th September 2014 13:34 - Mrs Jackie S, London - Diamond Resorts
"I have 13000 points and have been trying to sell for a number of years without success. During this time I have paid the maintenance fees but due to circumstances have not been able to use the points."
4th September 2014 08:47 - Mr Andrew C, Fife - Diamond Resorts
“Fed up with service and maintenance fees need help to get away from diamond resorts.”
4th September 2014 08:46 - Mrs Sharon H - Diamond Resorts
“Have no money and can’t afford the maintenance fees”
1st September 2014 10:31 - Mr Rob H, Wiltshire - Diamond Resorts
“We were given points originally in GVC and have never bought any ourselves. Management fees have increased exponentially over the years and we now pay > £1000.00 per year. We would like to examine options for terminating our contract with Diamond Resorts. Our complaints echo those on your web page.”
1st September 2014 10:04 - Mr Leo E - Diamond resorts, RCI
“Not been able to find holiday to book”
29th August 2014 17:11 - Mr Jeffrey H, West Midlands - Diamond Resort/ RCI
“Yearly cost far too much, over £1000 and want rid of timeshare as soon as possible
26th August 2014 14:57 - Mr Brent C - Diamond Resorts
"Would like to get out of Diamond resorts ownership"
26th August 2014 10:18 - Mr and Mrs Terence S, County Durham – Sunterra/Diamond Resorts
“We bought from GVC with interest it was approx. ££££ and the management fees went about £480 per year. The club changed its name to Sunterra, the management fees went up, they changed their name again and we are now paying well over £1000 per year. We haven't had a holiday with the club for at least 10 years now, we just can’t afford it. All that money we paid for ownership just seems like a total waste of money. I lost my job as a carer when my father died and we are struggling to cope. Can you help us retrieve some of that money back please?”
26th August 2014 09:45 - Mrs Sheila K, Greater Manchester - Diamond Resorts
"My husband has recently died and now I cannot afford to keep paying the maintenance costs. Please advise?"
25th August 2014 07:28 - Mrs Helen R - Diamond Resorts
"I've just inherited my mother’s timeshare points and wondering what my options are."
23rd August 2014 08:38 - Mr Dave J, Wiltshire - Diamond Resorts
"Reason for wanting release from Diamond - Just divorced and about to retire now on a lower pension due to the divorce"
20th August 2014 12:51 - Mr Edward A - Diamond Resort Points
"Large amount of points collected over years, had good holidays but cannot travel as freely now"
19th August 2014 21:38 - Ms Nicky B - Diamond Resorts
"How can I get out of Diamond Resorts?"
19th August 2014 09:36 - Mrs Christina B - Diamond Resorts
"Tried transferring to company who would buy on claim back basis. Paid them £9999.00 but nothing materialised"
18th August 2014 17:34 - Mr A. B, Somerset - Diamond Resorts
"We were sold a product, but every time that you want to do something more small print is introduced requiring more money. I am now keen to get rid of it."
17th August 2014 11:32 - Mr Duncan S - Diamond Resorts
"Excessive fees, inflexible, difficult to book, expensive."
15th August 2014 20:27 - Mr Graeme C, West Yorks - Diamond Resorts
"What are my options to exit from my timeshare of 15000 points please?"
15th August 2014 13:02 - Mr Philip U, Leicestershire - Diamond Resorts / GVC
"Diamond Resorts charging us the usual high maintenancefees and its not what we signed up for in 1998 via GVC. We would just give our points away if we could."
14th August 2014 22:22 - Mrs Christine I, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"Massive investment, little benefit in return. I want out."
12th August 2014 21:11 - Dr Rita B, Essex - Diamond Resorts International
"Would like some advise for my mum. My parents bought a timeshare at Mystic Dunes in Florida, 15 years ago. My dad died last year and my mum is 81 years old. She no longer wants to use the timeshare and wants to get rid of it. She can't afford to continue to pay annual maintenance fees. I have written to Mystic Dunes to advise, but they insist that they cannot take the time share back. We have been unable to rent it and just want to get rid of it. Can you advise / assist? The resort is now managed by Diamond Resorts International."
12th August 2014 16:08 - Mrs Janice B, Cumbria - Diamond Resorts
"As I am now a widow I can no longer afford to pay the maintainance fees"
12th August 2014 08:56 - Mrs Sabinah N, South Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"Bought our timeshare in 2004 on holiday to Florida from Wyndham Palms Resort. Went back in 2005 an we were pressurized to acquire additional 2 weeks, which has never been used. They been taken over by Mystic Dunes & now Diamond Resorts"
11th August 2014 20:43 - Mr Alan C, Cleveland - Diamond Resorts
"I am recently separated and wish to get out of the timeshare."
11th August 2014 20:42 - Mr Michael K, Denbighshire - Diamond Resorts
"Never seem to get what you request and it is too expensive."
11th August 2014 16:46 - Mrs Susan B, Oxfordshire - Diamond Resorts
"Fed up never able to book anything, expensive maintenance fees"
11th August 2014 13:36 - Mr William W - Diamond Resorts
"Maintenance getting to expensive and no requirement for points now."
11th August 2014 11:30 - Mrs Penny , West Yorskhire - Diamond Resorts (formerly Sunterra)
"We would like to get out of the Timeshare at Diamond Resorts due to our circumstances changing. When we bought the "Points" we had our own business. We had to prove at the time that we could afford to buy them. Seven years ago, my Husband sold the business and put the money towards our house in Crete. Our maintenance fees have doubled and although we are still paying them and are up to date, we are in the process of trying to sell our house and emigrating to Crete. We will no longer need or be able to afford the points. We now, and have done for 7 years, earn half the wages that we earnt whilst self employed. We hope that you can help us to get out of the contract, which was with Sunterra. Thankyou"
11th August 2014 09:43 - Mr M - Diamond Resorts
"Husband too elderly and sick to travel."
11th August 2014 09:30 - Mr Della I - Diamond Resorts
"Unable to travel and make use of our timeshare due to ill health"
11th August 2014 09:26 - Mr S - Diamond Resorts
"15,000 points annual fees of £1670 now has become unaffordable so need to get out."
8th August 2014 09:32 - Mr Eddie N - Diamond resorts
"Worst thing we have ever done , would like out!"
5th August 2014 15:55 - Mrs Juliette L - Diamond Resort
"Interested in hearing more about Timeshare Release, recommendation from friend."
1st August 2014 16:34 - Mr G T, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"Can no longer afford to pay very high fees - now £1580 pa will go up again in January 2015."
1st August 2014 09:37 - Mr Malcolm H, South Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"We own a studio week at Cromer. No points. Would like out of contract / management fees."
30th July 2014 18:33 - Mr Andrew G, Scotland - Diamond Resorts
"Our circumstances have changed. Struggling with increased maintenance charges. Don't want to burden our family as they can’t afford it. We bought through GVC and told if you don't pay maintenance then you don't use points, not you have to pay maintenance."
29th July 2014 11:32 - Mrs Amanda S - Diamond Resorts
"Have owned this for 9 years. Have never been able to use it as there is never any availability and the maintenance costs are crippling us."
27th July 2014 20:55 - Mrs Fiona C - Diamond Resorts
"Fed up with paying large fees and being unable to get the resort or even the area and the date requested."
27th July 2014 18:17 - Mrs Delia T - Diamond Resorts
"Been with Diamond since 2007 with 8000 points. Am sick of poor availability. Have tried selling through Travel and Leisure - no interest. Just want to get out"
25th July 2014 13:48 - Mr David O, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"We just want to get rid of our points"
23rd July 2014 14:13 - Ms Tracey G - Diamond Resorts
"Want to get out of floating week ownership arrangement due to ever increasing maintenance fees."
23rd July 2014 11:30 - Mrs Gillian T - Diamond Resorts/Sunterra
"I would like to explore ways of disposing of my Diamond Resort points"
18th July 2014 14:03 - Mr Keith F - Diamond Resorts
"No longer required, but they say we cannot cancel."
16th July 2014 15:27 - Mr Stephen C, Tyne & Wear - Diamond Resorts
"Pressured into it and wanting out due to unreasonable costs"
16th July 2014 14:49 - Mrs Penny L, Kent - RCI / Divi Resorts
16th July 2014 10:11 - Mrs Christine L, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"Advancing years, health issues and low income means our points are no longer wanted."
12th July 2014 11:49 - Mt Terence D, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"We want to get out for all of the reasons quoted. We have 9000 points and pay £800 pa maintenance."
10th July 2014 11:56 - Mr Colin P - Diamond Resorts
"Would welcome advice on releasing from point scheme and annual maintenance. Also an opinion about the new Fractional Ownership scheme. Is it just another of their relentless cash raising plans?"
9th July 2014 07:48 - Mrs Ruth L, Norfolk - Diamond Resorts
"Huge management fees, lack of availability... same old story. Just want out. Have tried selling."
8th July 2014 23:52 - Mr John P - Diamond Resorts
"Never able to get when and where we want. Still paying maintenance fees and getting nothing we want unless we book at least thirteen months in advance."
7th July 2014 21:02 - Ms Yvonne M - Diamond Resorts
"26000 points. Divorced 4 years ago and I've been paying the management fees between £2187 and £2439 since, as he refuses to have anything to do with it. When originally purchased, I was told I could advertise or sell them at resort. Purchased more on this basis. Have advertised with T&L to no avail."
4th July 2014 12:07 -Mrs Rosemary B, Kent - Diamond Resorts
"I contacted Diamond Resorts in January 2013 to cancel my points and release me from all management fees as I have been very ill and unable to travel far. Heard nothing from them until 2 months ago, when I got a demand for £XXXX from us for management fees, followed by letters from solicitors."
3rd July 2014 09:43 -Miss Mary T, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"We got the Point system back in 2003. Due to health plus other factors, we need to hand back points now. Have tried to sell via Travelandleisure, but after paying for advertise three times - they have not sold them for us. Can't afford to pay any longer."
2nd July 2014 21:36 -Mrs K F, Cheshire - Diamond Resorts
"Unable to pay maintenance fees due to financial difficulties after many years, due to divorce. Put them in hands of advised Travel and Leisure Group for resale, paying for the pleasure, but to no avail after 12 months."
30th June 2014 16:08 -Dr Andy M - Diamond Resorts
"Paying over £2k per year and not satisfied with the service. Is there means of escape?"
28th June 2014 19:44 - Mr Robert A, Merseyside - Diamond Resorts European Collection
"We have 21,000 fractional points. Tried selling … and Diamond refuse to let us out of the agreement"
27th June 2014 12:49 - Ms Penny S - Diamond Resorts
"We have 8000 points. Huge fees, lack of availability in UK where we have to holiday due to health issues. Want out for greater value for money and choice."
26th June 2014 16:12 - Mr A M - Diamond Resorts
"Have 8000 points originally from Sunterra. Tried to sell via TravelandLeisure but no interest…"
25th June 2014 22:53 - Mrs Margaret H, Midlothian - Diamond Resorts
"Wish to dispose of points. Have tried to sell to no avail and now just want to hand points back. Can we do this?"
25th June 2014 21:00 - Mr Martin B - Diamond Resorts
"An original GVC member but maintenance fees under Diamond have increased to the point where it is now a very expensive holiday each year and it would be cheaper to simply book a 5 star package holiday each year, We enjoyed it for a while but now far to expensive and i would like to cancel my contract."
25th June 2014 10:37 - Mr Stuart B, Leicestershire - Diamond Resorts
"We bought back in 2003 from GVC where we were told that we had a share in the real estate of the company. Then Sunterra took over and we objected but it was not too bad and you could still book holidays. When Diamond Resorts take over we objected again, but we can now never book a resort, as there is no availability unless more than 12 months in front. Also management fees are now over £800 a year for one week or 5000 points."
25th June 2014 09:22 - Mr E, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"We have 18000 diamond points and can no longer afford the maintenance fees. we need to get out."
24th June 2014 13:57 - Mr J S, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"I have 15000 points with Diamond i got talked into buying a timeshare being told that they would get me out of diamonnd that was in 2012 me and my wife have split up and i have just been informed that diamond is still in my name and i owe the last 2 years maintainance can you help me get out of diamond please could you get back to me asap telling me how much it will cost me to get out thank you"
23rd June 2014 15:56 - Mr Gary B, Oxfordshire - Diamond Resorts
"Have 1300 points and I want to know if I can get out of this."
23rd June 2014 14:33 - Mr Nigel K, Leicestershire - Diamond Resorts
"I am now in a position of not being able to pay the high fees - And now Diamond are sending in the debt collectors"
21st June 2014 17:01 - Miss Linda N, Nottinghamshire - Diamond resorts
"I have been trying to sell them for two years as I can no longer afford to use them. I did try another company promising to be able to get rid of the but they turned out to be con artists... so am a little cynical. I do really want to get rid of them legally and above board..."
20th June 2014 11:43 - Mr Colin W, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"Would simply like to get out of the contract - even willing to do so without any reimbursement if possible."
20th June 2014 10:51 - Mr W, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"Wife ill, coming to 75 years old. Cannot sell. 1 week floating in Woodford Bridge, Devon."
14th June 2014 19:33 - Mr Stephen W - Diamond Resorts. Los Amigos, Spain
"Just wish to get out of my contract for good."
14th June 2014 12:47 - Mrs Jacquie K, Hampshire - Diamond Resorts
"We are retiring and going to live in France March 2015. My children are unable to afford to take over so wish to relinquish my points and terminate contract."
13th June 2014 21:14 - Miss Mary T, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts
"We have 16100 points with Diamond and our Fees are very high. How can we get out - want to get rid."
13th June 2014 15:03 - Mrs J A - Diamond Resorts
"Have tried to sell via Travel and Leisure - no interest."
13th June 2014 11:16 - Mrs Clair W - Diamond Resorts
"We wish to surrender our membership as the fees are expensive and my husband and I have been seperated for the last 2 years."
12th June 2014 16:00 - Mr John N - GVC / Diamond Resorts
"My wife & I were unfortunate enough to take a holiday through a family member in Lanzarote, Club Del Carmen, back in 2000. On our second day, we were approached by a pleasant individual (Wim was his name) offering an opportunity to explore Timeshare via GVC Sunterra. After numerous attempts of meetings and entertaining, my wife and I were sold on the idea of a holiday for life, for a reasonable fee. HOW WRONG WE WERE!!! What a rip-off & it should be considered fraud! You could never get what you want, when you want it. The management fees went from £300 a year to just over £800 in less than 3 years. We were ripped off on the loan application as well. To put it into simple words, my wife and I were grossly mislead and taken for a very expensive ride... The people behind this charade need to be brought to justice, because it has caused a lot of people stress, worry and ill health. It's just wrong."
12th June 2014 09:24 - Mr Adrian A - Diamond Resorts
"Being chased by debt collectors for unpaid fees. Refuse to pay because can never get holiday at times want and fees are ridiculous"
11th June 2014 19:58 - Mr Michael M, Nottinghamshire - Sunterra / Diamond Resorts
"We wish to terminate our timeshare as they do not deliver the promise of available locations."
11th June 2014 18:40 - Mrs S - Diamond Resorts
"Originally bought with GVC, has changed hands over time and now looking to get rid due to husband's recent illness and increasing fees."
10th June 2014 17:32 - Mr Ian T, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"I feel like I was pressured into buying and the fees are ridiculous! Plus you never get to go to the places you want to go"
9th June 2014 23:56 - Mrs Margaret B, Devon - Diamond Resorts
"We have owned 6000 points with this company, originally GVC, for about 18 years. GVC used all the usual sales incentives like telling us this would be an investment that would increase in value over the years and could be passed on to our heirs. We were also told that any maintenance fee increases were under control of the members, as they could vote on this at annual meetings! The company changed hands, finally becoming Diamond Resorts. This led to a huge hike in management fees and we can't seem to get the destinations we want any more. We want out!"
9th June 2014 20:47 - Mr Alan D, Greater Manchester - Diamond Resorts
"Invested into Sunterra Timeshare points after a 'heavy sell' sales presentation in March 2006. Purchased 7000 points at a cost of approx. £10000. Maintenance fees have now risen to just short of £1000 per year which would buy me and my wife a lovely holiday of our own choice at a time when we want to take it. We are both past retirement age and are finding the burden of the annual fees to much to handle and would be delighted if you can suggest a way out of this seemingly 'trapped for life' nightmare of timeshare misery."
9th June 2014 18:32 - Miss Jan B - Diamond Resorts Points
"Want out of the contract. Fees too high. Not good value for money. I can get a seriously excellent package holiday for significantly less that my fees."
9th June 2014 16:41 - Mr Terry D, Norfolk - Diamond Resorts Points
"We currently have our Timeshare points for sale through T & L and getting nowhere. We paid £11000 for our points and we are now in a position that is really costly and uncomfortable."
7th June 2014 21:44 - Mr George S, Dumfries and Galloway - Diamond Resorts
"We have been in dispute with Diamond since last year due to fractional points finally got it sorted it in the latter part of the year too late to book any holidays so did not pay management fees. When the bill came in for this year's fees we contacted them again to say we were prepared to pay this years only as we have not used any of last years points. today we received a letter from a debt collector asking for nearly £5.000 Can you help please?"
5th June 2014 10:49 - Mr Stuart S, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"Bought originally through GVC. Not used it since 2010. We have tried many times to get out of this or even just donate points back to them. Can't afford management fees anymore and now they have sent debt recovery letters."
4th June 2014 23:20 - Ms Julia B, Glamorgan - Diamond Resorts
"Have 19000 points. Falling income as old age approaches and rising fees, lack of availability. Just been mis-sold fractional points too."
4th June 2014 14:44 - Mr Derek N - Diamond Resorts
"We have been members for 15 years but tried to resign in 2012 due to ever increasing management fees, inability to book desired locations - ever - and general dissatisfaction with the Club. Now they want to take us to court to recover their money - with interest!"
2nd June 2014 13:30 - Mr Robert P - Diamond Resorts
"Please help me as I have been trying for a long while to rid myself and my ex wife of this finacial burden that we can no longer support, due to rising maintence fees and lack of availability. My children will not be able to support the financial burden in the future either."
25th May 2014 12:43 - Mr Steven N, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts, Mystic Dunes
"Despite the rapidly increasing maintenance fees you can now book a 2 week holiday at this resort for less than what I pay maintenance for 1 week? I also feel I was mis-sold this product as we were told nobody else could visit this 5 star resort unless they were a member?"
23rd May 2014 16:03 - Mrs Helen H - Diamond Resorts
"I have 40,000 points and now pay annual fee of aprox £760. Want out."
23rd May 2014 15:34 - Mrs Julie K, Essex - Diamond Resorts
"Have 15000 points we wish to dispose of or give away… cannot afford maintenance fees."
23rd May 2014 05:44 - Mr Geoffrey C, Worcestershire - Diamond Resorts
"Fed up with the fees, plus retiring soon and I am worried because I won't be able to afford the fees."
22nd May 2014 09:49 - Mr Philip B, Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"We have wanted out of Diamond due to maintenance charges and lack of access. Have been told no way out, but that we can buy into fractional ownership. Not sure what to do!"
21st May 2014 09:57 - Mrs Jacqueline G, Warwickshire - Diamond Resorts
"Owner since mid 90's, purchased additional points over the years, 16000 to date, but can never find availability as they now "sell" the accommodation to non-members instead to make more money! My husband is ill now and we cannot afford to keep paying for something we cannot use and have not used due to lack of availability."
20th May 2014 09:30 - Mrs Tanya H - Diamond Resorts
"Been paying since 2006. Never used it. Just a millstone around our necks."
17th May 2014 19:08 - Ms Margaret H, Midlothian - Diamond Resorts / Woodford Bridge
"I have been trying to get rid of the millstone for the past 12yrs, all I seem to be doing is throwing good money after bad."
17th May 2014 16:38 - Miss Elizabeth S, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts International
"I have held a timeshare now for a number of years but am now unable to use it. The fees are increasing every year and I want to be free from the burden that this company place on it's so called customers."
17th May 2014 09:49 - Mr Michael F - Diamond Resorts
"We are looking for the options if we wish to release ourselves from Diamond resorts timeshare."
16th May 2014 17:34 - Mr Robert H, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts International
"We have 16000 points with Diamond Resorts and all are now transfered into fractional points. We feel trapped, what can we do, we would like to get out of this - and get something back from the £16000 we have spent so far."
16th May 2014 10:03 - Mrs Glenys H, Cheshire - Diamond Resorts Points
"No longer want timeshare. Unable to get to use it and fees gone up beyond our means"
14th May 2014 20:04 - Mr H, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts
"Maintenance fees too high"
14th May 2014 14:58 - Mrs K - Diamond Resorts
"I hold 4000 points I have been a member since 2003 and would like to get out of the contract."
13th May 2014 15:30 - Ms Helen H - Diamond Resorts
"My partner and I used to own Diamond Resort points, yet due to nonpayment of the maintenance fees they cancelled them without any notice or opportunity to resolve the matter. I only found out when I wrote to request a payment plan to clear and I am totally disgusted and out of pocket to the sum of £30k due to this. Can you help at all??"
12th May 2014 19:48 - Mr C K, Midlothian - Diamond Resorts
"Myself and my wife are suffering ill health and unable to go away. Would like to know how to get out of this contract."
12th May 2014 17:23 - Mr Scott B - Diamond Resorts
"Had this timeshare since 1997. Now due to a change in circumstances no longer want or need this timeshare. Diamond are refusing to release me from this."
12th May 2014 17:23 - Mrs Janet G - Diamond Resorts
"My husband and I bought points through Sunterra/GVC in 2003 with the assurance that we could plan holidays that our children, then 7 and 9 yrs old could still enjoy when they were adults. Further points were bought in September 2003 and 2008, totally 16000 points. This enabled our family and extended family a potential fortnight holiday every year. We have been very dissatisfield over the past years since 2010 and it was under Diamond resorts, in being unable to book anything to fit in with school holidays - when even sitting at midnight to get the maximum chance one year ahead of any planned travel! The management fees are huge as they are linked into the points and I was disgusted, when on my husband's untimely death at 52, I phoned to notify them of the change in name to mine and to enquire as to how I could sell my points (as we had been assured was possible with the original company) ... only to be told that I would not get anything for them! This organisation seems to operate on the basis of false assurances and it is infruriating to pay management fees for POTENTIAL BOOKINGS THAT WE CAN NEVER ATTAIN."
11th May 2014 21:43 - Mrs Beverly J - NW London - Diamond Resorts
"I am very tired of rising management fees. I am preparing to retire and will not be able to afford them in the near future. I would like to dispose of these points. I have tried selling them through Diamond but to no avail."
11th May 2014 21:08 - Mrs Rhian M, North Wales - Diamond Resorts Points (was Aegean Blue)
"We own 50,000 points with 21 years left of the contract. Due to family illness we are unable to use the allocated number of points annually and wish to dispose of them. Would appreciate some advise … as there is a lot of years left to run."
11th May 2014 16:43 - Mr D R - Diamond Resorts
"Extremely high increase in management and maintenance fees. Need to exit this unfair timeshare scheme. Tried to sell our points through the authorised agent for 18 months+ but no result. DRI no longer good value."
10th May 2014 14:58 - Mrs Alison B, Tyne & Wear - Diamond Resorts
"We borrowed the money to pay for the timeshare points and were told we would be able to use them in school holidays. We have found this really hard to do and it works out more expensive than what we could have obtained from a travel agency. Then when we tried to get rid of the points we were conned out of a lot of money by unreputable companies. If you could help us claim anything back it would be much appreciated!"
10th May 2014 07:39 - Miss Carol H, Worcestershire - Diamond Resorts
"Whilst on holiday in Rhodes last year, my partner and I purchased a 4 year trial membership with Diamond Resorts. We have now been to Crete for our preview week. We were repeatedly asked to sign up to 40 years with them after just 3 days of our trial. Please Diamon, get to grips with the meaning of TRIAL membership!"
8th May 2014 22:10 - Mrs Alison M, Devon - Diamond Resorts International
"We have 3000 points bought 13 years-ish ago when it was GVC/Sunterra. At point of purchase all they promised has never happened. We are and have always been very dissatisfied and are paying hefty management fees to maintain places we can't visit as never get booking we want."
6th May 2014 21:02 - Miss Nikki H, Merseyside - Diamond Resorts International
"I want to sell my 60 points or just give them up as the maintenance fees are too high. Thanks"
6th May 2014 17:25 - Linda N, Surrey - Diamond Resorts International
"I've been trying to sell my points since 2010 and paid several hundred pounds in marketing fees to Travel & Leisure group to no avail… Can you help?"
6th May 2014 12:51 - Mrs Peta W - Diamond Resorts International
"Have been a member for 13 years. Changed ownership 3 times. Now limited choices and expensive maintenance fee. Husband died 5 years ago. Just want to cancel my points."
3rd May 2014 20:50 - Mr M, Worcestershire - GVC / Sunterra / Diamond Resorts
"We originally joined the club in the 1990's, buying points with GCV. The club has changed hands several times since and we had also purchased points in around 2002. We have all the original documents and have amassed 20000 UK and US points - enough to ensure 2 full weeks high season each year. The fees have increased rapidly in recent years and are an increasing burden - my wife has long term health issues which have deteriorated in recent years. We are told the only way out is to sell through the DRI marketing firm (Travel & leisure) but after nearly 6 months and an expensive investment in them promoting the points, we are still facing heavy fees for services we want to cancel as we are no longer able to use them and the financial costs do not make sense. We could easily buy the same holidays cheaper from Virgin or other reputable providers. Please advise on our ability to exist this - we just want out now. We have always fully paid all fees and have 'banked' points but just cannot see a way out."
3rd May 2014 10:37 - Mrs Joy S - Diamond Resorts International
"Would like to know about options for get out , if any?"
2nd May 2014 11:34 - Mr John W - Diamond Resorts International
"Purchased in 2001. Maintenance fees have risen annually and are now over £1400 pa. We feel it is no longer good value for what we get and would like to cancel."
1st May 2014 10:29 - Mr C, Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"Been with them 20 years now, want to get out of lifetime commitment, when does the contract end?"
29th April 2014 09:36 - Mrs H, Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"We bought this timeshare in 2001 when it was Grand Vacation. Since then it has changed hands and it has become increasingly difficult to book what we want, plus in recent years we have had financial and health issues. We're now in our 60s and can no longer afford or want this useless timeshare."
27th April 2014 19:49 - Mr Ricky M - Diamond Resorts International
"Bought 10 years ago on a bi-annual basis and that part is paid in full, but 2 years ago before we paid it off they told us we had to buy points instead, but we were still confused. So my wife bought points in a new contract and now there fees have doubled. Went from £750.00 to £1200.00 on one contract and another £1200.00 on the other contract. We want out and I have emailed the CEO but he forwards my emails. I'm sick of these people."
26th April 2014 08:43 - Mrs Emma S - Diamond Resort/Tenerife/Sunset View
"My ex-husband and I have owned this week for many years. The fees increase year on year and neither of us use it. We would like to be released from this contract, but keep hitting blocks on how to achieve this."
25th April 2014 21:36 - Mr Brian C, Devon - Diamond Resorts International
"We wish to cancel this timeshare immediately. We have given 12 months notice informing Diamond Resorts to terminate the "Agreement". Have not paid since 2012. They have ignored this and now say we owe £1256 and will pass the case to Silvermans (debt collectors) if we do not pay."
25th April 2014 20:10 - Mr Terry S, Hampshire - Diamond Resorts International
"We do not use the timeshare but are burdened with the annual management fees.
25th April 2014 17:55 - Mr Anthony R, Lancashire - RCI & Diamond Resorts International
"Please help, we have been misold many times with false promises and it still does not give you the dream holiday."
24th April 2014 21:25 - Mr Mark S, Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I am a silver member with 15000 points plus I have 12450 points that the maintenance/management fees have been paid for to be used this year. I just want to come away from the system and am trying to recoup something from my investment."
24th April 2014 12:09 - Mr A Y, Aberdeenshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Difficulty selling points!"
24th April 2014 11:28 - Mr Alan W - Diamond Resorts International
"We have owned the timeshare for 20 years and as time has gone on it has been more difficult to obtain an exchange, also the quality of resorts has dropped and standards lower. Plus fees are ever growing."
23rd April 2014 15:15 - Mr Brian H, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I wish to be released from timeshare liabilities."
23rd April 2014 13:32 - Mr Dave K - Diamond Resorts International
"I own 15000 Diamond Resorts points and am locked in till 2054"
23rd April 2014 12:33 - Mrs Catherine M - Diamond Resorts International
"Due to ill health I can no longer travel abroad so would like to remove this financial burden from my now non-existent income. I am retired."
23rd April 2014 11:39 - Mr Keith T, Gloucestershire - Diamond Resorts International
"Am retired and finding it increasingly difficult to finance the maintenance fees."
23rd April 2014 09:07 - Mr Ronald H - Diamond Resorts International
"I am 69 years old and retired. Cannot afford Management fees now as on pension. They will not let me cease payments and I can't sell, which I have tried. Can you help?"
22nd April 2014 13:55 - Mr Brian F - Diamond Resorts International
"Purchased July 2008 through Tourism Advisory Group. At that time resort was a "Private Members Club" sign on the resort, which was only removed last year. We were not even aware that Diamond had taken over after a number of changes through GVC and Sunterra until changes started to take place on resort. We are "owners" at what has now in effect become a hotel with points owners block booking thereby securing prime apartments for weeks at a time, and people coming in as guests at any time. Not what we originally signed up for. Can we escape?"
22nd April 2014 12:11 - Mrs Debbie R - Diamond Resorts International
"We have two timeshares both with Diamond Resorts and are desperate to get out of the contracts. We would gladly just give the timeshares back. Look forward to hearing from you."
22nd April 2014 11:56 - Mr S - Diamond Resorts International
"We find it a financial strain every year. Flights are expensive and the maintenance fees are far too expensive this year."
21st April 2014 18:11 - Mr Alan A, Wiltshire - Diamond Resorts International
"ex GVC then Sunterra, have paid £££ to T&L to sell timeshare for approx. £0, but still no progress after a year, despite promises of easy sale."
20th April 2014 10:35 - Mr Brian B, Derbyshire - Diamond Resorts International
"We have had the points for many years and due to financial changes we simply want to get rid of the points. We bought when it was GVC."
18th April 2014 12:18 - Mr Stuart D, Hampshire - Diamond Resorts International
"We have had our timeshare for about 20 years and have never missed a payment in the past, but now my wife is not in good health. Diamond have sent a letter about debt recovery and the management fees - but we can not afford any."
16th April 2014 14:27 - Mrs Dawn F, Gwynedd - Diamond Resorts International
"Can't afford the fees and my husband is unwell."
16th April 2014 11:27 - Mrs Catherine T, Scotland - Diamond Resorts International, Woodford Bridge
"I just want out!"
15th April 2014 16:27 - Mrs Wendy W - Diamond Resorts International
"This has cost us a lot of money and we don't get our money's worth out of it. Like a lot of people say, there is not the availability and it is not easy to plan over a year in advance. Also the majority of the hotel apartments are not in the towns or villages or near the beach, which makes them unattractive as you always have to hire a car. I feel we were told a lot of untruths when we bought this timeshare. The maintenance is outrageous as you can get a really good holiday for the price it costs us each year, and that's not even taking in what it has cost to buy them in the first place."
15th April 2014 13:59 - Mrs Nichola F, Kent - Diamond Resorts, Mystic Dunes, Florida
"The maintenance fees are now double what they started at. Plus, because it is in America, we can't afford the flights to use our week."
14th April 2014 22:14 - Mrs Joan M, Northamptonshire - Diamond Resorts
"We have 6500 points and are now pensioners and we can't afford the maintenance fees. We want to get rid of it please help us, thank you."
14th April 2014 21:23 - Mr Brian W, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"We are wanting to get out of Diamond Resorts. Have been members since 1997. As well as points we own a fractional week with them… How can we get out?"
12th April 2014 14:54 - Mrs Kathryn P, Perthshire - Diamond Resorts, The Kenmore Club
"I would like to surrender my timeshare due to rising management fees and ill health."
11th April 2014 14:48 - Mr Maurice B - Tyne & Wear - Polynesian Isles / Diamond Resorts
"Simply wish to dispose of the timeshare due to cost of Maintenance Fees."
11th April 2014 14:37 - Mrs Susan C, Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts
"Would like advice on process to sell/ claim money back - options etc."
10th April 2014 15:31 - Mrs F - Diamond Resorts
"Want to get rid of our points, can't book where we want to go. Been trying to get rid for year ( can't even give away!)."
9th April 2014 21:43 - Mr Steve R, Kent - Diamond Resorts / Fairways Elite
"We are trying sell two weeks shares at different resorts can you please advise us"
9th April 2014 20:57 - Mr L - Diamond Resorts
"Diamond Resorts, formerly Tempus Select. Purchased x1 week lock-off at Mystic Dunes resort in Florida in 2008. Payed initial deposit in the resort on credit card and paying instalments. Total £10000 plus interest. Initial fees very low, now nearly £1000 per year. We can no longer afford these fees and believe we have a good case for being mis-sold this product. Can you help?"
8th April 2014 12:58 - Mrs Helen H - Renfrewshire - Diamond Resorts / Terranova Tenerife
"I took a timeshare with Terranova in October 2005. We paid over £7500 was promised money returned 52 months later. When we applied for money they told us shares were worthless. We contacted them on numerous occasions but never recieved any reply. We paid a deposit of £3000 with our credit card can I recieve help with this Thanks"
6th April 2014 21:11 - Mr A. R., Essex - Diamond Resorts Los Amigos Beach Club
"Have tried to surrender since 2011"
6th April 2014 18:59 - Mr David A - Diamond Resorts international
"We requested to sell our points with this company a couple of years ago. Nothing has happened!!"
6th April 2014 11:59 - Mr Graham W, East Sussex - Diamond Resorts Sunset Bay
"We would really like to get rid of our timeshare."
5th April 2014 21:05 - Mrs H, West Midlands - Diamond resorts
"My circumstances have changed along with high rising management fees, I can't afford the fees."
5th April 2014 18:51 - Mr L. P. - Diamond Resorts
"Bad selling. Told we could use local sites even if not on holiday and this is not true. It's too expensive, poor value for money and you can never book what you want when you want"
5th April 2014 10:48 - Mrs Angela G., Cheshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I have been a timeshare points owner for 20 years, but since retirement finding the maintenance cost a struggle. Have tried to give back to Diamond but they don't want to know. Have paid to sell but no success."
5th April 2014 08:30 - Miss Rachael T, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts
"Hi . We have 6500 points which we want to get rid of. The management fees are getting higher and higher and the availability is a bare minimum for the times of year we can travel."
4th April 2014 14:25 - Miss Amanda S., Dorset - Diamond Resorts / Crete
"Annoyed with fees constantly going up, lack of availability, poor service."
4th April 2014 12:50 - Mr Paul M. - Diamond Resorts International, Santa Barbara
"I would like to cancel the contract due to health reasons"
4th April 2014 10:23 - Mr Lance R. - Diamond Resorts
"Inherited my points from my parents, the maintenance has doubled in 5 years, and no availability."
3rd April 2014 22:04 - Mr Sean H, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts International
"I cannot afford the ever increasing management fee and frustrated that I could never book what I wanted. I bought in Majorca because we loved the resort of Club de mar, which has now been sold on."
3rd April 2014 19:42 - Mr George H, Lanarkshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Finding the cost of maintenance becoming to high."
3rd April 2014 15:50 - Mr Roger P, Carmarthenshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Want to get rid due to Maintenance fees."
3rd April 2014 11:23 - Mrs M A, Cheshire - Diamond Resorts Las Calas Lanzarote
"We wish to get out due to health reasons"
3rd April 2014 08:33 - Mr Anthony R - Diamond Resorts International
"Have 12500 points I wish to get rid of"
2nd April 2014 14:13 - Mr Kevin S, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I was never told that this was such a lifetime commitment. Also informed we could sell on at any time..."
2nd April 2014 13:39 - Mrs Susan G, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts / Cromer Country Club
"Too high maintenance fee. Not paid for 2 years as been trying to sell with TravelandLeisure…"
2nd April 2014 11:37 - Mrs Stephanie H, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts / Pine Lake
"We wish to cancel our Timeshare liability."
2nd April 2014 10:59 - Mrs Susan P, Dumfriesshire - Diamond Resorts Points
"Have been trying to sell or give away for about three years now and paid quite a lot up front for this 'service'. We were subjected to the hard sell in the middle nineties and are now struggling to keep up with the fees. Diamond Resorts are completely unsympathetic to people's hardships. We are even willing to give back the points for nothing but they don't want to know."
1st April 2014 22:46 - Mr Gordon F, Hampshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Just want out. Not used and its a waste. Very expensive and finding hard to keep up with the ever increasing maintaining fees. We fell victim to the hard sell."
1st April 2014 15:53 - Mr Steve B - Diamond Resorts International
"We were never properly informed at the time of purchase of how long we would need to be paying into this and it wasn't explained to us that it would be a lifetime of paying exhorbitant rising fees and receiving poor choices year after year of destinations. We were wrongly informed at the time that we could go anywhere in the world at any time we chose. Communication from the people running the company has always been extremely difficult leaving us with no option but to pay and put up with what we regard as extremely unfair. I would not be exaggerating to say this has blighted our lives and is the worst thing we have ever done. We sincerely hope you can help us."
1st April 2014 12:47 - Mrs B, Staffordshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Have 4,000 points bought when GVC… Can't book in school hols and fees too expensive. Tried selling with T and L… no response."
1st April 2014 08:27 - Mr John M - RCI & Diamond Resorts
"I would like to discuss cancelling our contracts with Diamond Resorts and RCI. I own 14,000 Diamond Points and a fixed week at Sahara Sunset in Spain."
30th March 2014 19:55 - Mr Alan J, Denbighshire - Diamond Resorts International
"No availablity and maintenance costs becoming out of our reach. Have 13000 points and want to get rid of them."
30th March 2014 11:27 - Mr Alan M, Surrey - Diamond Resorts International
"10000 points for the last 8 years. Not been used for the last 4 yrs. and can no longer afford maintenance fees of over £1000"
29th March 2014 09:32 - Mr Charles C - Diamond Resorts International
"I wish to sell or surrender my points without further liability in the future."
29th March 2014 07:32 - Mr Clifford P, Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"High fees, pushy people, lack of availability. I feel conned."
27th March 2014 12:59 - Mr Nigel L - Diamond Resorts International
"I would like help negotiating complete disposal of all Diamond Resorts points and liabilities."
26th March 2014 07:50 - Mr Melyvn E, Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"50000 points and paying over £4000 pa"
25th March 2014 12:59 - Mr Stephen J, Hertfordshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Points owner with 7,000 points fed up of paying ridiculous fees"
25th March 2014 11:51 - Mrs R, Staffordshire - Sunset Bay Tenerife/Diamond Resorts
"Bought a property out there so no further need for these 2 weeks - but cannot get rid despite paying 6 years of fees trying to sell... no-one is interested"
23rd March 2014 12:36 - Mr C, West Yorkshire - Diamond Resorts International
"No availability and now too expensive as I am a pensioner"
21st March 2014 13:17 - Mrs Julie L, North Wales - Diamond Resorts International
"I am looking to dump my timeshare."
17th March 2014 23:04 - Mr Paul M, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts International, Los Amigos
"No value anymore."
16th March 2014 17:27 - Mr Ian S, Renfrewshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I have an annual allocation of 15,000 points. I instructed the sale through TLG last year but only response has been "some interest shown"."
16th March 2014 11:14 - Mr Ken M, Suffolk - Diamond Resorts International
14th March 2014 08:35 - Mrs L H - Diamond Resorts International
"I went on very persuasive sales talk and felt obliged to purchase due the behaviour of the sales person (soon left the company after I purchased).... For several years I did not use it as they never had the dates I wanted. Today I still don't think its value for money, especially when I can't get dates I want. My maintenance fee is around £900"
12th March 2014 21:07 - Mr Ian S, Fife - Diamond Resorts International
"Have been trying to get rid of 2,500 points for over 2 years. Told by DRI that I must use their appointed agents, Travel & Leisure. Have paid T&L £XXX without any success."
12th March 2014 16:42 - Mr Chris C, Birmingham - Diamond Resorts European Collection
"Bought 4000 points from GVC many years ago with assurance that we could sell them back. Some hope!!! We can't even give them back and have been told we can only try and sell through Travel & Leisure."
11th March 2014 11:48 - Paul W - Diamond Resorts International
"Fees have gone up too much and resorts are unavailable"
8th March 2014 15:43 - Mr Robert S, Aberdeenshire - Diamond Resorts International
"Bought back 1999, can't afford fees any more, maintenance fees just keep going up."
8th March 2014 12:44 - Miss Linda N, Nottinghamshire - Diamond Resorts International
"I have 9,000 points which I bought in 2002 and struggle to afford the maintenance fees, I have tried to sell my points and even offered to give them back, but nothing. Need help as can not afford them"
8th March 2014 07:51 - Mr Graham J, Lancashire - Diamond Resorts International
"Bought 5500 points 10 years ago. Doesn't now buy much more than one week per year and fees are continually rising. Can't sell points and DRI say I'm contracted in till 2054. Really worried because I think we signed for our children to be 'Associate Members'."
6th March 2014 21:04 - Mr Anthony S. Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"Maintenance fees rocketed since we joined, unable to get holidays we want, cheaper to get all inclusive hols that flights to DRI resorts."
6th March 2014 15:04 - Mr Rob M, West Sussex - Diamond Resorts International
"Purchased 1999, 6000 points via Sunterra. Told at the presentation that points could be re-sold and that their value would increase... Cost of fees has quadrupled, quality of holiday experience had diminished. Attempted to dispose of points via Travel and Leisure 3 years ago... No response."
5th March 2014 12:04 - Mr Roger C, Cumbria - Diamond Resorts International
"Have 4000 points and just want out. Becoming far to expensive for little choice."
4th March 2014 21:02 - Mr John A, Leicestershire - DRI Points
"Been paying fees for over 5 years unable to get holidays during school holiday periods. Totally disillusioned. Need help, please."
4th March 2014 12:25 - Mr Ian D, Devon - Diamond Resorts International
"I was sold Points through GVC as a value purchase. I was able to cap the cost of staying in superior holiday accommodation at the then current prices (1999). At the time the management fees were about £250 pa. Now they are over £1,000pa. I was told that when my circumstances changed and I no longer wanted a resort style family holiday, I would be able to sell my Points. I am now retired and am concerned how I am going to meet the now Diamond Resorts management fee obligation until 2054."
2nd March 2014 19:18 - Mrs Sharon S, Devon - Diamond Resorts, Polynesian Isles Resort
"I regret to say that we have a one week time share in the above resort which is currently run by Diamond Resorts. We contacted Polynesian Isles resort the year before last to say that we were not in a position to pay. The recession had taken a massive toll on our business etc etc. We were told not to pay the maintenance fee as the resort was going into receivership - great news we thought. Then we received a bill in January 2014 for 2 years maintenance fees totalling $2266.54. We simply cannot afford to pay this fee. The resort will not take back our timeshare even though its fully paid for etc. We cannot sell it. Please can you advise us if there is anything we can do."
2nd March 2014 17:11 - Mr Ian L, Kent - Diamond Resorts International
"We have been sold a pack of lies, cannot get cheaper airfares, cannot get booked always when wanted. Have given away to relatives several times over the last few years which was not the reason for buying in the first place. Even the finance to buy points was mis-sold and following a program 'rip off Britain' do not have to pass on the problem to relatives as they did have signed any contract."
Or, if you'd like to see reports from Timeshare owners with other groups, please see: Customer Comments
About Timeshare Release
During the Timeshare sales boom of the 80s & 90s, potential buyers were lured in by the promise of affordable exotic holidays, flexible exchange programmes and the impression that Timeshare would be a valuable "investment".
In an industry with little or no regulation, high pressure sales tactics were rife and contract smallprint was often glossed over and explained away by sharp salespeople.
Many Timeshare buyers were therefore unaware that they were actually making significant, long term financial commitments on behalf of themselves and their families.
To find out how you can escape the Timeshare Trap please complete the short Timeshare Release Wizard now.
The Timeshare Trap

For many Timeshare owners, annual maintenance fees were barely considered token amounts in the early "honeymoon period" of ownership.
However, year-on-year increases imposed by the resorts over time now mean that the maintenance fees have risen to become substantial sums.
Owners are also facing the prospect of ongoing yearly fee increases and realising that they (and their families) are often committed to long term contracts for generations to come.
Please try our Future Fees Calculator to estimate your liabilities over the term of your Timeshare contract, based on an annual increase of 7.5%.
If you're concerned about rising fees and how to escape the Timeshare Trap, please contact us today.
Timeshare Owner Reports

Recent comments from RCI Timeshare owners who have come to us for help with contract cancellation:
Mr Steve R, Middlesex - RCI/Hollywood Mirage
“We 'swapped ‘another place in Tenerife for this in order to move to the points system. Since then, getting exchanges to desirable resorts proves almost impossible, irrespective of in-season or off-season.”
Mrs Rachael B, Yorkshire - RCI Europe
“I purchased my timeshare in 1999 and have been a timeshare member ever since. More often than not, I have not be able to go where I wanted and have ended up giving a few weeks to Friends, etc to book somewhere they wanted in order not to lose the weeks. I have then stayed in a hotel!! I am desperately trying to get rid of the timeshare and am now paying Timeshare Shop in Manchester to get rid of it for me.”